
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why Is Tesla Quietly Moving Crates & Loaded Pallets Out Of Gigafactory 2?

Why Is Tesla Quietly Moving Crates & Loaded Pallets Out Of Gigafactory 2? WGRZ Buffalo reported Tesla is "quietly" moving "a large number of crates and loaded pallets" out of its taxpayer-funded factory in Buffalo, New York. This comes one day after we reported Tesla ended its partnership with Panasonic to produce solar panels at the factory, also known as Gigafatory 2. Panasonic is expected to stop production in May and be completely moved out of the factory by September. As we noted, Tesla continues "continues to lie tell NY state officials that it's going to continue to produce its solar roof in Buffalo and that the company is exceeding its required job counts by the state, which was a condition of the deal for the company to receive an insane $959 million in taxpayer money to build its factory." WGRZ said the crates and loaded pallets are being hauled to a warehouse in Wheatfield Business Park, once the h

Amazon Wants to Take Over the Grocery Store Business

E-commerce giant Amazon has opened a new checkout-free "Go" Grocery store in Seattle this week, with 5,000 items available across its largest brick and mortar store yet. Lucas Nolan Breitbart

Tim Tebow Would Rather Be Known for Saving 'A Lot of Babies' than 'Winning the Super Bowl'

Former NFL player Tim Tebow recently said that he would rather be known as someone who saves babies, than for being a Super Bowl champion. Warner Todd Huston Breitbart

Elective Bible Class Bill Passes in West Virginia House

The "Bible bill" passed with an overwhelming 73-26 vote in the West Virginia House on Tuesday. Nate Church Breitbart

Parents Sue School District for Allowing Children to Change Gender Identity Without Parental Notice

Parents in Madison, Wisconsin are suing the school district over a policy that lets children change gender identity without parental consent. Dr. Susan Berry Breitbart

Appeals Court Rules Against PragerU in Google Censorship Case

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced this week that it has upheld a district court ruling dismissing PragerU's federal case against Google and YouTube. The case is based on Google's censorship of PragerU videos on YouTube. Lucas Nolan Breitbart

Creepy Facial Recognition Company Clearview Admits Entire Client List Stolen

Facial recognition company Clearview AI, which works with hundreds of law enforcement agencies, has stated that the firm's entire client list has been stolen, including how many users each client has, and how many searches they have completed using the service. Lucas Nolan Breitbart

Why coronavirus outbreak in Iran causes panic in the world and Iranians are particular concerned

By Track Perisa February 27, 2020 The outbreak of the newest strain of coronavirus which is officially known as COVID-19 originated in China in December 2019, where it has reportedly killed more than 2500 people so far. However, Iran has become a point of fear and caused panic among the Iranians and Iran’s neighbouring and […] Track Persia Track Persia

The Scale of the Chinese Lockdown

The official death toll from the Covid-19/coronavirus now stands at over 2,500 people. There are over 80,000 cases worldwide. The people I’ve talked to about this epidemic fall into two camps. Those in the first camp say that this needs to be put into perspective, the number of people who die each year from the flu dwarf the number of coronavirus deaths and it is likely that survival rates will be much better in a first-world, Western health system where the doctors aren’t in fear of the secret police when they say that there is something wrong. Those in the second camp say that we can’t trust any of the numbers coming out of China, that it is worrying that there seem to be cases cropping up in countries around the world, and that China would not lock down half of its country for a disease that is less deadly than the flu. “But Marcus!” I hear you say, “Don’t use hyperbole for effect! China hasn’t locked down  half  of its country!” Well, according to  this report from CNN ,

WINNING: Court sides with President Trump in ‘sanctuary cities’ fight

Never get tired of winning. Court sides with President Trump in ‘sanctuary cities’ grant fight By: FOX32, February 25, 2020: NEW YORK – The Trump administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement grants to force states to cooperate with U.S. immigration enforcement, a federal appeals court in New York ruled Wednesday in a decision that conflicted with three other federal appeals courts. The decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan overturned a lower court’s decision ordering the administration to release funding to New York City and seven states — New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia and Rhode Island. The states and city sued the U.S. government after the Justice Department announced in 2017 that it would withhold grant money from cities and states until they gave federal immigration authorities access to jails and provide advance notice when someone in the country illegally is about to be released.

Trump administration launches new unit to strip US citizenship from foreign-born terrorists, criminals

The Trump administration is establishing a new section within the Justice Department to deal with the process of removing citizenship from foreign-born individuals who fraudulently obtained citizenship by failing to disclose past convictions for serious crimes. Finally, rational terror policy Trump administration launches new unit to strip US citizenship from foreign-born terrorists, criminals The Trump administration is establishing a new section within the Justice Department to deal with the process of removing citizenship from foreign-born individuals who fraudulently obtained citizenship by failing to disclose past convictions for serious crimes — including terrorism and war crimes. The section, which will be within the DOJ’s Office of Immigration Litigation, will be dedicated to denaturalizing those who had failed to disclose they had been involved in criminal activity on their N-400 form for naturalization. That form includes questions asking whether an applicant has

Forty-One Senators Say 'No' to Protecting Abortion Survivors

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late Tuesday, 41 U.S. Senators voted to block the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act from being brought to a final vote on the Senate floor. In a 56-41 vote, the bill failed to receive the needed three-fifths majority, or 60 senators, to overcome a Democrat-led filibuster. This leaves open loopholes that allow medical staff to abuse and kill newborn babies in 35 states, with zero fear of legal consequences. Four more votes would have overcome the filibuster, which would have allowed a vote on the bill that would have easily passed. But, 41 Senators did not want to allow the up or down vote on this bill that bans infanticide. Liberty Counsel CanadaFreePress.Com

President Trump Sues The New York Times For Libel Over Russia Hoax

Harder! Faster! Trump Sues The New York Time For Libel Over Russia Hoax By James Murray, MAGA Daily, February 26, 2020 President Trump is suing The New York Times for libel over the Russia hoax and it is about time. Trump is claiming the New York newspaper knowingly published false information about Trump and Russia in an op-ed last year. The lawsuit, filed in New York State Supreme Court accuses the Times of intentionally defaming Trump with the op-ed piece by asserting that his 2016 campaign had an “overarching deal” with Russia. “The statements were and are 100 percent false and defamatory,” Jenna Ellis, a lawyer for Trump said. “The complaint alleges The Times was aware of the falsity at the time it published them, but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process,” Ellis added. The lawsuit reads: “Defendant The New York Times Company d/b/a The New York Times (“The Times”) knowingly published false a

Florida Democrats sue to keep Bernie Sanders off primary ballot

Get the popcorn and champagne, people. And duck. Florida Democrats sue to keep Sanders off ballot By Victor Morton – The Washington Times, February 25, 2020 Two Florida Democrats have filed a lawsuit to keep Sen. Bernard Sanders off the state’s presidential-primary ballot because he’s not a member of the party. The lawsuit, which was filed this week in Leon County, argues that Mr. Sanders of Vermont is an independent and thus ineligible for the March 17 primary. “Florida is a closed primary state, yet here we have someone who is an independent on the Democratic ballot,” Karen Gievers, attorney for the two plaintiffs, told Politico for a report filed Tuesday. “You can’t be an independent and be a member of the party.” While Mr. Sanders caucuses with the Democrats in the U.S. Senate, he runs for election in Vermont as an independent and formally declares himself one in that state’s elections paperwork. According to Politico, more than 244,000 Florida Democrats already ha

The Mysterious Golden Ratio Is Everywhere… in Nature, Science, Music, Art and Architecture… Even in The Da Vinci Code

The mysterious golden ratio has guided Egyptians in the construction of the Pyramids and Athenians to erect their imposing architecture. And the divine proportion is actually everywhere around! But what is it actually? What is the Golden Ratio? The golden number is a geometric proportion that has been theorized to be the most aesthetically and […] The post The Mysterious Golden Ratio Is Everywhere… in Nature, Science, Music, Art and Architecture… Even in The Da Vinci Code appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Hypocritical Democrats Block Born Alive Protection

Democrats sustained a filibuster blocking a bill that would protect the lives of newborn infants that survive a botched abortion. American Thinker

Bernie Sanders: Last Step in America's Slide to Socialism?

There can no longer be any doubt that Bolshevik Bernie Sanders is a runaway freight train, with the Democrat establishment tied to the tracks. American Thinker

Aussie Bushfire Update: Astonishing and unprecedented: “This is a globally unprecedented scale of burning." 21% of Australia's temperate forests consumed during 2019/20 season

An area the size of Portugal was ablaze across Victoria and New South Wales during the fire's peak, credit NASA EarthView As the worst bushfire season ever recorded comes to an end in Australia the true extent of consumed forestry is found to be truly astonishing. Researchers at Western Sydney University’s Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment have analysed historic data on the extent of Australia’s extraordinary forest fires and found that the area burned in Australia during the 2019-2020 forest fires was an astounding 21%. Previous "major fire" seasons have historically been around 2% of Australian forests consumed by fire. “We analysed the major forest biomes across Australia, Asia, Africa, Oceania and North and South Americas to determine the extent of annual areas burned by forest fires”, said Associate Professor Matthias Boer, lead author of the study and lead scientist of the NSW Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub node at Western Sydney University. “Forests

The flood situation in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, has worsened, authorities report 30 people have died since the current floods began on New Year's Eve with more than 100,000 evacuated

Credit Floodlist The flood situation in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, has worsened, with disaster authorities reporting at least 30 people have now died since the current floods began on New Year's Eve. Indonesia’s disaster management agency, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) reported on 27 February that 4 people have died in Bekasi City, 3 in Greater Jakarta and 2 in South Tangerang. Flooding has been affected by parts of Greater Jakarta over the last few days. As of 25 February, Karawang Regency and East Jakarta were the worst-hit areas. Since then flooding has affected areas of Bekasi City and the bordering Bekasi Regency, Subang Regency and parts of and Tangerang and South Tangerang in Banten Province. BNPB said that, as of 27 February, a total of 35,891 people had been displaced in the Jakarta metropolitan area (known locally as Jabodetabek), including 13,754 in Karawang, 8,582 in Subang and 7,106 in East Jakarta.   Floodlist The flooding started on New Year's

Fuego Volcano Erupts Powerfully in Guatemala (Video)

The Fuego volcano erupted violently on February 26, 2020, 03:41 local time, generating 5 to 12 strombolian explosions per hour. The resulting plume of ash and gas reached approximately 4,500 m-4,700 m asl in a West-Southwest direction. A 300-meter-long lava flow has been recorded flowing doen Ceniza barranca, which were accompanied by with moderate to […] The post Fuego Volcano Erupts Powerfully in Guatemala (Video) appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Democrats: The Pander and Patronizing Party

Do the Democrat candidates for president really think that they can pander and patronize black voters into voting for them?  It was pathetic viewing and listening to them at the South Carolina debate as they tried to outdo each other by feigning compassion and concern of the supposed plight of black people.  These same concerns were not brought up at the previous debates as the main audiences in those debates were white.  The insincerity of the comments in South Carolina was deafening to say the least. Chuck Lehmann CanadaFreePress.Com

UK Government in Talks Over ‘Mass-Death and Burial’ Plans to Prepare Coronavirus Worst Case Scenario

The government is reportedly contacting local councils for what is known as ‘Excess Death Contingency Planning’ in the event of a worst-case scenario relating to the spread of coronavirus. The planning, which is thought to include discussions with local authorities about potential new large burial sites, is standard practice when an outbreak of such a […] The post UK Government in Talks Over ‘Mass-Death and Burial’ Plans to Prepare Coronavirus Worst Case Scenario appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Nation Of Islam Leader and Hotler Admirer Louis Farrakhan: Mr. Trump Killed “My Brother” Soleimani

Louis Farrakhan is an infamous racist who incites to mass murder. (scroll down for some of choice quotes). The terrorist arrested in December’s Chanukah celebration machete stabbings was a Farrakhan follower. So it is no wonder he considers the world’s worst terrorist a brother. Fruits of Farrakhan: Jersey City Terrorists’ Bomb ‘Could Have Killed People Five Football Fields Away’ Nation Of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan: ‘Mr. Trump Killed My Brother Soleimani, Mrs. Clinton Killed My Brother Qaddafi’; America ‘The Habitation Of Devils’ Will Be Destroyed By The Mahdi MEMRI, February 25, 2020 Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan delivered a three-and-a-half-hour keynote speech at the Saviors’ Day conference in Detroit, Michigan on February 23, 2020. In his speech, Farrakhan spoke about the killing of IRGC Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani by U.S. forces. Farrakhan said that he thinks he had met him during his visit to Iran. Farrakhan said that President Donal

New Humanism Advocates that we be Free from God

While Catholics throughout the world are doing penance this Ash Wednesday to repair for the many sins of our time, let these acts of penance also be in reparation for Pope Francis’ Global Education Pact for a New Humanism, since it promises to wreak havoc throughout the universal Church. David Martin CanadaFreePress.Com

Exposing the Roots of Globalism

What are the real roots of globalism, the ideology of the party of Davos, transnational corporations, of many U.S. Democrats, and their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere today? First, a definition. “Globalism” is one world government run on the basis of democratic socialism and world citizenship. From the globalist perspective, all of world history is a history of endless wars among competing tribes and interest groups (later called nation-states) vying for domination, colonization and empire. All religions, political philosophies, and histories are masks for this domination. All national histories are histories of oppression – both domestic and international – and are therefore illegitimate. All national histories in world history entail a form of victimization. The ideal of “perpetual peace” requires secularization based on principle and the end of all religion. As a “new charter” comes into being, each of us surrenders what we have acquired by illegitimate (racial, gen

Terror-tied CAIR wants 13 year old children charged with hate crime

This is part of a pattern of CAIR overreacting to things, and demonstrating that they don’t like people. Recently, there was an incident in South Carolina where a mosque was tagged with graffiti which said “utterly blessed” . While certainly annoying, Ibrahim Hooper’s insistence that it might be a bias incident is simply not believable. He wanted the police to catch the kids who did this and punish them. Just last year, police finally caught up with and charged the men who gave the finger to Muslim family on the freeway in Georgia. CAIR would charge them with a hate crime if only Georgia had crime legislation. Also last year, CAIR drove the town of Dearborn mad over a Facebook post that used the word “camel”. And, then there was traumatic incident involving a cup of coffee , as well as the inconsequential 5 year old Facebook post . If only CAIR were as concerned about violent Muslims in this country plotting jihad , threatening to kill people , or sneaking into the country .

Group threatens lawsuits over ‘suspiciously high’ voter registration rates in swing states

Look what the Dems did to Iowa – now imagine that on a national scale. Group threatens lawsuits over ‘suspiciously high’ voter registration rates in swing states By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News February 27, 2020 EXCLUSIVE: Voters in Florida, Michigan and Colorado are threatening to sue their states after an independent organization discovered that each has counties with unusually high voter registration rates — in some cases, they found more registered voters than actual people eligible to vote. The data was compiled by the Honest Elections Project, a new nonprofit organization that blames the seemingly implausible statistics on a failure of states to properly update voter rolls to account for people moving, dying or being incarcerated. The group examined publicly available registration records and compared it with citizen voting-age data from the U.S. Census Bureau, describing the figures as “suspiciously high.” “All three states have multiple counties where voter registrat

100 Birds Drop Dead From the Sky in Pennsylvania

A flock of more than 100 birds was found dead along a road in Dauphin County The Pennsylvania Game Commission believes the birds were killed by passing cars and trucks. The dead birds were found along 40 yards of Route 225 about a mile east of Halifax. They were nearly all on the eastbound side […] The post 100 Birds Drop Dead From the Sky in Pennsylvania appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Rickards: "1984" Has Come To China... USA Is Next

Rickards: "1984" Has Come To China... USA Is Next Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning, You’re probably familiar with George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel  Nineteen Eighty-Four ; (it’s often published as  1984) . It was written in 1948; the title comes from reversing the last two digits in 1948. The novel describes a world of three global empires, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, in a constant state of war. Orwell created an original vocabulary for his book, much of which is in common, if sardonic, usage today. Terms such as Thought Police, Big Brother, doublethink, Newspeak and memory hole all come from  Nineteen Eight-Four . Orwell intended it as a warning about how certain countries might evolve in the aftermath of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. He was certainly concerned about Stalinism, but his warnings applied to Western democracies also. When the calendar year 1984 came and went, many breathed a sigh

America's Newest Most Powerful Submarine Has A Stealth Problem

America's Newest Most Powerful Submarine Has A Stealth Problem  The Navy's newest fast-attack submarine was recently spotted with structural damage to its stealth coating after returning from its first deployment, which brings into question the manufacturing process of the shipbuilder, reported Forbes . The USS Colorado (SSN 788), a nuclear-powered US Navy Virginia-class attack submarine, was recently photographed with large sections of its stealth coating, known as anechoic coating, missing on its starboard side. The layer is an outer skin, consisting of a sonar-absorbing material that makes the vessel virtually undetectable. Colorado was launched on March 17, 2018, and this is one of America's newest and most powerful submarines, already experiencing issues with its outer stealth coating that could make it susceptible to detection by enemy forces. The vessel recently returned from deployment in harsh northern waters, traveling approximatel

US Plotted To Assassinate Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Attorney Tells London Court

US Plotted To Assassinate Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Attorney Tells London Court On Monday Julian Assange's defense team told a London court that the United States plotted to assassinate the WikiLeaks founder .  After describing US intelligence attempts to plant “intrusive and sophisticated” secret surveillance devices in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Assange had been living under asylum for seven years, Assange's attorney Edward Fitzgerald told the court  according to an explosive Daily Mail report published Tuesday : “There were conversations about whether there should be more extreme measures contemplated, such as kidnapping or poisoning Julian Assange in the embassy .” Via Getty Images The plot is alleged to have involved a private Spanish security company named UC Global, reportedly acting on behalf of the US authorities, which was engaged in eavesdropping on Assange and his visitors who entered the Ecuadorian embassy to meet priv