
Showing posts from October, 2020

A mass die-off baby seal horror is developing in Namibia: Nearly 10,000, "overall number could be higher." OCN said starvation was the most probable cause but other reasons could be toxins or disease and nothing could be ruled out

Credit  Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) The beach at Pelican Point in Namibia has now risen to nearly 10,000 dead baby seals, Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) said in an Instagram post on Friday. Drone footage taken by the OCN shows the beach full of seal pup bodies. "We are sitting at the cusp of a catastrophe. There are literally thousands of seal pups being born prematurely and dying almost immediately," OCN said. "This is a natural phenomenon - meaning that when the pregnant female feels she does not have enough reserves, she can abort her fetus. This happens every year to a few individuals, but never on this scale!" Seals give birth in the middle of November, but sometimes you can see prematurely born seal pups in October. Premature seal pups cannot survive. They are too young and not fully developed. A few premature deaths is a natural event, but thousands of premature dead seal pups are extremely rare. The beaches are full of little black lumps, OCN said. A

Marxism: A Breeding Ground for Useful Idiots

Now Black Lives Matter is using useful idiots to advance its cause. American Thinker

The Miniaturization of Media Dinosaurs

If you like getting deceptively edited interviews  and unverified news from “Meet the Press” and “60 Minutes,” by all means continue watching these programs. American Thinker

This is the kind of stuff that China does: Fury as traffic flow cameras are secretly switched to monitor millions of pedestrians in UK government-backed secret Corona project

Big Brother is watching you! Millions of people are being monitored for social distancing as part of a government-backed project secretly rolled out across Britain, the Mail can reveal. In what campaigners call a sign the country is heading to a ‘truly dark place’, at least 363 cameras originally installed to monitor traffic flow have […] The post This is the kind of stuff that China does: Fury as traffic flow cameras are secretly switched to monitor millions of pedestrians in UK government-backed secret Corona project appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

President Trump Was Impeached To Protect Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden From Corruption Scandals!

J udicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” for a panel discussion with along with John Solomon and Michael Flynn’s lead attorney Sidney Powell to discuss Biden’s Russian disinformation claims. Judicial Watch CanadaFreePress.Com

MAJOR Biden Corruption Update, New Fauci Emails on China/COVID19, Wray-FBI Coverup

• Judicial Watch Sues for McCabe/Strzok/Page FBI Text Messages • Fauci Emails Show His Approval of China’s Initial Response to Coronavirus • Judicial Watch Seeks Bodycam Footage in Fatal Police Shooting • VA Targeted 78-Year-Old Veteran Trying to Hold it Accountable • Seventy Percent of Jailed Illegal Aliens Convicted of Other Crimes Judicial Watch CanadaFreePress.Com

NYC Hotel Occupancy Rate Crashes Toward 10% As Permanent Closures Loom

NYC Hotel Occupancy Rate Crashes Toward 10% As Permanent Closures Loom Tyler Durden Sun, 10/25/2020 - 08:45 Prices at New York City hotels have plunged as the hospitality industry continues to try and grapple with the effects of the global pandemic. Some hotels, like the Midtown Hilton, have remained closed since March. Others, like the Pierre, are operating in limited capacity. Those that are open for business have slashed prices by more than 60% , according to a new writeup by AlJazeera .  Despite October usually being a fruitful month for tourism in NYC, coronavirus has forced the cancellation of staple events like the NYC Marathon and Fashion Week. And while the industry has definitely recovered since March, it still has a long way to go. 200 of New York's roughly 700 hotels remain closed, the article notes. Lukas Hartwich, an analyst at real estate research firm Green Street, said: “Next year is going to be far worse than any y

Americans Have Lost Sight of What Fascism Means

Many Americans who brand Trump and his allies as fascists are paying too little attention to abuses in Hong Kong and cultural genocide in Xinjiang. Shadi Hamid, The Atlantic RealClearPolitics - Homepage

Visualizing All Of Earth's Satellites: Who Owns Our Orbit?

Visualizing All Of Earth's Satellites: Who Owns Our Orbit? Tyler Durden Sun, 10/25/2020 - 07:35 For centuries, humans have looked to space and the stars for answers. The fascination is more than philosophical - it’s coupled with the need to solve problems here on Earth. Today, as Visual Capitalist's Therese Wood details below, there are seemingly countless benefits and applications of space technology. Satellites, for instance, are becoming critical for everything from internet connectivity and precision agriculture, to border security and archaeological study. Space is Open for Business Right now, there are nearly  6,000 satellites  circling our tiny planet. About 60% of those are defunct satellites - space junk - and roughly 40% are operational. As highlighted in the chart above,  The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) , determined that  2,666 operational satellites  circled the globe in April of 2020. Over the comi

Public Discourse in the “Age of Selfies”

America’s public discourse is in bad shape. Anybody can see this. Our political “debates” involve almost no real argument, no deliberation about what ends are to be pursued and what means are best suited to those ends. They are instead characterized largely by assertion and counter-assertion, with the claims stated in the most strident terms—as if stridency could persuade. Moreover, and worse, the parties to our disagreements cannot refrain from moralistic denunciation of each other. If your opinion differs from mine, you are a bad person. Until recently, far-seeing people might have said that this situation is pregnant with evils for the future. If they no longer say so, it is only because the future has arrived and the evils are upon us. Crowds of Americans confront each other in the streets, trying not to convince but to overawe each other with displays of force in numbers, and even by the use of physical force itself. People are abandoning—and reveling in abandoning—the rationa

Law Enforcement Across America Is Preparing For Massive Election Riots

( PNW ) – The fact that law enforcement officials across the nation are expecting widespread violence following the election should chill every American to the core. As I keep repeating over and over, violence is not going to solve anything, but much of the population is not listening to voices such as mine anymore. As you will see below, authorities have decided to “plan for the worst” because everyone can see what is potentially coming. Continue reading Law Enforcement Across America Is Preparing For Massive Election Riots at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Strange Election “Coincidences”: 1 Blue Moon, 2 Asteroids And 3 Simultaneous Lightning Strikes

This has already been one of the most bizarre presidential election seasons in U.S. history, and it gets stranger with each passing day.  So it seems appropriate that nature is getting into the act as well.  Some very unusual natural events are happening, and many are speculating that some or all of them may have some sort of deeper meaning. For example, there will be a “blue moon” on the Saturday before the election, and of course Halloween just also happens to fall on that particular Saturday.  The following comes from  the Jerusalem Post … The events of 2020 have been strange enough that some might quip they would only happen once in a blue moon. But this year will even have one of those: At the end of October, an actual, rare blue moon will occur – on Halloween. What makes this even more unusual is the fact that this will be the very first Halloween blue moon to occur in all global time zones  since 1944 … This year’s is particularly unusual as it is the first full moon to

So Donald Trump just got Joe Biden to admit that he wants to ban the entire U.S. oil industry…

Can you imagine how Joe Biden’s campaign team must be feeling right now?  They have been working night and day for months to put their candidate in a position to win the election, and he has been leading in most national polls.  Over the last several days they spent many hours carefully rehearsing every potential question, and they just needed Joe to get through one last debate without making some sort of colossal game-changing mistake. And he almost did it. Even though Trump had hit him with quite a few jabs throughout Thursday night’s debate, Biden was on the verge of escaping without any major damage being done. But right near the end of the debate we witnessed a moment that could change everything. With just a few minutes to go, President Trump asked Biden if he would shut down the U.S. oil industry, and all Biden needed to do was to say “no” to that question and move on. Instead, Biden decided to be honest for some reason, and that could potentially cost him millions of

The Gruesome Battle of Sagrajas: Muslims Worship Allah Atop 2,400 Decapitated Christian Heads

Radical Muslims of the ISIS variety all but venerate the Battle of Sagrajas. American Thinker

Are We Approaching the Real-Life World of Orwell's 1984?

George Orwell's immortal wake-up call was merely postponed. Now it's back. American Thinker

Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Figure: Unemployment Figures Dramatically Favor Republican-Led States

It's not just Democrat-led states that lead in rioting and COVID deaths. Check out the jobs numbers. too. American Thinker

Is China Now In Control of Our Flow of Information?

Pretty amazing how much China's name turns up whenever there is some kind of Big Tech censorship. American Thinker

Ilhan Omar, AOC join blogger who said ‘America deserved 9/11’

Omar backs American Islamic State jihadis – so how far away is “America deserved 9/11”? AOC, Omar join gamer who said ‘America deserved 9/11’ Radical congresswomen push message to vote, but do it online with vlogger who said America ‘deserved’ infamous terror attack. By World Israel News Staff, October 22, 2020: Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar went on the popular gaming platform Twitch with a social media personality who gained notoriety for saying that “America deserved 9/11,” Fox News reported Thursday. AOC and Omar were joined by Hasan Piker, who in a tirade last year against Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw said “America deserved 9/11, dude. F— it, I’m saying it.” Piker later apologized for the statement and tried to blame it on English being his second language. The congresswomen went online to join a group of gamers playing the streaming game “Among Us” with the goal of getting Twitch’s young audience to vote in the Nov. 3 elect

Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before the Election

( Bloomberg ) — Conflict is on America’s streets in 2020, and “tactical apparel” has become a lifestyle industry serving militarized law-enforcement agents and the freelance gunmen who emulate them. Less than two weeks before Election Day, orders are rolling in. Since last year, online purchases have driven a 20-fold jump in sales of goods like the $220 CM-6M gas mask — resistant to bean-bag rounds — for Mira Safety of Austin, Texas. Continue reading Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before the Election at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

NASA awards Nokia to deploy cellular network (4G, 5G) on the moon

Soon, astronauts on moon missions won’t have any excuse for not answering their texts. NASA has awarded Nokia of America $14.1 million to deploy a cellular network on the moon. The freaking moon. The grant is part of $370 million worth of contracts signed under NASA’s “Tipping Point” selections, meant to advance research and development for space exploration. […] The post NASA awards Nokia to deploy cellular network (4G, 5G) on the moon appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Democrat Threats to Pack the Supreme Court Deflect Attention from Their Own Errors

Democrats are the author of their own miseries on the Supreme Court picks. American Thinker

Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News?

Thousands of diagnoses and not many dying. American Thinker

How Civil Disobedience Curbed The Michigan Governor’s COVID Abuses Of Power

The political drama in Michigan reveals how essential it is in a republic that the citizens defy unconstitutional and illegal orders of their government. Thomas Tacoma The Federalist

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

T ime is running short to save our Republic from the Marxists in our midst. Over the last half-century, a class of constantly outraged citizens known as progressives, aka socialists, have infiltrated and taken control of virtually every structural institution in our society: the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, our public schools, higher education, major corporations, professional sports leagues, the religious left and, most importantly, the post-1960s Democratic Party. John Eidson CanadaFreePress.Com

Idolatry Turns From Cash To Covid

A s most states lift mask requirements for conducting everyday life, there are still millions of people succumbing to the press’ pressurizing headlines conveying fear of a virus that has been proven to have a 98% recovery rate. They are unwilling to remove their masks even while driving alone in their cars, so terrorized have they become of a 1.5 micron virion that most masks cannot guard against. A. Dru Kristenev CanadaFreePress.Com

Your life under the Green New Deal

D uring the cantankerous September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about how far to the left he would be pushed, prodded and pressured by Kamala Harris, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Antifa mobs, and coastal and blue city governing, academic and technology elites.  Paul Driessen CanadaFreePress.Com

A Judge has rejected a Colorado ministry’s request to hold conference with over 175 people

( ETH ) – A federal judge in Colorado has recently ruled against a ministry that requested to hold an in-person conference that would capacitate over 175 people, which is in violation of a state public health order. According to the report from the Christian Post, the U.S. District Judge Christine Arguello ruled against a request that was made by Andrew Wommack Ministries International to exempt them from the in-person cap imposed by Governor Jared Polis. Continue reading A Judge has rejected a Colorado ministry’s request to hold conference with over 175 people at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

60% of Americans don’t trust the media to report the news ‘fully, accurately, and fairly’

(OPINION) ETH – A new poll recently revealed what many had already concluded and that is the gross mistrust of news and media and what they are reporting to the American people. A new Gallup poll revealed this week that over 60% of those polled don’t believe that the mainstream media providing fair and accurate reporting and it is not just Republicans who have long had problems with the nation’s TV and newspaper outlets — keeping the media’s numbers low. Continue reading 60% of Americans don’t trust the media to report the news ‘fully, accurately, and fairly’ at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Churches Challenge Newsom’s Worship Ban in Appeals Court

RIVERSIDE, CA – Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry has filed its brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on the full merits of the request to block the First Amendment violations of Governor Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional orders. The governor’s orders prohibit ALL worship in most of the state, including home Bible studies and fellowship with anyone who does not live in the home. Yet, Gov. Newsom continues to encourage mass gatherings of protestors throughout the state. Liberty Counsel CanadaFreePress.Com

Unbelievable. Virginia School District Considers New Speech Code Banning Teachers From Criticizing Racial Equity Plan That Calls For ‘Dismantling White Supremacy’ | The Daily Wirewww.dailywire.comThe most progressive school district in Virginia is at it again, this time considering a speech code that would limit teachers’ First Amendment right to

Unbelievable. Virginia School District Considers New Speech Code Banning Teachers From Criticizing Racial Equity Plan That Calls For ‘Dismantling White Supremacy’ | The Daily Wire The most progressive school district in Virginia is at it again, this time considering a speech code that would limit teachers’ First Amendment right to Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro (Facebook)

California has suffered its worse wildfire season in living memory with still a month to go before the season ends: Last year Australia lost a billion animals, almost 25% of their temperate forests and 60% of their total crop output: Ominously in 2020 the Aussie fires have started a month earlier

An area the size of Portugal was ablaze across Victoria and New South Wales in January this year, the fires have begun a month earlier this year, credit NASA EarthView On November the 7th 2019, the very day  California's biggest, most ruinous wildfire that year was declared fully contained and extinguished, a new horror show erupted in New South Wales, Australia. Several massive, out of control wildfires ignited after months of drought conditions, record heat and strong dry winds. The fires exploded for months on end, killing or injuring more than 3 billion animals, burning almost 25% of Australia's temperate forests and destroying 60% of the total crop output.  A year on and California has now taken the baton from Australia in 2020. California has suffered its worst wildfire season in living memory this year with more than a month still to go before the season ends. However, ominous signs are coming from down under as their wildfire season has started a month earlier than las

‘It’s like a graveyard’: VIDEOS show mass death of sea life at Far East Russian tourist hotspot; surfers complain of toxic burns: Scores of octopuses, crabs, starfish, sponges, sea urchins, and other marine animals had washed up ashore.

Hordes of sea creatures have washed up at a popular tourist beach in Kamchatka after surfers complained about suffering from eye burns. A probe has been launched as tests show increased levels of petroleum products in the water. Kamchatka is a large peninsula, in Russia's far East, which juts out into the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk.  The first signs that something was wrong at the picturesque Khalaktyr beach, a popular tourist and surfing spot, became apparent when people started to develop symptoms after taking a dive in the ocean.  “For weeks now, all surfers have been experiencing eye problems after coming back from the water,”  Yekaterina Dyba, an administrator at a local surf school, wrote on social media on Thursday. She added that the swimmers felt  “a decrease in vision,”  as well as fever, nausea, and a sore throat. Many shared personal stories.  “I had the same problems with my eyes. Yesterday I was diagnosed with a first-degree corneal burn. Eye drops and oint

It’s worst than a volcanic eruption! Massive chunks of ash fall from the sky across Santa Rosa, California as ‘wildfire’ attacks the area

Massive ash fell yesterday across Santa Rosa, California as a result of the ongoing raging wildfire that’s growing and threatening the area! The GlassFire has burned more than 42,000 acres with nearly 70,000 residents being forced to evacuate. Currently 0% contained. The pictures were captured by Morgan Balaei. This year, it seems the ash looks […] The post It’s worst than a volcanic eruption! Massive chunks of ash fall from the sky across Santa Rosa, California as ‘wildfire’ attacks the area appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

USGS says there is a 1-in-300 chance that the current Salton Sea earthquake swarm will be followed by a magnitude 7 or higher

The desert near the Salton Sea continue to tremble as a swarm of small earthquakes that started Wednesday continued into Thursday. The swarm slowed down Thursday, but at least four earthquakes of magnitude 3 or larger were recorded in the first seven hours of the day, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The swarm is taking place […] The post USGS says there is a 1-in-300 chance that the current Salton Sea earthquake swarm will be followed by a magnitude 7 or higher appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

42,000-foot plumes of ash, 143-mph firenadoes 1,500-degree heat – The California Fires are a new HELL on Earth

42,000-foot plumes of ash. 143-mph firenadoes. 1,500-degree heat. These wildfires are a new kind of hell on earth, and scientists are racing to learn its rules. On the windy, hot day of July 26, 2018, as record 113-­degree temperatures baked Redding, California, in the northern Sacramento Valley, Eric Knapp toiled in an air-conditioned government office. After […] The post 42,000-foot plumes of ash, 143-mph firenadoes 1,500-degree heat – The California Fires are a new HELL on Earth appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Ecological disaster with hordes of dead sea creatures, toxic smell, surfer burns and yellow waters plague the Pacific coast of Kamchatka

Excessive amounts of phenol and oil products were detected in sea waters near the Khalaktyrsky Beach, a touristic hotspot in Kamchatka, where hordes of sea creatures have been washing ashore since a few days. Surfers raised alarm about three weeks ago after once pristine waters caused major problems with eyesight, fevers, throat aches and and […] The post Ecological disaster with hordes of dead sea creatures, toxic smell, surfer burns and yellow waters plague the Pacific coast of Kamchatka appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Millions of locusts devastate fields, crops and pastures in Chile

Inhabitants and small farmers of Agua Amarilla and the Huacho in Combarbalá, Chile are facing the invasion of millions of locusts, devastating crops, trees and pastures. Heavy damage has already been reported in both communities, with people starting to worry for their livelihoods and asking officials to eradicate the insect plague. The flying insects move […] The post Millions of locusts devastate fields, crops and pastures in Chile appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Media's Wuhan Lies Lengthen, Deepen

These coronavirus lies are disrupting and destroying lives and livelihoods. American Thinker

Joe Biden’s History Of Race Baiting

As the record clearly shows, Joe Biden not only practices race baiting -- he perfected it. American Thinker

Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots

Democrats are less afraid that Coney Barrett will impose Catholicism on them than they are of her imposing constitutionalism. American Thinker

Biden's Energy Plan: Sacrificing Goats to the Sun Gods

A collection of impracticable solutions for fake catastrophes thought up by the environmental left over the years. American Thinker