
Showing posts from December, 2020

Quinn: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me A Face-Diaper

Quinn: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me A Face-Diaper Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, One month ago I wrote an article –  Silent Obedient Consent  – about our day in Cape May Lighthouse State Park and my disappointment in seeing so many perfectly healthy young people obediently wearing their face muzzles, as dictated by government bureaucrats,  on a bright crisp autumn day in a 244 acre state wild preserve . I found it sad that so many could be controlled so easily by so few. Since my state has been on lockdown since our escape to Cape May and the weather has been cold, wet and snowy, we’ve been mostly cooped up in our home prison. The fear propaganda campaign has worked wonders, as our traditional Christmas Eve bash with 50 or so relatives and neighbors, was limited to six relatives . Monday, when I saw the temperature was going to 48 with bright sunshine, I insisted we needed to go to the 3,500 acre Valley Forge National Park to take a long

Apple Removes 39K Games From Chinese App Store Ahead Of Deadline

Apple Removes 39K Games From Chinese App Store Ahead Of Deadline When historians look back to write the story of 2020, the CCP's ruthless crackdown on dissent (both on the mainland, and abroad) will  almost certainly be remembered as one of the year's most prominent themes, and perhaps a major inflection point. From the skirmishes in the streets of Hong Kong, to the 70+ day lockdown in Wuhan that left residents traumatized, to the international condemnation that followed the Wuhan COVID outbreak, China and President Xi have every reason to double down on their antagonisms of political and economic rivals. Hence, the Cupertino-based American tech giant revealed on Thursday that it had removed some 39K games from its app store in China at the behest of the CCP. The purge, according to Reuters, is the largest single-day removal in the history of the app store. Though the two are unrelated, Apple's decision to remove the games is reminiscent of

Pentagon Orders Aircraft Carrier Out Of Gulf In Potential Iran De-Escalation

Pentagon Orders Aircraft Carrier Out Of Gulf In Potential Iran De-Escalation In a first hopeful sign of potential US de-escalation in the Persian Gulf, where there's been a recent build-up of US forces as threats continue to be exchanged between Washington and Tehran, the Pentagon has announced it is bringing its only supercarrier in the gulf home . The AP reports of the sensitive timing , "The decision, announced Thursday by the acting secretary of defense, Christopher Miller, came one day after Air Force B-52 bombers flew nonstop from the United States to the Persian Gulf in a show of force that military officials said was intended to caution Iran against carrying out attacks against U.S. forces or interests." The Mideast and Gulf region constitute the USS Nimitz's normal area of operation over much of the past year . It's now being sent "home" to its US West coast base. Just last week the US also provocatively sailed t

The Lesson Of 2020: What's The Point Of Pointing Out The Hypocrisy?

The Lesson Of 2020: What's The Point Of Pointing Out The Hypocrisy? Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, I’ve been on vacation in Mexico for the past two weeks. But that isn’t the reason content from me has been scarcer than normal. Yes, vacations are supposed to be for recharging and taking a break from your routine. But as I sat down to write this morning the overwhelming sense of futility washed over me . And nothing saps your will to work more than reading through the headlines and noting the complete lack of conscience on display by the media, our political leadership or frankly anyone with half a brain. We live in a world today where the legislature of one of the most important states in the Union, Pennsylvania, released a report where more than 200,000 votes were counted than were actually cast. And no one in our media seems to think this is news. Electoral irregularities are real and prevalent in Pennsylvania. Sadly,

More Than Half Of Chinese Adults Overweight As Obesity Becomes Latest Health Crisis

More Than Half Of Chinese Adults Overweight As Obesity Becomes Latest Health Crisis  The prevalence of obesity has become a worldwide phenomenon, and in China, the world's most populous country, adults are becoming increasingly overweight.  It seems that over the last few decades, China has "absorbed" the best the "West" has had to offer, which includes fast-food restaurants, credit cards, smartphones, apps, and also all the stolen intellectual property, but at the same time imported the worst.  We  outlined  in 2013 that American influence ("lazy lifestyles") was quickly spreading across China, creating a massive and unspoken diabetes crisis.   Fast forward seven years later, shocking new statistics show the percentage of overweight Chinese  adults  has skyrocketed since the early 2000s, according to BBC News .  China's National Health Commission wrote in a new report that in 2002, 29% of adults were overweight

ISIS Kills 28 Syrian Troops Near Palmyra In Most Devastating Ambush In Years

ISIS Kills 28 Syrian Troops Near Palmyra In Most Devastating Ambush In Years Via, This week ISIS terrorists carried out a devastating attack on a passenger bus that was carrying dozens of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers and civilians in the eastern region of the country. On Thursday the Islamic State announced responsibility for the attack that claimed the lives of at least 20 Syrian Army soldiers and eight civilians between the cities of Palmyra (Tadmur) and Deir Ezzor. The attack, which was carried out on December 30th at 4 P.M. (Damascus Time), was the deadliest single ambush of the year by the Islamic State and one of the few attacks they have carried out in the eastern region of the country recently . Al Jazeera detailed that a bus "carried soldiers and pro-government fighters who had finished their leave and were on their way back to their base in the desolate, sparsely populated area." "Another source sai

2020's Bio-Economic World War: Communist China Lied; Millions Of Humans Died

2020's Bio-Economic World War: Communist China Lied; Millions Of Humans Died Authored by Austin Bay via The Epoch Times, The  Chinese Communist Party ’s  COVID-19 /Wuhan virus disinformation campaign (cover-up) rates as 2020’s biggest Big Lie. By any measure, especially body count, the CCP committed 2020’s most consequential and deadliest falsehood. The following analysis summarizes decisions and actions by  China ’s communist rulers from December 2019’s final days through the end of January 2020, when U.S. President Donald Trump shut down air travel between mainland China and America. (1) China’s rulers - or their frightened commissar and police apparatchiks - brutalized and jailed the doctors and researchers who identified the disease as a threat to life and sought to warn other Chinese and medical authorities worldwide. (2) As these brave MDs went to jail for doing a doctor’s duty, the dictatorship initiated narrative warfare. Lower-level g

Marco Rubio Loses It On Dr. Fauci — Alleges That He’s ‘Lying’ About Masks, ‘Distorting’ Herd Immunity Estimates

Republican Senator Marco Rubio criticized Dr. Fauci and accused the COVID-19 expert of deceiving the public on the effectiveness of face coverings, according to The Daily Wire. “Dr. Fauci lied about masks in March,” Sen. Rudio tweeted. “Dr. Fauci has been distorting the level of vaccination needed for herd immunity.” “It isn’t just him.” “Many […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Honest Moment, We Need To Do A Better Job Raising Conservative Kids

I try to write once a day. Just a little snippet of my thoughts, backed up with a few sources so Facebook doesn’t ban us, nothing crazy. I don’t often proofread too well (don’t tell the editors that) because once I’ve gotten my honest thoughts off my chest I’m on to the next thing. This […] Ksenya Aleksandrova Chicks On The Right

Luxurious Los Angeles Restaurant Facing Troubles After Being Caught Giving Out Invitations To ‘Discreet’ Anti-Lockdown New Years Eve Party

Beverly Hills hot spot La Scala is receiving backlash over invitations to a “discreet” New Year’s Eve party in violating the city’s and state’s strict coronavirus lockdown measures, according to The Daily Wire. The “speakeasy”-style even was meant to take place on Thursday. The Outlet reported, “A high-end Beverly Hills restaurant was inviting customers to […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Federal Judge Orders Journalists To Pay Planned Parenthood $13.6 million, Latest Legal Update In Years-long Legal Battles Over Illegal Fetal Tissue Sales Videos

Over the weekend Breitbart reported that “a federal judge in California ordered the video journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s practices in the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts to pay the abortion giant $13.6 million” to cover the legal costs of Planned Parenthood suing the video journalists. This order comes after years of […] Natalie Argyle Chicks On The Right

WATCH: CNN Host Savagely Confronts Fauci To His Face: ‘Why Weren’t You Straight’ With People From Start?

CNN’s Dana Bash interviewed Dr. Fauci, asking why he didn’t give it straight from the beginning, according to the Mediaite. “My question is why weren’t you straight with the American people to begin with?” “The calculations that I made 70, 75 percent, it’s a range. The range is going to be somewhere between 70 and […] Staff Chicks On The Right

VP Kamala Harris Is Facing Scrutiny Following Bizarre Kwanzaa Video, Gets Accused Of ‘Most Epic Pandering’

Kamala Harris was accused of political pandering, according to The Blaze. Harris claimed that she grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. “You know, my sister and I, we grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. Every year our family would – and our extended family, we would gather around, across multiple generations, and we’d tell stories.” “The kids would sit […] Staff Chicks On The Right

California Supreme Court Announces Astonishing Ruling, Decides Sex Offenders Can Qualify for Early Parole

California Supreme Court ruled that thousands of inmates convicted of non-forcible sex crimes could be eligible for early release, according to the Daily Wire. Proposition 57 was written by then-Governor Jerry Brown and was created to reduce the prison population. Any person found guilty of a “nonviolent felony offense” would be eligible for early parole. […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Democrats Are Allegedly Expecting A Massive Uptick In Promoting ‘Easy, Free Abortions’ Under A Joe Biden Presidency

Democrats intend to increase taxpayer-funded abortions under a Joe Biden Presidency, according to the Western Journal. “The Hyde Amendment is a discriminatory policy,” Democratic Rep. Rosa DeLauro said. “For more than 40 years, [the Hyde Amendment] has been routinely extended every year as a legislative rider, but the time has come in this current moment […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Disgraced Professor Neil Ferguson Brags That Coronavirus Lockdowns Were Inspired Directly By The CCP

Professor Neil Ferguson claims that he took the lockdown idea from the Chinese Communist Party, according to the Western Journal. 🔴Exclusive: Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover — The Telegraph (@Telegraph) May 5, 2020 After he broke his own recommendations for a sexual rendezvous with a […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Joe Biden Has A Slip Of The Tongue During Press Conference, Accidentally Calls Kamala Harris ‘President-Elect’

Joe Biden called Kamala Harris, “President-elect.” “I hope the president will clearly and unambiguously urge all Americans to take the vaccine once it’s available.” “I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason.” President-elect Harris — Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) December 29, 2020 “Literally, this […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Nancy Pelosi Reveals With Confidence That Joe Biden Will ‘Be Confirmed’ Following Hawley’s Plan To Reject Electoral College Votes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed her confidence that Joe Biden “will be confirmed by the acceptance of the vote of the Electoral College as the 46th President of the United States.” “I have no doubt that on next Wednesday, a week from today, that Joe Biden will be confirmed by the acceptance of the vote […] Staff Chicks On The Right

Ilhan Omar Goes Berserk When She Finds Out That Undoing Trump’s Immigration Policy Will Take Longer Than Originaly Planned — ‘Classic Bait And Switch’

Ilhan Omar accused the Biden team of not following through with their “core campaign promise” after the team admitted that it would not be rolling back Trump’s immigration policies, according to Fox News. Susan Rice and Jake Sullivan say that changes to the U.S. immigration system would “take time” and migrants should not expect the […] Staff Chicks On The Right

City Of Boston Makes Dissapointing Decision — Statue Of Abraham Lincoln Emancipating A Slave Gets Removed From Boston Downtown

President Abraham Lincoln emancipating a slave statue was removed from downtown Boston, according to the Daily Wire. The city’s public art commission voted unanimously to take it down. “The decision for removal acknowledged the statue’s role in perpetuating harmful prejudices and obscuring the role of Black Americans in shaping the nation’s freedoms,” the commission said […] Staff Chicks On The Right

GREAT NEWS! Israel and the UAE are working together to end the United Nation’s perpetual ‘Palestinian refugee’ welfare agency

United Arab Emirates, fed up with funding the never-ending welfare sinkhole called UNRWA reportedly is considering allowing the UN agency for so-called ‘Palestinian refugees’ to gradually disappear. In 1948, Arab Muslim residents were ordered by the Arab world to leave the newly created state of Israel, promising that the five Arab armies would quickly defeat […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

SHOCKER! Muslims speaking the truth about Muslims and their virulent, yet illogical hatred for the West

Egyptian TV host, Ibrahim Eissa, said in a December 20, 2020 show on Al-Hurra TV (U.S.) that it is a tragedy that many Muslims today blame the failures of the Islamic world on a Western conspiracy against Islam. He criticized Muslims who believe that Islam is being targeted by such a conspiracy and said that […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

MUSLIMS CALL IT “LOVE JIHAD” – But each year in Pakistan, more than 1,000 non-Muslim, underage girls are abducted, raped, and forced to convert to Islam

Neha loved the hymns that filled her church with music but lost the chance to sing last year when, at the age of 14, she was forcibly converted from Christianity to Islam and married to a 45-year-old man with children twice her age. AP News  She tells her story in a voice so low it […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

Oh, BOO HOO! “We will die, we are treated like animals,” whine illegal alien Muslim invaders from Pakistan pretending to be refugees

Since when is Pakistan a war-torn country? More than 1,000 all male fake refugees claim to be stranded in a freezing, burned-out camp in Bosnia, the fire likely set by the Muslim invaders themselves. Now they are begging for food and sleeping bags from the Red Cross. BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

WELL… you knew this was coming! Muslims capitalize on the COVID-19 mask protocols

South Dakota Voices For Justice, a Muslim advocacy group, demanded a mask mandate in Sioux Falls, and the City Council quickly submitted. Sadly, just like many other times, Muslims make demands and get their way. The Sioux Falls City Council voted 6-2 to approve the mask mandate. Sounds just ike what Joe Biden wants to force […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

SERBIA: Illegal alien Muslim invaders go on a rampage and humiliate Serbian female worker when she accidentally steps on an Islamic prayer rug

At the Muslim invader camp, located in Bogovađa, Serbia, one of the Muslims laid his prayer rug in the corridor of the facility which caused a 34-year-old employee of the Serbian High Commissioner for Refugees to accidentally step on it so she could pass by him. GatesofVienna This caused the Muslim freeloaders at the camp […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

Australian Government proposes law to fine people $110,000 for online posts that “menace, harass, or offend”

The Australian Federal Government has introduced a new bill that would give them the power to financially ruin anyone for posting content online that’s deemed “offensive.” (Gee, I can see Muslims jumping on this bill to use against anyone who criticizes Islam online) CaldronPool (h/t Marvin W) The Online Safety Bill will make it illegal to post […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM


In France, nothing says ‘Happy New Year’ like the annual Muslim tradition of torching as many cars as possible in the streets of Paris. In some years, it’s been well over 1,000 cars. For several years now, French media have been banning stories, videos, and photos of the annual New Year’s Eve car torchings by […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

Police Chief Who Did Nothing as BLM Ripped Down Statue Honoured with Medal

The police chief who stood back and did nothing as Black Lives Matter activists ripped down a historic statue in Bristol, England, during lockdown has received a medal in the New Year Honours. Jack Montgomery Breitbart

Up to Half of Health Care Workers in Parts of California Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

Up to half of health care workers in some parts of California are refusing to take the coronavirus vaccine, despite scientific evidence that it is safe, leading to a potential surplus of doses and renewed questions about the system for allocating them. Joel B. Pollak Breitbart

Venezuela's Maduro Pledges to Build 200 Socialist-Run 'Communes' in 2021

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro pledged Wednesday to construct 200 socialist-run "communes" over the course of 2021. Ben Kew Breitbart

NBA to Require Players to Wear Sensors for Contact Tracing

The NBA's fight to prevent the spread of the coronavirus amongst their players and staff has just escalated. Dylan Gwinn Breitbart

De Blasio: 'We're Going to Vaccinate 1 Million New Yorkers in the Month of January'

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday said his city has a goal for coronavirus vaccinations in January: vaccinate 1 million New Yorkers. Trent Baker Breitbart

2020 Tally: At Least 400 Murders in Democrat-Controlled Houston

At least 400 people were murdered in Mayor Sylvester Turner's (D) Houston, Texas, in 2020.  AWR Hawkins Breitbart