
Showing posts from February, 2021

Fighting Back Against Corporate Oligarchs

B ig Tech has amassed historically unprecedented levels of wealth power by selling American’s personal information in return for “free” access to their respective sites. In short, instead of Americans paying for product, Americans are the product, to the point where they are being tracked and data-mined 24/7/365, at levels of intrusion that make George Orwell’s Big Brother seem benign by comparison. Arnold Ahlert CanadaFreePress.Com

Bait and Switch?

I s the most audacious bait and switch operation in history is happening right before our eyes?  Before the end of President Donald Trump’s term in office, Speaker Pelosi was working like a little beaver trying to get her ducks in order for a 25th Amendment move on the Presidency.  The media, of course, made the assumption she was trying to make a move on President Trump.  Even San Fran Nan knew no such effort would possibly succeed. Steve Rossiter CanadaFreePress.Com

Now's Our Chance To Create Public School Alternatives

COVID has helped parents see how deeply corrupt America's public schools are -- so now is the time to change the system. American Thinker

Joe Biden's Embrace of Fallacious Critical Race Theory

After Anthony Burgess's clockwork orange," this can be called a "clockwork black." American Thinker

How Politics is Making Power Failures the Norm

Modern society is heavily dependent on electric power, yet the power system is and always has been a fragile thing. American Thinker

The Federal Reserve Is Taking Us into Uncharted and Deadly Waters

Nothing in U.S. history matches the radical acceleration into the abyss being pushed upon us now. American Thinker

The Founders Saw It Coming

T he founding fathers of the United States of America had a profound understanding of human nature. They fully understood that human nature and human nature alone could lead to the downfall of their dream of the best possible form of government the world had ever known. In their own words: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” ~ Benjamin Franklin “A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government.” ~ Alexander Hamilton Steve Rossiter CanadaFreePress.Com

My Own American Heartbreak

F or many, myself included, the American Dream became nightmarish since last year’s entry into pandemic policy repercussions. Last year’s national First Shutdown, subsequent city, county and state shutdowns, in addition to other restrictions, leave millions wondering how will they maintain an increasingly tenuous grip on solvency… and sanity. Unpaid bills raining down on heads from coast to coast hit harder than punches from an MMA champion. Nadra Enzi CanadaFreePress.Com

Living with Honor – Or Not

H onor is a word that isn’t used much in contemporary society.  Some may even consider the use of the word to be old-fashioned or unrealistic.  So, what exactly is honor? Honor involves the courage to do what is right no matter what the circumstances.  “Doing the right thing” often requires some form of personal sacrifice, such as leaving an established career to join (or rejoin) the military after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on American soil. Sherry Knight Rossiter CanadaFreePress.Com

Defeating COVID Test Fraud: Memo to Lawyers and Clients

A s I’ve detailed in my current series of articles on the COVID PCR test fraud, the test is run in cycles. Each cycle is a quantum leap of magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient. When the test is run at 35 cycles or higher, the result is meaningless. Millions of those results are false-positives. The patient is falsely told he is “infected.” Jon Rappoport CanadaFreePress.Com

The Establishment GOP Still Does Not Understand the Patriot Movement...and Never Will

Anything less than maintaining a patriot mandate will not bode well politically for the current Republican leadership. American Thinker

The Democrats Are Not Governing

The Democrats have no interest in governing the country with the aim of enhancing the country’s fortunes for the benefit of the entire population. American Thinker

Washington State School Forces Kids Into “Band Pods” Over COVID Fear…

I saw this initially a day ago and thought it was a joke. Turns out it wasn’t. Rob Weasel Zippers

Your Kids Would Be Better Off Feral Than Going To Schools That Make Them Anti-American Racists

State-sponsored instruction that makes your child a dogmatic racist relativist is not worth any benefit you feel schools give in return. Not a single one. Being Mowgli would be better. Joy Pullmann Conservative Review

Facebook announces $1 billion investment in news industry over the next 3 years

The social media platform added that it has invested $600 million into the news industry since 2018. Ari Hoffman Conservative Review

‘Blessings Of Liberty’: How ‘The Equality Act’ Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You

According to the Equality Act, religious nurses, doctors, and hospitals unwilling to kill an unborn child or perform a sex-change surgery could be legally discriminating. Christopher Bedford Conservative Review

‘A Brewing Crisis’: Biden Faces ‘Worsening Dilemma’ Over ‘Warehousing Kids’ At The Southern Border, Report Says

A new report released late on Wednesday found that the Biden administration is in custody of hundreds of children who were apprehended entering the U.S. without their parents at the southern border. “The current backup is yet another sign of a brewing crisis for President Biden — and a worsening dilemma for these vulnerable children. […] Ryan Saavedra Conservative Review

The ‘Equality Act’ Destroys Religious Liberty: Here’s What You Need To Know

During the campaign trail, Joe Biden stated that the Equality Act would be one of his legislative objectives during the first 100 days of his presidency. Today, the House of Representatives voted to pass the bill. After it was introduced by House Democrats last week, Biden said, “I urge Congress to swiftly pass this historic […] Ian Haworth Conservative Review

Student Suspended From Education Program For Saying, ‘A Man Is A Man, A Woman Is A Woman’

A New York university has suspended an education student from mandatory teaching programs for posting Instagram videos expressing conservative ideology. State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo sent an email to education student Owen Stevens placing him on suspension from his field teaching programs after his peers uncovered videos of him preaching conservative dogma. The […] Chrissy Clark Conservative Review

Official Oreo Twitter account roasted after tweeting trans activism message

The Nabisco brand of sandwich cookies, Oreo, has become woke capital personified. In a post on Thursday, the cookie brand posted: “Trans people exist” in an act of performative wokeness. Ian Miles Cheong Conservative Review

Local DC news outlet suggests Capitol rioters should not have right to legal defense

The local Washington D.C. news outlet WUSA9 suggested in a tweet Thursday that the American public should be upset that the Capitol rioters' legal defense is being paid for by tax dollars. Matthew Miller Conservative Review

Biden dodges question about his promise to deliver $2,000 stimulus checks

President Joe Biden refused to answer a reporter's question Thursday regarding his prior promise to send out $2,000 relief checks to Americans "immediately," checks that still haven't been delivered. Matthew Miller Conservative Review

Sweeping LGBT Bill Passes House, GOP Lawmaker Vows To Fight ‘In The Courts And Beyond’ If It Becomes Law

The House passed sweeping reforms to the Civil Rights Act on Thursday, enshrining broad mandates regarding the treatment of LGBT people. The House passed the Equality Act in a 224-206 vote. The Democratic caucus voted unanimously in favor of the bill along with three Republican House members who sided with the Democrats against the rest […] Tim Pearce Conservative Review

Lets Us Put an End to the Corona Pandemic Hoax

“There exists an unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It is outrageous, this is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting society.” This is what top Canadian pathologist and virologist Dr Roger Hodkinson told Canadian government officials about Corona back in late November 2020 during a Zoom conference call (1). And … Continue reading Lets Us Put an End to the Corona Pandemic Hoax → Geopolitics101 Covert Geopolitics

Zero Carbon – Zero Covid: Twin Phantoms of “Planetary Genocide”?

Within the control system’s Davos engineered programme called Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, are some striking cohabitating toxic agendas. The one I wish to highlight in this article is the Zero Carbon ‘stop climate change’ goal – and the Zero Covid ‘stop the world pandemic’ goal. The supposed aim of both the above programmes is to … Continue reading Zero Carbon – Zero Covid: Twin Phantoms of “Planetary Genocide”? → Geopolitics101 Covert Geopolitics

More Than 500 Evangelicals, Other Faith Leaders Condemn Religion at Insurrection as 'Heretical'

More than 500 evangelical pastors and other faith leaders have signed an open letter decrying "radicalized Christian nationalism," arguing that the religious expressions by insurrectionists during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol are "heretical" and a "perversion of the Christian faith." The letter, which was organized by several Christian groups, including the liberal-leaning evangelical group Vote Common Good, decries those who invoked their religious beliefs—especially Christian iterations that skewed toward evangelicalism— while attacking the U.S. Capitol. "We know from experts on radicalization that one of the key elements is a belief that your actions are 'blessed by God' and ordained by your faith. This is what allows so many people who hold to a Christian Nationalism view to be radicalized," the letter reads. The letter says its signers feel compelled to condemn such expressions, "just as many Muslim lead

Bernie Sanders Slams Israel for Not Sending Vaccines to Palestinians (It Did)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has slammed Israel for sending COVID-19 vaccines to overseas allies before sending them to the Palestinians, even though Jerusalem has sent Ramallah far more vaccines than any other foreign nation. Deborah Brand Breitbart

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim

America's three most prominent networks--ABC, NBC, and CBS--ignored any mention of sexual harassment claims against Gov. Andrew Cuomo during their evening news programs Wednesday. CNN and MSNBC also declined to address the scandal. Wendell Husebo Breitbart

Franklin Graham: Equality Act ‘Smokescreen’ Has 'Nothing to Do’ with Equality

Prominent evangelical pastor Franklin Graham has blasted the so-called Equality Act, insisting that it is a “smokescreen to force Americans to accept the LGBTQ agenda.” Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. Breitbart

Dr. Michelle Cretella: Transgender 'Equality' Act Would Cancel ‘Do No Harm’ Physicians

Dr. Michelle Cretella, the executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, warned the Equality Act would give federal approval to the “cancellation” of physicians and mental health professionals who believe, “first, do no harm.” Dr. Susan Berry Breitbart

Oreo Cookie Brand Declares 'Trans People Exist' as Anti-1A ‘Equality Act' Works Through Congress

The official Twitter account of Nabisco's Oreo shared a post merely saying "Trans people exist" on Thursday, the day the House of Representatives passed the anti-First Amendment "Equality Act."  Joshua Caplan Breitbart

China: Our Concentration Camps Are Just Like U.S. ‘Community Correction Centers’

Chinese state media continued its efforts to deflect criticism of human rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang province on Wednesday, as the state-run Xinhua news service wrote a furious editorial denouncing all accounts of oppression against the Uyghurs as a “string of lies” fabricated by “anti-China forces in the West.” John Hayward Breitbart

3 House Republicans Voted for 'Equality Act,' Permitting Men to Compete in Female Sports

Three Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the Equality Act on Thursday. Reps. John Katko (R-NY), Tom Reed (R-NY), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) voted to ensure "sexual orientation and gender identity are included among protected classes — without protection for religious objections." Wendell Husebo Breitbart

A “Biblical” Invasion Of Locusts Threatens To Cause Widespread Famine In The Horn Of Africa

The locusts are back, and they are hungry.  Last year, an unprecedented plague of locusts devastated crops in eastern Africa, across the Middle East and throughout much of Asia.  Many were hoping that it would just be a one year phenomenon, but now the locusts have returned and one British news source is using the world “biblical” to describe this second wave.  At this moment, the Horn of Africa is being hit the hardest, and the UN is warning that this new infestation “threatens the livelihoods of more than 39 million people” … According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the next generation of locusts threatens the livelihoods of more than 39 million people in Ethiopia, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Kenya. Over recent months, the pests have been combated on 1.3 million hectares of land in the Horn of Africa. However, in northern and central Kenya, more than 15 districts, including many new areas, have already been severely affected by the second wave of locusts. Arou

The “Everything Collapse” Continues: One-Third Of All Freshwater Fish Are Facing Extinction

It isn’t just the economy that is collapsing.  We live at a time when our entire planet and all of the systems that it supports are in the process of failing.  There are many out there that believe that if we can just reduce global temperatures a bit that everything will be just fine, but that is a complete and utter fantasy.  The truth is that everything is collapsing because of our self-destructive behavior, and we won’t be altering that self-destructive behavior any time soon.  There are others that are in a state of denial about what is happening, and they continue to promote the fairytale that everything is going to be just wonderful and that a new golden era of prosperity for humanity is right around the corner.  You have to be quite delusional to believe that sort of a narrative, but there are plenty of people that do. At this juncture, everyone should be able to see that the clock is ticking for our planet, and in this article I am going to share several examples that unders

4th paroxysm eruption in four days at Etna volcano in Italy – Last night explosion was strongest in decades (videos and pictures)

Last night’s eruptive episode of tall lava fountains, known as paroxysm, turned out to be one of the most impressive and powerful in recent years. Not only did it produce higher fire fountains than usually, but also it lasted longer than most other paroxysms. Around 10:30 p.m. local time, volcanic tremor and strombolian activity from […] The post 4th paroxysm eruption in four days at Etna volcano in Italy – Last night explosion was strongest in decades (videos and pictures) appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

The solar wind is here and a CME is coming – Now watch up for vivid auroras

For the 3rd day in a row, a fast-moving stream of solar wind is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field. Over the weekend bright pink auroras appeared around the Arctic Circle. Additional displays are possible tonight as the solar wind continues to blow faster than 500 km/s. A CME is coming A dark filament of magnetism snaking across the sun’s […] The post The solar wind is here and a CME is coming – Now watch up for vivid auroras appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

The true Great Reset: Magnetic Pole Shift and Solar Minimum

As featured on Electroverse, even the Guardian has awoken to the “cataclysmic” threat that is the combo of low solar activity and a weakening magnetic field: “The flipping of the Earth’s magnetic poles together with a drop in solar activity 42,000 years ago could have generated an apocalyptic environment that lead to the extinction of […] The post The true Great Reset: Magnetic Pole Shift and Solar Minimum appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

The NY Times recalls an outbreak of PCR lies

T his article is part of a current series of pieces I’m posting—-with the purpose of exposing the PCR fraud. The war against humanity relies on this test. If the test falls, the whole official COVID narrative dissolves in front of our eyes. You can perform a valuable service by spreading this information far and wide. NY Times, January 22, 2007, “Faith in Quick Tests Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.” Jon Rappoport CanadaFreePress.Com

The War on Trump

T he leftist NAACP, which never met a conservative it didn’t consider to be a racist hatemonger, is suing former President Donald Trump using an obscure law that was wielded against the Democratic Party-affiliated terrorists of the Ku Klux Klan who murdered blacks and their Republican enemies after the Civil War. The Ku Klux Klan Act is an unusual tool to pull from a cobweb-covered chest of old laws nobody knew were still in existence. President Ulysses S. Grant (he’s the guy on the $50 bill, millennials!) used the statute to declare martial law, penalize terrorist organizations, and use military force to suppress the KKK after the Civil War. Matthew Vadum CanadaFreePress.Com

Understanding the Texas Energy Predicament

T exas is being hit with record temperatures and escalating energy prices as cold weather has caused over 4 million customers to be without power and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the state’s independent system operator which manages about 90 percent of the state’s electric load, has found itself unprepared for the onslaught, losing wind turbines to icy conditions and gas lines to freezing temperatures. Furthermore, natural gas for heating homes and businesses is given priority over electrical generation and industrial supply needs, which limits natural gas supplies available to generating units. Institute for Energy Research CanadaFreePress.Com