
Showing posts from March, 2021

Woke Corporations Try To Blackmail Georgia For Passing Mild Election Security Reforms

Activists are pressuring corporations, businesses, and sports leagues to boycott Georgia after Gov. Brian Kemp signed select election reforms into law. Jordan Davidson The Federalist

Media Keeps Infantilizing Adult Women To Protect Their Power From Scrappy Competitors

The blue-check brigade is invoking a USA Today writer's sex as though it should prevent men from criticizing her work in public. Emily Jashinsky The Federalist

Heroin, Crack, You Name It — Washington State Supreme Court Just Legalized All Drug Possession

Under the guise of 'fixing' a dubious court ruling, Washington Democrats are poised to get the result they wanted all along: drug legalization. Jason Rantz The Federalist

WHO Investigator Admitted A Year Ago That Chinese Labs Manipulated Coronaviruses, Now Denies That Happened With COVID-19

In a recently uncovered February 2020 TV interview with World Health Organization (WHO) investigator Marion Koopmans, Koopmans states labs in China were manipulating coronaviruses before the pandemic Read More Evita Duffy The Federalist

Fauci Has No Idea What’s Going On In America, And That’s Just How We Might Beat Him

Just as the accusations and meltdowns of unstable people will grow louder as fewer of their neighbors live by their fears, so too will the warnings from Fauci and his allies grow in severity as fewer Americans live by their words. Christopher Bedford The Federalist

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. It's time to clean house. Joy Pullmann The Federalist

We Have Never Seen A Home Buying Frenzy Quite Like This

Could you imagine listing your home for sale and having nearly 100 offers in just three days?  This sort of thing is actually happening in hot real estate markets all over America right now.  Even though we are in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, we are witnessing a frenzy of home buying that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  Of course one of the biggest reasons why this is happening is because of the utterly insane economic policies of our leaders.  They have been creating, borrowing and spending money like there is no tomorrow, and that pushed M1 from 4 trillion dollars to 18 trillion dollars in just 12 months .  All of that money had to go somewhere, and one place where it is showing up is in home prices in desirable rural and suburban locations around the country. For example, a “fixer-upper” in a desirable suburban community outside of Washington D.C. was listed for sale on a recent Thursday for $275,000.  On Sun

Biden’s Humanitarian Disaster At The Border

The Democrats are to solely to blame for the crisis at the border. Biden is to blame for the border crisis In his desperation to reject all things Trump, Joe Biden has created a humanitarian disaster.The recent surge of illegal immigrants at the US-Mexico border has reached a crisis point. By: Sean Collins, Spiked, 26th March 2021: At the current pace, about two million people from Mexico and Central America will be apprehended this year. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of Houston, the US’s fourth largest city. The numbers are likely to reach levels not seen since two decades ago. It’s not really the scale of illegal immigration per se that has caused this crisis – it’s that the Biden administration and border-enforcement authorities were completely unprepared. Now they are overwhelmed. The most acute humanitarian problem is the arrival of thousands of unaccompanied children, whose numbers have skyrocketed since  Joe Biden  entered the White Hou

Theater of the Absurd: ‘Cinderella’ Production Canceled for Being Too White

You’ve heard of theatre of the absurd? Well, here’s some more: the Daily Wire reported Friday that “a Minnesota suburban theater canceled its production of ‘Cinderella,’ citing that the cast had too many white actors.” Whiteness is the root of all evil these days, and Minnesota, what with its winsome Rep. Ilhan Omar , is a national epicenter of white shame, but this is over the top even for the Hating Whitey industry. According to the Daily Wire, “Chanhassen Dinner Theatres  announced  on its website that the production of ‘Cinderella’ was not aligned with its current diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Instead of recasting the production to include more people of color, the theater opted to nix the production entirely.” Now wait a minute. “Hamilton” was just a huge hit on Broadway with a predominantly non-white cast, and the intelligentsia was thrilled. So why not win a few Social Credit points by casting a few “people of color” in key roles in “Cinderella,” rather than f

Former CDC director says COVID-19 likely came from lab: ‘I’m allowed to have opinions now’

Unleashed upon the whole world with the Democrat patty running interference for the CCP. Former CDC director says COVID-19 likely came from lab: ‘I’m allowed to have opinions now’ ‘I am a virologist. I have spent my life in virology’ By: Douglas Ernst , Washington Times, March 27, 2021: Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, left CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta stunned on Friday after saying COVID-19 likely escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. The interview marked the first time he has shared his personal thoughts on the origins of the deadly virus, which John Hopkins University data attributes to more than 2.7 million global deaths. “That’s my own view,” he told the CNN host. “It’s only an opinion. I’m allowed to have opinions now.” The network noted that Wuhan is a “widely known center for viral studies in China, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has experimented — extensively — with bat coronaviruse

Communist China Party Outlines Detailed Plan to Defeat US, Including Manipulating Elections

Aided and abetted by the Democrat party of treason. Make no mistake, the Chinese could never achieve their malevolent goals without the enthusiastic support of the party of hate. “The multi-pronged strategy involves a range of malign actions to subvert the United States while strengthening the Chinese regime. They include: interfering in U.S. elections, controlling the American market, cultivating global enemies to challenge the United States, stealing American technology, expanding Chinese territory, and influencing international organizations.” CCP Adviser Outlined Detailed Plan to Defeat US, Including Manipulating Elections By Nicole Hao and Cathy He , Epcoh Times, March 26, 2021: A leading Chinese professor—who is also an adviser to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—laid out a comprehensive plan for the communist regime to overthrow the United States as the world’s superpower. The professor’s multi-pronged strategy involves a range of malign actions to subvert th

CHILLING: New York City Ends Immunity For Police Officers, Becoming 1st In Nation To Do So

What cop is going to risk it? New York City is finished. The streets are deserted and dangerous. It’s sinking under the weight of the democrat party of hate. New York City Ends Qualified Immunity For Police Officers, Becoming 1st In Nation To Do So By CBS, March 26, 2021: NEW YORK — The New York City Council voted Thursday to end qualified immunity for police officers. The decades-old protection has prevented officers from being sued or liable for misconduct.New York is now the first city in the country to end qualified. The measure was passed as part of a package of police reform bills.   Critics argued scrapping the protection will make officers less aggressive in fighting crime, if they have to worry about lawsuits. City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, however, said it “has been used to deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades.” “Rooted in our nation’s history of systemic racism, qualified immunity denied Freedom Riders justice and has b

Fake News CNN loses nearly 50% of its target audience during primetime hours since Trump left office

Good. Americans must not watch this trash network. CNN ratings are dramatically down since Trump left office. The network lost nearly 50% of its target audience during primetime hours By Business Insider, March 27, 2021 CNN has seen ratings plummet since former President Donald Trump left the White House, according to a  Fox News  report on  Nielsen Media Research  data. The network averaged 2.5 million primetime viewers between the day after the election— November 4, 2020 — and Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021, Fox News reported. Since President Joe Biden was sworn in, however, those numbers have dropped dramatically. An average of 1.6 million viewers tuned in during primetime hours between January 21 and March 15, Fox News said.  That’s a downturn of 36% since Biden took office. Primetime viewers also ditched CNN in the period between December 28 through to January 20. The network hemorrhaged almost half (49%) of its primetime viewers, Fox News reported. An average

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan WARNS Biden: Taliban ‘Will Be Compelled To Defend Islam And Homeland And Continue Its Jihad And Armed Struggle’

Biden is about to get a crash course in Islam. Afghan Taliban Organization Warns President Biden It ‘Will Be Compelled To Defend Its Religion [Islam] And Homeland And Continue Its Jihad And Armed Struggle’ If U.S. Troops Do Not Leave Afghanistan By May 1st MEMRI , May 29, 2021: President Bident, speaking on March 25, 2021, said that the U.S. will be leaving Afghanistan, but it will be hard to meet the May 1 deadline for getting troops out for “tactical reasons.” He added: “It is not my intention to stay there for a long time. The question is how and under what circumstances do we meet that agreement that was made by President [Donald] Trump. To be under a deal that looks like it is not able to be worked out to begin with…” Reacting to President Biden’s statement, the Islamic Emirate, which has always seen the Doha agreement as a victory, warned that if “all” foreign troops do not leave by the deadline, it will continue the jihad and armed struggle in Afghanistan. The

Taiwan reports largest ever incursion by Chinese air force

Now that the deterrence of President Trump is gone, the Chinese Communist Party is on the move. “The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.” Ayn Rand. Biden is ‘weak’ and an ’embarrassment’ on China: Trump | Sky News Australia No shit! China saw that “Press Conference” yesterday and figured they had nothing to fear anymore. — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 27, 2021 Taiwan reports largest ever incursion by Chinese air force By Reuters , March 26 Twenty Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone on Friday, in the largest incursion yet reported by the island’s defence ministry and marking a dramatic escalation of tension across the Taiwan Strait. The island’s defence ministry said the air force deployed missiles to “monitor” the incursion int

Report: Boulder Jihadi Laughed While Opening Fire And KILLING Innocents: “He’s Laughing At Us.”

Democrat sharia-compliant media is ignoring this, all of Boulder mass murder forthat matter, in the cause of Islamic supremacism. Related: Islamic State (ISIS), Al-Qaeda Supporters Celebrate Boulder, Colorado Shooting Vicious USA Today ‘race and inclusion’ editor FIRED for controversial tweet about Boulder shooting Report: Boulder Jihad Mass Murderer Swore Allegiance to Islamic State, Targeted ‘Jewish store’ Feds raid Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa’s family home in Colorado after Boulder jihad massacre Kamala Harris’ Niece Deletes Tweets Blaming White Man for Boulder Slaughter After Suspect is Identified As Syrian Muslim Migrant Boulder jihad mass murderer had planned to hit Trump rally, also targeted churches and temples Boulder Jihad Mass Murderer Is Muslim Migrant Who Was Known To F.B.I. Biden calls on Senate to pass GUN CONTROL ‘immediately’ after Boulder jihad mass murders but remains silent on religious motive Brother of Boulder Jihad Mass Murderer Detai

Video shows horrifying moment woman’s nose is sliced off in ‘random attack’ as she worked in NYC boutique

Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio’s anti-police policies have been disastrous for New York City. New York City is seeing the worst crime it has seen in decades. G-d help us. Democrats are destroying our cities, and now with this stolen election, the country. Related – Violence adds to NYC’s 2020 death toll, with 97% jump in shootings and 45% increase in murders — criminal carnage not seen in 14 years  CHILLING: New York City Ends Immunity For Police Officers, Becoming 1st In Nation To Do So Video shows horrifying moment woman’s nose is sliced off in ‘random attack’ as she worked in NYC boutique By 911 , March 28, 2021 The  NYPD  is looking for a man who walked into a Washington Heights, Manhattan fashion boutique and slashed an employee’s face last Friday. T he horrific attack was caught on surveillance video. The incident happened at  Steph’s Designs  on Audubon Avenue around 3:30 p.m. local time. The unidentified suspect entered the business, asked the 22-year-old vic

This Government Is Rapidly Moving America to Socialism

(OPINION) CBN – There are many warnings that progressive policies could rapidly move America towards socialism and away from certain liberties and a free market society. These signals of socialist-like moves became louder as Democrats won the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress. In  Socialists Don’t Sleep , Cheryl Chumley literally wrote the book on these threats. She sees the signs in the new administration, especially President Biden taking unilateral control rapidly through executive orders. Continue reading This Government Is Rapidly Moving America to Socialism at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Russian, Syrian, and Iraqi immigrants are all traveling to Mexico to cross border…

( DM ) – The Biden administration is spending $3 million dollars a day to house migrants at a detention center in Dilley, Texas, where the number of people from Russia and the Middle East crossing the border from Mexico is growing at an alarming rate, has learned. Even more alarming, officials are being forced to ‘catch and release’ undocumented immigrants without properly vetting them, according to an official at the facility. Continue reading Russian, Syrian, and Iraqi immigrants are all traveling to Mexico to cross border… at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

UPDATE: NIKE files lawsuit over Lil Nas X ‘Satan Shoes’ with human blood in soles…

( NBC ) – Nike filed a federal trademark infringement lawsuit Monday against the company that released a controversial customized version of its sneakers in collaboration with the rapper Lil Nas X. The “Old Town Road” artist worked with MSCHF to release “Satan Shoes” on Monday. The sneakers are modified Nike Air Max 97s — decorated with a pentagram pendant and a reference to Luke 10:18, a Bible verse about Satan’s fall from heaven. Continue reading UPDATE: NIKE files lawsuit over Lil Nas X ‘Satan Shoes’ with human blood in soles… at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

An Identity Politics-Obsessed Military Will Eventually Put Pregnant Women In War Zones

It costs $5 to $11 million to train a military pilot. About 10 percent of female Air Force pilots are pregnant at any given time. How does this best serve taxpayers and American defense? Elaine Donnelly Conservative Review

Dem Sen. Murphy: 'I Think We Have a Chance' to Get 60 Votes on Gun Legislation

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he thinks there is a chance to get the 60 votes required in the U.S. Senate to pass a gun bill. Pam Key Breitbart

Graham: 'Sick' that Biden Is Playing the 'Race Card Continuously in Such a Hypocritical Way'

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on this week's broadcast of "Fox News Sunday" accused President Joe Biden of playing "the race card continuously in such a hypocritical way." Pam Key Breitbart

Fauci Warns Parents about Children Playing Together Without Masks

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" that children should be wearing masks while "interacting with groups from multiple households." Pam Key Breitbart

Iowa Poll: Plurality Supports School Bathroom Use Matching Birth Gender

A plurality of Iowans supports requiring students to use bathrooms according to one's birth gender regardless of their gender identity, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll. Katherine Rodriguez Breitbart

Poll: Almost 60 Percent of Adults Oppose Biden's Border Chaos

Three out of five Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden's handling of the migration crisis at the southern border, according to an Ipsos poll for ABC. Neil Munro Breitbart

Could The US Ban Guns? Australia Tried Something Pretty Close

Could The US Ban Guns? Australia Tried Something Pretty Close Authored by Peter Suciu via, American supporters of  gun control  point to Australia as a fine “solution” to stop mass shootings, gang violence, and even suicides. Firearms are strictly regulated in the “Land Down Under” and all firearms license applicants are required to take a safety course, while they must also show a “genuine reason” for owning a firearm. Self-defense isn’t a valid reason either. Why Australia Changed Its Approach on Firearms Australia instituted these strict laws following the April 1996 mass shooting  at Port Arthur , in which gunman Martin Bryant took the lives of thirty-five people using an AR-10 semi-automatic  rifle . Bryant’s motivation was reportedly based on the failure to buy a bed and breakfast property but also to become “notorious.” The shooting outraged the nation, and soon Australia introduced comprehensive gun control. It was le

Here Come The Global Vaccine Passports

Here Come The Global Vaccine Passports Vaccination passports are being called the new "golden ticket" needed for global travel - and the hospitality industries that benefit - now that the recovery is on its way. Countries like Greece, who get a sizeable share of their country's GDP from tourism, are looking forward to welcoming back visitors. Greece will re-open itself to visitors on May 14, Bloomberg noted last week, but will require either a vaccination, proof of recovery from the virus of a negative test before departing for the country.  Those who require tourism for their livelihoods are ready to move on. Rental boat operator Panagiotis Mastoras said: “It’s the safest way. We’ve reached a point where it can’t go on like this.” Greece is leading the way in pushing for vaccine passports - usually taking the form of certificates or digital cards - an idea that is also catching on in tourist nations like Thailand and the Caribbean. For busi

Watch: Two Teenage Girls Carjack And Kill An Uber Driver; CNN Calls It An Accident

Watch: Two Teenage Girls Carjack And Kill An Uber Driver; CNN Calls It An Accident Authored by Sara Carter via, An Uber Eats driver was killed by two young teenage girls in Washington D.C. after they carjacked his vehicle last Tuesday on March 23, in one of the most shockingly horrifying videos posted on Twitter. What was even more shocking was that CNN called it an accident and now people are calling out the cable network on its decision to use the term to describe the incident, which was caught on video. They murdered an Uber Eats driver in DC. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 27, 2021 It is clear that it was no accident . The teenagers took off at high speed with the while the desperate driver was hanging onto his driver’s side door. He had been begging for them to get out. He was eventually thrust from the vehicle into a wall and the National Guard on the street attempted to clear the area. The

Dartmouth-Brown Study Documents Media's Stoking "Vicious Circle Of Fear" On COVID

Dartmouth-Brown Study Documents Media's Stoking "Vicious Circle Of Fear" On COVID Authored by Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities, If you’ve felt the media has heavily emphasized bad news throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, your judgment now has some scholarly corroboration. Dartmouth College and Brown University researchers have analyzed tens of thousands of Covid-19 articles and found major US media outlets have overwhelmingly pushed negative narratives about the virus . "The most striking fact is that 87 percent of the U.S. stories are classified as negative, whereas 51 percent of the non-US stories are classified as negative," according to the  study  by Dartmouth economics professor Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth’s Ranjan Sehgal and Brown University’s Molly Cook. Thwarting Public Clarity About Covid-19 Though the study doesn’t delve deep into the societal implications, there’s little doubt excessive media negativity has contr