
Showing posts from September, 2021

At Least 30 Killed During Overnight Massacre in Nigeria

09/28/2021 Nigeria (International Christian Concern)  – According to Sahara Reporters, gunmen suspected to be Fulani Militants attacked Madamai and Abun villages in Kaduna state on Sunday night, killing over 30 people. “Gunmen suspected to be Fulani herdsmen were said to have invaded the villages and fired gunshots indiscriminately ,” a source told the news agency.  “No less than 15 houses were burnt by the attackers”. “The incident comes a few hours after one person was killed, while several others sustained injuries in an attack at Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA),” continued the report. “The gunmen were said to have attacked worshippers during the Sunday morning service.” On December 7 th , The U.S. State Department added Nigeria to their list of Countries of Particular Concern for tolerating “ systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom.”  Please pray for peace in Nigeria, and for the Lord to comfort those grieving the loss of loved ones due to v

Radical Hindu Nationalists Burn Four Christian Homes in India

Incident Sparks Memories of India’s Worst Incident of Christian Persecution 09/28/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that four Christian homes were set on fire by radical Hindu nationalists in the Kandhamal District of India’s Odisha State. Local Christians report that the homes were attacked after the Christian owners refused to recant their faith and continued to fetch water from the village well. The tensions between Christians and Hindus began earlier this month when the Christians of Ladamila village were banned from using the village well. Village leaders, influenced by anti-Christian activists, claimed that this was a just punishment for the Christians refusing to recant their faith. On September 17, Christian women were harassed and abused by a mob of reportedly 15 radical Hindu nationalists as they attempted to use the village well. Later, the Christian f

Bloody Sunday Night: 44 Christians Killed by Militant Fulani

09/28/2021 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – Forty-four Christians have been confirmed killed in coordinated nighttime attacks on Sunday, September 26 in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Communities in Madamai and Abun communities under Malagun in Kaura local government area of Kaduna state were among those attacked. ICC contacts personally counted thirty bodies. Gunmen also attacked a church in Kachia District on Sunday, killing one worshiper and seriously wounding several others. In total, three separate communities were attacked that evening. Government troops did respond, coming under fire before successfully pushing the attackers out of the villages. In March 2014, over 200 people were killed when three villages were attacked by suspected Fulani militants in Bondong District of Kaura local government area of Kaduna state. “What happened last night in my dear village of Madamai in Kagoro chiefdom was an inhuman attack,” said Awan Nehemiah, a local. “The attackers killed mo

Canadian doctor says that the unvaccinated should be completely denied medical care

H ippocratic oath be damned. Canadian doctor says that the unvaccinated should be completely denied an ICU and medical care for ANY injury or sickness, even if not COVID. Unvaxxed and in a car wreck? You’re on your own with this doctor. News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Swiss take to the streets in the thousands to protest health pass

S wiss take to the streets in the thousands to protest the health pass. Met with water cannons and rubber bullets News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Biden's IRS bank account snooping plan faces mounting opposition

B anks are pushing back against a proposal from the Biden administration that could force them to turn over customers’ account information to the Internal Revenue Service. Under the plan, banks and other financial institutions would be required to annually report customers’ account inflows and outflows of $600 or more to the IRS. The White House has estimated the policy, which would apply to bank, loan and investment accounts, could generate about $463 billion in additional revenue over the next decade. Fox News CanadaFreePress.Com

Congressman Dr. Paul Gosar: Hospitals are covering up Vaccine Injury reports to VAERS

C ongressman Paul Gosar Drafts Letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Following Project Veritas Investigation Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) has sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] demanding a “full review of all HHS health care systems nationally to ensure full compliance with vaccine injury reporting laws including reporting all adverse events occurring after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.” News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Australia Police Goes Door to Door

A trio of Australian police officers visited a man claiming they are doing “welfare checks” to ask residents if they plan on participating in the ongoing protests against COVID-19 mitigation efforts. The man in this video was asked if he has plans or if he knows anyone who has plans to protest and if he has participated in protests in the past. “Have you gone to any protest in the past?” the policeman asked. News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Overwhelming majority of college students say shouting down a speaker is acceptable: survey

Survey ranks the 10 best and worst schools for free speech in 2021, according to students Sixty-six percent of college students think shouting down a speaker they disagree with is acceptable to shut down their talk, and another 23 percent believe violence can be used to cancel a speech, according to a wide-scale survey released this week. The 2021 College Free Speech Rankings, a follow-up on the... Source Katelynn Richardson - UNLV The College Fix

41 Kenyans died in Saudi Arabia the last nine months, push to ban exportation of domestic workers - Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

41 Kenyans died in Saudi Arabia the last nine months, push to ban exportation of domestic workers   Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Saudi Arabia - Google News

US House passes measure to end maintenance for Saudi aircraft targeting Yemen - Al-Monitor

US House passes measure to end maintenance for Saudi aircraft targeting Yemen   Al-Monitor Saudi Arabia - Google News

Florida Ready to Pull Investments from Unilever over Ben and Jerry's Decision

(Tampa Bay Times) Ash Williams, chief investment officer of the State Board of Administration, said Tuesday he anticipates Unilever will be added to Florida's list of "Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel," prohibiting state investments and contracts with the companies. The state has $139 million in holdings in Unilever and its subsidiaries. Unilever was advised of the state's position in July, and a 90-day period will end Oct. 26 for Ben & Jerry's to reverse its decision to stop selling ice cream in the West Bank. News Alert from Israel

Funding for Israel's Iron Dome Cut from U.S. Spending Bill

(New York Post) Juliegrace Brufke - A group of anti-Israel lawmakers forced the House Democratic leadership Tuesday to cut $1 billion for Israel's Iron Dome from a short-term government funding bill. The move prompted a call from Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), who reassured Lapid that the cut was a "technical postponement" and that the aid "will be transferred soon." Hoyer later announced that he would bring a stand-alone bill on funding the Iron Dome program to the House floor before the end of this week. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), chair of the House Appropriations Committee, said, "The United States must fully live up to our commitments to our friend and our ally, Israel." Moderate House Democrats slammed their colleagues for their anti-Israel stance. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) called removing the funding "irresponsible." "Iron Dome is a purely 'defensive'

The Immorality of Democratic "Progressives" Targeting Iron Dome

(Times of Israel) David Horovitz - Were it not for the astonishing Iron Dome missile defense system, the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group would have been able to reduce Israel's residential areas to rubble in recent years, rendering much of the country unlivable. In the May conflict alone, 1,500 rockets fired from Gaza were heading directly into Israeli civilian neighborhoods. In excess of 1,400 of them were knocked out of the sky by Iron Dome interceptors. In the decade since the system was first rushed into service, it has stopped thousands of rockets from killing and maiming Israelis. In the Obama era, the president helped ensure that funding for Iron Dome was approved with alacrity. That Democratic members of Congress today would even wish to prevent, never mind succeed in preventing, the smooth approval of funding for Iron Dome dismally underlines the immorality taking hold in areas of that party when it comes to Israel. Seeking to deny funds to Israel for Iron Do

Conscientious Objections to the COVID Vaccine Should Be Honored

The right of conscience is a basic right that comes with being human. As such it cannot be overridden simply because it would reduce risk. American Thinker

Bush and Milley Have Chosen Obama's False History of America

Bush and Milley are not alone, either, in forsaking "American exceptionalism." American Thinker

Let me ’Splain’ It for You

Why you are more likely to get infected today than months ago BECAUSE of the vaccine. American Thinker

The Great Reset of Beef Consumption

Globalists are promoting so-called "sustainability" programs that will raise beef prices so high that only the super-rich will be able to afford it. American Thinker

How Smart Are The Vaxxed?

If intelligence is measured by paying attention to data, their IQ points are probably lower than they think they are. American Thinker

"He's Still Sleeping": Elon Musk Takes Jab At President Biden One Week After Praising China

"He's Still Sleeping": Elon Musk Takes Jab At President Biden One Week After Praising China Is something rotten in the state of Elon Musk? We mean, even more than usual? Musk, who spent part of last week kissing the ass of the Chinese government , didn't have words quite as kind for U.S. President Joe Biden this week. Instead, after Musk's SpaceX completed a flight on Saturday, Musk took to Twitter to jab President Biden, who had not remarked on the company's accomplishments. Musk was asked: “The President of the United States has refused to even acknowledge the 4 newest American astronauts who helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for St. Jude. What’s your theory on why that is?” "He's still sleeping," Musk responded.  He’s still sleeping — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 19, 2021 Yeah, or he's reviewing how to deal with the hole in the U.S. Federal budget caused by years of offering incentiv

There is such a shortage of bus drivers that Massachusetts governor deploys state’s national guard to assist

Dozens of Massachusetts National Guard members will begin training Tuesday in four cities to alleviate the state’s bus driver shortage, Gov. Charlie Baker announced this week. According to NBC News, Baker’s order will send 90 Guard members to Chelsea, Lowell, Lawrence, and Lynn to serve as drivers, the governor announced in a statement Monday. “These Guard personnel will be available to serve as drivers of school transport vans known as 7D vehicles to address staffing shortages in certain districts,” the statement said. Continue reading There is such a shortage of bus drivers that Massachusetts governor deploys state’s national guard to assist at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

NFL’s Buffalo Bills will require fans to provide proof of vaccination to attend their games

The Buffalo Bills announced on Tuesday that their fans will need to have proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to attend games. According to TheHill, The team posted on Twitter that people entering the stadium for games on Sept. 26 and Oct. 3 will need to have at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Starting Oct. 31, fans will need to be fully vaccinated to enter Highmark Stadium. There is no option to present a negative coronavirus test. Continue reading NFL’s Buffalo Bills will require fans to provide proof of vaccination to attend their games at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

(VIDEO) Maskless toddler with asthma booted off American Airlines flight for violating “mask mandate”

The mother of an asthmatic two-year-old has slammed the “truly evil, power-tripping” attendant who removed her family from an American Airlines flight over mask compliance. Amanda Pendarvis and her young son, Waylon, were traveling from Dallas to Colorado on Monday when the flight attendant noticed the child was having trouble keeping his mask on. “He got on the intercom and to say to the entire plane, ‘I’m sorry for the delay but we are dealing with a non-compliant traveler,” Ms. Continue reading (VIDEO) Maskless toddler with asthma booted off American Airlines flight for violating “mask mandate” at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Wales ‘LGBTQ+ Action Plan’ may place pastors at risk of prosecution for ‘hate incident’

A proposed law in Wales could threaten the religious freedom of pastors and their ability to provide counseling to people with unwanted same-sex attractions, a Christian advocacy group has warned. The draft version of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales, published by the devolved government of Wales in July, seeks to ban “all aspects” of sexual orientation change efforts therapy, or what’s often derisively known as “conversion therapy.” While the plan states that its goal is to “improve the recognition of LGBTQ+ people” and “advance LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion,” some Christians fear it would restrict pastors’ ability to counsel their parishioners, and put them at risk of facing a hate crime charge if they share their biblically-based beliefs about human sexuality. Continue reading Wales ‘LGBTQ+ Action Plan’ may place pastors at risk of prosecution for ‘hate incident’ at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

The U.S. And China Are Closer To War Than Most Americans Would Dare To Imagine

(OPINION) Are we in danger of stumbling into a major military conflict? This week, a couple of startling revelations have really shaken up those that closely watch U.S. relations with China. The relationship between our two nations continues to deteriorate, and we are now closer to a war with China than we have ever been since the end of the Korean War. This is something that I have been warning about for a long time, and I am extremely alarmed by what has just been revealed. Continue reading The U.S. And China Are Closer To War Than Most Americans Would Dare To Imagine at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Does the AMA Really Care About Human Life?

The American Medical Association's responses to abortion and COVID leave much to be desired. American Thinker

If Government Concern for Your Health was Real (and not Political)...

Shall we trust the people who brought us Afghanistan to protect us well from every potential hazard? American Thinker

Self-medicating for COVID with Cheap Drugs

The “miracles” of modern medicine are often treatments that normal folks want to avoid. American Thinker

The Unsung Death of ‘My Body, My Choice’

Just 79 minutes after Harris breathed new life into it, President Joe Biden put the mantra out of its misery. American Thinker

The mysterious Georgia Guidestones and the Globalist plan to reduce humanity to half a billion

In the age of the Great Reset, it is time to have another look at another globalist project: the Georgia Guidestones, a set of commandments whose hour, it seems, has come. On a high hill in Elbert County, Georgia, stands a huge granite monument.  Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that […] The post The mysterious Georgia Guidestones and the Globalist plan to reduce humanity to half a billion appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

When Sharyl Attkisson exposed a phony epidemic; media blackout; CDC and Fauci told a lie the size of an aircraft carrier parked in Times Square

I wrote this article several years ago. I repost it now, because it goes to the credibility of the CDC, Fauci, and the monstrous stance of the medical establishment on epidemics. Over the last 30 years, I’ve documented many crimes of the CDC; this one is epic: I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization were hyping the “deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.” Jon Rappoport CanadaFreePress.Com

Grocery prices headed higher: Kroger

span class=“dropcap”>Grocery prices are headed higher later this year, according the U.S.’s largest supermarket by sales. Cincinnati-based Kroger Co., which had $132 billion in sales last year, says inflation is running hotter than management previously anticipated and that expectations are now for prices to rise 2% to 3% over the second half of this year. Fox News CanadaFreePress.Com

GOP congressman erupts at Blinken during Afghanistan hearing: 'We don't need to hear lies'

A GOP congressman erupted at Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his hearing in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, saying Congress does not “need to hear lies.” Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., who lost both legs while serving in Afghanistan, got into a heated exchange with Blinken as the congressman’s allotted time to question the secretary of state drew to a close. Fox News CanadaFreePress.Com

Chris Christie: Kamala Harris started the politicization of these vaccines

A s the Biden administration pushes a new vaccine mandate, Kamala Harris’ integrity is brought into question. She’s been taking heat for flip-flopping on vaccines from her run for vice president to now pushing for those mandates. During an interview on Sunday, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) said Harris has no one to blame but herself for many Americans’ hesitancy toward the vaccine. News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

White House abruptly cuts feed of Biden mid-sentence as he asks question at wildfires briefing

T he White House abruptly cut the feed of President Biden’s briefing on wildfires with federal and state officials. During Monday’s visit to Boise, Idaho, Biden received a briefing about the ongoing wildfires that have plagued several states out west. News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Ivermectin, 'Noble Lies,' and Whom Do We Trust?

The left's pursuit of the "Noble Lie" is judged more important than honest debate. American Thinker

Biden's Vaccine Mandate: Unconstitutional, Unscientific, Underhanded

Biden doesn't give much credence to the constitutional limits of government — especially if they get in his way of expanding the Democrat power base. American Thinker

We’re Witnessing The Death Of American Journalism

Rolling Stones’ Ivermectin failure is illustrative of a larger problem in American journalism. American Thinker

Joe Tries to Deflect

The horror of 9/11 in which thousands lost their lives at the hands of jihadists is gradually being erased by the same nitwit culture that tied our hands in waging battle against such evil and turned our military into some sort of therapeutic social work task force. American Thinker

The Twin Towers’ Collapse Is A Metaphor For America’s Fall

Looking at where we are now, it appears that the targeted attack on America was successful beyond the terrorists’ wildest dreams. American Thinker

A Sleeping Pill Called Heresy

The obsession of progressive religious leaders for making Christianity “generic,” as in “universal,” “ecumenical,” “inclusive” is applauded by globalists who by their actions demonstrate their contempt for God-centered religion. American Thinker

An American Airlines pilots union is planning to picket at major US airports to protest fatigue, overscheduling, and a lack of hotels for crew, a report says

Tim Boyle/Getty Images An American Airlines pilot union told Reuters it plans to picket at the carrier's largest US hubs. The union is protesting over fatigue, overscheduling, and lack of hotels for crew, it told Reuters. A Southwest Airlines pilot union said in August it was planning to picket over the same concerns. See more stories on Insider's business page . An union representing American Airlines pilots said on Tuesday that its members plan to picket at major airports over fatigue, packed schedules, and a lack of hotels for crew, Reuters reported. The Allied Pilots Association (APA) said in an emailed statement to Reuters that the union would picket at the carrier's biggest hubs, including Miami International Airport and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, in the coming weeks. "Our airline needs scheduling practices that support the safety margin, respect pilots' and passengers' needs, and de-risk American Airlines to protect and

90 School Bus Drivers from Same District Quit: “Rush of Resignations Was Likely Driven By Vaccination Requirements”

This article was originally published by B.N. Frank at Activist Post.  A growing number of Americans are opposed to employer vaccine mandates.  Vaccine side effects, injuries, and deaths have been reported for decades  (see  1 ,  2 ,  3 ).  They continue to be reported about the  COVID jabs  as well (see  1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ).  Some employees are already quitting because of mandates. From  Fox32 Chicago: 90 School Bus Drivers Who Don’t Want Vaccines, CPS Offering $1,000 to Students Without Rides Chicago’s new  COVID-19 vaccine  requirement has prompted a lot of  school bus drivers  to quit. Chicago Public Schools said Sunday that 90 bus drivers quit between August 23-27.  About 70 of those drivers quit on the same day. “According to the bus companies, the rush of resignations was likely driven by the  vaccination requirements ,” the school district said. Like many districts across the country, CPS had anticipated a shortage of bus drivers before the city announced vac

Texas is the Reason

Like everyone under the age of 50, I was born after Roe v. Wade. It’s worth reflecting: If our parents knew what we’d experience in life and the mistakes we would make, would they have decided not to have had us? Terrorist attacks. A global pandemic. And all our imperfections we can probably easily list -- I sure can for myself. Would they have said: Let’s spare her and us? But what if they had lived in a culture long used to legal abortion that is getting bolder about demanding assurance of security and lack of imperfections? That’s some of why I’m grateful at the recent restrictions on abortion recently passed in Texas. Embracing Motherhood Abortion has been so successful in America because of euphemisms and pressures. We look away. We don’t let young women see what is happening, see what abortion really is. Women are told -- sometimes by their mothers -- that they are too young to have children, that their lives will be miserable and never amount to anything if they have a ch

Whoopi Goldberg: It’s My Right as a Christian Parent to Have My Grandchild Killed in an Abortion

The View returned Tuesday for its 25th season without any conservative co-host, so the table was in agreement most of the show. When the topic of Texas’s SB8 fetal heartbeat law came up, each of the liberal women tore into it, with Joy Behar pretending she works for MSNBC, calling Republicans “the Taliban in America.” Whoopi Goldberg started off the discussion, at first angry about victims of rape being unable to get an abortion. She claimed abortion was her right as a Christian parent: Because for me, if you believe in me as a Christian parent, then I will know what’s best for my child. If my child has been raped or has been molested, allow me to take care of my child and my family. She then argued that pro-lifers were the same people who didn’t believe in mask mandates. Fellow co-host Sunny Hostin declared that as a Catholic she believed abortion was a sin and morally wrong…but she was also pro-choice. She agreed with Whoopi that conservatives were hypocrites because the

‘Harmful Language Alert’: National Archives puts WARNING LABEL on US Constitution and Declaration of Independence

RT Visitors to the National Archives website looking for the US founding documents are now greeted with labels warning of ‘harmful language’. It isn’t clear... The post ‘Harmful Language Alert’: National Archives puts WARNING LABEL on US Constitution and Declaration of Independence appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . Galen From the Trenches World Report