
Showing posts from November, 2021

#Dutch police say they have detained a couple who escaped from a Covid-quarantine hotel Dutch police arrest couple who escaped from quarantine police arrest couple who escaped from quarantine hotel

#Dutch police say they have detained a couple who escaped from a Covid-quarantine hotel Dutch police arrest couple who escaped from quarantine hotel Dutch police arrest couple who escaped from quarantine hotel Saudi Gazette Saudi Gazette (Facebook)

Dr. Anthony Fauci Spends An Hour Proving He's A Partisan and Pontificating

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The Cruel Lesson to Learn from Austria's COVID Vax Insanity

A lot of people support these insane measures. Here in America, too. Perhaps even a majority. American Thinker

Kyle Rittenhouse and our Liberal Friends

The Left will give up on its "white supremacy" schtick only after it starts losing for real. American Thinker

The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris

Gossip from behind DC’s closed doors has come my way and the preferred outcome should trouble everyone. American Thinker

What to Watch For if Russia Invades Ukraine

Any Russian invasion of Ukraine will be bad news for energy-dependent Europe. American Thinker

Yes, Kyle Rittenhouse is a Hero

Kyle Rittenhouse resolved, despite obstacles, to pick up a weapon and defend law and order. American Thinker

Vaxxocalypse Now

We're hurtling into a dystopia where citizens' rights have evaporated from public and individual consciousness. American Thinker

Hanson on Citizenship

Victor Davis Hanson the historian knows well that times change but people largely don’t. American Thinker

The Pandemic of Rampant Wokeism Strikes Academia

Wokeism is the product of an educational system that has lost its way. Universities have become the de facto farm system for progressives. American Thinker

My Hippie Vietnam War Professor Was Right About the Dangers of the Patriot Act

My hippie professor wasn’t right about a lot of things. He wasn’t right about his minimizing the threat of Communism at the time, but time has proven him right about this the Patriot Act. American Thinker

Why The Left Keeps Talking About Kyle Rittenhouse Crossing A State Line

It seems the left cares about borders, after all, depending on the border and who crossed it. American Thinker

12-Year-Old Boy Scout Helps Rescue Two People, 100-Pound Dog Lost In Woods With Homemade Stretcher

The Boy Scout the experience "it was really tough" on him. Jorge Velasco The Daily Caller

It's Worse Than You Think. We NEED To Talk About It.

MILLIONS of children. You need to hear this important interview with Tim Ballard, founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad. #humantrafficking PragerU PragerUniversity

Austria’s INSANE Lockdown, Scott Walker Interview, & TikTok Tuesday - Will & Amala LIVE

0:00 - Will Is Watching You 1:08 - Hilarious Exchange Over "You" on Fox News 5:10 - Pro-CRT Dad Threatens 1,000 Soldiers "Locked & Loaded" 22:48 - Gov. Scott Walker Interview 33:55 - Austria's Insane Lockdown 39:01 - The View Won't Let Anti-Mandate Host Speak 46:15 - TikTok Tuesday: LA Is a Dumpster Fire 50:11 - TikTok Tues: Can You Define "Man"? 56:00 - TikTok Tues: Teacher: Don't "Out" Trans Students to Parents Will and Amala are back today interviewing former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, reacting to Austrian police stopping grocery shoppers to check their vaccine cards, and a former Chinese political prisoner says the US is already an “authoritarian state” but we just don’t know it? Plus TikTok Tuesday and much more! Support the show with a like, subscribe, share, & text “LIVE” to 41776 so you never miss an episode! Subscribe to Will & Amala LIVE:

Will & Amala Go on a Police Ride-Along!

Does police presence deter crime? Whatever you think about the issue, you’ll have a new perspective after watching what happened during this ride-along with the LAPD. More on the police's community work: #lapd #police PragerU PragerUniversity

Cotton: Biden Has Surrounded Himself with a 'Team of Incompetents' -- 'Ideological and Arrogant'

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) slammed President Joe Biden's administration during an appearance on Fox News Channel's "The Ingraham Angle," referring to them as a "team of incompetents." Jeff Poor Breitbart

Pfizer Announces Licensing Agreement for Its Potential Coronavirus Antiviral Pill

Pfizer on Tuesday announced an agreement allowing other companies to make its potential coronavirus antiviral pill in poorer countries and sell them royalty free. The move advances what Pfizer describes as its "comprehensive strategy to work toward equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments for all people, particularly those living in the poorest parts of the world." Hannah Bleau Breitbart

Faced with soaring failure, schools switch to 'equitable grading'

(TRENDING POLITICS) – With the advent of the Internet and the subsequent explosion of information, AI and robotics have been utilized and are targeted to take more routine jobs from humans moving forward. Instead of demanding students in our public education systems to work harder, getting prepared to be employable for evolving and new technologically based jobs, the social justice warriors are demanding huge public sector unions require their teachers to start grading subjectively, dumbing down the system. In August 2020, L.A. Unified School District directed its middle- and high-school teachers to change the way they had evaluated students since the start of their careers. Read the full story › The post Faced with soaring failure, schools switch to 'equitable grading' appeared first on WND . WND News Services WND

Hospitals worldwide swamped with people 'sicker than ever' – and they don't have COVID

(INFORMATION LIBERATION) – "ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don't even have COVID," Michigan Radio reported last week. "Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they've ever seen. "Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room's nursing director, practically vibrates with pent-up anxiety, looking at all the patients lying on a long line of stretchers pushed up against the beige walls of the hospital's hallways. "It's hard to watch," she says in her warm Texan twang. But there's nothing she can do. The ER's 72 rooms are already filled. Read the full story › The post Hospitals worldwide swamped with people 'sicker than ever' – and they don't have COVID appeared first on WND . WND News Services WND

Baltic nations threaten shooting war with Belarus over migrant onslaught

(TSARIZM) – The crisis in the Baltics has been escalating for some time as Belarusian President Aleksander Lukashenko uses illegal migration against EU Baltic nations as retribution for sanctions against ‘White Russia’. Today, Poland threatened ‘armed escalation’ against Belarus and the illegal migrants as tensions increase. Lukashenko threatened a response by Russian nuclear weapons. Belarus has recently signaled a willingness to be annexed into the Russian Federation after resisting such a move for decades. Western sanctions after an attempted ‘color revolution’ drove Lukashenko to accept Putin’s ‘offer he couldn’t refuse.’ Read the full story › The post Baltic nations threaten shooting war with Belarus over migrant onslaught appeared first on WND . WND News Services WND

Abortion: The lynchpin of the left's depravity

Note: Send Email to the Editor to [Regarding "Supremes hear abortion cases: 1 justice blatantly tips her hand" ] It sounds like Justice Elena Kagan has her ears plugged. What surprises me is that with a Jewish background, she values human life so little. Abortion is the lynchpin of the left's attack on civilization. What could be more evil than a mother murdering here baby in her womb? The left has even extended this evil to newborns! If this evil is allowed, all other evils simply fall in line: sexual perversions, fraud, theft – whatever. None is as evil as a mother murdering her baby. Promoting abortion achieves several of Marx's goals, including the destruction of morality and the family unit. And the guilt is nullified by black-robed judges telling society its legal to kill infants. Banning abortion, making it the sin before God it is, forces our society to confront the lesser sins and reform ourselves, to stop us at the precipice of t

'Progressivism' pitches sympathy but produces suffering

Brave and forthright intellectual Bari Weiss published in her Substack account this past week an essay written by Rob Henderson, a doctoral candidate at Cambridge University. Henderson's poignant story starts with a drug-addicted mother and carries him like flotsam through the California foster care system and multiple families to eventual adoption, the divorce of his adoptive parents, the miraculous intervention of a high school teacher, a stint in the military and then his matriculation at Yale on the G.I. Bill. It is, to say the least, a statistically unlikely positive outcome for someone with his background. In other writings, Henderson has coined the term "luxury beliefs." Weiss explains in her introduction to his essay that these are "fashionable" views that "confer immediate status on those espousing them" but that "can only be afforded by people whose status shields them from the harm those views can cause." She mentions as

Powerful protests in New Zealand over COVID Measures and Restrictions

NEW - Protest against #COVID19 measures and restrictions outside Wellington Parliament in New Zealand. News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Revolutionary Marxism, from the Speaker of the House

S PEAKER PELOSI: The “Build Back Better and bipartisan infrastructure framework recognizes the interconnectedness of climate change and gender justice…Our legislation advances our mission to decarbonize and realign every sector of the economy.” News on the Net CanadaFreePress.Com

Daunting compilation of athletes collapsing and dying from the covid VAX – What’s going on?

XANDREWX November 8th, 2021. The post Daunting compilation of athletes collapsing and dying from the covid VAX – What’s going on? appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . Galen From the Trenches World Report

Big Pharma Payday: US Government to Purchase $1 Billion More in Merck’s COVID-19 Pill – That the Company Reportedly Sells for 40 Times More Than What It Costs to Produce

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft A recent international report of 64 studies shows Ivermectin has an 86% success rate as a prophylaxis and a 67% success... The post Big Pharma Payday: US Government to Purchase $1 Billion More in Merck’s COVID-19 Pill – That the Company Reportedly Sells for 40 Times More Than What It Costs to Produce appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . Misty From the Trenches World Report

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review

Children’s Health Defense – by Megan Redshaw A senior bioethicist who heads a research team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)... The post Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . People for Life and Freedom From the Trenches World Report