
Showing posts from December, 2021

This ROBOT Is Freaking Me Out

The robot below, named Ameca,  is said to offer the whole range of human emotions , together with realistic eye and facial movements which, quite honestly, are amazing.  Here you will see Ameca reacting with visible irritation and grabs the hand of a researcher who got into its “ personal space ”.  The developers noted that this behavior was “even starting to freak us out at Engineered Arts and we are used to it!”.   How much longer before Ameca becomes human? . Here is a 15 minute overview of what the company who built Ameca is accomplishing.  IMHO, simply mind blowing.  They are coming. The robots. They will be stronger than you, and smarter than you. But, will they like you, inferior human?  Of course, they will!  They are being built for only one purpose; to serve man. . One of my favorite books is “ Is Data Human: The Metaphysics Of Star Trek ” by Richard Hanley. He examines the ethics, morality, and philosophy of  man-made machines achieving sentience. A must read

Paralyzed man with brain chip posts ‘first direct-thought’ tweet

A company that implants neural computer interfaces into the brain says a patient with a nervous system disease that left him motionless was able to share a post on social media by just thinking it BlackListed News

Report: Famous American paying journalists to promote abortion

Bill Gates (Video screenshot) [ Editor's note: This story originally was published by Live Action News . ] By Nancy Flanders Live Action News The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will now be paying for journalists to pen pro-abortion articles in European media outlets in an apparent attempt to spread pro-abortion propaganda. According to Right to Life UK , the foundation announced that it will fund the Innovation in Development Reporting Grant — a media-funding initiative operated by the European Journalism Centre. One of the projects funded by the grant is “Abortion Access in Crisis and Conflict Zones” which is staffed by Jill Filipovic and Nichole Sobecki — both known for their pro-abortion writing. This project is focused on Bangladesh, Colombia, and Nigeria, and has a budget of €20,000 or $22,540. The goal of the grant program is to “raise awareness” for certain “issues by enabling the production of stories that have a strong impact on media audiences.” The Bi

Investigation Has Launched After Three-Year-Old Girl Dies From Cardiac Arrest One Day After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine in Argentina

The Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán, Argentina released a report that a three-year-old girl died last December 16 and the justice system has intervened and will investigate the cause of her death. “On Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 12:00 hours, a 3-year-old patient, in cardiorespiratory arrest, enters the Emergency Service of the Hospital of the Child Jesus. Advanced resuscitation maneuvers are carried out and, when [she] does not respond, [her] death is declared,” the Tucumán Ministry of Health said in a statement. The 3-year-old child, Ámbar Suárez, received one dose of the Sinopharm, China’s COVID-19 vaccine.  The police and justice system will investigate the cause of her death and an autopsy will be performed. “Considering the history of Covid vaccination, contact is initiated with relatives to gather the relevant information, evaluate other backgrounds, and proceed with the investigation of this unfortunate episode,” the official statement concluded. Meanwhile,

Islamic State calls on Muslims to murder non-Muslims during Christmas season

“With the advent of the so-called polytheistic celebrations that the unbelievers are experiencing these days, we send a message to our monotheist brothers in Europe, America, Australia, Canada, Russia, and other countries of unbelief and apostasy: We say to you, our brothers, oh monotheists, avenge your brothers and sisters who have been killed and captured […] Robert Spencer Jihad Watch

Fauci tells Americans to DISINVITE unvaccinated family from Christmas

Dr. Anthony Fauci has urged Americans to disinvite unvaccinated people from Christmas gatherings as the fast-spreading COVID-19 Omicron variant fuels a surge in infections. Articles | Mail Online

Germany says it is 'greatly concerned' by Putin's threat to take 'military measures' against West

Berlin's new foreign minister Annalena Baerbock said today she was concerned over the sharp escalation of rhetoric after Putin warned he would take a stand against 'unfriendly' West. Articles | Mail Online

Apologize for your racism, or have a lousy Christmas

Dag Barkley CanadaFreePress.Com

Tasmania orders sweeping mask mandate for all indoor spaces after reporting three new Covid cases

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has announced all residents will be required to wear face-coverings in all indoor spaces after the island state reported three new Covid cases on Sunday. Articles | Mail Online

Why the Liberal Hollywood Left Hates Chris Pratt

Podcast juggernaut Joe Rogan argued this week the left is hypercritical of Hollywood star Chris Pratt because "he's a Christian" and "a good person." "He's kind of outside the lines in terms of his ideology," Rogan said on his podcast. "He's a Christian and he's pretty open about it and, because of that, they attack him." "It's something so simple, like, he just believes in Jesus," he continued. "And ... he likes to be a good person and they're like, '[Expletive]!'" The overarching theme of the segment of Rogan's wildly popular podcast centered on the famous people—primarily actors—fearful of stepping out of line with mainstream progressive ideology. To make his case for why Hollywood stars are, in his view, "scared," Rogan noted "even Chris Pratt gets in trouble because he's a Christian," despite being "the nicest guy" he's "ev

JuIan Assange ‘Fighting for His Life’ After Deep State Prepares Extradition to U.S.

Assange faced a major legal setback on Friday when the High Court overturned a judgment made this year preventing extradition to the US to face charges under the US Espionage Act. His lawyers successfully argued [...] The post JuIan Assange ‘Fighting for His Life’ After Deep State Prepares Extradition to U.S. appeared first on News Punch . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

One-third say Biden CHEATED in 2020, 61% of GOP

Only one third – America is cracked. One-third say Biden cheated in 2020, 61% of GOP By Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | | December 10, 2021 11:31 AM A majority of Republicans and 13% of Democrats still believe that President Joe Biden cheated to beat former President Donald Trump. In a slight decline since June, when 41% of likely voters said they did not believe Biden won fairly, 34% now told Rasmussen Reports that Biden did not win “fairly.” “However, 61% of Republican voters still think Biden didn’t win the presidential election fairly, an opinion shared by 13% of Democrats and 29% of voters not affiliated with either major party,” said the pollster’s new analysis out Friday. The survey mostly focused on election integrity, and it found continued strong national support for voters showing identification. By a margin of 75%-19%, they back photo ID. And voters remain on high alert for cheating and election integrity measures, said the pollster.

WATCH: Fauci / NIAID Signed Private And Confidential Vaccine Agreement Weeks Before We Even Knew About The Pandemic

Another conspiracy spoiler? Fauci / NIAID signed private and confidential vaccine agreement weeks before we even knew about the pandemic: "mRNA Coronvairus vaccine candidates developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna" It's all starting to unravel — Calvin (@calvinrobinson) December 9, 2021 Let me get this straight: Fauci's NIAID funded Bat Coronavirus Research in Wuhan ( ) Coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan. NIAID signed a private & confidential agreement with Moderna to produce a vaccine. Fauci, NIAID/NIH and WHO need to be questioned — Calvin (@calvinrobinson) December 9, 2021 This is all coming out because Moderna wants to cut the US (NIAID/NIH) out of patent rights They're exposing themselves due to greed Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me can explain why/how the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 VACCINE was patented in 2018/2019?

Nazi Collaborator Soros bankrolls dark money hub for activists pushing to dismantle police, grants show

I’ll say it again, Soros should be banned from this country – like Qaradawi was. And his filthy lucre should most certainly be prohibited from influencing American elections. Nazi collaborator George Soro described his work confiscating property from the Jews during the round ups of World War II as “the happiest days of my life,” Soros found his or an end run around rule of law. The global left is waging a vicious war against this country. George Soros has blood on his hands for the rise in killings nationwide THE DEVIL HIMSELF: George Soros Funnels $1M To Defund the Police as Violent Crime Surges George Soros Exposed as Money Behind Anti-Trump Protests Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Buses Caught On Tape #Soros Leaked Documents: George Soros Massive Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections Related: George Soros: The Black Hand Soros bankrolls dark money hub for activists pushing to dismantle police, grants show Progressive activist hub contains materials on abol

NUTS: Video shows Biden’s new UNHINGED Massachusetts US Attorney threatening reporters quizzing her about ‘unhinged’ confrontation with shopper where she ‘impersonated a cop’

Rachael Rollins in another radical Soros backed lawyer, who has now been confirmed as Massachusetts Attorney by the United States Senate. Senator Tom Cotton worked diligently to block Rollins’ nomination, due to her history of being “soft on crime.” Sadly, Cotton was not successful. The people of Massachusetts are going to pay a big price for this confirmation. Scroll down and watch Rollins in action below. And watch Horace Cooper’s statements on Rollins as well. Meet the new US attorney for Massachusetts @DARollins — Mike Saccone (@mikesacconetv) December 8, 2021 Rachael Rollins was confirmed as the first black woman to lead the Massachusetts US Attorney’s office in a 51-50 party line vote Wednesday Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate  The recently resurfaced video shows a confrontation between Rollins and a news crew from January 2021 when she was Suffolk County District Attorney  They wer

A Judicial Kidnapping

A Judicial Kidnapping Authored by John Pilger via, Sartre’s words should echo in all our minds following the grotesque decision of Britain’s High Court to extradite Julian Assange to the United States where he faces "a living death". This is his punishment for the crime of authentic, accurate, courageous, vital journalism . Miscarriage of justice is an inadequate term in these circumstances. It took the bewigged courtiers of Britain’s  ancien regime  just nine minutes on Friday to uphold an American appeal against a District Court judge’s acceptance in January of a cataract of evidence that hell on earth awaited Assange across the Atlantic: a hell in which, it was expertly predicted, he would find a way to take his own life. Volumes of witness by people of distinction, who examined and studied Julian and diagnosed his autism and his Asperger’s Syndrome and revealed that he had already come within an ace of killing himself at

Did Dr. Fauci just give Americans an ominous warning?

(OPINION) Dr. Anthony Fauci just gave what sounded like an ominous warning on a recent segment on MSNBC. During the segment Fauci stressed the importance of every American voluntarily getting vaccinated but then said something chilling in his statement: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…” Continue reading Did Dr. Fauci just give Americans an ominous warning? at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system

Israel on Thursday led a 10-country simulation of a major cyberattack on the global financial system in an attempt to increase cooperation that could help to minimize any potential damage to financial markets and banks according to Reuters. The simulated “war game”, as Israel’s Finance Ministry called it and planned over the past year, evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web. The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks. Continue reading 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Hispanic Voters Are Now Evenly Split Between Parties

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As White House Digs in, Many High-Profile Democrats Oppose Vaccine Mandates

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