
Showing posts from April, 2022

Who owns your children? Who has the priority to train children? The President of the USA seems to think he owns you children, that the State owns them, that the teachers in the public schools own them. But children ultimately belong to God and He entrusted them to parents to train for him: "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD" (Psalm 127:3). Parents (not the state) are responsible for the education of children: "the father makes known to the children your faithfulness" (Isaiah 38:19); “which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:5–7). The family is the first and most fundamental of all human institutions God ordained in Scripture. The family is the backbone of the nation. The family (mother—female, father—male, and children) is the educational unit God uses to transmit a true spiritual legacy to coming generations and impact the world with spiritual truth. Issues today such as abortion, LGBTQ, gender issues, pedophilia, gay "marriage," racism, adultery, fornication, divorce, homosexual behavior, and such are all attacks on the family—the unit the devil wants to destroy. And the current administration of the USA seems obsessed with permeating children, adults, and every level of culture with the LGBTQ worldview wanting total acceptance and compliance. You can't entrust your children to the state to be brainwashed with a worldview of atheism and moral relativism. Biden Just Made a Comment About Parental Rights That's Even Worse Than McAuliffe'stownhall.comPresident Biden is coming under fire for claiming during a 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony that it's as though children don’t belong to their parents “when they’re in the

Who owns your children? Who has the priority to train children? The President of the USA seems to think he owns you children, that the State owns them, that the teachers in the public schools own them. But children ultimately belong to God and He entrusted them to parents to train for him: "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD" (Psalm 127:3). Parents (not the state) are responsible for the education of children: "the father makes known to the children your faithfulness" (Isaiah 38:19); “which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (Psalm 78:5–7). The family is the first and most fundamental of all human institutions God ordained in Scripture. The family is the backbone of the nation. The family (mother—female, father—male,

DOJ Files Complaint against Alabama Law Banning Gender-Transition Procedures for Minors

‘I believe very strongly that if the Good Lord made you a boy, you are a boy, and if he made you a girl, you are a girl,’ Governor Kay Ivey said. Zachary Evans National Review

Russian troops burn stockpiles of Bibles and Ministry Center destroyed in tank crossfire in Ukraine

Mission Eurasia, a nonprofit ministry that is helping meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war, reports that one of its training centers in Irpin was destroyed by tanks during a battle between Russian and Ukrainian forces last month. In a Facebook post, the ministry wrote, “Thank you for your outpouring of prayers and support in every way. Our hearts are deeply saddened by the destruction of Mission Eurasia’s field ministries headquarters in Irpin, near Kyiv, even as we thank God for the safety of all our team members and evacuees who had been sheltering there.” “Nothing will stop the spread of the gospel in Ukraine and across the former Soviet Union, as had been happening from our headquarters. Continue reading Russian troops burn stockpiles of Bibles and Ministry Center destroyed in tank crossfire in Ukraine at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Tick bites have made tens of thousands of people allergic to meat, and experts say cases are on the rise

A growing number of American adults have developed an unusual allergy to meat and other animal products due to the bites of an aggressive tick species according to a new report from Insider. People with alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) typically report allergic reactions, from hives and stomach troubles to full-on anaphylaxis, hours after eating pork or beef. The symptoms might seem random for individuals who have never had issues with meat in the past, but scientists have identified a common thread: the lone star tick. Continue reading Tick bites have made tens of thousands of people allergic to meat, and experts say cases are on the rise at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Megadrought intensifies in the West, Lake Mead has just fallen to an unprecedented low, Source of water for millions drying up

The West is in the grips of a climate change-fueled megadrought, and Lake Mead — the largest manmade reservoir in the country and a source of water for millions of people — has fallen to an unprecedented low. According to CNN, The lake’s plummeting water level has exposed one of the reservoir’s original water intake valves for the first time, officials say. The valve had been in service since 1971 but can no longer draw water, according to the Southern Nevada Water Authority, which is responsible for managing water resources for 2.2 million people in Southern Nevada, including Las Vegas. Continue reading Megadrought intensifies in the West, Lake Mead has just fallen to an unprecedented low, Source of water for millions drying up at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Economist warns World in early stages of ‘Very Significant’ recession

Nancy Lazar — the chief global economist of investment bank Piper Sandler — said on Monday that the world is in the first part of a “very significant” recession. During an interview with Fox Business, Lazar told anchor Maria Bartiromo that “It’s going to be a global recession pulling down [the] Eurozone in particular” and noted that “it looks like China GDP in the second quarter could also be negative.” Lazar added that economic activity in the United States “will feel very, very weak” as growth slows down from last year’s recovery. Continue reading Economist warns World in early stages of ‘Very Significant’ recession at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

How Could It Happen In America?

I n my previous article, I posed the question, “Could it happen in America?”  Of course the answer was yes; it is possible for Marxists to fully succeed in America.  That begs the question: How could it happen in America?  To understand the mechanics of how Marxism might succeed in America, you must have a rudimentary understanding of “mass population psychosis” and Bonhoeffer’s “Theory of Stupid.”  Plenty of information about both can be found on the internet or read my articles found in the Canada Free Press archives, “Drinking the Kool-Aid” and “Stupid Is as Stupid Does.” Steve Rossiter CanadaFreePress.Com

American Churches are Killing Christianity

Too many of our churches have watered down Christianity into a church of cowards, too cowed to speak up. American Thinker

I want Roe to be overturned because abortion is an atrocity that kills millions of children. But also it is a major bonus that its overturning would cause misery and suffering among the very worst people on Earth. I will be glad for that. What The Pro-Abortion Movement Gets— Opinion —What The Pro-Abortion Movement Gets RightBy Michael KnowlesDailyWire.comFacebookTwitterMailForty-nine years. It has been forty-nine years since Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. Since that time there have been forty-nine marches for life. Now many pro-life advocates are asking themsel...

I want Roe to be overturned because abortion is an atrocity that kills millions of children. But also it is a major bonus that its overturning would cause misery and suffering among the very worst people on Earth. I will be glad for that. What The Pro-Abortion Movement Gets Right — Opinion —What The Pro-Abortion Movement Gets RightBy Michael KnowlesDailyWire.comFacebookTwitterMailForty-nine years. It has been forty-nine years since Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. Since that time there have been forty-nine marches for life. Now many pro-life advocates are asking themsel... Matt Walsh Matt Walsh (Facebook)

A Fix For The Regulatory State

To understand how to fix the bureaucratic behemoth that controls life in America, it helps to understand how it began. American Thinker

Seeing Red

Who was the genius who colored Democrats blue and Republicans red on election maps? American Thinker

DeSantis Seals Disney's Fate: 'I Don't Think Walt Would Appreciate What's Going on in This Company'

It’s finally official. On Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill effectively terminating the Walt Disney Company’s special tax district, within which sits the famous Orlando theme park. The district allowed Disney to operate “as a largely autonomous entity” according to the New York Post . Now, those privileges are completely gone. The legislation will go into effect in June of 2023. “That partnership that developed early on with Walt Disney — I don’t think Walt would appreciate what’s going on with this company right now,” DeSantis said during the bill signing. Disney has made it increasingly clear over the past several years that they don’t care if they completely alienate conservative consumers. If you disagree with transgenderism and you don’t believe kids should be allowed to undergo permanent, life-altering gender transitioning, Disney thinks you’re a bigot. The company made this clear on March 28, the day DeSantis signed into law the “Parental Rights

Biden's Job Approval Numbers Have Gotten Even Worse

PJ Media

Fauci Furious After Court Steps In, Here's Where He Thinks CDC Should Be on the Hierarchy

Disagreeing with a court ruling freeing public transportation passengers from required masking, Anthony Fauci this week revealed perhaps a bit more than he intended. Courts should not have a say on public health issues; only government agencies like the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should, according to Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. What’s that, doctor? The CDC, your organization, the Biden administration and even the lowliest county health office is above the law? Is that what you’re saying, Dr. Fauci? “Both surprised and disappointed,” was Fauci’s reaction to Monday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle that lifted the transportation mask mandates. “Because those types of things really are the purview of the CDC.” “This is a public health issue,” Fauci told CNN’s Kasie Hunt. “And for a court to come in, and if you look at the rationale for that, it’s not really particularly firm. “

Putin has just test-fired ‘Satan’ nuclear missile, World’s most powerful missile, can destroy the UK, Warning to ‘those who threaten Russia’

Russia has successfully launched its ‘Satan’ missile, capable of firing up to 12 nuclear warheads at once, Vladimir Putin has claimed. The launch of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile will give “food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia,” the Russian president warned. The missile, nicknamed Satan 2, can fly 6,000 miles, carry 15 warheads, and has the potential to destroy an area the size of France. It was successfully launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Arkhangelsk Oblast, northwestern Russia, according to Russian state media outlet RIA Novosti. Continue reading Putin has just test-fired ‘Satan’ nuclear missile, World’s most powerful missile, can destroy the UK, Warning to ‘those who threaten Russia’ at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Mask Nazis Who Terrorized Americans For Years Are Worried They Might Get Mocked For Mask Obsession

Those who forced babies off airplanes, froze kids at school, and refused service to customers who wouldn't mask are now worried about mask harassment. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Texas School Defends Pressuring 6th-Graders To ‘Protest’ As Part Of ‘Queer Week’

The district said the school has received parent complaints but defended the activities because they are 'not part of the instructional day.' Jordan Boyd The Federalist

Humanity On The Brink: Trump Warns That “Everyone Will Be Dead” If Both Sides Continue To Escalate World War 3

In all of modern history, the world has never had a worse group of leaders than it does right now, and the fate of civilization is literally in their hands.  If both sides continue to escalate matters, the proxy war in Ukraine will eventually become a shooting war between the United States and Russia.  And once a shooting war between the United States and Russia starts, it will only be a matter of time before it goes nuclear.  It is often said that there are no winners in a nuclear war, and that is certainly true.  But if a nuclear war becomes inevitable, you definitely want to be on the side that strikes first.  Because a devastating surprise first strike may not enable you to “win” a nuclear war, but it will certainly give you the best chance of surviving one. Donald Trump can see where things are heading.  This week, he penned the most ominous statement that he has ever issued… “It doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down and working out some kind of an

Disney is in hot water! Gov. Ron DeSantis Makes Big Announcement That Sends Fear Through Disney Headquarters - Announces He Will Be Pushing State Legislature To End Special Protections For Disney's Florida Operationsconservativebrief.comDeSantis and Republicans are not backing down.

Disney is in hot water! Gov. Ron DeSantis Makes Big Announcement That Sends Fear Through Disney Headquarters - Announces He Will Be Pushing State Legislature To End Special Protections For Disney's Florida Operations DeSantis and Republicans are not backing down. Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza (Facebook)

In Biden’s Annual Economic Report, The Word “Gender” Is Used 40 More Times Than The Word “Inflation”

I think that the phrase “out of touch with reality” doesn’t even come close to describing what we are witnessing here.  We all knew that the Biden administration was completely out of touch with what is going on in Real America, but it appears that things are even worse than we thought.  Right now, inflation is the number one political issue in the entire country, and the persistent shortages that we have been experiencing are right up there as well.  But the Biden administration apparently has other priorities. The Biden administration has just released the “Economic Report Of The President” for 2022, and you can find it on the official White House website right here .  But unless you are a glutton for punishment, I would strongly advise against reading the entire thing, because it is dreadfully boring. Thankfully, there are others that have already gone through the entire document for us, and one eagle-eyed researcher discovered that the word “gender” is used 40 more times than

The likes of Disney have been caught red-handed in more ways the one. First, in their obeisance to the whims of China and now in their garish attempt to groom our children with all sorts of degenerate norms and values. The Left Is the Culture War— Opinion —The Left Is the Culture War AggressorBy Ben ShapiroDailyWire.comFacebookTwitterMailLast week, reporter Christopher Rufo released footage of top Disney employees vowing to inject their radical LGBTQ agenda into children’s programming. Disney producer Latoya Raveneau told an all-hand...

The likes of Disney have been caught red-handed in more ways the one. First, in their obeisance to the whims of China and now in their garish attempt to groom our children with all sorts of degenerate norms and values. The Left Is the Culture War Aggressor — Opinion —The Left Is the Culture War AggressorBy Ben ShapiroDailyWire.comFacebookTwitterMailLast week, reporter Christopher Rufo released footage of top Disney employees vowing to inject their radical LGBTQ agenda into children’s programming. Disney producer Latoya Raveneau told an all-hand... Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro (Facebook)


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer To escape the never-ending stream of lies. “So far, the bird flu tsunami wave across 27 states has infected 27 million chickens and turkeys, forcing farmers to “depopulate” or cull flocks to prevent spreading.” Understand this: The Federal Government ordered the mass killing of tens of millions of chickens. They did not die of a bird flu, they were intentionally wiped out. Who knows if they were infected or not, there is no independent audit of the tests, there is simply a determination, not by those raising poultry, but by officials who work in office parks with salaries, benefits, vacation time and retirement packages. Not that CAFO poultry operations are the kind of place any reasonable human being who cares about animals or the food they feed their families would defend the practices that take place in these toxic waste dumps that go by the misnomer “farms”, but still… The upcoming food shortages, price increases, and never-ending scare tac

The Great Vaccine Disaster, by Vasko Kohlmayer

It would be bad enough if the vaccine they tried to force us all to get was merely ineffective, but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that it’s actually counterproductive. It makes recipients less healthy. From Vasko Kohlmayer at “Vaccinated Have … Continue reading → Robert Gore STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

COVID, Gender, Climate, and the Collapse of Science, by Neil A. Kurtzman

When science becomes a tool of government propaganda it’s propaganda, not science, and people afford such “science” the respect they afford propaganda. From Neil A. Kurtzman at As many scientists have behaved like fools, the discipline itself is in … Continue reading → Robert Gore STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

Google Ads Warns of Stringent Censorship Regarding Ukraine

Google has attractive ads and they pay well but we stopped using them a while back because if you use them, they own you. We still get their mail like the email below. The email warns that they won’t allow anyone to exploit, dismiss, or condone the war in Ukraine. If they decide you are […] The post Google Ads Warns of Stringent Censorship Regarding Ukraine appeared first on . M Dowling

NJ Teacher Describes 1st Grade Gender Lessons

The following is a brief description of the New Jersey health curriculum for first grade. One lesson is called ‘pink, blue, purple’ and goes through the ways that babies express their gender. The children are told you can feel like a girl if you have boy parts. Also, there is the program Amaze. One of […] The post NJ Teacher Describes 1st Grade Gender Lessons appeared first on . M Dowling

Hedge Fund CIO: "We Have Never Experienced An Economic Cycle That Looks Anything Like This"

Hedge Fund CIO: "We Have Never Experienced An Economic Cycle That Looks Anything Like This" By Eric Peters, CIO of One River ASset Management “My massive bias is to believe things always work out okay,” said Simplicity, walking Occam’s Razor. “But today somehow feels unique, and when I look at supply and demand in oil, grains, base metals too, there’s an undeniable tail risk here,” he said, having analyzed the fundamentals of such things over a long career. “Without a perfect North American growing season, there will be shortages, perhaps we’ll have them even with perfection, it’s too early to be sure.” And Simplicity paused, sharpened by decades of trading markets that oscillate wildly in times of great uncertainty as producers, consumers and speculators struggle to balance supply and demand. “It’s critical to size your positions small enough so that you don’t discover you’re trading a 3-year perspective with a 3-day stop-loss.” Overall: “One

"Hate Speech": Linkedin Disables Air-Force Vet's Account After Criticizing Loan-Forgiveness

"Hate Speech": Linkedin Disables Air-Force Vet's Account After Criticizing Loan-Forgiveness Authored by Jonathan Turley, We have discussed the expanding censorship programs at Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. These programs have notably targeted conservative viewpoints on contemporary controversies. Now, LinkedIn has added its company name to this ignoble effort,  according to An Air Force veteran  whose account was disabled after criticizing the calls for loan forgiveness. The site declared opposing to the Democratic plan for loan forgiveness to be "hate speech." Smith is the founder of the non-profit organization Code of Vets, a group created in honor of her father who died at 57 after years of struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder. Like many Americans, she opposed the loan forgiveness calls from Democratic members and has shared her own use of military service to help pay for college. Smith posted h

About half of US water ‘too polluted’ for swimming, fishing or drinking, report finds

The US is not just facing a major drought. New data show that about half of US water ‘too polluted’ for swimming, fishing or drinking. The Clean Water Act, passed into law 50 years ago, has fallen well short of its goals, a new analysis finds. Nearly half of the rivers and streams across the […] The post About half of US water ‘too polluted’ for swimming, fishing or drinking, report finds appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

STOLEN: Biden Got 255,000 Excess Votes in Key Swing States

Trump won the election. Photo credit: Shutterstock Biden Got 255,000 Excess Votes in Key Swing States Townhall, March 29, 2022:  The 2020 election will be forever tainted in controversy. The 2016 election will be forever soaked in mayhem. Democrats will always believe in the Russian collusion myth. Republicans will always feel that the 2020 election irregularities point to voter fraud, a steal if you will. The latter is more grounded, though marinated in nuance. Was it a stolen election a la Putin’s Russia or a banana republic? No. The ‘stolen’ portion solely centers on secretaries of state illegally altering the voting methods for the 2020 cycle without the approval of their state legislatures. Michigan and Pennsylvania—looking at you two especially. There’s a reason why a vote to alter the voting process never happened. The secretaries of state here are Democrats. The state legislatures in these respective states are Republican. Need I say more. I mean, as we know— it’s n

CIA Operative: “I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump”

“I lost the election for Trump? Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.” said John Sipher, a former CIA deputy chief of Russian Operations. Ex-CIA official who signed letter warning Hunter Biden laptop story was disinfo proud Trump lost Pamela Geller Geller Report

California Democrats To Cut Gas Tax For 3rd Time, Raise Taxes Instead

The brutalist party HATES you. They actually raised taxes on gas suppliers to use as rebates ( Fox 40 ). From Republican Vince Fong: Sacramento Democrats gutted a common sense bill to temporarily suspend the state’s gas tax to provide immediate relief & replaced it w/ a massive tax increase on energy producers. I wish I was making this up. What happened represents everything that is wrong w/ Sacramento ( Twitter ). BREAKING: California lawmakers in the Assembly Transportation committee kill @KevinKileyCA gas tax holiday bill. Dems turned it into a new vehicle fuel windfall profits tax on gas suppliers when price of gas is abnormally higher than price of oil. The new version passes 8-4. — Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) March 28, 2022 California Bill to Cut Gas Tax Fails 3rd Time By Vanessa Serna, The Epoch Times, March 29, 2022: SACRAMENTO—The effort to temporarily halt California’s 51-cent gas tax failed for a third time in a state assembly committee as lawmakers

Dismal: American Workers Throttled By Inflation, High On Drugs, And Low On Life

With deteriorating personal finances and baseline health, it's no surprise that a declining number of Americans claim to be 'thriving.' Tristan Justice The Federalist