
Showing posts from June, 2022

At Least 15 Shot Friday into Saturday Night Across Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

At least 15 people were shot, three of them fatally, Friday into Saturday night in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (D) Chicago. AWR Hawkins Breitbart

Swedish Action Movie Legend Dolph Lundgren Decries Sweden's Rape Rates

Swedish action film star Dolph Lundgren has decried the number of rapes in his home country, claiming Sweden cannot protect women. Chris Tomlinson Breitbart

Franklin Graham: 'I'm Just So Thankful' for Trump and Pence Nominating Conservative Justices

During an appearance on Newsmax TV's "The Record" on Friday, Samaritan's Purse president Franklin Graham praised former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence for their work in nominating conservatives to the Supreme Court. Jeff Poor Breitbart

'Pregnant People' -- Woke BBC Faces Backlash for Gender Neutral Abortion Coverage

The BBC has drawn criticism for using the phrase "pregnant people" in its news coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court's on abortion. Kurt Zindulka Breitbart

Study: Transgender-Identifying Youth Nearly Doubled in U.S.

The number of America's young people identifying as transgender has almost doubled recently, with citizens ages 13 to 25 accounting for a disproportionate number of that population, according to a new study. Breccan F. Thies Breitbart

The Democrats vs. Morality

The outstanding feature of the Democrat Party is how well it mirrors the descent of the culture. American Thinker

How New Jersey Mollycoddles Illegals

For more than four years Governor Phil Murphy has been rolling out the red carpet for illegals on the voting public's dime. American Thinker

Guns and Poses

Most homicides are not done with AR-15 rifles. American Thinker

Canada: new kids book teaches it’s ok to kill grandma

Bill Richardson’s book “Last Week” is all about making life easier for the family — eager to assuage their own pain of “uncertainty” and despair in the face of death — by killing Grandma speedily. In this view, Grandma is now dispensable in proportion to the difficulty she poses. She is not deemed to be […] Christine Douglass-Williams Jihad Watch

Will Russia Shift to a War Strategy?

Two events in the last few days–Lithuania’s decision to prevent the transit of Russian supplies for Kalinigrad and the Ukrainian missile attack on a Russian oil platform in the Black Sea–may be the tipping point for Russia in shifting to a War strategy rather than continue with the Special Military Operation. Let me explain. The Special Military Operation, besides the stated goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine, consisted of restricted rules of engagement. Russia did not destroy all communication infrastructure and networks. The internet remained operational in most parts of Ukraine. Cell phone towers and power grids were not targeted and destroyed. The lights stayed on in the cities and towns, including Lviv and Kiev. Civilian fuel depots and oil refinery plants were left largely unmolested. Ukrainian government buildings, including the Ministry of Defense, have not been reduced to rubble. They still stand and daily business continues. The civilian transportation

Not a Joke: US Navy Releases ‘Children’s-Show-Style’ Instructional Video to Train Sailors on “Proper Gender Pronouns” and Creating a “Safe Space”

In ‘honor’ of pride month, the US Navy released a new training video for its sailors that teaches them to use “proper gender pronouns” in order to create a “safe space for everybody.” The ridiculous video, which looks like it was clipped from a children’s TV show, features two rainbow-clad hosts who both introduce themselves with their preferred pronouns. “Hi! My name is Jony, and I use he/him pronouns,” said Naval Undersea Warfare Center engineer Jony Rozon as the video began. “Hi. My name is Conchy, and I use she/her pronouns,” fellow Naval engineer Conchy Vasquez added. For nearly four minutes, the pair lectures about the importance of “affirming” people’s identity by always calling them by their preferred pronouns – as failing to do so is a form of “disrespect” and might violate someone else’s safe space. One easy way to avoid this bigotry, according to them, is to “include our pronouns in our emails” – thus proving you are an “ally” and someone who “accepts everybody.”

From school security to red flag laws, here's what's being proposed in the bipartisan gun safety package that some GOP lawmakers have vowed to vote against

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Sarah Silbiger/Pool via AP A bipartisan group of 20 senators announced Sunday they had come to an agreement on gun reform. The proposed package includes support for red flag laws, school security, and mental health. Biden said it would be the "most significant gun safety legislation to pass Congress in decades." A bipartisan group of 20 senators on Sunday announced a proposal for a comprehensive package aimed at tackling gun violence that includes support for red flag laws, school security, and mental health services. Led by Sens. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, and John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, the lawmakers said in a statement the "commonsense, bipartisan proposal" would "protect America's children, keep our schools safe, and reduce the threat of violence across our country." "Most importantly, our plan saves lives while also protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americ

Navarro: An Illegitimate Court Gets Ready To Convene

Navarro: An Illegitimate Court Gets Ready To Convene Op-Ed authored by Peter Navarro via RealClear Politics , As the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack prepares to stage a show trial of Donald Trump on Capitol Hill this week, I have filed a lawsuit challenging the Select Committee’s gross violations of the Constitution’s separation of powers. Yes, congressional committees do have the power to investigate. Yet, they can only do so in pursuit of a “legislative function,” e.g., to enact new rules, regulations, or policies. What settled law explicitly rules out is the pursuit of a “judicial function” in which a congressional committee seeks to act as judge, jury, and executioner. That clearly violates the separation of powers – punishment is reserved exclusively for the judicial branch. In this case, Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House passed H. Res. 503 on May 21, 2021 to establish the committee; and the legislative activity of a

Disarming Victims Is a Dumb Way to Fight Crime

The stricter the gun laws, the more gun violence there will be. There has got to be a better way than this. American Thinker

Putin Plots to Win Game of Chicken with EU over Oil and Gas Sanctions

Europe is gambling that the war in Ukraine will end quickly, but Putin believes he can put enough stress on Europe to make it more amenable to his demands. American Thinker

The Most Terrifying Reality about School Shootings

I'm seeing a pattern. American Thinker

Joe Biden Hosting Mexican President at the White House in July Despite Summit Snub

Obrador officially declined Biden's invitation because the United States did not invite Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to the summit, even though he called the president a "good man." Charlie Spiering Breitbart

Joe Biden Ignores D-Day Anniversary Again, Demands Gun Control Instead

President Joe Biden ignored the anniversary of the historic D-Day invasion by American soldiers for the second year in a row as president. Charlie Spiering Breitbart

House Democrats Aim to Reduce 40-Year-High Inflation by Spending More Money

House Democrats on Wednesday are aiming to reduce inflation by spending more money via the Bipartisan Innovation Act. Wendell Husebø Breitbart

MSNBC Devoted 15 Minutes of Promos to Abortion 'Heroes' Film on HBO

MSNBC awarded 15 minutes of promotional time on Friday and Saturday to a new movie glorifying "female heroes of history" who committed an estimated 10,000 illegal abortions in Chicago in the five years before Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion in 1973. The Janes will debut on HBO on Wednesday. Andrea Mitchell touted these women providing underground “access to safe abortions.” Co-director Emma Pildes said “we so often don't hear about the female heroes of history. Those stories don't get told. So, it was just such a compelling opportunity for us to give these women a platform, especially at this time, you know? We're filmmakers. This is what we have to contribute to the fight.” She insisted “These are deeply moral women that wanted to save lives and could testify to what this country looked like last time women’s bodily autonomy -- they didn't have their own bodily autonomy, and they didn't have the right to choose.” It's okay to roll your

America Was Built on Sacrifice

We are losing rights today because we are collectively losing sight of the sacrifices that gave us our rights. American Thinker

The Only Relevant Question about Abortion

Get this one right, and the whole issue is solved. American Thinker

The Ugliest Form of Antagonism...and It's for You

Have conservatives ever been hated harder than they are now? American Thinker

How the COVID Vaccines Kill

Does anybody understand how these shots work? American Thinker

America Today: Liberals Did It

When anything goes wrong in America, our liberal friends are first on the hustings to assign the blame to corporations or right-wing extremists. American Thinker

It’s Time to Bring an End to 'Gun-Free Zones'

The psychological dependence on the police for protection from people like the 18-year-old killer in Uvalde, Texas must stop if our schools and churches are to be made safer. American Thinker