
Showing posts from November, 2022

Georgia Democrats Cry ‘Voter Suppression’ Over A Law That Will Restrict Ballot Harvesting Plans

As Georgia gears up for a runoff between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and his Republican challenger Herschel Walker, Democrats in the state are once again crying wolf — aka, voter suppression — over a state law that prohibits early voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Democratic Party of Georgia — along with Warnock’s campaign […] Victoria Marshall The Federalist

The Anti-Thanksgiving Activism Dividing America Is Rooted In Ungratefulness

Only in America are anti-American activists given such liberty to express their disdain for everything our nation represents. Casey Chalk The Federalist

Abortion, Old-Time German Childrearing, And Deadly Class Warfare

Believe it or not, all those concepts are connected. American Thinker

A Republican House in a Divided Government

The House is the perfect institution for linking successful local and national policies. American Thinker

Why the Red Tsunami Turned into a Ripple

The Red Tsunami dissipated in large measure because the chicanery that was unleased in 2020 went unchecked and uncorrected. American Thinker

No Way to Win? Then Fix the Machine!

The Deep State and the left have built a massive voting machine designed to favor their candidate and it has been in place for years. American Thinker

'Unequivocally unconstitutional': Georgia judge overturns heartbeat bill that prevented abortion after 6 weeks

[rebelmouse-proxy-image,11,0,96 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1] On Tuesday, a Georgia judge overturned the state's bill that banned abortion after a baby's heartbeat can be detected, ABC News reported. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney declared that since the bill was passed before the Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade , the legislation was "unequivocally unconstitutional.

The Dark Web Price Index 2022

The Dark Web Price Index 2022 Did you know that the internet you’re familiar with is only  10%  of the total data that makes up the World Wide Web ? As Visual Capitalist's Carmen Ang details below, the rest of the web is hidden from plain sight, and requires special access to view. It’s known as the Deep Web, and nestled far down in the depths of it is a dark, sometimes dangerous place, known as the darknet, or  Dark Web . This graphic by  Enrique Mendoza  provides us a glimpse at this shrouded part of the internet, showing us some of the common items that are sold on there, and how much they typically cost. A Brief Introduction to the Dark Web Before diving in, it’s worth quickly explaining what the Dark Web is, and how people typically gain access to it. Unlike the ordinary web (which is also known as the Surface Web), the Dark Web cannot be accessed through a regular browser such as Chrome or Safari. Rather, users need to access it anony

LA Turns To A "Mansion Tax" To Try And Solve Its Homelessness Problem

LA Turns To A "Mansion Tax" To Try And Solve Its Homelessness Problem Believe it or not, California thinks it has a solution to the homelessness problem that can be solved with additional taxation! Go figure. A new measure in Los Angeles, called Measure ULA, is set to generate $900 million in taxes that will then be used for housing subsidies and tenant protections. The tax is essentially a levy on all property sales of more than $5 million, according to Bloomberg. This "mansion tax", if it passes, will look to "speed new construction and deliver a way out of the city’s spiraling homelessness crisis", according to Bloomberg. It could generate some $900 million per year to provide infrastructure like affordable homes and tools like counsel for tenants in eviction courts.  Laura Raymond, director of the nonprofit Alliance for Community Transit–Los Angeles, told Bloomberg : “This would be the biggest investment in tenant protectio

Ports Clogged With Containers As World Trade Stumbles

Ports Clogged With Containers As World Trade Stumbles The latest Bloomberg Trade Tracker reveals an ominous outlook for world trade due to soaring interest rates, the war in Ukraine, a slowdown in the US economy, and zero Covid in China. A shortage of containers has entirely reversed into a glut as crashing shipping rates and canceled sails gain momentum during what is supposed to be the busiest shipping period of the year.  "The world's two biggest economies are feeling glum about the export outlook, with both the US and China gauges in contraction in October and the American one in "below-normal" range on the Tracker," according to  Bloomberg .  Earlier this week, we explained that  economic storm clouds  are gathering worldwide as some of the largest shipping companies warn about decelerating global trade. US shipper FedEx and Danish shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S have been vocal about emerging signs of a global slowdown.

Global Food Import Bill Soars To "Alarming Level" As Poor Countries On Brink Of Crisis

Global Food Import Bill Soars To "Alarming Level" As Poor Countries On Brink Of Crisis A shocking new report via the  Food and Agriculture Organization  of the United Nations (FAO) revealed the world food import bill jumped to nearly $2 trillion in 2022 amid soaring inflation due to several factors, including currencies depreciating against the US dollar, the war in Ukraine, and La Nina-related climate change.  FAO's Food Outlook expects the tab for imports of wheat, rice, maize, vegetable oils, and all other farm goods will jump to an all-time high and about 10% increase over the record level of 2021, although the agency expects demand destruction in response to elevated food prices and depreciating currencies against the US dollar.  Food-import bills are skyrocketing for developing countries, with most already in insurmountable debt. Many of these countries are quickly burning through dollar stockpiles at the fastest pace in two decades to defen

Texas Gov. Abbott Says 300th Bus Of Immigrants Has Been Sent To Democrat-Run State

Texas Gov. Abbott Says 300th Bus Of Immigrants Has Been Sent To Democrat-Run State Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Texas has now sent around 300 buses of immigrants to predominantly Democrat-run areas of the country in an effort to deal with an influx of illegal aliens at the southern border. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks at a news conference in Beaumont, Texas, on Oct. 17, 2022. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images) Gov. Greg Abbott announced the latest transportation of illegal immigrants to so-called “sanctuary” cities on Twitter on Nov. 11. “ The 300th Texas bus of migrants just left for Chicago ,” the Republican governor wrote . “As [President Joe] Biden does nothing, Texas will continue taking unprecedented action to relieve our overwhelmed border communities & secure the border.” A statement from Abbott’s office on Nov. 4 said that Texas has bused almost 8,300 illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C. since April, ov

Federal Court Shreds Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Plan As A ‘Complete Usurpation’ Of Power

According to the court, the loan 'forgiveness' plan is a 'complete usurpation of congressional authorization' and 'not correctible.' Margot Cleveland The Federalist

Tuesday Was Underwhelming But It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way

If the GOP correctly diagnoses the problem, it can change course and, as Ron DeSantis keeps showing, there is a path to victory. American Thinker

Late-Night TV’s Unbearable Politics Isn’t About Amusing People, It’s About Indoctrinating Them

Stephen Colbert featuring prominent figures from the Democratic Party on his show demonstrates how late-night television is just more leftist propaganda. Samuel Mangold-Lenett The Federalist

COVID Amnesty is a Distraction from What’s Coming: Greater Censorship and Atomization

The idea is to isolate individuals and atomize communities. American Thinker

Why Democrats Accuse Us of What They Do

It’s a long-recognized, deliberate, and dangerous tactic that needs to be blocked before it leads to disaster. American Thinker

ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week

How do you find tens of thousands of ballots in a dropbox after election day? How long is America going to tolerate this? They’re stealing this thing. More than 60,000 mail ballots in battleground Washoe County and at least 84,000 ballots in CORRUPT Democratic  Clark County remain uncounted……   @pnjaban what the heck is going on in Nevada. Dems are printing / bringing in ballots post election. Are Republican lawyers in place — C Richard R (@cr76richard) November 10, 2022 In Clark County, the number of uncounted mail ballots includes about 56,900 mail ballots dropped off in ballot boxes on Election Day (a number disclosed late Wednesday) and roughly 27,000 additional mail ballots received Monday and Tuesday that Registrar Joe Gloria said the county was processing Wednesday. After strong in-person numbers on Election Day this cycle, Republicans overtook Democrats overnight in some competitive races, including the contests for U.S. Senate, where Republican Adam

There have been 24,440 non-covid, excess mortality deaths since May 2022: Deaths registered, UK, week ending 21 October 2022 13,463 up 15.7% above the five-year average: So why won't the government launch an inquiry?

Excess Mortality in England Since March 2022,  Link   There has been a significant increase in heart attacks and related health issues since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines. . . Why are so many English people dying recently from non-covid diseases? And why do the UK government refuse to  launch a public inquiry into vaccine safety; and why would an inquiry be a waste of taxpayers’ money into the death of 24,440 people? An average of 1,564 extra deaths per week occurred in England during October 2022—Throughout 2020 it was 315.—Throughout 2021 it was 1,322. There have been 24,440 non-covid, excess mortality deaths since May 2022. Deaths registered, UK, week ending 21 October 2022 13,463 up 15.7% above the five-year average = 1,822 excess deaths. 1,379 in the week up to 23 March 2020. . .   Dr John Cambell   On 24 October 2022, a debate was recorded  at The House Of Commons in London , namely, Covid-19 Vaccines: Safety. Elliot Colburn, Conservative MP for Carshalton and Wallington

The Lost American Generation

American education has been sliding into the abyss for 50-plus years. The situation is now dire. American Thinker

The Merits of Pandemic Amnesty

We have lived through two years of progressive fascism.  Medical tyranny is just one tentacle of this form of fascism. American Thinker

COVID Amnesty? How About Unconditional Surrender?

You want forgiveness? There are certain conditions to meet.... American Thinker

The Coming Invasion of Taiwan

The "reunification" of the island nation with Communist China would be the crowning achievement of Xi Jinping's reign. American Thinker

Don’t Fall For The Democrats’ Ginned-Up Social Security Scaremongering

Don't worry. Sadly, no one is going to reform entitlements. David Harsanyi The Federalist

Russia warns that the world’s five nuclear superpowers are ‘on the brink of a direct armed conflict’ which will have ‘catastrophic consequences’

The world’s five nuclear superpowers are ‘on the brink of a direct armed conflict’ which will have ‘catastrophic consequences’, Russia has warned. The Kremlin said on Wednesday that avoiding a nuclear clash between the world’s nuclear powers was its first priority, but accused the West of ‘encouraging provocations with weapons of mass destruction’. Western capitals have said Moscow is behind a ramping up of nuclear rhetoric since Russia invaded Ukraine in February – most recently by repeatedly accusing Kyiv of planning to use a radioactive ‘dirty bomb’ without offering evidence. Continue reading Russia warns that the world’s five nuclear superpowers are ‘on the brink of a direct armed conflict’ which will have ‘catastrophic consequences’ at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

As COVID Hit, Leftist and RINO Elites Traded Stocks ‘With Exquisite Timing’

Why is America standing for this banana republic corruption? These cosseted elitists would have us believe that they just guessed right and were incredibly lucky. Obviously they exploited the inside information to which they were privy and benefited immensely from doing so.Everyone who made money on COVID ought to be barred from public office forever. That will never happen, however, because the people who oversee the government’s law enforcement apparatus are even more corrupt than these stock traders. The rot has gone very deep. Washington needs a thorough housecleaning. “As COVID Hit, Lawmakers Traded Stocks ‘With Exquisite Timing’: WSJ,” by Lee Barney, Newsmax , October 19, 2022: At least 400 officials at 50 leading government agencies, including the Pentagon and the Treasury, bought and sold stocks of major U.S. companies that were the most impacted by the coronavirus pandemic,  The Wall Street Journal reports . The timing was “exquisite,” particularly with respect to to

Union Station Is Symbolic Of America’s Spiraling Crime And Despair. Biden Wants To Blame You

That the president and his team chose Union Station as the centerpiece of their final pitch to voters illustrates how little they understand America's anger. Christopher Bedford The Federalist

White House Deletes Tweet After Twitter Placed Fact Check Disclaimer On It

The White House deleted a tweet claiming credit for hikes in Social Security payments after it was slapped with a fact check from Twitter. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Bishop in Ireland publicly rebukes priest for condemning abortion, homosexuality, and transgender behavior as “sinful”

A Roman Catholic priest in Ireland was publicly rebuked by his bishop for a homily over the weekend that condemned abortion, homosexuality, transgender behavior, and contraception as sinful. Retired Rev. Sean Sheehy came out against what he described as “rampant” sin in society, some of which is backed by government legislation, he said during his sermon at St. Mary’s Church in Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, on Sunday. “What is so sad today is you rarely hear about sin, but it’s rampant,” said Sheehy. Continue reading Bishop in Ireland publicly rebukes priest for condemning abortion, homosexuality, and transgender behavior as “sinful” at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

The Democrats -- Mass Psychosis or Pathological Lying?

It is necessary for Democrats to lie and obfuscate. It is the only way they can win. American Thinker