
Showing posts from December, 2022

Seared Souls: How We Abuse Our Children

S ince I’m going to be criticizing a now widely accepted phenomenon, this piece may evoke eyerolls from some supporters. So be it, because certain things need to be said.  I must confess that with the way many of my fellow adults behave today, it can make me ashamed to be one. I almost sometimes feel as if I want to apologize to the children for the example the contemporary grown-up world now sets. We often lament, and rightly so, how disrespectful many modern youths are, yet a prerequisite for commanding respect is being respectable. There is little respectable about modern American culture.  Selwyn Duke CanadaFreePress.Com

'A Long Train of Abuses'

We are now experiencing the inevitable results of giving power to men and women who don’t deserve it. American Thinker

Are We Living in a ‘Post-Truth’ Society?

If your intuitive answer is “yes,” but the consequences may be more dire than you realize. American Thinker

The American Left Sows the Seeds and Waters the Roots of Anti-Semitism

Democrats and the media have a green thumb when it comes time to the cultivatation of anti-Semitism. American Thinker

Fairfax County Schools Used To Assign Homework. Now They Fixate On What Sex Their Students Were ‘Assigned At Birth’

The Fairfax County School Board is considering changes to its sex education program that would refer to boys as “assigned males at birth” and girls as “assigned females at birth,” denying biological reality in favor of advancing the transgender agenda. According to a local report, the school board is considering a number of radical proposals […] Sophia Corso The Federalist

MADNESS: Democrat City Will Pay $600,000 To 2020 George Floyd Rioters

They burned our cities and WE have to pay them. We protest election fraud and end up in a gulag. Dem City Will Pay $600,000 To Protesters For Injuries Sustained In 2020 George Floyd Demonstrations By: Daily Caller , December 1, 2022: A federal court Wednesday approved Minneapolis, Minnesota’s agreement to pay 12 protesters a combined $600,000 for injuries sustained during 2020 demonstrations over George Floyd’s murder. The agreement settled a lawsuit brought by American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU-MN) on the protesters’ behalf, and bars Minneapolis from arresting or using physical force including chemical agents against people demonstrating legally, according to a Wednesday ACLU-MN press release . The Minnesota U.S. District Court’s  injunction concluding the lawsuit Wednesday mandates body-camera recordings for Minneapolis officers deployed to protests and limits their use of chemical agents for peaceful protest dispersion. “Tear gas, foam bullets and

The Numbers Are Screaming That A Giant Tsunami Of U.S. Layoffs Has Now Begun

We knew that economic conditions were deteriorating, but this is getting ridiculous.  According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the number of layoffs in November was 127 percent higher than it was in October.  That isn’t just a trend, that is an avalanche.  And compared to the same month in 2021, the number of layoffs in November was 417 percent higher.  Please take a moment and let that figure sink in.  A 417 percent increase is a colossal shift.  Essentially, these numbers are telling us that a giant tsunami of U.S. layoffs has now begun, and I believe that things will get even worse in 2023 and beyond .  Our leaders have pursued policies that have been extremely destructive to the U.S. economy, and many of us have been warning that a day of reckoning would arrive.  Well, it appears that a day of reckoning for America’s workers is now here, and the months ahead are not going to be pretty. There is no way to spin these numbers to make them look good.  Major layoff announcement

Religious Organization claims that Banks and Businesses are beginning to “Cancel Christians”

(OPINION) When the National Committee for Religious Freedom, headed by former U.S. Senator and Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback, needed a bank account, they went to JPMorgan Chase. After only a few weeks they learned their account had been closed. “I went in to make a deposit at a branch here in Kansas about three or four weeks after we’d opened up the account,” Brownback told us, “And the teller there said ‘That account’s been closed.’ And I go, ‘What?’ and they said, ‘That account’s been closed. Continue reading Religious Organization claims that Banks and Businesses are beginning to “Cancel Christians” at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Scientists have just made sci-fi closer to reality after creating a “Baby Wormhole”

In science fiction – think films and TV like “Interstellar” and “Star Trek” – wormholes in the cosmos serve as portals through space and time for spacecraft to traverse unimaginable distances with ease. If only it were that simple. Scientists have long pursued a deeper understanding of wormholes and now appear to be making progress. Researchers announced on Wednesday that they forged two minuscule simulated black holes – those extraordinarily dense celestial objects with gravity so powerful that not even light can escape – in a quantum computer and transmitted a message between them through what amounted to a tunnel in space-time. Continue reading Scientists have just made sci-fi closer to reality after creating a “Baby Wormhole” at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Taking Offense is Permitted

Lady Susan Hussey was slandered, and the palace defamed by association American Thinker

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wants to keep the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he wants to keep the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place to protect the health of the troops, as Republican governors and lawmakers press to rescind it. This past week more than 20 Republican governors sent a letter to President Joe Biden asking that the administration remove the mandate, saying it has hurt the U.S. National Guard’s ability to recruit troops. Those troops are activated by governors to respond to natural disasters or unrest. Continue reading Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wants to keep the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

The Conflict In Ukraine Has Evolved Into A War Between The United States And Russia

Let’s be honest about what is really going on in Ukraine.  The United States is providing most of the funding, most of the equipment, most of the ammunition, most of the high level intelligence and much of the training.  That makes the United States a direct participant in the conflict.  Yes, many other NATO countries are also contributing in various ways, and that makes them direct participants as well.  But the mainstream media here in the western world continues to insist that this is Ukraine’s war and that we are just helping them out.  Without a doubt, Ukraine has lost an enormous number of soldiers over the course of 2022, but at this point the Ukrainians are really a junior partner in the war.  If the U.S. and NATO had not intervened on an epic scale, the war would already be over and Russia would have won.  Unfortunately, now that we are so deeply invested in the conflict there is no easy way out, and that has very serious implications for all of us. So much of the death a

Why Isn’t Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border?

A shelter in Tijuana for U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants exemplifies the Biden administration's dangerous mismanagement of the border crisis. Todd Bensman The Federalist

Democrat Voter Fraud: A Brief History

This is the second election in a row marked by impossible results. Not “extraordinary,” not “unusual,” but impossible. American Thinker

2020: The Year the Ruling Class Took Control

Manipulation is the key word when it comes to the Democrats. American Thinker

Why Would Anybody Stay In California?

I wish we could just cover happy topics all day long, but we have to talk about pedophilia and what’s going on in California . The depressive state of things today beats me down. But it is so much more important to me that everybody is informed — especially if you’re like me and you’re a mother to two young children. We talk about California all the time because it is practically a communist country that happens to be in the United States. As I have said to my listeners over and over again, if you live in California — move. I believe Governor Gavin Newsom is a dark character and hell-bent on destroying the people of California . I don’t believe it’s worth the fight there anymore — especially if you have young children. To add weight to that claim, a new report from The Daily Mail has revealed that more than 7,000 convicted pedophiles in California have been released from prison less than a year after sentencing for committing horrific acts, horrific acts including rape

New Disney CEO Says Company Will ‘Quiet Things Down,’ Regrets Predecessor Battled DeSantis

Disney CEO Bob Iger remarked during a town hall event with employees that he desires to advance social causes in a more subdued fashion after the entertainment conglomerate publicly battled Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis  earlier this year. The company’s board of directors recently restored Iger, who previously served as chief executive for 15 years, to his former job and removed would-be successor Bob Chapek from the top position. Chapek positioned Disney against legislation in Florida that prohibits instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity for students between kindergarten and third grade, ultimately causing the iconic company to lose trust among many consumers. In footage obtained by Manhattan Institute fellow Christopher Rufo, Iger claimed that the social issues favored by Disney are not inherently political, yet appeared to recognize that pushing Left-wing values has created backlash in the marketplace. “I think that some of the subjects that have

DeSantis Nails Disney After CEO Bob Iger ‘Sorry’ For Fighting Florida: ‘They Brought This On Themselves’

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Disney during an interview Tuesday night after the company’s CEO, Bob Iger, said that he was sorry that the company was “dragged” into a fight with the state of Florida. DeSantis made the remarks during an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson in which he was asked about Disney’s opposition to the Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, which banned schools from talking about sexual matters with young children. Carlson played a clip where Iger said, “I was sorry to see us dragged into that battle. And I have no idea exactly what its ramifications are in terms of the business itself.” “What I can say is, the state of Florida has been important to us for a long time, and we have been very important to the state of Florida,” Iger continued. “That is something I’m extremely mindful of and will articulate if I get the chance.” When asked how he would respond to Iger’s remarks, DeSantis said, “We didn’t drag them in, Tucke

DeSantis Hammers Apple For Helping Communist China Squash Protesters

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Apple during an interview Tuesday evening for its role in hindering widespread protests against China’s severe pandemic restrictions and for allegedly threatening to boot Twitter from its App Store. “If you look what’s going on in China now, the CCP, they have been imposing these zero COVID lockdown policies. They have been doing it on and off for three years,” DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “And you have people in China that are really engaged in a noble effort to protest which is basically Leninist rule. So, what is Apple doing with that? They are limiting the AirDrop function of the protesters. So they are serving basically as a vassal to the Chinese Communist Party.” “Then, on the other hand, here in the United States, what are they doing? They are trying to get Elon Musk’s Twitter off the App Store, potentially, which would be a huge blow for free speech,” he continued. “And so this is maybe the most powerful com

California Releases Thousands of Convicted Pedophiles Within a Year of Conviction

California has released thousands of convicted pedophiles after spending only a few months in prison. Breccan F. Thies Breitbart