
Showing posts from July, 2023

Globalists promise to ‘Improve’ God’s design of Man through “Transhumanism”

( OPINION ) It sounds like bad science fiction, but it is rapidly becoming reality. Some of the most powerful people on the planet think they are going to “upgrade” human beings — or at least some human beings — through genetic engineering and technological schemes such as “brain implants.” Yes, really. In fact, they are publicly touting alleged benefits, supposedly including eternal life, and even evolving into “gods.” If that all sounds crazy or even diabolical — good, it should, because it is. Continue reading Globalists promise to ‘Improve’ God’s design of Man through “Transhumanism” at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

New Documents: Biden Regime Pressured Facebook to Remove TRUE Information About Side Effects of COVID Vaccines

This contravenes our most basic Constitutional rights. How is it that we, the people, have recourse or redress? WTH is happening here? Zuckerberg knew and did it anyway but not before warning his own employees off the vaccine. Why did social media companies sign on to this totalitarian horror? Why didn’t ONE social media company do the right thing (Elon hadn’t bought Twitter yet). They took a stand for the jihadis who mass murdered Christians at a Christmas party in San Bernardino. If you recall Apple would not unlock their phones as Apple said it violated their privacy rights. The Washington Post reported at the time that Apple objected to giving the federal government backdoor access to the shooters iPhones, claiming it would “set a dangerous precedent.” “From the beginning, we objected to the FBI’s demand that Apple build a backdoor into the iPhone because we believed it was wrong and would set a dangerous precedent. As a result of the government’s dismissal, neither of t

Congress Must Stop The Executive Branch’s Heinous Attempts To Censor Americans

To protect free speech, Congress must prohibit the government’s collusion with Big Tech and other media organizations. Rand Paul The Federalist

Biden Family Scandals Are So Much Bigger Than Hunter’s Hookers And Burisma Bribery

The scandal was never about Hunter’s sordid sex life and drug abuse. It was about Joe Biden’s abuse of power -- and all those covering it up. Margot Cleveland The Federalist

It’s Time To Disarm All FBI Agents And Return Authority To Local Law Enforcement

If the FBI won't submit to the legislative branch’s oversight, Congress can take away its guns and its jurisdiction. Stephen Friend The Federalist

It’s Time For Americans To Stop Tolerating Mentally Deficient Politicians

Our nation is run by a faction of physically and mentally frail figureheads. It’s time for that to change. Jordan Boyd The Federalist

The American Military Paradox

The rise of the military industrial complex has led to the U.S.'s overextension throughout the world with Washington locked in a permanent war mindset. American Thinker

The Next President Must Root Out Federal Overreach And Waste

The government’s size and cost must be reduced, and agencies realigned and consolidated, and Vivek may be the right man for the job. American Thinker

The Left's War On Joy

Every leftist policy, whether centered around climate change, health, or something else, is designed to leech joy from our lives. American Thinker

'It's Murder': Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA's Shocking New Move

Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history. Victims' loved ones are speaking out. American Thinker

Defense Department Is Boxing Parents Out Of Their Children’s Medical Care And Records

It’s more important than ever for parents to push back on DOD policies, check in with their kids, and resolve to stay in the exam room with their children. Amy Haywood The Federalist

Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal CANCELLED, Sweetheart Deal OFF

Pigs really do fly. The great injustice was too great. BREAKING: Hunter Biden deal “falling apart” in Federal Court Bombshell news dropped as Judge asks prosecution if there are any other open criminal investigations into Hunter They reply “yes” What else is he being investigated for? Ukrainian bribes? — DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 26, 2023 Fox News reporting that Hunter Biden’s plea deal is being questioned by judge. Judge asked the prosecution if there was an ongoing existing investigation into Hunter Biden and they said yes. Judge querying if she can accept a guilty plea because it would give Hunter immunity to… — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 26, 2023 Hunter Biden's attorneys demanded blanket future immunity. Why would they do that? — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 26, 2023 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's plea deal just fell apart in court due to investigations th

Massive fireball lights up the South bringing people to tears leaving some fearing ‘Armageddon’

This is the terrifying moment a massive fireball lit up the sky over the South as a meteor shower had some fearing of ‘Armageddon’. Reports of more than 50 sightings across Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida of a massive fireball flying through the sky were recorded by the American Meteor Society. Witnesses said they saw a bright falling object light up the sky ‘like fireworks’ last Friday morning at around 4.30 am. Continue reading Massive fireball lights up the South bringing people to tears leaving some fearing ‘Armageddon’ at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Now they are ready to merge AI with human brain cells

An Australian intelligence agency is funding research attempting to merge artificial intelligence with human brain cells. According to The Guardian, “Research into merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence has received a $600,000 grant from defense and the Office of National Intelligence (ONI).” The funding from the Australia National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants Program will go to research being conducted by the Monash University and Cortical Labs. Adeel Razi, the project’s lead and associate professor from the Monash University’s Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, explained, “This new technology capability in future may eventually surpass the performance of existing, purely silicon-based hardware.” Last year, the research team created a “DishBrain” – a “semi-biological computer chip with some 800,000 human and mouse brain cells lab-grown into its electrodes,” according to New Atlas. Continue reading Now they are ready to merge AI

The CDC is already warning us to prepare for a winter trifecta of Covid, flu and RSV

Even as the nation is faced with blistering heat waves this summer, Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is already thinking ahead to cold and flu season this winter. “We’re going to have three bugs out there, three viruses: Covid, of course, flu and RSV,” Cohen said in an interview. “We need to make sure the American people understand all three and what they can do to protect themselves.” Spread of all three respiratory viruses is currently low, but the CDC has begun to detect slight increases in positive Covid tests and Covid-related emergency department visits. Continue reading The CDC is already warning us to prepare for a winter trifecta of Covid, flu and RSV at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

‘Mystery company’ purchases $1 billion of land near Air Force base in California

Nearly $1 billion in land purchases by a mysterious company near a California Air Force base is raising national security concerns. A group called “Flannery Associates” has invested more than $800 million on almost 54,000 acres of land surrounding the Travis Air Force Base since 2018, zoned for agricultural use, public records show. Legal representation for Flannery says the group is controlled by U.S. citizens, with 97% of its capital coming from U.S.-based investors. Continue reading ‘Mystery company’ purchases $1 billion of land near Air Force base in California at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

A religious school in England teaches kids they can be born into “wrong body”

A concerned father is urging the chief education officer of the Church of England to take action over allegedly inappropriate and explicit sex education lessons in his child’s church school. The unidentified parent appealed to the Rev. Nigel Genders after claiming the unnamed Church of England school in Norfolk, England, is utilizing materials that teach children as young as 7 that they can be born in the wrong body, according to the London-based Christian Legal Centre (CLC), which is aiding his legal battle, according to the Christian Post. Continue reading A religious school in England teaches kids they can be born into “wrong body” at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

How Promising NATO Membership To Ukraine Could Lead To World War III

America and its NATO allies must make permanently ending the war their priority and abandon the offer to admit Ukraine as a member. Fred Fleitz The Federalist

Texas Announces Exit From Leftist-Controlled Voter-Roll ‘Management’ Group ERIC

Texas announced on Thursday it will be withdrawing from the leftist-controlled voter-roll management group known as ERIC later this year. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Depressed ‘Barbie’ Is What Happens When Feminists Are Trusted With An Icon

The Barbie movie takes a beloved and beautiful icon and makes her self-conscious, depressed, and neurotic. That's what Hollywood does best. Eddie Scarry The Federalist

The Final Countdown: Agenda 2030 on the March

The New World Order is engaged in an all-out war on personal conscience. American Thinker

A Leading Climate Scientist Expresses Doubt About the Veracity of the Global Warming Movement

In a powerful book, Judith Curry explains what brought her from being a climate change believer to someone who seriously doubts climate theology. American Thinker

Why Do They Have To Ruin Just About Everything?

I am not one of those people that believe that everything in our society was better decades ago when I was growing up.  But without a doubt, those that are running our society today have ruined so many of the things that were truly great when I was a child.  Among other things, they have ruined our sports, our movies, our schools, our churches, our military, our architecture, our culture and our federal government.  Just about all of our major institutions have been infested by incompetence and political correctness, and it is getting worse with each passing year. When I was growing up, Craftsman tools were world famous for their quality. Sadly, the brand was eventually sold to Stanley Black & Decker, and a 90 million dollar factory was built in Texas to build Craftsman tools for a new generation. But the factory was so poorly built that it ended up being a total failure, and now it is being closed less than four years after it opened … The world’s largest tool company cou

Biden Grandchild No. 7 Magnifies The Male Privilege Of Joe And His Boy

You can't keep a little girl out of the family just because her daddy couldn't keep it in his pants. Kylee Griswold The Federalist

Will the European Union Devolve into a Group of Third-World Countries?

The E.U.'s green obsessions are set to doom it. And the United States is set to follow suit. American Thinker

'Feeling Right' About Morality

What can “feeling right” about knowledge mean in a head stuck on politics, and what wisdom can come from a cold heart? American Thinker

Do Leftists Believe What They Claim to Believe?

The short answer is no. The long answer explains why it's impossible to have an argument with them. American Thinker

Southern CA school board adopts social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers

A Southern California school board on Friday adopted a social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers after initially rejecting it. “Fortunately, now students will receive the basic materials needed to learn,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom in a statement following Friday’s vote. Newsom previously warned that the district could be sanctioned if it didn’t use the state-approved curriculum. The curriculum in question is titled “California’s Cultural Contributions,” board member Allison Barclay of the Temecula Valley Unified School District told CNN. Continue reading Southern CA school board adopts social studies curriculum that includes gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Fall of Rome, Fall of the USA

As went Rome, so we go, too, it seems. American Thinker

Lawmakers warn that China poses an ‘Alarming’ threat to US power Grid

China represents an increasing threat to the US power grid, lawmakers were told Tuesday during a hearing in which they were warned a cyberattack from the nation could plunge military and other sensitive sites into darkness. “The Chinese activities are quite alarming,” said Manny Cancel, senior vice president of the North American Electric Reliability Corp., during testimony before a US House subcommittee. “Chinese cyber activities are one of the most dynamic cyber threats. Continue reading Lawmakers warn that China poses an ‘Alarming’ threat to US power Grid at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

After being on display for over 5 decades, A cross monument has been removed by CA town

A legal battle over religious freedom is underway in a small town outside of San Francisco, California, as a small group of Christians fight to re-install a 28-foot cross removed from a parcel of land last month. A bench trial began Tuesday in a U.S. district court to determine whether the city of Albany Hill could invoke eminent domain to take the Lions Club’s easement, which has been used to access the cross for more than 50 years. Continue reading After being on display for over 5 decades, A cross monument has been removed by CA town at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

TOTAL DISGRACE: USWNT Players Silent During National Anthem Against Vietnam Who Proudly Sang Theirs at 2023 World Cup Opener

Miserable leftists spread their ugliness across the world. Who are they playing for? Frankly, if you don’t proudly represent the country, don’t play for the country. It’s sickening. I hope they lose. USWNT players largely silent during national anthem in 2023 World Cup opener against Vietnam, who proudly sang theirs By: NY Post , July 27, 2023: Most members of the US women’s soccer team stayed silent during the national anthem before its World Cup opener Friday against newcomers Vietnam — who passionately belted their nation’s tune. The majority of the reigning women’s World Cup champion team stared stoically ahead as the “Star Spangled Banner” blasted across New Zealand’s Eden Park arena. Only five of the 11 players who stood on the field for the anthem — with young, aspiring players standing before them — placed their hands over their hearts, while their six teammates kept their digits clasped behind their backs, video shows. Only three USWNT players — Julie

U.S. Government Funded AI-Surveillance Program Targeting ‘Emotions Expressed In Social Media’ During Covid

The National Science Foundation awarded nearly $200,000 to Mississippi State University to study how people talked about Covid-19 online. Samuel Mangold-Lenett The Federalist

The Left Attacks ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Because It Exposes An Uncomfortable Truth About Moral Boundaries

Our culture wants complete sexual freedom but ignores the negative fallout that happens when those freedoms are abused. J. Antonio Juarez The Federalist

Revelations About Biden’s $10 Million Ukraine Bribery Scheme Warrant Impeachment

At no time since the 1868 impeachment of President Andrew Johnson has an impeachment been more warranted than it is now. John Daniel Davidson The Federalist

The Democrat Party Of The Proudly Unwell And Perverts

To be mentally ill, dangerous, or both is quickly becoming the norm in Democrat politics. Eddie Scarry The Federalist

The Sequel Is Here: Housing Crash 2 Accelerates As Home Sales Drop To The Lowest Level Since 2009

If you are trying to sell your home right now, I feel so sorry for you.  Thanks to the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates have risen to very alarming levels, and this has scared millions of potential homebuyers out of the market.  Compared to two years ago, the average potential homebuyer is facing mortgage payments that are close to $1,000 per month higher.   I don’t know about you, but I certainly wouldn’t want to pay $1,000 more each month for the exact same house.  So most potential homebuyers are staying out of the market until interest rates come down, and that could be a while, because officials at the Fed do not plan to reduce rates for the foreseeable future. On Thursday, we learned that sales of pre-owned homes fell 3.3 percent last month.  Overall, they have now dropped to the lowest level that we have seen during the month of June  since 2009 … Sales of pre-owned homes dropped 3.3% in June compared with May, running at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 4.16 million

Is D.E.I. Going to D-I-E?

Even the wokest corporations are abandoning the DEI ship in the face of growing disenchantment and backlash. American Thinker

Can Concerned Parents Stop Schools from Grooming Children?

A century ago, Mexico proved concerned parents can stop public schools from grooming their children. American Thinker

Lab-Grown Beef And Chicken Will Soon Be In Your Local Grocery Store…

Would you like to eat a slab of “beef” or “chicken” that has been artificially “grown” inside a giant vat filled with disgusting goo?  Personally, I will never eat any “beef” or “chicken” that scientists have cooked up in a lab somewhere.  In fact, I would rather crawl on my belly for a mile on a gravel road filled with razor-sharp glass shards than eat a single bite of lab-grown “meat”.  I am sure that many of you feel the same.  But it is coming anyway.  In fact, CNN is reporting that Americans will be able to try lab-grown chicken “soon”… Soon, Americans are going to be able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken. On Wednesday, the USDA gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown, or cultivated, chicken products in the United States. The USDA really does a bang up job of protecting us, don’t they? I can only imagine the new dangers that this sort of “meat” will bring to our popul

From “America The Beautiful” To “America Smeared With Feces”…

I am going to warn you right now – this article is all about poop.  Our nation was once known as “America the Beautiful”, but now so much of what made us so beautiful has crumbled and decayed, and feces is literally being smeared all over the place.  I truly wish that I was exaggerating, but at this point poop in the streets has become a major issue from coast to coast.  Our homeless population is absolutely exploding , and many of the homeless are addicted to drugs.  Unfortunately, many drug addicts simply do not care where they are when it is time to take a crap.  They just pull down their pants and let it fly. For those of us that aren’t addicted to drugs, it can be difficult to understand how addicts can let themselves sink so low. Sadly, the truth is that many of these drugs are so powerful that they literally make people stagger around like zombies.  For example, “tranq” is now being mixed with all sorts of street drugs all over the U.S., and someone that is on “tranq” can b

A Scandal in Education

Logic is not being taught in schools, and the inevitable result is confusion in the classroom. Here is one educator's journey to change that. American Thinker

America’s Degradation Is No Accident

Our nation has suffered a cultural hijacking, and we have a moral obligation to fight back. American Thinker

Challenging the 'Equality Act'

If it passes, pro-family citizens objecting to the LGBTQ agenda will be criminalized. American Thinker

Is Sound of Freedom the Next 'Shot Heard Round the World'?

You can always tell when something terrifies the left because the long knives come out — in this case, for a movie. American Thinker