
Showing posts from September, 2023

How Trustworthy Are Medical Organizations That Rabidly Support Until-Birth Abortion?

A recent column in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is a perfect example of how activists are capturing the institutions of American medicine and corrupting its soul. Nathanael Blake The Federalist

Democrats Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism. They Only Understand Power

The left isn’t bothered by blatant hypocrisy and injustice. So long as they have power, they’re fine with it. John Daniel Davidson The Federalist

Tucker Carlson: Practicing Real Christianity Means ‘The People In Charge Want To Kill You’

Living our faith requires vigilance, but it also requires fearlessness, Tucker Carlson told a crowd of Christians in Ohio earlier this month. Nick Givas The Federalist

Biden Cripples Auto Industry, UAW Announces Major Strike, Attacks…Trump

The United Auto Workers (UAW) announced on Friday that it is expanding its major nationwide strike against the Big Three automakers. Negotiations have failed and 146,000 autoworkers continue to be without a contract; the union is demanding continuing benefits for up to two years in case of an indefinite layoff, which is a very real possibility in light of Old Joe Biden’s proposed electric vehicle mandate. The regime’s EV mandate would decimate the auto industry and eliminate as many as 117,000 jobs. And so is the UAW standing up and denouncing Biden? Come on, man! The UAW is zeroing in on the real problem here: Donald Trump. About 13,000 UAW members are on strike now, and the Daily Caller reported Friday that “more workers will go on strike as the union and automakers continue to be unable to reach a deal.” The UAW strike will now extend to “38 new plants across the U.S.”; this is a significant expansion, as “the UAW first  announced  its partial strike on Sept. 14, striking at th

“Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time”

Tucker Carlson dropping truth bombs. “Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time”: Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview By: Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, September When Tucker Carlson departed the Fox News Channel in April, his enemies cheered. But if they thought the happy warrior had finally been defeated, their judgment was as dismal as their approval ratings. With an assist from Elon Musk, Carlson is reaching an even larger, global audience with his new show, “Tucker Carlson on Twitter (now known as ‘X’).” The veteran newscaster has expanded his mission: to defeat the mainstream media’s suffocating bias and incuriosity not just about critical events at home but in capitals around the world. When we reach him, Carlson has just returned from the United Arab Emirates where he met with its president, Mohamed bin Zayed. Carlson pronounces the sheikh “the most interesting, wisest leader I’ve ever spoken to” — a provocative assessment given that the talk show host sat across

INVASION BY DESIGN: Biden’s Customs and Border Protection Cuts Barbwire Barrier Keeping Out the Hordes of Illegals.

Article 4, section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.” Impeach now. Eagle Pass, Texas just moments ago: Under Biden's direction, Customs and Border Protection cuts Texas DPS barbwire barrier keeping out the hordes of illegals. Invasion by design. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 25, 2023 Have you seen the new illegal border crossing numbers?? — Paul Hookem (@PaulHook_em) September 25, 2023 This is by design. Pamela Geller Geller Report

Philly vandalism was completely organized on social media, and the destruction was documented in videos through the night

The plans to break into, vandalize, and steal from Philadelphia businesses on Tuesday night were not much of a secret. As word spread that a Philadelphia judge had dismissed all criminal charges against the former police officer who shot and killed Eddie Irizarry last month, people took to Instagram to share their anger and plan a response. “WHAT TIME WE GOING “SHOPPING”???” one person asked. “We looting or not??!!” wrote another. “I know they say tearing up our stuff ain’t right,” someone said, “but that’s the only way they hear us.” Before the night was over, police said, groups had broken into businesses across Philadelphia, stealing, ransacking, and leaving destruction in their wake. Continue reading Philly vandalism was completely organized on social media, and the destruction was documented in videos through the night at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

From Staten Island To Eagle Pass, Americans Revolt Over The Border Invasion Biden Invited Into Their Homes

Unless every city and state in the U.S. agrees to fend off the forced entry of illegal border crossers, the crisis will continue. Jordan Boyd The Federalist

America’s ‘Rainbow’ Military Is On Track To Lose Another Major War

Much like the missing F-35, our nation's military is lost with no sense of direction or purpose. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Biden Regime Unleashes 50-Year Mining, Oil Drilling Ban Across Thousands of Acres in New Mexico

Trump 2024. Biden admin unleashes 50-year mining, oil drilling ban across thousands of acres in New Mexico Biden admin says actions intended to protect wildlife and cultural resources in region By : Thomas Catenacci, Fox News ,September 18, 2023: Texas Public Policy Foundation VP Chuck DeVore reacts to Biden talking about the ‘climate crisis’ while surveying Florida’s Hurricane Idalia damage on ‘Fox & Friends.’ The Biden administration proposed to block of thousands of acres from future oil drilling or mining in northern New Mexico in an effort to protect Native American lands. According to the Department of the Interior (DOI), the proposal would ban new mining claims and oil and gas development across more than 4,200 acres in Sandoval County, New Mexico, located north of Albuquerque. If finalized and implemented, the action would remain in place for up to 50 years. “Today we’re responding to call from Tribes, elected leaders, and community members who want t

NYC Moves to Removes Statues of George Washington et al and Works of Art, Create Reparations Task Force Amid Financial Crisis

New York is the most expensive city to live in in America – and it’s going bankrupt. This is the Democrats answer – go in for the kill of the greatest city in the world. New York was not a slave state and these statues and works of art they wish destroyed (like the cultural annihilation of Mao) is a just means to an end, erasing history, erasing America. As for slavery, America paid in blood. 750,000 Americans died in the civil war, the only country in human history that fought a war to free slaves. Slavery is an abomination but sadly, a part of human history. Read the Bible. The Jews were enslaved for 400 years. Worse, slavery is widespread today – 20% of the black population of Mauritania are enslaved by Muslims. No one even talks about that. So this isn’t about social justice, this is about dividing and destroying America. NYC to consider removing statues of George Washington, create reparations task force amid budget cuts NYC Mayor Eric Adams said last week that the infl

FBI Official: FBI Lost Count of How Many Paid FBI Informants Were at Capitol on Jan. 6

FBI director Chris Wray denied all of this to Congress. We are under siege by a hostile government. The testimony of the Capitol Police chief (on the day of the protest) is made even more damning. Related: Tucker Carlson Shocking Interview with Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund Who Reveals What Really Happened on January 6th Ex-Capitol Police Chief Called Jan. 6 Events a Cover-Up FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number: ex-official By Miranda Devine, NY Post, September 19, 202: The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers. At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, ac

Sex and Ethics

The reality of two sexes is not a philosophical problem, no matter how much certain advocates want to make it one. American Thinker

The West Becomes a Wokers' Paradise — Where Barbarism Is Alive and Well

When Soviet Bolshevism fell, liberal democracy and capitalism stood ready to replace it. But thirty years later, they are also not far from following those comrades. American Thinker

BIDENOMICS: August Bankruptcies Spike, 2023 Highest on Record

These bankruptcies will feed into unemployment as the employment picture starts to shift. And the debt hit 33 trillion. Zombie corporations employ 2.2 million people – when zombies fail all at once, it will exacerbate a crisis and pose financial stability concerns. August Commercial Chapter 11 Filings Increase 54 Percent Over Last Year NEW YORK – Sept. 5, 2023 — There were 634 commercial chapter 11 filings registered in August 2023, an increase of 54 percent from the 411 filings registered in August 2022, according to data provided by Epiq Bankruptcy , the leading provider of U.S. bankruptcy filing data. Overall commercial filings increased 14 percent to 2,328 in August 2023, up from the 2,045 commercial filings registered in August 2022. Small business filings, captured as subchapter V elections within chapter 11, increased 43 percent to 194 in August 2023, up from 136 in August 2022. Total bankruptcy filings were 41,614 in August 2023, an 18 percent increase from

Doctors admit they can’t tell Covid apart from allergies or the common cold anymore

So why the new mandates for masks and vaccines? NYC Doctor: The only way we knew it was COVID was because we tested them. Related; Democrat Blocks Senate Bill To Ban Mask Mandates Nationwide Doctors admit they can’t tell Covid apart from allergies or the common cold anymore – highlighting how mild virus has become Covid is becoming so mild that its symptoms now look like the common cold Health officials still warn, however, the US is in for another ‘tripledemic’ By Luke Andrews Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com, 18 September 2023 Covid patients are becoming harder to distinguish from those suffering from allergies or the common cold, doctors say. The most common symptoms of the virus are now sore throat, sneezing or congestion — the same as RSV, asthma or a pollen allergy. For comparison, in the early stages of the pandemic, Covid had very distinct symptoms – such as a dry cough and a loss of sense of smell or taste. Dr Erick Eiting, vice chair o

They want to protect your kids from you!

#shorts AwakenWithJP AwakenWithJP

Federal Court Chides Dem Activists: There’s Nothing Racist About Election Integrity Laws Like Florida’s

A full federal appeals court declined to take up Democrats' challenge of Florida's 2021 election integrity law on Thursday. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Meet ‘Ad Fontes Media,’ The Left’s Latest Tool For Annihilating Conservative Voices Like The Federalist

'Ad Fontes is complicit in the defunding of real journalism and turbocharging the revenue stream for legacy media propaganda.' Evita Duffy-Alfonso The Federalist

Pope Francis Re-Crucifies Christ on the UN’s Globalist Cross

A respected Italian reporter who has covered the Vatican for more than 40 years made an assertion that would have astounded Catholics worldwide as little as five years ago. “The battles that Pope Francis has given up fighting are those in defense of the unborn, of the Christian vision of procreation and the family,” Sandro Magister wrote Sept. 12 on his blog. “Of course, he does not fail to condemn abortion or gender ideology, sometimes with words even cruder - “hitmen,” “murderers” - than those of his predecessors, but these condemnations of his get very little media coverage, and it is as if he reconciles himself to this silence.” Magister’s basic thrust is right but he misses two big points. For one thing, such major outlets as Associated Press and Reuters have covered Francis’ critical   remarks . For another, surrender becomes absurd when the capitulating side never chose to fight seriously in the first place. As those who follow The Stream's coverage of this pope kn

White House, Media Elites Think Americans Are Too Stupid To See How Good Biden’s Economy Is

'Americans see what’s happening around them' Reagan Reese Conservative Review

These 14 American cities want to ban meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030

( OPINION ) Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.” C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. Continue reading These 14 American cities want to ban meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

24 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of ‘Fully Boosted’ Men, Study Shows

A person who received five doses would be 350% more likely than an unvaxxed person to die in 2031, 700% more likely to die in 2041, and 1050% more likely to die in 2051. How much more will the new jabs steal? There has been no mea culpa, no hesitation, no cessation of mass inoculations. On the contrary, the more people die or suffer lifelong health damage, the more it is ignored and denied. 24 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of ‘Fully Boosted’ Men, Study Shows Frank BergmanSeptember 13, 2023 – 12:57 pm4 Comments An explosive new study has revealed that American men who have been “fully boosted” with Covid shots will suffer a staggering 24-year loss in their life expectancy. Researchers have analyzed the official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the UK government to determine the long-term effects of mRNA injections. The study sought to weigh the balance of risk for the vaccines by establishing how long the negative side effects

Mark Levin’s The Democrat Party Hates America

If you have family members, colleagues, associates, or friends who are vocal Democrats and who do not shy away from political discussions, The Democrat Party Hates America is a cornucopia of evidence that you can use to persuade them out of their delusion that they are supporting a worthwhile political movement. American Thinker

Apple Will Curb Your Internet Freedom Until Congress Crushes Its Monopoly

Apple has consistently proven itself to be driven by greed and a dangerous political agenda. Caleb Larson The Federalist

As Inflation Spikes Again, Biden And Media’s Boasts About Record Price Hikes ‘Cooling’ Are Offensive As Ever

All Biden has done about inflation is sign off on legislation and policies that inevitably continue to increase prices for all Americans. Jordan Boyd The Federalist

SICK: Transgender Coach Strips in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room

Jail for this pedo perv. Look what the left did to education, culture, morality…. Transgender Coach Strips to Undies in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room By: Todd Starnes , September 13, 2023: The girls’ tennis coach at Gettysburg High School is a man who dresses like a woman. Sasha Yates is at the center of a controversy after female students complained that the coach was undressing in their locker room and bathroom. The Epoch Times reports “in the fall of 2022 Yates changed his clothes in the girls’ locker room — ‘stripping down to bra and panties’ — where the (girls) soccer team also was changing. Members of the team had reported ‘it was clear from what they saw that Mr. Yates was still fully a man.’” There had also been concerns over conversations the coach had with some of the girls – talking about undergarment preferences and menstruation. Parents complained and demanded the coach be removed. Steve Carbaugh, a parent of a student in the school dis

WHO Bragged About Helping Big Tech Control What You See About Covid, And It’s Still Happening

The WHO bragged about 'working with more than 50' tech companies to make its own claims 'appear first' in Covid-related searches. Evita Duffy-Alfonso The Federalist

Academic Whose Work Was Cited As Proof Of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Fired For Falsifying Research

'The narrative of police genocide of African Americans turned out ... to be complete nonsense,' said Wilfred Reilly. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

AI bots out performs doctors at diagnosing patients

An AI bot may be better at diagnosing patients in emergency care than real doctors, a study shows. ChatGPT performed as well or better as real-life medics when given the same doctor’s notes of a patient, Dutch researchers found. The chatbot could one day help doctors to reduce waiting times for patients, they suggested. Dr Hidde ten Berg, of Jeroen Bosch Hospital, said: “We found that ChatGPT performed well in generating a list of likely diagnoses and suggesting the most likely option. Continue reading AI bots out performs doctors at diagnosing patients at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

BUH BYE: Romney the rat says he will not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate

Romney says he will not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate. Yes, because this traitorous Trump hater would lose. RELATED: Vile Traitors: RINOs Romney, Murkowski, and Collins support Biden child porn nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court RINO Romney Votes Against Lifting Mask Mandates For Preschool-Age Kids Romney BOOED and Jeered at GOP Event as Patriots Call Him a ‘Communist’ and ‘Traitor’ At State Convention ???? South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem SLAMS Romney for Conceding to Biden: ‘DC Elites Are Eager to Return to Business as Usual’ Romney Blocking Sen. Ron Johnson From Subpoenaing Comey, Brennan Report: George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Colin Powell Won’t Support Trump’s Re-Election RINO Romney Defends Vote-by-Mail BLOWBACK: Mitt Romney flips on plot to betray Republicans (again) in vote against subpoena for Hunter Biden Pamela Gell

Zuckerberg Caught In An Unnerving Liewww.analyzingamerica.orgNewly obtained emails reveal Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg are caught in promoting a major lie. The Biden administration falsely claimed that 65 percent of all “anti-vaccine content” on Facebook could be traced back to just 12 accounts within the infamous “disinformation dozen.” This ...

Zuckerberg Caught In An Unnerving Lie Newly obtained emails reveal Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg are caught in promoting a major lie. The Biden administration falsely claimed that 65 percent of all “anti-vaccine content” on Facebook could be traced back to just 12 accounts within the infamous “disinformation dozen.” This ... Young Conservatives Young Conservatives (Facebook)

Nikki Haley: China ‘Has Already Infiltrated America,’ Biden ‘Asleep At The Wheel’

Nikki Haley: China ‘Has Already Infiltrated America,’ Biden ‘Asleep At The Wheel’ Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

Dem Candidate Claims It’s A ‘Sex Crime’ To Talk About The Fact That She’s A Porn Star

Dem Candidate Claims It’s A ‘Sex Crime’ To Talk About The Fact That She’s A Porn Star Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

Trump Honors Gold Star Families With Night To Remember, Painting Stark Contrast With Biden’s Disrespect

Trump Honors Gold Star Families With Night To Remember, Painting Stark Contrast With Biden’s Disrespect Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

The Democratic Governor Of New Mexico Has A Taste For Fascism

The Democratic Governor Of New Mexico Has A Taste For Fascism Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

Kim Jong Un, Putin Discuss Military Cooperation, Space Tech, And Ukraine War At Russian Summit

Kim Jong Un, Putin Discuss Military Cooperation, Space Tech, And Ukraine War At Russian Summit Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

Putin Mocks 'Rotten' US System For Prosecution Of Donald Trump

Putin Mocks 'Rotten' US System For Prosecution Of Donald Trump It was quite obvious this moment was coming... Russian President Vladimir Putin has mercilessly mocked the US political system for the Biden admin's prosecution of Donald Trump. This is also after US conservative pundits have long decried these efforts as more befitting a "banana republic" .  Putin presented the whole drawn out saga as proof of Washington corruption, which further exposes American "rottenness" - in comments given before the Eastern Economic Forum gathering in Russia’s Pacific Coast city of Vladivostok, where the Russian leader is later expected to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un. Putin speaks out about the cases against Donald Trump: “This shows the whole rottenness of the American political system, which cannot claim to teach others about democracy. What’s happening with Trump is a persecution of a political rival with political motives.

Meta's Threads blocks COVID-related searches to combat so-called disinformation — health officials slam decision

[rebelmouse-proxy-image,53,0,54 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1] Meta's new social media platform, Threads, recently confirmed that it is blocking COVID-related search terms in order to combat disinformation, according to the Washington Post . Threads, a social media site launched by Mark Zuckerberg's company in July to compete with X, formerly known as Twitter, has already landed in hot water for censoring

Biden Lambasted for Starting Off 9/11 Address with a Joke: 'What a Disgrace'

Many felt that President Joe Biden made a mockery of the terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001, especially with the lame joke he started his remarks with at the podium on Monday. Biden was at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson ceremony in Anchorage, Alaska, on the day of the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and began his address about the solemn date by talking about how he and Alaskan Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy both came from Scranton. “Governor Dunleavy, it’s good to see you. The governor and I have something in common: We’re both from Scranton, Pennsylvania. I wish I had him playing on my high school ball club when I was playing. I could’ve been an All-American having you in front of me,” Biden said after stepping to the podium. But many jumped to social media to blast Biden for starting an address about the terrible day when thousands of Americans were killed by cracking wise and talking about himself. “WATCH: Biden begins his 9/11 anni