
Showing posts from November, 2023

It’s happening Again! China enforces mask mandates and social distancing again as “Mystery Pneumonia” spreads

China has brought back masks and social distancing in a chilling echo of lockdown as they battle a mystery pneumonia outbreak four years on from Covid. Alarming footage has emerged of mask-wearing crowds inside Chinese hospitals as fears of a new pandemic sweep across the globe. Areas in the north of the country such as […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

“INHUMANE:” Reports of Palestinians Torturing Israeli Mothers and Children Emerge

Those “innocent civilians” the world wants were part and parcel of the brutalizing, beating and torture by the Palestinians of other kids. Last night’s release of hostages were almost all elderly. This is deliberate and by design. One 12-year-old hostage was held at gunpoint and  forced to watch October 7th horrors. Virtual Jerusalem is r eporting: Reports of Palestinians Torturing Israeli Mothers and Childen Emerge Nov 28, 2023 | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem Despite the attempts of Hamas and its PR flaks to show a humanitarian face to the terror group, and to portray Palestinian civilians as victims, the truth is coming out as the returned captives tell their harrowing stories. It is becoming clear that the local residents were part and parcel of the brutalizing, beating and torture by the Palestinians of other kids. At first it was just hints, as elderly returnees swatted away the hands of Hamas handlers “helping them” from jeeps and ambulances, or Israeli teenagers di

Israel Is Prepared To Act Alone in Gaza, as a Rift Opens Between It and America

Israel still hasn’t learned that America under the Democrats only respects countries that betray, mock and work feverishly against us like Iran (Death to America!) and the Palestinians terror groups  The more you oppose us, the more billions come your way. If you respect and admire America (like Israel does), the Biden regime is going to stab you hard in the back. Israel must go it alone and end this infernal ceasefire. Israel Is Prepared To Act Alone in Gaza, as a Rift Opens Between It and America, Which Seeks To Micromanage the War Jewish state will do what it has to in an existential struggle, even if it is abandoned by its most important By: Benny Avni, NY Sun, November 28, 2023: A rift is growing between America and Israel over how to proceed the day after the current pause in Gaza fighting ends, as Washington attempts to micromanage the war conduct. With a two-day extension of the original ceasefire that was scheduled to end Tuesday, intelligence chiefs fro

The Government Debt Crisis That We Have Been Warned About For Decades Is Happening Right Now

For decades we were warned that someday our politicians would push things too far.  We were warned that someday our national debt would spiral out of control, servicing that debt would become extremely oppressive due to soaring interest rates, existing bonds would crash thanks to the shift in interest rates, and foreign sources would start stepping back from buying any new debt that we would be issuing.  Unfortunately, that time has arrived.  The government debt crisis that we have been warned about is here, and it is going to be incredibly painful. At this moment, our national debt is sitting at $33,836,693,993,860.35. It is probably going to hit 34 trillion dollars by the end of the year. To put this into perspective, when Barack Obama first entered the White House we were about 10 trillion dollars in debt. We are literally committing national suicide, but for a long time most Americans didn’t really care because we were not experiencing any serious consequences. But now t

Special Counsel Jack Smith Sought Info On Anyone Who ‘Favorited Or Retweeted’ Trump Tweets

Special Counsel Jack Smith sought information on X users who liked or retweeted posts published by former President Donald Trump. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Donald Trump Makes History Once Again

A recent NBC Poll has indicated that former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup for the first time in the poll’s history. The November poll showed Trump with 46 percent support, two points higher than Biden’s 44 percent. The survey also revealed a decline in Biden’s approval rating to the lowest point in his presidency, with only 40 percent of voters approving of him. MSNBC's Steve Kornacki: A new national NBC News poll shows President Biden’s approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency. — AnalyzingAmerica (@AnalyzAmerica) November 23, 2023 Additionally, the poll highlighted that most Biden voters see their vote as “against Donald Trump,” while most Trump supporters view their vote as “for Donald Trump.” These results suggest a challenging scenario for Biden in the upcoming 2024 elections. Most Popular: The Ugly Truth About Obama Exposed Panic Mode: Hunter Can’t

Target Selling LGBTQ Nutcracker And ‘Pride Santa’ For Christmas

Target has released LGBTQ merchandise for the Christmas season, including a “Pride Christmas Nutcracker Figure” and “Fabriché Pride Santa” holding the rainbow flag. Earlier this year, Target faced backlash for Pride merchandise, particularly “tuck-friendly” swimsuits displayed in the children’s section. The controversy led to changes in store displays and merchandise removal, with the company citing employee safety concerns. Target under fire for ‘sexualizing’ Christmas with ‘pride Santa’ — New York Post (@nypost) November 22, 2023 Target CEO Brian Cornell addressed declining sales and defended the brand against false accusations, including claims about “transgender bathing suits” and collaboration with a “devil worshiper” designer. The brand has faced criticism for working with a U.K.-based brand associated with Satanic beliefs and displaying “tuck-friendly” swimsuits near children’s items. Most Popular: The U

New York is so corrupt. 'They Are Inventing Crimes!' Former Federal Prosecutor Exposes New York AG, Manhattan Judge In Trump 'Civil Fraud' Trial With Epic Revealconservativebrief.comThis was an epic takedown.

New York is so corrupt. 'They Are Inventing Crimes!' Former Federal Prosecutor Exposes New York AG, Manhattan Judge In Trump 'Civil Fraud' Trial With Epic Reveal This was an epic takedown. Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza (Facebook)

Important reality check: It is not the government's job to police things like negativity, positivity, how people are feeling, their attitude, or their tone. That's a parent's job. So I am the tone police in my house. If my children have a tone I don't like, they will hear about it from me. But the government is not a parent. There's no law against having a tone, not even a “hateful” one. That doesn’t, however, stop government officials from saying things like, “We must stop hate,” or “People have the right to not only be safe, but to feel safe.” First, you have the correct statement: people have the right to be safe. Every law-abiding citizen should have that expectation in a civilized society. But that's only a pretense for the next part, which is where things go off the rails. The right to “feel safe.” Technically, you have the right to feel however you want to feel… no one can stop you from feeling a certain way. But you don't have the right to have your feelings protected. You have the right to be physically protected, but your feelings exist entirely outside of the realm of rights. Rights have nothing to do with your feelings one way or another. If you are safe and the government is fulfilling its basic duty to protect its citizens and enforce the law, they've done their job. Whether that translates over to your feelings is irrelevant. If you want to be a well-adjusted person, then it's your responsibility to bring your feelings in line with reality, not force the government to conform with your version of reality. The government shouldn’t be focused on feelings at all.

Important reality check: It is not the government's job to police things like negativity, positivity, how people are feeling, their attitude, or their tone. That's a parent's job. So I am the tone police in my house. If my children have a tone I don't like, they will hear about it from me. But the government is not a parent. There's no law against having a tone, not even a “hateful” one. That doesn’t, however, stop government officials from saying things like, “We must stop hate,” or “People have the right to not only be safe, but to feel safe.” First, you have the correct statement: people have the right to be safe. Every law-abiding citizen should have that expectation in a civilized society. But that's only a pretense for the next part, which is where things go off the rails. The right to “feel safe.” Technically, you have the right to feel however you want to feel… no one can stop you from feeling a certain way. But you don't have the right to have

Freedom-Lovers of the World, Unite!

The government’s war on “disinformation” proves how much it fears losing power. American Thinker

Biden has Imported Approximately 8 Million Illegal Aliens, Equivalent to the Collective Population of 9 US States

Biden has “imported” approximately 8 million illegal aliens, equivalent to the collective population of nine US states. Data complied by Mr. Michael Master. Maine 1,385,340 Montana 1,122,867 Rhode Island 1,093,734 Delaware 1,018,396 South Dakota 909,824 North Dakota 779,261 Alaska 733,583 Vermont 647,064 Wyoming 581,381 Total = 8,271,450 And that total does not include known got-aways, unknown got-aways, “special interest” aliens, visa overstays, legal immigrants, and special allotment ‘refugees.’ The percentage of foreign born people living the nation is now substantially higher than it has ever been in the history of the nation. The consequences, nearly all negative, will linger for decades. We are awash in foreigners whom Democrats hope to convert to loyal and grateful Democrat voters. All that with more to come, because these statistics only represent barely more than 2-1/2 years of a four-year term before the US cavalry arrives in 2025 and puts a stop

Analysis: Over 23M Immigrants Eligible to Vote in U.S. Ahead of 2024 Election

Ahead of the highly-anticipated 2024 presidential election, more than 23 million immigrants to the United States who now have naturalized American citizenship are eligible to cast ballots, new analysis reveals. John Binder Breitbart

Hundreds of 'Radicalized' NYC High Schoolers Riot Over Pro-Israel Teacher, Who Had to Be Locked in Office for Safety

Hundreds of "radicalized" pro-Palestinian students rioted through the halls of a New York City high school after discovering that a teacher was pro-Israel. Olivia Rondeau Breitbart

Social Justice Bullets

Common to tyrants of humanity is that their ideas of social justice, having no ground in truth, make their relevance to justice approach zero. American Thinker

Climate Justice, Nonsense on Steroids

According to the Center for Climate Justice (CCJ), Climate Justice is the remedy for the faux fact that there is a “disproportionate impact of climate change on low-income communities of color around the world, the people and places least responsible for the problem”. Kathleen Marquardt CanadaFreePress.Com

The Feds Are Targeting Conservative INFANTS

The coup is now targeting our  babies. The feds are now designating Conservative infants as domestic terrorists — Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) November 17, 2023 Infant Son of J6 Defendant Placed on Quiet Skies Suspected Terrorist Watchlist By: Wendi Strauch Mahoney,, Novemebr 13 2023: Infant Son of J6 Defendant Placed on Quiet Skies Suspected Terrorist Watchlist An 8-week-old infant was placed on a secretive terrorist watchlist known as Quiet Skies last week, according to AJ Fischer. The only suspected, but not so reasonable, explanation for the designation is that Fischer is a J6 defendant and the infant’s father. Most alarmingly, it was not even Fischer who booked the ticket for his child. Fischer’s fiancée booked the ticket for herself and the infant, but neither was anywhere close to D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021. They booked separately, weeks apart from Fischer, because he was still awaiting court approval for travel due to his ongoi

Meet the New Dark Age

Today’s Dark Age is happening because modern governments continue to become ever more powerfully intrusive into what used to be private affairs, using their assumed authority to enforce some sort of contrived orthodoxy. American Thinker

Fears over invasion of 'super pigs' in US

Experts in the US fear a rising number of "super pigs" that are proving tough to eradicate could invade northern states. World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News

Biden-Funded Mosques Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews

The American taxpayer should not be funding genocidal Islamic Jew hatred. On the contrary, these annihilationist mosques should be shuddered. These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. By: Chuck Ross, Washington Free Beacon, November 13, 2023 A federal program to help nonprofit groups protect against terrorist attacks has given millions of dollars to mosques and Islamic groups that have praised terrorists and called for the destruction of Israel, according to a Washington Free Beacon review. The Department of Homeland Security awarded the California-based Masjid al-Ansar mosque $100,000 on March 9 under the Nonprofit Security Grants Program. Moustafa Kamel, the imam at Masjid al-Ansar, earlier this year called Jews a “bigoted and arrogant breed of people” and prayed they “will be annihilated” in a war over the Holy Land, according to the Middle East Media Research Institut e. Then there is the Islamic Ce

COVID-19 Vaccine Reckoning is Coming

Covid vaccine lawsuits are coming in numbers that will blow you away. “No One Is Safe” A QUARTER of Americans Say Someone They Know Died from COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Vaccine Injury Data Is Clear: COVID Vaccines Are Killing an Estimated 1 Person Per 1,000 Doses (676,000 Dead Americans) A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal gov mandates By: Miranda Devine, NY Post, Nov. 12, 2023: The Justice Department has just posted a new jobs ad — it’s looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases. Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation of a surge in COVID vaccine lawsuits, as people who were forced by government mandates to take the jab, and suffered serious side effects as a result, try to extract compensation from a system that is stacked against them. “The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” reads the ad posted

The Middle Class Is Working Harder Than Ever, But It Is Being Absolutely Eviscerated By “Bidenomics”

What in the world is happening to the middle class?  Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world.  When I was growing up, a single income was all that was needed to support a middle class lifestyle for an entire family.  My mother didn’t work outside of the home, and that was the case with many other mothers that lived in our middle class neighborhood.  None of the kids that I played with or went to school with were “wealthy”, but everyone lived comfortably.  But now everything has changed.  The middle class in America is working harder than ever, but it has been steadily shrinking.  With each passing day, more Americans are falling out of the middle class and into poverty, and this is a trend that should deeply alarm all of us. In most families, both parents have to work extremely hard just so that the bills can be paid each month. In fact, in many cases both parents are either working multiple jobs or putting in i

Mutiny in the White House as hundreds of anonymous officials demand Israel halt war against terrorists

Four hundred government officials from 40 departments and agencies within President Biden’s administration signed a letter opposing the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war and demanded a cease-fire. The Tuesday letter, first reported by the New York Times, includes officials from the State Department, White House, National Security Council and the Justice Department. The signatories […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Bill Gates is buying up land and threatening farms under the guise of “saving the planet”

(OPINION) A new book aimed at “exposing the billionaire class” says Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat and U.S. farmland aren’t saving the planet but rather enriching his bank account. “Controligarchs,” which hits bookshelves Tuesday, examines billionaires like Bill Gates and how their wealth controls the levers of power that dominate […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

TREASON: Biden Moves To Approve of Fresh $10 Billion for Terror State of Iran

Why would the Biden regime frees up money for Tehran to fund Hamas’s brutal war on Israel? And it’s not just Israel, American lives are on the line and our troops are being targeted. Holy sh*t Sounds like Biden will unfreeze another $10 billion to Iran on top of the $100 billion they already released We are funding both sides of the war. — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 14, 2023 God help us. Can the nation rid itself of the Biden regime in 2024 and claw its way back? — Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 13, 2023 Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for Iran Sanctions waiver frees up money for Tehran as it funds Hamas’s war on Israel By: Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, November 13, 2023″ The Biden administration may approve a sanctions waiver on Tuesday that will allow Iran to access at least $10 billion in previously frozen funds held in Iraq, a closely watched decisi

Does Anyone In Congress Care That A Quarter Of A Million Illegal Immigrants Were Arrested In October?

Customs and Border Protection announced it had apprehended nearly a quarter of a million illegal aliens at the U.S.-Mexico border in October. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

New York To Begin Arresting Residents Who Spread Non-Mainstream Content Online

The WEF-controlled city of New York has instructed police to begin arresting residents who share non-mainstream content online. In accordance with WEF policies, Governor Kathy Hochul has agreed to violate the U.S. constitution and crack [...] The post New York To Begin Arresting Residents Who Spread Non-Mainstream Content Online appeared first on The People's Voice . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

“Racial doctrines such as ‘critical race theory’ and ‘intersectionality’ are the mother’s milk of antisemitism on campuses”

Me quoted in NY Post about survey showing that nearly as many college students back Hamas as Israel. The post “Racial doctrines such as ‘critical race theory’ and ‘intersectionality’ are the mother’s milk of antisemitism on campuses” first appeared on Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion . William A. Jacobson Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Over 100,000 people at the Pro Israel 🇮🇱 rally in DC!!!! 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱

Over 100,000 people at the Pro Israel 🇮🇱 rally in DC!!!! 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱 Armageddon News Armageddon News (Facebook)

OMG! Horrifying New Biden Video Should Spell End To His Reelection Bid

OMG! Horrifying New Biden Video Should Spell End To His Reelection Bid Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza (Facebook)

WATCH: Hamas Opening Fire on Civilians Trying To Leave Northern Gaza

Horrific pictures coming out of Gaza right now. Israel continues to open up humanitarian corridors in Gaza, while Hamas continues to open fire, both on Israeli soldiers, and on innocent civilians trying to evacuate. Civilians are trying to leave the northern zone and go south. However, Hamas opened fire on them to stop their attempt. They want human shields to protect them. Horrific pictures coming out of Gaza right now. Civilians are trying to leave the northern zone and go south. However, Hamas opened fire on them to stop their attempt. They want human shields to protect them. — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 10, 2023 #BREAKING Exclusive documentation: Hamas terrorists brutally beat Gaza civilians and prevent them from taking food from a humanitarian aid truck @eliorlevy | #KanIsraelstory — כאן חדשות (@kann_news) November 12, 2023 This is common practice for Hamas: https://twiter.c

Theft is so bad in Washington DC that CVS is only displaying pictures of toilet paper products on shelves

A CVS store in Washington, D.C., isn’t making toilet paper available on shelves, and customers are now forced to ask an employee to get the product from the store’s backroom. The CVS store on H Street NE in the nation’s capital took the measure because homeless people were stealing toilet paper, sources told WTOP news. Pictures obtained by FOX Business show framed pictures of paper towels and toilet paper not readily available on the store shelves. Continue reading Theft is so bad in Washington DC that CVS is only displaying pictures of toilet paper products on shelves at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

WATCH: Muslim Demo in NY’s Time Square Declares, “We Will Not Stop Until Islam Enters Every Home!”

When they say it, respect it! When we quote them, it’s racist-islamophobic-anti-muslim-bigotry. Listen when they tel you. Watch: We’re done hiding! We’re done! We’re done being tortured and hurt and judged. This is the correct religion! This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be a part of Islam, and we will not stop until Islam enters every home! So I want you to repeat after me, I want to hear it in every single district. They should tremble. […] There is no God worthy of worship, except Allah….. Pamela Geller Geller Report

A UK supermarket chain is firing its self-checkout stations and bringing back real people as cashiers

Retailers are revising their self-checkout strategies. Dominick Reuter/Insider UK supermarket chain Booths is doing away with self-checkout stations in almost all its stores. The decision comes as customers complain about self-checkout stations being slow and impersonal. Even in the US, major retailers like Walmart and Costco are revising self-checkout strategies . Booths, a high-end supermarket chain in the UK, is swapping out its self-checkout stations with manned cashiers in the majority of its stores.  The chain will retain self-checkout stations in only two out of its 28 stores, according to the BBC.    The decision comes after customers have repeatedly complained about the chain's self-scan machines being slow, unreliable, and impersonal, Nigel Murray,  managing director for Booths, told BBC Radio Lancashire .  "We like to talk to people and we're really proud that we're moving largely to a place where our customers are served by people, by human beings, so rat

Los Angeles County Approves New 'Office Of Food Equity'

Los Angeles County Approves New 'Office Of Food Equity' Authored by Jill McLaughlin via The Epoch Times, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a plan this week to create a new Office of Food Equity to address what they call a growing problem of food insecurity in the region. The measure, authored by Supervisors Janice Hahn and Lindsey Horvath, will build on the county’s  Food Equity Roundtable , created in 2021 to bring together food companies with private and public charity groups. The coalition was funded by the Annenberg, the California Community, and the Weingart foundations. According to Ms. Hahn, the new office will allow the county to improve the county’s food system. “By creating the first-ever LA County Office of Food Equity, we can build on the work we already started with our partners, modernize our food system, and work toward a future where everyone in LA County can get the healthy food they need,” she

Zelenskyy Invites Trump To Ukraine To End War

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has invited former President Donald Trump to visit Ukraine. Zelenskyy made the invitation in response to Trump’s promise to end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours if reelected. “I invite President Trump. If he can come here, I will need … 24 minutes to explain to President Trump that he can’t manage this war,” Zelenskyy said. “He can’t bring peace because of Putin.” Zelenskyy also commented on ongoing talks between the US, Europe, and Russia regarding peace negotiations. The Ukrainian leader expressed his reluctance to begin dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, citing a lack of trust. Zelenskyy also warned that without increased support for Ukraine, American soldiers could be drawn into a wider European conflict. “If Russia will kill all of us, they will attack NATO countries, and you will send your sons and daughters [to fight],” Zelenskyy pressed. “The price is high, like I said,” he said. “But we are not ready to gi

Beyond Meat Continues To Hemorrhage Cash As Consumers Sour On Fake Meat

'We are disappointed' Will Kessler The Daily Caller

US Conducts Second Round Of Retaliatory Airstrikes In Syria As Attacks On Troops Rises To 41

'A response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel' Micaela Burrow The Daily Caller

Pro-Life States Sue Joe Biden to Stop Mail-Order Abortions

The states of Missouri, Idaho, and Kansas filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after the agency approved the mail-ordering of abortion-inducing drugs. “Unelected federal bureaucrats do not have the statutory authority to approve the shipment of these dangerous chemical abortion drugs in the mail,” said Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey via a press release after announcing the lawsuit Monday. “The FDA’s guidance is not only unlawful, but would cost the lives of both women and their unborn children,” the attorney general continued. “I am proud to be leading a coalition of states to halt the FDA’s illegal federal overreach in its tracks.” BREAKING: We have filed suit against @POTUS ‘ FDA for unlawfully approving the shipment of chemical abortion pills in the mail. Bureaucrats do not have the authority to issue guidance that would cost the lives of both women and their unborn children.

Election fraud is real: Can we fix it within 1 year?

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don't lie. Roll the tapes: On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud "shocking." Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall. Get the hottest, most important news stories on the internet – delivered FREE to your inbox as soon as they break! Take just 30 seconds and sign up for WND's Email News Alerts! On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him. New Jersey's Attorney General Matthew Platkin states that Mendez "personally observed f