
Showing posts from June, 2024

New Russian "Glide Bombs" Proving Highly Effective As Summer Offensive Begins

New Russian "Glide Bombs" Proving Highly Effective As Summer Offensive Begins A new weapon (outfitted using old weapons) has been used increasingly by Russia in the past two months and it's proving to be highly effective as the Russian forces in Ukraine ramp up what looks to be the beginning of a long anticipated summer offensive.  Dubbed the "glide bomb," they are actually Soviet era FAB bombs retrofitted with glide technology and rudimentary laser/GPS guidance.  The FABs can weigh up to 6600 pounds and have a deadly shrapnel radius of at least 200 yards.  The glide bombs are launched from Russian air assets well away from Ukrainian anti-aircraft positions and the weapons "glide" up to 40 miles to front line targets with relative precision.  The cost of retrofitting FAB bombs is far cheaper than building modern laser guided weapons like ATACMS.  The bombs give Russia the ability to provide air support to offensive troops without p

Gen Z's most trusted source for news: online comment sections

Alexsl, Tovovan/Getty Images, Abanti Chowdhury/BI Gen Z has come of age swimming in a gloppy stew of digital content. Every day they navigate memes, photos, social media, chats with their friends, flashes of video, influencers influencing , news articles from a zillion places across the net. How do America's teens and youngest adults sort through all that digitized gunk to determine what's important, or useful, or true? A lot of folks would love to know. Social networks want young users . Media outlets want subscribers . Politicians want votes . Professors want to know why their students won't read books . Everyone, it seems, has a stake in understanding Kids These Days. Over the past couple of years, researchers at Jigsaw, a Google subsidiary that focuses on online politics and polarization, have been studying how Gen Zers digest and metabolize what they see online. The researchers were hoping that their work would provide one of the first in-depth, ethnographic studies

DeSantis’s Chance to Stop Woke Teachers at the Source

The governor can and should reform teacher-prep programs, a hotbed of progressive ideology, in his state and provide a template for the nation on how to do so. Daniel Buck National Review Online

Criminal charges recommended against Boeing

The US Department of Justice has until 7 July to make a final decision on whether to prosecute the firm. BBC News - World

Russia Blames US For Deadly Crimea Strike

Russia has blamed the United States after at least four people including two children were killed and more than 120 injured when a Ukrainian missile was shot down over a crowded beach in Crimea. In a [...] The post Russia Blames US For Deadly Crimea Strike appeared first on The People's Voice . Niamh Harris News Punch

Want Better Higher Ed? Get the Feds Out

Students walk past a gated entrance to Yale University, 2017. Two things seem like they should go without saying: People use their own money more efficiently than they use someone else’s, and the more you subsidize a thing the more of it you tend to get. Both profoundly apply to American higher education, a teetering tower of ivory made simultaneously skyscraping and bloated by federal taxpayer dollars.  We would all be better off if the feds withdrew from higher education, requiring ivory tower denizens to sustain themselves not with money originally belonging to involuntary third-party participants – taxpayers – but students, lenders, and research patrons using their own money to buy what the tower is hawking. That would make higher education more efficient, effective, and better for society.  “Better,” importantly, does not mean that colleges and universities will get wealthier or more opulent. That is what most institutions would likely prefer, but

Wales Moves Forward With Plan To Punish Politicians For Telling Lies

Wales Moves Forward With Plan To Punish Politicians For Telling Lies Authored by Jonathan Turley, Will Rogers once said that “if you ever injected truth into politics, you’d have no politics.” In Wales, it appears that the government is challenging that assessment. However, if the  new legislation  criminalizing political lies is successful, the Welsh are likely to find themselves with the same abundance of lies but little free speech. A proposal in the Welsh parliament (or the Senedd) would make it the first country in the world to impose criminal sanctions for lying politicians. Adam Price, the former leader of the liberal Plaid Cymru Party is pushing for the criminalization,  citing  a “credibility gap” in UK politics. Astonishingly, this uniquely bad idea has received support from a key committee. Once on track for adoption, this is the type of law that can become self-propelling through the legislature. Few politicians want to go on record voti

Whatever Happened to Competence and Content of Character?

We've seen a raft of appointments by President Joe Biden, since becoming president, who all seem to be classified, not by their competence in the office they are being nominated for, but for how they look (their race), gender, national origin, and sexual orientation. Is that any way to run a government?  Chuck Lehmann CanadaFreePress.Com

Blaze News investigates: Biden's illegal immigration crisis pushes nation's only right-to-shelter state to its breaking point

[rebelmouse-proxy-image,0,0,107 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1] Massachusetts, the only state in the nation with a right-to-shelter law, is battling the budgetary consequences of its sanctuary policies amid the Biden administration's self-inflicted border crisis. The influx of illegal immigrants arriving in the state seeking taxpayer-funded shelter and aid does not appear as though it will let up any time soon. Massachusetts' limited homeless shelter system reached capacity with 7,

Trump Vows to Shut Down Department of Education if Reelected — A Bold Move to Combat DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Content

Screenshot: Donald J Trump/Youtube In a fiery speech in Philadelphia this past Saturday, President Donald Trump vowed to completely shut down the Department of Education if he returns to the White House. This bold proposal is aimed squarely at dismantling the “indoctrination” of students through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and the integration of “woke sexual content” in school curricula. For years, American schools have been plagued by leftist teachers and administrators more focused on pushing a political agenda than on education. During the rally, Trump outlined his vision for a radical overhaul of the American education system, emphasizing a return to state control and away from federal oversight. “I will shut down the federal Department of Education, and we will move everything back to the states where it belongs and where they can individualize education and do it with the love for their children,” Trump said. WATCH:

Police Issue Statement After 'Mysterious Monolith' Is Discovered Outside Las Vegas

Something odd was found last weekend in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge north of Las Vegas. “MYSTERIOUS MONOLITH!” Las Vegas Metropolitan Police posted on X. “We see a lot of […] The post Police Issue Statement After 'Mysterious Monolith' Is Discovered Outside Las Vegas appeared first on The Western Journal . Jack Davis The Western Journal

Why Did Rome Fall?: Ben Shapiro Examines The End Of The World’s Most Famous Empire In Latest ‘Facts’ Episode

Why Did Rome Fall?: Ben Shapiro Examines The End Of The World’s Most Famous Empire In Latest ‘Facts’ Episode Andrew Klavan Andrew Klavan (Facebook)

Missouri AG to sue New York over 'unconstitutional lawfare' against Trump: 'Time to restore the rule of law' [VIDEO]

(Fox News) - Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced he is filing a lawsuit against the state of New York for what he called "their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump." On Thursday, Bailey said on his podcast, "The Bailey Wire," that his office would be taking steps to combat illicit prosecutions against the former president. Bailey said it's time to restore the rule of law.... Fox News RenewAmerica

UK PM Says Teenagers Who Refuse National Service Could Forfeit Driving Licence

Britain’s prime minister Rishi Sunak has suggested that young people who refuse to do national service could forfeit their driving licences and be denied access to student loans. Sunak said there would need to be [...] The post UK PM Says Teenagers Who Refuse National Service Could Forfeit Driving Licence appeared first on The People's Voice . Niamh Harris News Punch

Boko Haram, Hamas, and Caveman Sex

Photo Credit: YouTube Islam is a religion that glorifies sexual madness. American Thinker

Captain Biden and His Economics Crew are Tempting Fate

Photo Credit: Joe Biden Gage Skidmore via Flickr cc2 Bidenflation, combined with the entitlements crisis, heralds trouble ahead. American Thinker

Biden Admin Accused of ‘Actively Endangering National Security’

Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio has blasted the Biden administration over their tunnel vision regarding national security. Vance lashed out after it was announced that the administration was putting Ukraine at the front of [...] The post Biden Admin Accused of ‘Actively Endangering National Security’ appeared first on The People's Voice . Niamh Harris News Punch

US state becomes first to make Ten Commandments mandatory in schools

Louisiana has become the first state in the US to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom. World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News warns of up to 900% increase in travel scams

The online travel firm says generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are driving the explosive rise. BBC News - Technology

We Can No Longer Have Nice Things

When we reward the trolls, it ruins great stuff for everyone else. Christian Schneider National Review Online

America’s Deficit Disaster Gets Worse

CBO says the U.S. fiscal picture has deteriorated more rapidly than expected. The Editors National Review Online

America’s Medical Establishment Is in Denial on the Dangers of Gender Transition

Influential U.S. medical bodies are ignoring findings abroad that puberty-blockers and hormonal treatments for children and teens lack supporting evidence. Patrick Hunter National Review Online

‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers

Guest Post by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing. The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a historic bipartisan hearing. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Gary Peters, a Democratic senator from Michigan, and ranking member Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) led the two-hour committee hearing examining the available evidence on the origins of COVID-19. CHD.TV aired the hearing. The Chinese government refuses to release key data from the Wuhan Institute of Virology from around the time COVID-19 emerged, making it difficult to assess the lab-leak theory and come to a conclusion. Nonetheless, much evidence points toward a lab leak rather than a natural spillover from animals, according

Report: Migrants, MS-13, and Russian Fraudsters Form Massive NYC Injury Insurance Scheme

A massive scheme organized by New York City-based Russian fraudsters, MS-13 gang members, corrupt surgeons, and greedy lawyers has cost local businesses and insurance companies "billions," a report revealed Sunday. The post Report: Migrants, MS-13, and Russian Fraudsters Form Massive NYC Injury Insurance Scheme appeared first on Breitbart . Olivia Rondeau Breitbart

Maldives Effort to Ban Israelis Faces Challenge: Arabs with Israeli Passports

An effort by the Maldives, a tiny Muslim nation in the Indian Ocean, to ban Israelis has run into a problem: the fact that Israel's population is 20% Arab means that the ban excludes many Arab Muslims as well. The post Maldives Effort to Ban Israelis Faces Challenge: Arabs with Israeli Passports appeared first on Breitbart . Joel B. Pollak Breitbart

German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years

A massive, years-long study shows the overwhelming majority of young people who identify as transgender will grow out of the diagnosis within five years. Researchers, who tracked all children and […] The post German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years appeared first on The Western Journal . Ben Johnson, The Washington Stand The Western Journal

Ancient Military Base Discovered, Potentially Corroborates Bible Story of God’s Angel Killing 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers

The earliest aerial photograph of Jerusalem (lower left) with an oval fortification visible on a hill in the upper right. Public Domain, from the collection of the Library of Congress. Researchers have uncovered an ancient military base that could potentially substantiate a Bible story involving God’s angel defending Jerusalem from an Assyrian invasion, the Daily Mail reported. The story, as told in the Bible, recounts how God sent an angel to thwart an army of Assyrian soldiers intent on conquering the Holy Land around 2,700 years ago. The Angel of the Lord is said to have descended upon the advancing military, killing 185,000 soldiers in a single night. Up until now, there has been no archaeological evidence to substantiate this event or even the battle itself. However, archaeologist Stephen Compton, utilizing modern mapping techniques, claims to have found compelling evidence that this epic confrontation indeed occurred. According to the press release : A peer-reviewed

For the first time since 1972, the NDAA bill passed today by the House would automatically register all males age 18-26 for Selective Service in the Military.

Wow! For the first time since 1972, the NDAA bill passed today by the House would automatically register all males age 18-26 for Selective Service... The post For the first time since 1972, the NDAA bill passed today by the House would automatically register all males age 18-26 for Selective Service in the Military. appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . Galen From the Trenches World Report

"Maladaptive Traits": AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

"Maladaptive Traits": AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive A new study has found that AI systems known as large language models (LLMs) can exhibit "Machiavellianism," or intentional and amoral manipulativeness, which can then lead to deceptive behavior . The study authored by German AI ethicist Thilo Hagendorff of the University of Stuttgart, and published in PNAS, notes that OpenAI's GPT-4 demonstrated deceptive behavior in 99.2% of simple test scenarios. Hagendorff qualified various "maladaptive" traits in 10 different LLMs, most of which are within the GPT family, according to Futurism . In another study published in Patterns found that Meta's LLM had no problem lying to get ahead of its human competitors. Billed as a human-level champion in the political strategy board game "Diplomacy," Meta's Cicero model was the subject of the Patterns study. As the disparate research group — comprise

Did PBS Just Reveal That Facial Recognition Technology (Falsely) Identified Michelle Obama As a Man?

Oh my…. Do not shoot the messenger here, I am just the reporter! But it appears as though a new report claims that facial analysis and facial recognition technology has gone rogue….(falsely of course) identifying Michelle Obama as a man. Take a look at this very tongue-in-cheek post by Clif High: We must stop this insanity NOW! Digitial Software is SO DUMB it thinks that Michelle Obama is a MAN! — clif is antiselenite (@clif_high) June 13, 2024 Stew Peters posts the full clip right here: Facial analysis and facial recognition studies have concluded that “Michelle” Obama is a man. — Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) June 11, 2024 Backup video here: Is this PBS claiming Facial Recognition Technology falsely identified Michelle Obama as a man? — (@DailyNoahNews) June 14, 2024 A couple notes…. We cannot independently verify the validity of that clip or if i