
Showing posts from August, 2020

Ultra-Wealthy Stockpiling Cash as U.S. Economy Fears Grow

( ETH ) – A group of multimillionaire investors in the U.S. are apparently rattled by the current economic climate in America and are reportedly hoarding cash at unprecedented levels. According to a recent report from Bloomberg, Tiger 21, which is a club made up of more than 800 investors, reported Thursday that its members have raised their cash holdings to 19% of their total assets over concerns of the economic consequences of the pandemic in the U.S. Continue reading Ultra-Wealthy Stockpiling Cash as U.S. Economy Fears Grow at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Hurricane Laura Leaves Trail of CAT-4 Destruction, Looks like 100 Tornadoes struck

( ETH ) – Hurricane Laura is being called one of the strongest hurricanes ever to strike the US is and is moving North and East after pounding the Gulf Coast. Although Laura has reportedly been downgraded to a tropical storm, it has left hurricane damage that stretches for hundreds of miles. The report from CBN is indicating that streets are flooded, power lines toppled, homes destroyed, and trucks have been tossed like toys. Continue reading Hurricane Laura Leaves Trail of CAT-4 Destruction, Looks like 100 Tornadoes struck at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Hurricane Laura Moves Inland Across Louisiana, Destructive wind gusts of 100 to 135 mph, Isolated Tornadoes

UPDATE: ( ETH ) – Hurricane Laura has now made landfall and moving inland northward across western Louisiana producing destructive winds of 100-135 mph, flooding rainfall, storm surges, and isolated tornadoes. Laura reportedly made landfall near Cameron, Louisiana, at 1 a.m. CDT as a strong Category 4 with 150 mph winds, southwest Louisiana’s first Category 4 landfalling hurricane on record, according to NOAA’s historical database. The destructive winds have knocked out power to over 500,000 homes and businesses in southeast Texas and Louisiana with Lake Charles, Louisiana, reporting wind destruction including numerous shattered windows in downtown skyscrapers, a communication tower collapsing, power poles toppled and roofs completely shredded. Continue reading Hurricane Laura Moves Inland Across Louisiana, Destructive wind gusts of 100 to 135 mph, Isolated Tornadoes at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

17 Facts That Prove The U.S. Economy Is A Complete And Total Disaster Zone At This Point

If you know people that actually believe that the U.S. economy is moving in a positive direction, just show them this article.  In all the years that I have been writing about the economy, I have never seen anything that even comes close to what we are experiencing now.  More than 100,000 businesses have permanently failed, and tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs.  If you still have a good job you should cling to it with all of your might, because there are so many families that have no idea how they are going to pay the bills next month, or the month after that, or that month after that.  When it gets to the point where you can’t even pay the rent or the mortgage, financial worries can absolutely consume your life.  If you have been there, you know exactly what I am talking about.  And if you have children, that just makes things even worse.  How do you explain to them that “home” is no longer “home”? Another group of people that I feel really badly for are all the b

“Full Beast Mode”: Hurricane Laura Has The Potential To Be One Of The Greatest Natural Disasters In All Of U.S. History

Hurricane Laura has become one of the most powerful hurricanes that we have ever seen in the Gulf of Mexico.  When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, it was a category 3 storm with maximum winds of 125 mph.  As I write this article, Hurricane Laura is a category 4 storm with maximum winds of 150 mph.  Experts are using phrases such as “full beast mode” and “unsurvivable storm surge” to describe what coastal communities are facing, and many of those that refused to evacuate may not survive.  And at this hour we are being told that Laura may get even stronger before it finally makes landfall.  In fact, National Weather Service meteorologist Donald Jones says that Laura is “probably” going to become  a category 5 storm … The storm’s maximum sustained winds have reached 150 mph, a “chilling” development, according to the hurricane center. That’s 7 mph away from being a Category 5 storm, according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. “I think all evidence right now indic

Things Have Gotten So Bad That A Million New Claims For Unemployment Benefits In One Week Is Considered “Good News”

The Labor Department announced on Thursday that another 1.006 million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week.  Prior to this year, the all-time record for a single week was just 695,000, and so the number of Americans that are losing their jobs each week continues to remain at a catastrophic level.  But this latest figure is actually being spun as “good news” because at least it was lower than the week before.  And I am willing to concede that point, because we should definitely welcome any sign that the numbers are starting to move in the right direction.  However, there is no doubt that what we have experienced up to this point in 2020 is nothing short of an economic cataclysm.  Over the last 23 weeks, more than 58 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits.  Even if zero workers filed for unemployment for the rest of 2020, this would still be the worst year for unemployment claims in all of U.S. history by a gigantic margin.  Vast hord

What Will Replace the Police? Ten Historical Examples

All ten are horrifying. American Thinker

How Marx Failed

It was capitalism -- not socialism of any sort -- that was responsible for the great improvement in the quality of life of the working class in the 19th century American Thinker

COVID’s Gonna Do What Viruses Do

There is no easy path through a viral pandemic, only a series of policy choices to do the least harm. The virus will run its course and despite assurances of politicians and scientists, you can run but you can’t hide. American Thinker

Battle of Manzikert: The ‘Subjugation of Christianity by Islam’

The collapse of Byzantium began nearly 950 years ago at the battle of Manzikert. American Thinker

Universities: During COVID, Where Does All the Overhead Go?

Funny how with less money to spend on overhead in the COVID era, university costs are still going up. American Thinker

Stop Infantilizing African Americans

The left-wing elites assert that there is something inherently fragile about African Americans, making them perpetual victims. American Thinker

Waking the Sleeping Giant

The Sleeping Giant is yawning, stretching, and turning on the coffee pot right now, and will be fully awake before too long. American Thinker

The Democrats Face the Inferno They Created

Democrats now seek to add tepid disapproval of rioting and rioters to their active and avowed support of protestors. American Thinker

Fox News Drifts Further to Port

Fox’s idea of analysis is to provide a forum for Donna Brazile to cry, “Russia, Russia, Russia.” American Thinker

New York's Big Brother Has Gone Bananas

No wonder the state is withering. Look at the way Andrew Cuomo is managing COVID. American Thinker

President Trump: ‘It Is Time To Reject The Anger And The Hate of The Democrat Party’

ZIP Weasel Zippers

National Guard Arrives In Kenosha Just As Riot Pops Off…

BREAKING: national guard officially deployed on the streets of Kenosha — ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) August 25, 2020 Rob Weasel Zippers

BREAKING: Large Scale Riot At Courthouse In Kenosha…

The crowd is throwing objects at the #Kenosha county courthouse. National guard has sent a final warning to the crowd to leave the area or control crowd munitions will be used. #Wisconsin — Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) August 25, 2020 National guard is deploying tear gas on crowd in #Kenosha . Curfew was set […] Rob Weasel Zippers

LAST NIGHT: Antifa attacks Portland police precinct and set it on FIRE – [VIDEOS]

Last night Antifa thugs decided to attack the north precinct of the Portland police and set it on fire. According to Andy Ngo, they were throwing explosives at police: While violent BLM . . . The Right Scoop The Right Scoop

RINO Jeff Flake goes all in for socialism and Joe Biden

RINO Jeff Flake has predictably gone the way of some Never Trumpers and is supporting Joe Biden: “I have never before voted for a Democratic president. But I’ve been asked many times . . . The Right Scoop The Right Scoop

WATCH: Hillary Clinton telegraphs how Democrats are going to try and steal the election

Hillary Clinton says that Joe Biden should never concede the election under any circumstances, and here’s why: Hillary Clinton says Democrats are going to try to steal the election: “We’ve got to . . . The Right Scoop The Right Scoop

Insanity Wrap #34: Antifa/BLM Spread Riots to Denver, Kenosha -- America Going Full Weimar?

PJ Media Home

'Like a Scene Out of Hell': Armed BLM Rioters Loot, Pillage, and Burn Kenosha Following Police Shooting

PJ Media Home

It's Not Just 'Cuties:' Netflix's Big Pedo Problem

Last week, Netflix received public backlash for its planned premiere of the French film Cuties. The promotional poster for the film showed underage girls posing seductively in risqué outfits. Netflix's description of the film read, "Amy, 11, becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts to explore her femininity, defying her family's traditions." The actress playing the role of Amy is a real 11-year-old child. The movie received a Netflix rating of "MA" (Mature Audiences) while its theatrical release earned an NC-17 rating. The public rightly wanted to know how a movie about twerking 11-year-olds was made for adult audiences. #Netflixpedophilia soon began trending on twitter. Netflix has altered their promotional materials for the film since the outcry, removing the original sexed-up poster and changing the film description from twerking to "a free-spirited dance crew." This does not change the fact that t

Quarantine for Thee, But Not for Me: VMA Performers Not Obligated To Follow NY Mandate

If there ever was any evidence that liberal elites loathe normal Americans, it’s that, despite all their kvetching about masks, pleas for social distancing and demands that every American with a sniffle isolate themselves from human contact for half a month, they don’t have to quarantine themselves even when the town they’re visiting has strict quarantine guidelines. While you and I can get fined up to a massive $10,000 for not following New York coronavirus guidelines, pampered Hollywood stars like Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande will be attending the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards without legal troubles, nor will they have to endure a nagging lecture from mainstream media people. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) himself has made sure it’s all above board. According to The New York Post, NY officials are letting city-wide quarantine mandates slide for entertainers traveling to this year’s VMAs, which will be held on August 30. Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and others are slate

Court overturns deportation of migrant who raped child over 100 times

A Swedish appeals court has overruled the deportation of a migrant who was convicted of raping a child more than 100 times over a three-year period. The migrant, a man, was convicted of rape and sexual abuse against a child who was 10 years old at the time of the first act and was sentenced to 12 years in prison, according to a news release from the Public Prosecutor's Office . The date the sentence was handed down was unavailable. A district court ruling said the man should be deported; however, the appeals court ruled the case did not meet the requirements to deport the migrant. The man has lived in Sweden for about 22 years, so the country needed special reasons to expel him. He also has a family, housing and employment in the country. The country's attorney general has appealed the appeals court's ruling and demanded deportation. "The question that the Public Prosecutor considers to be of interest from the point of view of precedent is how diffe

Virginia Health Commissioner Says He’ll Force All Residents To Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Virginia’s Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver vows that he will force all Virginians take a vaccine for COVID-19 once one is created and readily available. “It is killing people now, we don’t have a treatment for it and if we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the community we will save hundreds and hundreds of lives,” Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday. Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health “the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available. Health officials say an immunization could be released as early as 2021,” the station said. “Dr. Oliver says that, as long as he is still the Health Commissioner, he intends to mandate the coronavirus vaccine.” Virginia state law allows resident who have medical exemptions to refuse mandatory vaccines, but all others are required to take them. Currently, the Virginia General Assembly is weighing a bill in a special emergency session that “eli

School District To Force Parents To Sign Waiver Agreeing Not To Monitor Their Children’s Virtual Instruction

It’s all getting weirder and weirder. Rutherford County Schools (RCS), a school district in Tennessee is requiring parents to sign a consent form that says they agree not to monitor their children’s online classroom sessions, claiming concerns that “non-student observers” might hear confidential information. “RCS strives to present these opportunities in a secure format that protects student privacy to the greatest extent possible, however, because these meetings will occur virtually RCS is limited in its ability to fully control certain factors such as non-student observers that may be present in the home of a student participating in the virtual meeting,” reads the form, a copy of which was obtained by the Tennessee Star. “RCS strongly discourages non student observation of online meetings due to the potential of confidential information about a student being revealed.” RCS spokesman James Evans addressed the matter in an email to The Star this week. “We are aware of the

Hillary Clinton Brags About How Democrats Are Going to Try to Steal the Election: “Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances” (VIDEO)

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton bragged about how the Democrats are going to try to steal the 2020 election. Clinton sat down virtually with Jennifer Palmieri and “The Circus” on Showtime and urged the Democrat party to fight like hell until Biden wins the 2020 election. As always, Hillary Clinton and her crony Jennifer Palmieri were just projecting what the Democrat party is doing and will do onto President Trump. “If it’s a close election — let’s say Biden ‘wins’ what do you think Trump will do?” Palmieri asked Clinton. Crooked Hillary suggested Trump and the GOP have a couple of scenarios that they’re looking toward….”Messing up absentee balloting…so they can get a narrow advantage in the Electoral College on Election Day.” “We’ve got to have a massive legal operation, I know the Biden campaign is working on that,” Hillary said. “We have to have poll workers and I urge people who are able to be a poll worker. We have to have our own teams of people to

A WARNING TO AMERICA: Cuban Exile Maximo Alvarez Describes the Hell that Lies Ahead if Joe Biden and the Marxists Take Control of America (VIDEO)

Maximo Alvarez, whose family escaped from communist Cuba, gave America a history lesson tonight. This was a history lesson that too many have forgotten. Maximo and his family were refugees from Castro’s Cuba. As Maximo warned tonight Fidel Castro pretended to be something he was not and destroyed Cuba. Castro promised the world and delivered hell on the Cuban people. Tonight Maximo Alvarez told Americans, “This is the greatest country in the world. And I said this before: If I gave away everything that I have today, it would not equal 1% of what I was given when I came to this great country of ours.” At then end of his speech Maximo broke down in tears. Maximo Alvarez, whose family escaped from communist Cuba: "This is the greatest country in the world. And I said this before: If I gave away everything that I have today, it would not equal 1% of what I was given when I came to this great country of ours." #RNC2020 — Daily Cal

Second Night of Mayhem in Kenosha: Rioter Pours Accelerant Inside Garbage Truck and Sets it on Fire – National Guard Moves In (VIDEO)

A second night of violence and mayhem erupted Monday in Kenosha, Wisconsin following an officer-involved shooting on Sunday . The violence is in response to a video of the shooting in which the suspect is seen ignoring officers and attempting to reach for something in his vehicle before being shot in the back multiple times. The man who was shot, Jacob Blake, is reportedly alive, but in “serious” condition. He has a long history of run-ins with the law , including charges for sexual assault and domestic abuse. Armed Black Lives Matter terrorists knocked a police officer unconscious last night, launched incendiary weapons at officers and lit the Kenosha courthouse on fire. The BLM terrorists showed up in front of the Kenosha courthouse for a second night of rioting. A rioter poured an accelerant inside of a garbage truck and set it on fire. WATCH: A rioter poured gasoline on a Kenosha garbage truck and set it on fire. — Julio Rosas (@Julio

Families Reportedly Trapped in Building Set on Fire By Black Lives Matter Rioters in Kenosha

People on the scene in Kenosha, Wisconsin, are reporting that families are currently trapped inside an apartment building that was set on fire by the violent rioters. Kenosha has been under siege by leftist rioters for two days in response to an officer involved shooting of a man with a history that includes previous violence against an officer during an arrest, a sex crime, domestic abuse, and more. During a livestream of some of the fires burning around the city, a woman is heard explaining that there are families trapped inside an apartment building that was engulfed in flames. “There’s families still trapped inside those apartments y’all,” the woman says. “They can’t get out.” Families are trapped in burning buildings in Kenosha — special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) August 25, 2020 Kenosha — special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) August 25, 2020 Biden supporters have now set fire to an apartment buildi

Californians Fleeing Their Failed State for AZ in Droves

Failed progressive policies have tarnished the once-Golden State, possibly beyond repair. No wonder why so many Californians are moving to Arizona. Jon Gabriel, Arizona Republic RealClearPolitics - Homepage

DNC Included Criminal Justice Advocate Convicted for 1985 Kidnapping and Grisly Murder

A Democrat hailed as a criminal justice advocate at last week’s Democratic National Convention served almost 27 years in prison for her role in a grisly 1980s torture-murder. Donna Hylton was sentenced to 25 years to life for her role in the murder of businessman Thomas Vigliarolo. On Thursday, the convention hailed her as one… The post DNC Included Criminal Justice Advocate Convicted for 1985 Kidnapping and Grisly Murder appeared first on The Western Journal . Jack Davis The Western Journal

72% of Detroit’s Absentee Ballot Counts Were Off – This Should Have You Worried for November

As swing state Michigan approaches an election in which it could play a pivotal role,  new data from its Aug. 4 primary reveals that in 72 percent of Detroit’s election precincts, recorded ballot counts for absentee voters did not match the number of ballots actually cast. “The people of Michigan deserve to know that their… The post 72% of Detroit’s Absentee Ballot Counts Were Off – This Should Have You Worried for November appeared first on The Western Journal . Jack Davis The Western Journal

Postal Worker Exposes USPS Effort To Trick Congressman Into Thinking It Can Handle Election When It Clearly Can’t

Last month, first-term GOP Rep. Steve Watkins of Kansas was charged with voter fraud. Authorities said Watkins had registered to vote in a district where he no longer lived, CBS News reported. “While this address is still located in his congressional district, it was located in a city council district that had an election determined… The post Postal Worker Exposes USPS Effort To Trick Congressman Into Thinking It Can Handle Election When It Clearly Can’t appeared first on The Western Journal . C. Douglas Golden The Western Journal

‘It’s Sickening’: Looters Steal Firefighter’s Wallet While He’s Battling Wildfire

Terms such as “lowlife,” “sickening” and “absolutely disgusting behavior” were being bandied about by veteran public safety officials who have seen it all after they learned a firefighter’s wallet had been stolen while he was helping direct the battle against a California wildfire. After the firefighter was robbed, his credit cards were used and his… The post ‘It’s Sickening’: Looters Steal Firefighter’s Wallet While He’s Battling Wildfire appeared first on The Western Journal . Jack Davis The Western Journal

VIDEO: Mob cheers when cop gets 'bricked' in head, falls face-first on Kenosha street amid violent outrage over police shooting

Cellphone video captured the moment a law enforcement officer fell face-first on a Kenosha, Wisconsin, street, apparently after being hit in the head with an object Sunday night amid violent outrage over a police-involved shooting of a black man hours earlier. The clip shows the chaotic scene on a residential street: At least two fires and scuffles on front lawns as a crowd mills around a few officers. Officers then appear to respond to a crashing sound and move down the street in front of a police cruiser when a thud is heard and one officer falls face-first on the street. Onlookers at first react in shock as fellow officers attend to the injured officer: "He just got bricked! He just got bricked!" one observer exclaims. Image source: Twitter video screenshot But when the mob begins to realize that the victim is a law enforcement officer, one person begins to applaud — and then loud cheering and hooting and hollering are heard. "Y

POLL: Are Democrat cities safe anymore?

Are Democrat cities safe anymore? — TheBlaze (@TheBlaze) 1598280953.0 BlazeTV Staff TheBlaze

Evangelical leaders warn Christians not to politicize COVID, urge them to wear masks and get a vaccine when available

Thousands of people, including hundreds of high-profile evangelical Christian leaders in the realms of religion and science, have jumped on board a statement urging fellow believers to avoid politicizing the coronavirus and to take specific steps, like wearing a mask, getting a vaccine, and correcting misinformation, to help slow the spread of COVID. The document was posted by a Christian organization that focuses on coupling religious faith and science. The organization, BioLogos, which was founded by Christian geneticist and U.S. National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, posted its document, "A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times," last week. Since then, more than 5,000 people have signed on. Prominent signatories include author Philip Yancey, National Association of Evangelicals President Walter Kim, Christianity Today CEO Timothy Dalrymple, Fuller Theological Seminary President Mark Labberton, and conservative writer Peter Wehner. What does

Young people can be intimidated by social media messages that use periods — yes, periods — since they apparently signal anger, linguists say

Social media messages using periods, believe it or not, can intimidate teens and young adults, who interpret such punctuation as a sign of anger, the Daily Mail reported , citing linguists. Say. It. Ain't. So. It seems the aforementioned age group — otherwise known as Generation Z — has grown up with smartphones they use to send short messages without periods, the outlet said. According to a 2015 study from State University of New York, Binghamton, those who finish messages with periods are viewed as insincere, the Daily Mail said, adding that the debate resurfaced after writer Rhiannon Cosslett tweeted: "Older people — do you realize that ending a sentence with a full stop comes across as sort of abrupt and unfriendly to younger people in an email/chat? Genuinely curious." The outlet said several Twitter users couldn't believe it — particularly because Cosslett's own tweet ended with a full stop (i.e., period). One Twitter user even accused her of

Pelosi Calls Republicans 'Domestic Enemies Of The State'

Pelosi Calls Republicans 'Domestic Enemies Of The State' Tyler Durden Tue, 08/25/2020 - 04:45 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) raged against President Trump and Congressional Republicans on Monday, telling MSNBC that they're "domestic enemies" of election integrity and "enemies of the state." Pelosi was speaking right after President Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention, according to the Daily Caller . "We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic . And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States . But again, let’s just get out there and mobilize, organize, and not let the President deter anybody from voting. And again, support the postal system which is election central," said the 80-year-old Democrat.