
Showing posts from September, 2020

Paris’s Eiffel Tower briefly evacuated after bomb threat

Suspect allegedly yells 'Allahu Akbar' and threatens to 'blow everything up'; police start to reopen after several hours The Times of Israel

Joe Biden Crassly Capitalizes On Cop-Killing Attempt For Gun Control

If Joe Biden has his way, we'll be left with a disarmed America, rendered helpless against the criminals he refuses to confront. Lawrence Keane The Federalist

Leftist Hostility Makes University Of Chicago’s Intellectual Diversity Pledge A Joke

Lending the official imprimatur of the university to one political side creates a culture of intolerance and hostility toward students and professors with opposing points of view. Evita Duffy The Federalist

West Virginia University Demonstrates COVID-19 Hypocrisy In Higher Education

West Virginia University shut down campus and canceled student activities, but greenlighted football games and refused to issue tuition. Jordan Davidson The Federalist

Nancy Pelosi Wants To Keep Churches Closed

"With all due respect to my Archbishop, I think we should follow science on this. And again with faith and science, sometimes they're countered to each other," Pelosi said. Jordan Davidson The Federalist

The Bushes, the Clintons, China... and Trump

Both political parties prior to the 2016 election victory of Donald Trump had largely failed America. American Thinker

WATCH LIVE: DEAL OF THE CENTURY: Middle-East Peace Deal Signed at White House

History being made as we speak — and the “news” media is censoring it. Think about that. They are your worst enemy. HISTORIC day for PEACE in the Middle East — I am welcoming leaders from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Bahrain to the White House to sign landmark deals that no one thought was possible. MORE countries to follow! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2020 Watch Live: Donald Trump Hosts Peace Agreement Signing Ceremony with Bahrain, UAE, and Israel President Donald Trump on Tuesday will participate in a peace agreement signing ceremony with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. B y: Breitbart The signing event is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. EST after the president meets with the leaders of each country. The deal is described as “The Abraham Accords” by the White House, normalizing diplomatic relations between the Arab nations with Israel. Watch: President @rea

Attorney General Barr on Riot Coverage: Media is a “Collection of Liars”

He’s being too kind. The media is the enemy of every freedom-loving American. Daybreak Insider: The Attorney General said “ They’re basically a collection of liars. Most of the mainstream media. They’re a collection of liars and they know exactly what they’re doing. A perfect example of that were the riots. Right on the street it was clear as day what was going on, anyone observing it, reporters observing it, it could not have escaped their attention that this was orchestrated violence by a hardened group of street fighting radicals and they kept on excluding from their coverage all the video of this and reporting otherwise and they were doing that for partisan reasons, and they were lying to the American people. It wasn’t until they were caught red-handed after essentially weeks of this lie that they even started feeling less timid” ( Townhall ). From Brit Hume: I wish he were wrong. But he’s not ( Twitter ). Pamela Geller Geller Report

The left-elite will go unimaginable lengths to prolong the COVID panic in order to insure a Democrat putsch. Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, September 15, 2020: On Sunday afternoon we asked how long before the twitter account of the “rogue” Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who yesterday “shocked” the world of establishment scientists and other China sycophants, by publishing a “smoking gun” scientific paper demonstrating that the Covid-19 virus was manmade, is “silenced.” How long before the @LiMengYAN119 account is silenced — zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 13, 2020 We now have the answer: less than two days. A cursory check of Dr Yan’s twitter page reveals that the account has been suspended as of this moment. It was not immediately clear what justification Twitter had to suspend the scientist who, to the best of our knowledge, had just 4 tweets as of Tuesday morning none of which violated any stated Twitter policies, with the only relevant tweet being a link to her scientific paper co-written with three other Chinese scientists titled “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route” which laid out why the Wuhan Institute of Virology had created the covid-19 virus. While we appreciate that Twitter may have experienced pressure from either China, or the established scientist community, to silence Dr Yan for proposing a theory that flies in the face of everything that has been accepted as undisputed gospel – after all Twitter did just that to us – we are confident that by suspending her account, Jack Dorsey has only added more fuel to the fire of speculations that the covid virus was indeed manmade (not to mention countless other tangential conspiracy theories). If Yan was wrong, why not just let other scientists respond in the open to the all too valid arguments presented in Dr. Yan’s paper? Isn’t that what “science” is all about? Why just shut her up Because if we have already crossed the tipping point when anyone who proposes an “inconvenient” explanation for an established “truth” has to be immediately censored, then there is little that can be done to salvage the disintegration of a society that once held freedom of speech as paramount. For those who missed it, here is our post breaking down Dr. Yan’s various allegations which twitter saw fit to immediately censor instead of allowing a healthy debate to emerge. We hope Twitter will provide a very reasonable and sensible explanation for this unprecedented censorship. For those who missed it, her paper is below:

The left-elite will go unimaginable lengths to prolong the COVID panic in order to insure a Democrat putsch. Twitter Suspends Account Of Chinese Scientist Who Published Paper Alleging Covid Was Created In Wuhan Lab By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, September 15, 2020: On Sunday afternoon we asked how long before the twitter account of the “rogue” Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who yesterday “shocked” the world of establishment scientists and other China sycophants, by publishing a “smoking gun” scientific paper demonstrating that the Covid-19 virus was manmade , is “ silenced.” How long before the @LiMengYAN119 account is silenced — zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 13, 2020 We now have the answer: less than two days . A cursory check of Dr Yan’s twitter page reveals that the account has been suspended as of this moment. It was not immediately clear what justification Twitter had to suspend the scientist who, to the best of our knowledge, had just 4 tweets as

Serbia designates Hezballah in its entirety as terror group

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the move “another significant step limiting this Iranian backed terrorist group’s ability to operate in Europe.” Serbia designates Hezbollah in its entirety as terror group “There is no doubt that the dominoes are falling on Hezbollah’s European operations,” said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (September 14, 2020 / JNS) The United States applauded Serbia on Sunday for announcing that it will designate Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist organization. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the move “another significant step limiting this Iranian backed terrorist group’s ability to operate in Europe.” He also noted that it was an “important action,” especially in the aftermath of Serbia normalizing economic relations with Kosovo on Sept. 6 that included Belgrade committing to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “There is no doubt that the dominoes are falling on Hezbollah’s European opera

Chancellor Merkel: Jews Don’t Feel Safe in Germany

Yes, of course, Jews are not safe — because of Merkel’s immigration policies. The late great German artist and Chanel fashion director Karl Lagerfeld said, “One cannot – even if there are decades between them – kill millions of Jews so you can bring millions of their worst enemies in their place.” “I know someone in Germany who took a young Syrian and after four days said: ‘The greatest thing Germany invented was the Holocaust’,” he added. Photo: Demonstrators in Berlin brandish Turkish and Palestinian flags as they burn an Israeli flag. Photo: Jüdisches Forum für Demokratie und gegen Antisemitismus. Chancellor Merkel: Jews Don’t Feel Safe in Germany By: David Israel , Jewish Press , 26 Elul 5780 – September 15, 20200 German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday marked the 70th anniversary of the Central Council of Jews in Germany by declaring: “Many Jews do not feel safe, do not feel respected in our country. This is one part of today’s reality and it is one that c

‘Protesters’ demand cops let themselves be stabbed or shot

We are living in an age of evil. Protesters demand cops let themselves be stabbed or shot By Heather Mac Donald | NY Post | September 14, 2020: If the nation’s police officers walked off the job today, it would be hard to blame them. Sunday’s anti-cop riots in Lancaster, Pa., have made the current de facto rules of engagement clear: Officers may never defend themselves against lethal force if their attacker is a minority. They should simply accept being shot or stabbed as penance for their alleged racism. In Lancaster, an officer responded to a domestic violence call at a residence where a man had stabbed four people last year. As the officer approached the house, a female escaped out the front door. A man — the suspect from the previous slashings — then emerged and ran at the officer, brandishing a knife over his head. The officer shot him, as the officer was by all appearances legally authorized to do, to stop the threat of deadly force. Twenty-seven-year-old Ricardo Muno

George Floyd Riots Cost Insurance Companies Over $2 BILLION, Most Expensive CATASTROPHE in U.S. History

The most expensive disaster in American history. That is the legacy of the Democrat party. Attacking America during a health crisis when we are unable to respond. Remember in November. It cost these businesses- many of which were minority owned- far more than this, as insurance never covers the full scale of losses- But it was about “justice” the news media cowards told us. Like the quisling morons they are. — Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) September 16, 2020 Riots following George Floyd’s death may cost insurance companies up to $2B By Noah Manskar, N Y Post, September 16, 2020 | Insurance companies could pay up to $2 billion in claims stemming from riots sparked by the police killing of George Floyd — making them the most expensive in US history, a new report says. The record-setting insured losses piled up as the demonstrations sometimes descended into looting, arson and vandalism in 20 states across the country from May 26 to J

“DeBlasio Must Go” United New Yorkers (BLM protestors) at Gracie Mansion

New York Voices for A Better NYC. Demand “DeBlasio Must Go” Sept 13, 2020 . New Yorkers demanded “DeBlasio Must Go” as they marched to Gracie Mansion (the Mayor’s residence) The police forced them to share the entrance to the park with some unexpected, and VERY WHITE, BLM Commies. The BLM protestors whined that the patriots encroached on their protest. (Though they did unite briefly chanting “DeBlasio Must Go”) As America grows weary of Democrats cities allowing the rioting, looting and destruction, it is encouraging to read that America is FIGHTING back. Perhaps that is why the white privileged BLM protestors encountered this day WHINED that the patriots should not be there. (FUN) FLICKR Slide Show “Uniting New Yorkers Rally! Hosted by several NY neighborhood groups including from UWS, Queens and various other neighborhood and NY groups.  Join fellow FED UP New Yorkers against nonsensical DeBlasio policies that are causing violent crime to rise, jeopardi

President Trump overtakes Biden, 47%-46%, and hits 52% approval

If polls have Trump ahead, then you just know he is CRUSHING that dirty, demented old segregationist. Trump overtakes Biden, 47%-46%, and hits 52% approval By Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner | September 16, 2020: In a polling double tap on the Democratic presidential ticket, President Trump, for the first time, has edged in front of Joe Biden in his bid for reelection, and he’s reached his highest approval rating for the year. The just-issued Rasmussen Reports surveys put Trump’s approval rating at 52% after a string of 51% marks. He reached 52% two other times this year. And the pollster’s weekly race review released at noon had Trump nudging ahead of Biden, 47%-46%. “President Trump has now edged to a one-point lead over Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey. While statistically insignificant, it’s the first time Trump has been ahead,” said the poll analysis. It added: “The race has narrowed over the

TERROR TV: US orders ‘Al Jazeera’ platform to register as foreign agent

Finally. What a great day. For years, my colleagues and I have been working to highlight awareness of the Al Jazeera’s perfidy ( scroll). Hillary’s favorite channel has aided and abetted jihad terror for decades.  “Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today” VIDEO: Pamela Geller at Al-Jazeera Press Conference Emergency Press Conference, Al Jazeera Expansion in US: Join Pamela Geller and Cliff Kincaid at National Press Club Pamela Geller, WND Column: Al Jazeera: ‘We aired lies’ Pamela Geller, WND Column: Al Jazeera tries to whitewash bloody record TERROR TV: Qatar’s Al Jazeera Network Broadcasts Islamist Cleric’s Appeal to ‘Kill Jews’ Republicans Ask DOJ Why Qatar-Owned Al Jazeera Isn’t Registered As Foreign Agent Al Jazeera Video Questions Holocaust, Claims ‘Zionists Benefit’ Federal Investigation Into Al Jazeera Gains Steam After Qatar-Funded Spy Op on U.S. Jews Qatar-Backed Spy Operation on U.S. Jews Puts Al Jazee

Antifa tells followers to “spread fire…”

Billions in damages, untold lives lost — that’s the game plan for Biden 2020. Crickets chirping in newsrooms nationwide. The left is burning down the West Coast so that they can blame “climate change” deniers (realists). BLM-antifa will gaslight us and say this is fake. However, “Spread fire” & burning has been part of their propaganda messaging for months. Receipts: — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 16, 2020 Related: WILDFIRE ARSON: Four Arrested for Arson on the West Coast, One a ‘Regular Attendee’ of Anti-Cop Rallies in Seattle Jail Releases Portland Man Who Set Fire With Molotov Cocktail. Then He Sets SIX More ARRESTED: Leftist who ‘FIREBOMBED Republican women’s club and tried to burn it to the ground’ Pamela Geller Geller Report

The Party Of Panic

Panic is a weapon and, in 2020, it's been the left's weapon of choice. American Thinker

The Biden Hoax

The Biden Hoax is the crudest of the hoaxes yet perpetrated by Democrats and the left. American Thinker

Democrats Promise to Be Violent, Sore Losers

They aren’t even discreet about it. The threat is, vote for us or we will destroy you and burn your towns and cities. Democrats Promise to Be Sore (and Violent) Losers They know that the media, corporations, schools, and even churches will cheer them on. By Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, September 17, 2020 NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W riting in The Atlantic recently, the sober-minded commentator Shadi Hamid says, “I struggle to imagine how, beyond utter shock, millions of Democrats will process a Trump victory.” For Democrats, having failed to cope with the 2016 election, and believing the polls that show a solid Joe Biden lead, another shock Trump win would “provoke mass disillusion with electoral politics as a means of change — at a time when disillusion is already dangerously high.” And it would lead decent folks astray. They would seek remedies “outside the political process, including through nonpeaceful means,” though, “not necessarily out of hope but out of

Solar panels generate mountains of waste

T he problem of solar panel waste is now becoming evident. As environmental journalist Emily Folk admits in Renewable Energy Magazine, “when talking about renewable energy, the topic of waste does not often appear.” She attributes this to the supposed “pressures of climate change” and alleged “urgency to find alternative energy sources,” saying people may thus be hesitant to discuss “possible negative impacts of renewable energy.” Ms. Folk admits that sustainability requires proper e-waste management. Yet she laments, “Solar presents a particular problem. There is growing evidence that broken panels release toxic pollutants … [and] increasing concern regarding what happens with these materials when they are no longer viable, especially since they are difficult to recycle .” Duggan Flanakin CanadaFreePress.Com

Strong magnitude 4.5 earthquake rattles LA; centered near deadly 1987 temblor

( Fox News ) – A magnitude-4.5 earthquake shook Southern California shortly before midnight Friday, with aftershocks measuring 2.1 and 1.6 on the Richter scale following soon after. The U.S. Geological Survey downgraded the quake from a preliminary 4.6. The earthquake, centered just southwest of El Monte in eastern Los Angeles County, was felt as far south as San Diego, according to early reports. There were no “significant” reports of damage and no injuries reported, the Los Angeles Police Department and L.A. Continue reading Strong magnitude 4.5 earthquake rattles LA; centered near deadly 1987 temblor at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

HELL IN PARADISE Islamic State takes over stunning islands where Daniel Craig and Bono holiday burning down luxury hotels and imposing Sharia Law

Paradise Islands and Mozambique ….. poof, gone. And the jihad-aligned media is blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to Islamic supremacism. HELL IN PARADISE ISIS take over stunning islands where Daniel Craig and Bono holiday burning down luxury hotels and imposing Sharia Law By: Claudia Aoraha, The Sun, 17 Sep 2020: ISIS militants have taken over paradise islands in the Indian Ocean, burning down hotels and imposing Sharia Law. Luxury islands off the coast of Mozambique, where A-list celebrities spend their holidays, have been overrun by insurgents linked to Islamic State. The luxury islands off of Mozambique have now been overrun by the jihadis he resort island in northern Mozambique has now been torched by the militantsCredit: Twitter @GilbertBouic Beach huts have been burnt to the groundCredit: Twitter @adriano_nuvunga Luxury hotels, wildlife, and homes have been torched and “reduced to ashes” in the militant attacks. The ISIS insurgents have ordered residents to aba

Twitter Promotes Media’s Spin On Gov. Ralph Northam’s Baby Killing Comments

In rushing to aid Northam, Twitter highlighted "fact checks" from corporate media claiming "very few U.S. babies are born alive as a result of a failed abortion." Jordan Davidson The Federalist

Minneapolis City Council alarmed by surge in crime months after voting to defund the police

Who elects these geniuses? Veto-proof majority of Minneapolis City Council vows to disband police department Minneapolis City Council alarmed by surge in crime months after voting to defund the police Minneapolis Police Department’s crime data shows a rise in assaults, robberies and homicides By Megan Henney | Fox News Protests continue to impact local businesses in Minneapolis Minneapolis Regional Chamber CEO Jonathan Weinhagen joins ‘America’s News HQ’ to discuss the impact of protests on local businesses and plans for rebuilding. Minneapolis City Council members, who just two months ago moved to eliminate the police department, sounded the alarm during a Wednesday meeting about a surge in crime seen by their constituents. Council members pressed police Chief Medaria Arradondo about the uptick in crimes that included daylight carjackings, robberies, assaults, shootings and street racing. “Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police?’” said Council Membe

SCOTUS battle prompts Democrat threats, calls for arson: ‘Burn Congress down’

Violent protests have broken out in New York City following RBG's death. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 19, 2020 SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: ‘Burn Congress down’ ‘If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f—–g thing down.’ By | Fox News September 19, 2020 Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, some verified Twitter users threatened arson and apparent violence in order to block Republicans from replacing her before the elections. “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f—–g thing down,” author Reza Aslan tweeted. He later responded to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s vow to hold a vote on President Trump’s nominee. “Over our dead bodies, literally,” he tweeted. Author Aaron Gouveia similarly blasted McConnell’s statement, saying : “F–k no. Burn it all down.” A Canadian political science professor called for arson, prompting accusations he made a terrorist

Violent Protests Break Out in NYC In Wake of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s Death

What in g-d’s name are they protesting – that RPG wasn’t exempt from death? Violent protests have broken out in New York City following RBG's death. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 19, 2020 [VIDEO] It’s Happening Again…Ruth Bader Ginsburg Protest in NYC Turns Violent Why does everything the left does have to turn into a violent free-for-all? By Missy Crane, Wayn Dupree, September 19, 2020: Here we go again, folks. Why does everything the left does have to turn into a violent free-for-all? These people can never be allowed to have power again. They’ve proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that they don’t deserve it. Last night when word came down that RBG had passed away, almost instantly, the left (even journalists) began threatening to “burn down the country” if President Trump nominated someone to take her place. The left jumps to violence within .2 seconds, with nothing in between. Meanwhile, the fo

Despot: Mayor De Blasio RE-CLOSES PUBLIC SCHOOLS despite months of super low COVID numbers

Mayor de Blasio has gotten a taste of absolute power (Hitlerism) and he is frenzied with power-lust. Innocent children, women and men are being crushed under the boot of degenerate despot. Any shot NYC might have had to get back on its feet, has been shot down by New York’s communist Mayor. Families that tried to hang on are going to leave. Children must be able to go to school – not just for learning but for socialization and other important life schools. COVID is not a threat to children. And there has not been once case of a school kid  giving COVID to a teacher. Rational parents are not going to sacrifice their children on the alter of 21st century totalitarians. Any New Yorker (or anyone, for that matter) who votes Democrat deserves all the abuse and punishment the Democrats are heaping on the people. Mayor De Blasio delays in-person learning for all grades above pre-K By Selim Algar and Julia Marsh, N.Y. Post, September 17, 2020 | Under mounting pressur

ACTION ALERT: Twitter Suspends Kanye West

When will our cherished first amendment rights enshrined in the Constitution be ensured in the public square? Make no mistake – social media is today’s public square. We need free speech action. ALLOW US TO SUE. REMOVE SEC 230 IMMUNITY. The left and their axis (jihad) can dox, libel, defame, call for genocide of the Jews with no threat of cnesure. Suing social media outlets Twitter Suspends Kanye West By: Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart News , 17 Sep 2020308 Rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West has been suspended from Twitter for posting the phone number of a Forbes editor shortly after posting images to the platform of what the presidential candidate claims are pages from his recording contracts with Universal Music Group. Twitter banned the Grammy-winning billionaire from tweeting for 12 hours after West went on a tweet storm on Wednesday, which included the rapper posting the phone number of a Forbes editor, as well as him urinating on a Grammy award. “Kanye

Terror-tied CAIR PROTESTS PEACE between Israel, UAE, and Bahrain

For years we have written, warned, highlighted awareness of CAIR’s terror ties and support. The jihad-aligned media scrubbed and whitewashed the terror group enabling them to gain widespread access to our most cherished institutions. The antisemitic American left saw Hamas-CAIR as useful to their America-hating agenda but the rest of the world has been hip to CAIR for years. Six years ago, the UAE designated CAIR a terrorist group. The UAE and the Democratic-CAIR terror axis But hey, don’t listen to us. This tells you everything. Anyone who stands with these annihilationists is aiding and abetting genocide, hate and bigotry. Top Muslim-American group protests against signing of peace agreement between Israel, UAE, and Bahrain CAIR said in email on Monday that it would be joined by over 50 other organizations in demonstrating “opposition to the US-brokered normalization treaty.” By Benjamin Kerstein, JNS A top American Muslim group expressed its opposition to

More than a half million households are now made up of married same-sex couples

( AP ) — Five years after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriages around the U.S., more than a half-million households are made up of married same-sex couples, according to figures the U.S. Census Bureau released Thursday. Since 2014, the year before the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriages, the number of married same-sex households has increased by almost 70%, rising to 568,110 couples in 2019, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Continue reading More than a half million households are now made up of married same-sex couples at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

WAKE UP, AMERICA: China and Russia Are Plotting to Destroy Us

(OPINION) Medium – It seems clear now that Covid-19 will take a place in world history, a seismic event of the twenty-first century whose effects will only be fully understood over many years, even decades. What also seems clear is that the United States-China relationship will change — indeed, must change. The question is how, and along what lines. Among Americans, anger at China runs high. American voters may, in the short term, choose to blame the Trump administration at the polls in November 2020; in the long term, whoever they vote for, most Americans understand that China is responsible for a global catastrophe that could have been greatly minimized or even averted entirely had Beijing simply told the truth about it from the beginning. Continue reading WAKE UP, AMERICA: China and Russia Are Plotting to Destroy Us at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

VIDEO: Biden Proposes FINING AMERCIANS Who Step On Federal Property Without A Mask (Inc. Buidlings, Parks, Military Bases, Post Offices Etc)

Watch it.What next? A swastika? BREAKING: Biden on CNN tonight proposed fining people who step on any federal property — buildings, parks, military installations, post offices, etc — without wearing a mask — Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) September 18, 2020 Biden on CNN tonight proposed fining people who step on any federal property — buildings, parks, military installations, post offices, etc — without wearing a mask Joe Biden says he would like to see governors enforce mask wearing and says, as president, he will fine people for not wearing masks on federal property — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 18, 2020 Pamela Geller Geller Report

Kroger workers wrongly fired for refusing to wear aprons with LGBT logo, lawsuit says

( Miami Herald ) – Grocery store giant Kroger is accused in federal court filings of violating the Civil Rights Act when it reportedly fired two employees who did not want to wear a store apron supporting the LGBTQ community. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency tasked with enforcing anti-discrimination laws in the workplace, filed suit Monday in federal court against the Kroger Co. on behalf of two store employees in Arkansas, Brenda Lawson and Trudy Rickerd, who say they believe homosexuality is a sin. Continue reading Kroger workers wrongly fired for refusing to wear aprons with LGBT logo, lawsuit says at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

How To Foil ‘The Plot To Change America’

Mike Gonzalez’s new book, 'The Plot to Change America,' provides penetrating analysis of the inherent dangers of identity politics, as well as ways to fight its creeping influence. George La Noue The Federalist

PBS Reporter Defends Riot-Cheerleading 1619 Project Writer As A ‘National Treasure’

PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor praised the architect of The New York Times' anti-American 1619 Project as a 'national treasure' Thursday. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Tucker Carlson Guest Blames George Soros, Democrats For Enabling Rising Violence In Cities

Former Army Ranger sniper Ryan Cleckner, Carlson's guest for the segment, said Democratic mega-donor George Soros and Democratic officials created the circumstances for a Minneapolis crime wave to bloom. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Trump Deserves Higher Honor Than Nobel Prize

F or over one hundred years, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded. In that time, this honor has been viewed as the ultimate prize for any political leader. Recipients are supposed to be great diplomats who have brokered historic peace agreements. In contrast, the recipients are often left-wing politicians who have a suitable political agenda for the five-person Nobel Peace Prize committee. Despite their efforts to end the plague of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, neither Pope John Paul II nor Ronald Reagan received the Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, it was awarded to Mikhail Gorbachev, a communist dictator who was pushed into reform by the military buildup of the United States and the moral courage of President Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and others. Jeff Crouere CanadaFreePress.Com

Climate Change: Most Brazen Scientific Hoax In Human History

B ased on years of terrifying reports about the climate, I was a firm believer in man-made global warming theory as recently as 11 years ago. My position abruptly changed in 2009, when a climate research cheating scandal rocked the scientific world to the core. Hacked emails among highly influential scientists at the center of worldwide hysteria over climate change revealed routine data tampering and other instances of flagrant scientific misconduct. Although the scientists implicated in “Climategate 2009” denied wrong-doing, emails hacked from computers at their employer, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, revealed a consistent pattern of climate data manipulation, conspiracies to falsify data and withhold findings that cast serious doubt on man-made global warming theory, to exaggerate the existence and threats posed by global warming, and to obstruct contrary research from appearing in scholarly publications. Aided and abetted by the thoroughly complic

Everything (Very) Old Is New Again

T here was a time long ago when America came first. A time when our founders, many whose names you would not recognize, risked everything to birth this nation. A nation where natural rights were granted by God and recognized by our Constitution. A time when our first president could easily have continued his administration beyond two terms, but didn’t, lest he appear to be a king rather than a president. There was a time when members of congress served their country and its people for a relatively short time and then reentered private life to submit to what they had created, so as not to appear to be part of a cabal. That was the very old. A cabal did eventually form, a criminal organization that does not know God and is determined to lord over men and women as was done before our country came to be. This cabal has now turned into a swamp, filled with monsters of self-interest, and agents of tyranny. That is now the old. Ray DiLorenzo CanadaFreePress.Com

Black Lives Matter Led to Record Number of Mass Shootings

E ven as gun violence breaks records in New York City, Chicago, and Philly, the Democrats don’t have much to say about the epidemic of shootings or their pet cause, gun control. While activist Democrat prosecutors like Attorney General Letitia James have neglected to deal with the violence and are instead targeting the NRA, they aren’t really talking about gun control. Mass shootings are rarely mentioned anymore even though there are more of them than ever. A Washington D.C. mass shooting at a cookout last month that wounded 20 people was treated as another local crime story. And there are a lot of these local crime stories as shootings rise. Daniel Greenfield CanadaFreePress.Com

The Maoist School of American Journalism

L et’s start with four statements widely recognized as accurate all along the opinion spectrum, from far-Left to far-Right. America’s Cancel Culture Revolution is led by Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM was, allegedly, organized by three black women who self-identify as Marxist-Leninists. The U.S. legacy media—AKA “mainstream media”—characterizes the BLM/Antifa riots as “largely peaceful”. The Democratic Party, the largest, national, political organization supportive of the Cancel Culture Revolution, claims to be helping bring about “Social Justice.”  So, was there a time in the 20 th Century where we witnessed a precursor of this symbiotic alignment between (A) a radical political ideology, and (B) a movement to erase a nation’s culture, that was (3) promoted by multiple, major outlets for disseminating “news” to the populous?  Lee Cary CanadaFreePress.Com

Democrats & Communists Should Pay Reparations for Their Multiple Crimes

D emocrat Party leaders who are proud of their heritage, need to seriously take responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors, which amazingly seems to be what they are calling for as their Party is demanding reparations be paid for the price of slavery - especially that which is “systemic racism.” The free-for-all in the herd of the twenty-odd Democrat “leaders” were clamoring for public attention last year in their “race” to get their Party’s nomination to run for POTUS, were all demanding that reparations be paid to descendants of slaves. What a way to pander to the Blacks for their votes. Dennis Jamison CanadaFreePress.Com

FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN: Current Disasters Caused or Worsened by Liberal Theology

Disasters Expose Incompetently Distracted Leaders A merica is impoverished as Western fires explode from bad forestry and arson . Our COVID-19 “over-protection” destroys biz, while indulging rioters encourages destruction. We are free-falling due to fact-blind leftist leadership. US big cities are Democrat-only zones with uniformly bad policies leading to city decay and death. Think Detroit . Meanwhile, as WA, CA & OR burn, Gov Newsom blames a “ Climate Damn Emergency ” while fossilized Speaker Pelosi claims “Angry Mother Nature” belches fires and hurricanes. Ideological liberalism destroys America’s West Coast.  Kelly OConnell CanadaFreePress.Com

NY City Marxist Mayor de Blasio Exposed: Hates Rich & Biz Owners

de Blasio Hates NYC M assive exodus from NYC was avoidable, despite assaults from COVID and BLM. The cause is failed, malignant leadership from NYC’s Worst Mayor, Bill de Blasio. While Gov Cuomo begged the rich return to Gotham – de Blasio dislikes “billionaires ” tweeting “There is a special narcissism to billionaires. They can’t see like the rest of us.”  Kelly OConnell CanadaFreePress.Com

Fox Has Finally Shown their True Colors

Fox News panel melts down when Gingrich calls out Soros — EAGLEMANIAC (@EAGLEMANIAC4) September 17, 2020 Dag Barkley CanadaFreePress.Com

Overturning COVID restrictions and states of emergency

I ‘ve been covering the decision in the Pennsylvania COVID case and the court filing in Ohio.  They give us the templates for potential victories in other states and countries. In Pennsylvania, a federal judge just ruled that Governor Wolf’s COVID containment measures are unconstitutional.  The judge went further.  NO emergency cancels the Constitution.  There is a line that cannot be crossed.  The right to assemble, to have freedom of movement, to earn a living—-they can’t be wiped off the board by lockdowns for ANY reason. This is, indeed, a heroic ruling.  It affirms the unmistakable rays of light emanating from the basis of the American Republic. Jon Rappoport CanadaFreePress.Com

CA Church Files Reply Brief for Emergency Relief

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Liberty Counsel has filed the reply on behalf of Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry regarding the request for an emergency motion for injunction pending appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding Gov. Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional orders. Within 45 minutes of filing the motion last Friday, the court ordered Gov. Newsom to respond by 5:00 p.m. PT on Tuesday, and Harvest Rock Church to reply on Wednesday by 5:00 p.m. PT. In his response, the governor has not presented any legitimate evidence to justify his discriminatory orders that prohibit ALL worship, including home Bible studies and fellowship with anyone who does not live in the home. Yet, Gov. Newsom continues to encourage mass gatherings of protestors throughout the state. Liberty Counsel CanadaFreePress.Com

Size of government on the rise across Canada; exceeds optimal levels for maximum economic growth

VANCOUVER —The combined size of the federal, provincial and municipal governments increased in all but two provinces over the past 10 years relative to the sizes of their economies, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “The size of government has been on the rise all across Canada for years, which will impact the recovery from the current recession,” said Alex Whalen, policy analyst at the Fraser Institute and co-author of The Changing Size of Government in Canada . Fraser Institute CanadaFreePress.Com