Color Revolutions are Not About Color
Color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change. Color revolution is what is happening in America, and its front line soldiers are Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).
“America’s Own Color Revolution,” a June 29, 2020, Geopolitics article explains how “Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a U.S. President, but in the process, the very structures of the U.S. Constitutional order.”
The organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about black lives. BLM is a Marxist organization disguised as a civil rights organization. Instead of improving race relations, BLM exploits racial tensions to collapse America from within and replace our constitutional republic with socialism/communism. BLM is the ultimate humanitarian hoax being perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans who still believe that BLM cares about black lives. They don’t.
Linda Goudsmit CanadaFreePress.Com
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