Wisconsin Bill Would Ban Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome
Wisconsin Right to Life strongly supports the full passage of three pro-life bills circulated today for co-sponsorship in the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly.
Introduced by Senator Testin and Representative Dittrich, the Shield the Vulnerable Act would ban abortions that are performed solely based on the sex, race, or disability diagnosis of an unborn child.
Also introduced by Senator Testin and Representative Dittrich, the Prenatal Diagnosis Information Act would require that the physician who administered the prenatal or postnatal test that identified a congenital condition, also provide the parent, or expectant parent, with education resources on that congenital condition and supportive resources that are available to them.
Both bills are aimed at supporting and valuing all unborn children, especially those with congenital conditions who too often face heartbreaking discrimination. Furthermore, they aim to support expectant parents with the resources, aid, and knowledge they need when faced with these life altering decisions.
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Additionally, Senator Kapenga and Speaker Vos introduced Women’s Right to Know, legislation that would require physicians to explain that women have a small opportunity of time in which the effects of the first pill given in a chemical abortion can be counteracted should they change their mind in the abortion process and chose life for their unborn child.
Abortion affects women and their unborn children in irreversible ways, and can lead to lifelong consequences. Women have a right to transparency in healthcare, and support when they are making these lifechanging decisions.
“The heart of the pro-life movement is to value the life of all unborn children, and provide loving support to women as they chose life for their unborn children. Providing women with critical information and support when facing an unexpected pregnancy is an integral part of this mission.” says Gracie Skogman, legislative director at Wisconsin Right to Life. “We are encouraged by the legislation put forth by Senators Testin and Kapenga, and Representative Dittrich, and Speaker Vos, and believe all three bills are vital to forwarding the prolife movement in Wisconsin.”
The post Wisconsin Bill Would Ban Abortions on Babies With Down Syndrome appeared first on LifeNews.com.
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