
Showing posts from May, 2022

Guns Aren’t Radically Deadlier Than They Were 50 Years Ago, But Our Sick Culture Is

Our culture has incubated a disdain for human life while preaching a gospel of indulging selfish urges, no matter how evil. Elle Reynolds The Federalist

‘Sick SOB’ Beto O’Rourke Is Such A Desperate Narcissist He Hijacked A Uvalde Tragedy Briefing For A Campaign Stunt

Creating a career out of dancing on shooting victims’ graves is despicable, hateful, and not welcome in Texas. Jordan Boyd The Federalist

Russian TV warns that nuclear war is the only alternative to Russia obtaining victory in Ukraine

(OPINION) New threats of a nuclear strike were made on Russian state TV, as the head of state-controlled Russia Today (RT) Margarita Simonyan said on air that the war in Ukraine will either end with Russia’s victory or a catastrophe for all humanity. “They all believe we’ll definitely lose, and the West will definitely win,” Simonyan said. “They say this, not understanding that it’s impossible. It’s just not possible, it will not happen. Continue reading Russian TV warns that nuclear war is the only alternative to Russia obtaining victory in Ukraine at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Texas shooter shared 3 chilling Facebook messages warning of attacks on school minutes before carrying it out

Texas school shooter Salvador Ramos shared three chilling Facebook posts warning of his deadly plot minutes before he slaughtered 21 people at Robb Elementary. According to TheSun, On Wednesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott revealed that 30 minutes before the school shooting unfolded, Ramos, posted: “I’m going to shoot my grandmother.” In a follow-up post, he wrote: “I shot my grandmother,” according to Abbott. Less than 15 minutes later, Ramos posted: “I’m going to shoot an elementary school,” the Texas governor said during Wednesday’s press conference. Continue reading Texas shooter shared 3 chilling Facebook messages warning of attacks on school minutes before carrying it out at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Here Are 11 Statistics That Show How U.S. Consumers Are Faring In This Rapidly Deteriorating Economy

Prices are soaring, there are widespread shortages of certain items such as baby formula all over the nation, and at the same time U.S. economic activity appears to be really slowing down.  Considering all of that, it makes perfect sense why the American people are feeling so negative about the economy right now.  In fact, a whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a recession within the next year.  These days, it is virtually impossible to get Americans to overwhelmingly agree about anything, and so the fact that 85 percent of us are anticipating a recession is a really big deal.  Just about everyone realizes that economic conditions are going to get worse, but for those of you that still doubt where we are headed here are 11 statistics that show how U.S. consumers are faring in this rapidly deteriorating economy… #1 According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll that was recently conducted, 56 percent of Americans say that their financial situations are getting

A New Kind of Child Abuse

Stealing a child's childhood should be a crime punishable by grievous measures. And this one particularly gruesome way to steal it. American Thinker

‘Summer Of Pain’: Tech Stocks See Worst Losing Streak Since Dot-Com Bubble

The technology sector is witnessing its most severe losing streak in over two decades. The Nasdaq — a technology-heavy stock index — has endured seven weeks of losses, including 3.8% declines during the week of May 16. The drops constitute the worst declines since the dot-com selloff in 2001, according to CNBC . “Inflation, rising interest rates, the war in Ukraine and pandemic lockdowns in China are adding up to a disastrous market in general and a particularly brutal stretch for investors in technology and growth stocks, after historic rallies in recent years,” the outlet reported. “The Federal Reserve has signaled it will continue to increase rates to fight inflation, leading to concern that higher costs of capital will combine with deteriorating consumer confidence to eat away at profit margins.” Companies such as Tesla, Cisco, Dell, Twitter, and Tesla experienced large drops this week — 14%, 13%, 11%, and 6%, respectively. Guggenheim Partners Global Chief Investment O

Congress Sends $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package to Biden’s Desk

Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) denied unanimous consent for the bill to proceed, which delayed its passage by a week. Arjun Singh National Review

Who Cares What the WHO Says?

The proposed amendments by the U.S. to the WHO's International Health Regulations do not degrade the sovereignty of the United States. American Thinker

MUST SEE: Rep. Lauren Boebert Absolutely DESTROYS the Marxist Left and Their Director of Propaganda Nina Jankowicz (VIDEO)

Last week Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) took to the House floor and eviscerated the Democrat’s Disinformation Tsarina, Nina Jankowicz. The speech took place on Tuesday during the floor debate on funding the Democrat Party’s unconstitutional Ministry of Truth. The Biden regime recently launched a Ministry of Truth department as a part of Homeland Security. To head the ministry they appointed a smug, leftwing, lunatic as their “director of misinformation.” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who is supposed to be securing the border announced that Nina Jankowicz  will head up this new Ministry of Truth  earlier this month. Nina Jankowicz, who has been completely wrong on most major news stories in the past 5 years, says only “trustworthy” people like herself should be verified on Twitter and able to add context to other people’s tweets. This  trashy lounge singer sings about sleeping her way into power. Rep. Boebert absolutely destroyed Jankowicz and her Democrat Party protect

Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People

In Fairfax County, Virginia, changes set to be approved May 26 would punish ‘malicious misgendering’ at the same level as assault and battery. Laura Bryant Hanford The Federalist

Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID

Via Mercola Story at-a-glance A California bill is now threatening to strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with. California Assembly Bill 2098 designates “the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ‘COVID-19,’ as unprofessional conduct” warranting “disciplinary action” that could result in the loss of their medical license Misinformation related to SARS-CoV-2 includes “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.” But as far as what might constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation” is unclear and basically left open for interpretation by the state Doctors have an ethical obligation to treat each patient as an individual, and to ensure each patient receives the safest and best care. Bill 2098 will turn doctors i

Disturbing! Two Electric Buses Explode Within One Month… What’s Next?

Via The Blue State Conservative Our friends on the left purport to be caring, reasonable, and embracing of common sense. But in reality, they’re none of these things. To combat a Chinese virus about which we still know very little, they try to cram down potentially dangerous mRNA vaccines about which we know even less. In the name of ‘equality,’ they push for hormone blockers and irreversible surgery to mutilate the bodies of troubled children confused about their gender. And in an effort to achieve ‘climate justice,’ they’re willing to go as far as it takes to accomplish their goals, up to and including complete authoritarianism. Part of that hysterical drumbeat to fix the evils of the sun monster – aka climate change – is the constant promotion of electric vehicles. But there are still legitimate concerns about the practicality, genuine benefit to the environment, and long-term cost of electric vehicles. There are also valid concerns about the safety of those vehicles. Watch

Pro-abortion rallies are being planned from coast to coast, Growing fear of violence against Supreme Justices

Demonstrators facing down a Supreme Court decision that could overturn the constitutional right to abortion are aiming to use rallies from coast to coast Saturday to express their outrage and to mobilize for the fight ahead. According to the Associated Press, More than 380 events were set from Maine to Hawaii, with the largest gatherings expected in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and other big cities, organizers said. In the nation’s capital, activists planned to gather at the Washington Monument before marching to the Supreme Court, which is now surrounded by a security fence. Continue reading Pro-abortion rallies are being planned from coast to coast, Growing fear of violence against Supreme Justices at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Now We Are Being Warned That Shortages Of Diesel Fuel And Electricity Are Coming In The Months Ahead

On top of everything else that is going wrong, shall we add a diesel fuel shortage and a nationwide electricity shortage to the equation?  I never imagined that I would be writing about such things in the middle of 2022, but here we are.  I will discuss the potential electricity shortage in a moment, but first I want people to understand how serious a widespread diesel shortage would be.  Without diesel, our trains and trucks don’t run, and if they don’t run America’s supply chains completely and utterly collapse.  So even a moderate shortage would be absolutely paralyzing for the U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, supplies are rapidly dwindling and we are being warned that a “global diesel shortage that will shock people” could begin as soon as next month … We are looking at a nightmare in terms of global diesel shortage that will shock people starting June. Diesel inventory on the east coast is 18 million (About 3 days demand) as of today, we will run down to sub 10 million. Let

American Mothers Don’t Have Enough Formula For Their Babies, But Biden Wants To Give 40 Billion More Dollars To Ukraine

Our economy is literally coming apart at the seams, but the Biden administration just wants to keep shoveling billions upon billions of our tax dollars into a war on the other side of the world that is already hopelessly lost.  Despite what Joe Biden and his enablers in the corporate media are telling you, Ukraine is not going to win.  What the Russians did to the Azov Battalion in Mariupol is now going to happen on a much larger scale to the core of the Ukrainian military in the Donbas.  Instead of using thousands upon thousands of Ukrainian men as cannon fodder in a proxy war with Russia, our leaders should be pushing for a peace agreement that everyone can live with.  But that isn’t going to happen, because the warmongers in Washington are absolutely obsessed with finding a way to defeat Russia.  Of course if the warmongers just keep escalating matters we could eventually find ourselves in a nuclear conflict with Russia, and that is a fight that nobody would win. Instead of wag

China Just Held A “Rehearsal” For The Coming Invasion Of Taiwan And Congress Just Greatly Escalated The Conflict In Ukraine

Will the U.S. soon be involved in two major wars at the same time?  The U.S. House of Representatives just escalated the proxy war in Europe by approving a 40 billion dollar “aid package” for Ukraine, and I will have much more to say about that below.  But first I want to talk about a major development in Asia.  For a long time I have been warning that the Chinese will invade Taiwan, and now that day appears to be closer than ever.  From Friday through Sunday, China conducted very alarming military exercises off the coast of Taiwan that one Chinese military analyst is referring to as a “rehearsal of possible real action” … The Chinese military deployed forces all around the island of Taiwan over the weekend in a set of large-scale military drills that one Chinese military analyst called a “rehearsal of possible real action.” On Monday, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)  announced  its Eastern Theater Command organized maritime, aerial, conventional missile and other for

Lawlessness Reigns Supreme

L awlessness reigns supreme in Boss Biden’s Marxist Democrat régime (aka the United States federal government).  The breach of federal law in regard to intimidation of U.S. Supreme Court Justices, which applies to judges in any court, and the breach of federal law in regard to intimidation of a religious organization is being totally ignored by every federal law enforcement agency across the nation.  Boss Biden and his corrupt Marxist Democrat elitist minions have put themselves above the U.S Constitution (which they swore an oath to protect and defend) and above God by condoning widespread violent anti-religious terrorism.  By prohibiting federal law enforcement agencies from enforcing the law, Boss Biden’s administration is a co-conspirator and complicit in every terrorist act performed by his minions in the field concerning the courts and religious practices. Steve Rossiter CanadaFreePress.Com

BIDEN ignores America's dire problems and give $40 Billion to Ukraine that we don't have

Dag Barkley CanadaFreePress.Com

Bill Maher SHOCKED to learn basic abortion facts, admits Dem talking points are 'just factually inaccurate'

HBO’s Bill Maher admitted on "Real Time" that he learned a few things about abortion laws that surprised him after the news of the Supreme Court’s intention to overturn Roe v. Wade broke last week. “I learned things this week, because this put it on the front page, that are pretty basic things that I did not know about abortion," Maher told guests Michele Tafoya and Paul Begala. "Like in Europe, the modern countries of Europe, [are] way more restrictive than we are, or what they’re even proposing. If you are pro-choice, you would like it a lot less in Germany, and Italy, and France, and Spain, and Switzerland. Did you know that? I didn’t know that.” This week Bill Maher learned European countries have far more restrictive abortion laws than we do in America and that women report being pro-life more often than men. How many people have no clue about this or about fetal pain science? If they did, some might — Robby Starbu

While Biden Works to Take Away Your Guns, They’re Building a Domestic Army within the Executive Branch

While Obama and Biden have worked so hard to take away Americans’ guns, they are building a massive domestic army themselves.   Barack Obama said he wasn’t going to take away Americans’ guns before he took office, but this soon proved to be just another lie. FLASHBACK… Obama in 2008: “I Am Not Going To Take Your Guns Away, That Just Ain’t True” (Video) Obama tried in 2015 to take away guns from social security recipients and then he decided not to arm border patrol agents, allowing the greatest invasion of illegal aliens in US history to occur during his stint in the White House. Obama Administration Won’t Arm US Border Patrol – Agents Forced to Share Guns (Video) But what may have been worse was when Obama plotted the scheme labeled ‘Fast and Furious’ where the US ran guns across the border into Mexico.  Over  200 people were killed  because of Holder’s Fast and Furious gun-running operation including border patrol agent Brian Terry. This appears to have been an ef