
Showing posts from 2023

CO, ME Just The Start Of Trump Ballot-Blocking: These 20 States Have Suits In Progress

CO, ME Just The Start Of Trump Ballot-Blocking: These 20 States Have Suits In Progress As jarring as it's been to witness the anti-democratic, one-two punch in which a court in Colorado and an unelected bureaucrat in Maine decided Donald Trump cannot appear on primary election ballots, there are many more states where litigation is underway to ban the candidate who's currently leading the national race. In addition to Colorado and Maine, there are currently active lawsuits challenging Trump's eligibility in  Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming , according to a New York Times  survey of the situation.   Together, the states where Trump's status is under active challenge account for 269 electoral votes -- in a game where you need 270 to win.  Colorado and Maine have said Trum

Even The Mainstream Media Is Starting To Admit That The World Is Teetering On “The Brink” Of Complete And Utter Chaos

A “perfect storm” is raging all around us, and our world is so close to plunging into a complete and utter state of chaos that even the mainstream media is talking about it.  The past several years have been a time when multiple major wars have begun, pestilences have paralyzed the entire planet, the worst global food crisis in modern history has erupted , and we have been hit by a seemingly endless series of natural disasters.  But there is a growing consensus that even more difficult times are ahead of us.  During a roundtable discussion on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, CBS News correspondent Catherine Herridge actually confessed that she is concerned that “2024 may be the year of a black swan event” … CBS News’ “Face the Nation” held a roundtable on Christmas Eve, affording various talking heads an opportunity to make predictions for 2024. While most of the predictions were relatively banal, one among them stood out, prompting critics to puzzle over its possible significance. Ne

Giant Hordes Of Illegal Immigrants Are Being Brought Into The U.S. Just In Time For The Societal Meltdown Of 2024

Are they trying to destroy our nation on purpose?  At a time when our economic problems are rapidly progressing , we are already involved in multiple global conflicts , and we are on the verge of the most chaotic election season in American history, wave after wave of illegal immigrants is being brought into the United States.  Cities all over the country have already been absolutely overwhelmed by vast hordes of illegal invaders, but more just keep pouring in with each passing day.  In fact, more illegal immigrants are arriving at our borders this month than we have ever seen before … Border officials reported the highest number of migrant crossings ever, with a seven-day average of more than 9,600 in December, a Homeland Security official told CNN. The record-smashing figure is the average across the entire southern border of the country. In November, the figure sat at 6,800 – meaning the southern border has seen an influx of 3,000 more arrivals per day as migrants continue to p

Russia threatens to take US military bases in NATO territory

A top Kremlin propagandist called on the US to hand over its European military bases to Russia in a terrifying warning this week. Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian broadcaster, issued the demand during a recent TV segment. In a clip shared on X by Eastern European media outlet Nexta, Solovyov said Moscow should capture American bases […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

U.S. shoots down 12 suicide drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles and two land attack cruise missiles in 10 hour span

Houthi rebels supported by Iran launched a barrage of drones and missiles north toward Israel on Tuesday, with the onslaught blocked by a U.S. Navy destroyer and F/A-18 Super Hornets. U.S. Central Command said that the attack began at 6:30 am and lasted for 10 hours. ‘U.S. assets, including the USS LABOON (DDG 58) and […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Banks Are Closing Thousands Of Branches And Retailers Are Shutting Down Thousands Of Stores

If the U.S. economy really is in “good shape”, then why are so many prominent businesses rushing to permanently shut down locations that were once profitable?  As you will see below, U.S. banks are closing thousands of branches and U.S. retailers are closing thousands of stores.  If a new golden age of prosperity is dead ahead, that wouldn’t make any sense at all.  Of course the truth is that most Americans are really struggling in our current economic environment, and conditions are going to get even worse in 2024. Bank executives can see what is happening, and so they are feverishly trimming costs. During the first 10 months of this year, banks in the United States closed a total of 2,118 branches … U.S. banks closed 2,118 branch locations between January and the end of October, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Sadly, branches continue to get shut down at a staggering rate. For example, it is being reported that Bank of America has decided to per

NY and LA: Jihad Terrorists Shut Down Entrances To JFK and LAX Airports Causing Travel Nightmare

Multiple roads into JFK Airport have been blocked by Islamic supporters of Jewish genocide. It’s a travel nightmare. make no mistake, this is about chaos and destruction, nothing more, nothing less. Currently, numerous Hamas fanatics are blocking the entrance to John F. Kennedy international Airport in Queens, New York, causing a travel nightmare for those returning from the holidays. Port Authority Police are making multiple arrests as demonstrators persist in blocking the road to JFK Airport. Meanwhile, dozens of passengers are navigating through the blockade with their luggage in an attempt to catch their flights. #BREAKING : Multiple roads into JFK Airport have been blocked by by Pro-Palestine protestors causing A travel nightmare ⁰ #Queens l #NewYork Currently, numerous pro-Palestine protestors are blocking the entrance to John F. Kennedy international Airport in Queens, New York,… — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) December 27, 2023


“If you were planning an insurrection, you would not offer 10,000 armed soldiers to protect the place where the insurrection was to occur, but if you wanted to create a false flag insurrection to weaponize against your opponent, you would turn down the protection of 10,000 armed troops and help incite a riot.” Read the whole thing here . Never Forget that Donald Trump posted a video on January 6th telling people to go home peacefully. Twitter 1.0 took it down within 5 minutes. They prevented people from hearing this… — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 21, 2023 Rigged By: Judd Garrett December 21, 2023 Tuesday, Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled to take the Republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump off its state’s ballot because of his involvement in the so-called “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, at the United States Capital. They based their ruling on the “insurrection” clause of the 14th Amendment of our Co

California to hand out fines to major retail stores who fail to have a ‘gender neutral’ kids toy section

California stores with more than 500 employees will soon be fined for not having a “gender-neutral” toy section once a new state law kicks in Jan. 1. The bill, signed in 2021 by Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, will force stores that sell childcare items or toys to pay a $500 fine should the store fail […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

The Biden Administration is trying to ban more appliances in your home

2023 was an unusually bad year for appliance regulations, and future years won’t be much better unless Congress finds a way to stop the nonsense. It all started last January when Richard Trumka Jr., a commissioner on the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), announced an investigation into the safety of natural gas stoves and boasted […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Sexual identity list continues to grow with introduction of ‘Abrosexual’

“Abrosexual” is a relatively new sexual preference term that could require an editorial explanation according to the United Kingdom media outlet Metro. Emma Flint, a freelance journalist, wrote an op-ed for Metro’s “Platform” section, a portion of the website dedicated to “opinions, real life stories and analysis from experts in their field.” In the piece, […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

US debt will become unsustainable and trigger default in about 20 years, if it stays on current path

The Capitol building is seen through the American flags in Washington DC on October 20, 2022. Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto/Getty Images US debt will become unsustainable in roughly 20 years if it doesn't change course, a Penn Wharton Budget Model determined. After that, no amount of tax hikes or spending cuts could prevent default "whether explicitly or implicitly."  An implicit default would include debt monetization that produces significant inflation. The US has roughly 20 years to change course on the size of its debt, or else a default of some form will be unavoidable, a Penn Wharton Budget Model determined in October. Analysts looked at the $26.3 trillion of US debt held by the public, which excludes money the federal government owes itself in the overall outstanding debt total of $33 trillion.  "Under current policy, the United States has about 20 years for corrective action after which no amount of future tax increases or spending cuts could avoid the go

New Procedure Is Game-Changing For Patients With High Blood Pressure, Doctors Say

A new FDA-approved minimally invasive procedure targets nerves near the kidneys to control high blood pressure in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension. The procedure uses devices to ablate overactive sympathetic nerves, potentially reducing blood pressure for at least five years. The risks include potential artery damage, but studies have shown positive results in lowering blood pressure. (Trending: Trans Athlete Breaks College Record After Joining Women’s Team) Patients who underwent the procedure reported reduced reliance on medications and improved physical activity. However, further research is needed to determine its appropriate role in clinical practice. People with treatment-resistant hypertension could benefit from a new procedure that the FDA recently approved. The minimally invasive procedure targets nerves near the kidneys to help control high blood pressure when medications fail to do so. Dr. Samin Sharma, an interventional cardiologist and direct

US military conducts biggest retaliatory strikes yet in Iraq after three service members injured in drone attack

After 103 attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria, Joe Biden finally authorizes a bigger strike against Iranian-backed proxy forces in Iraq, hitting three different sites run by Kataeb Hezbollah. One . . . The Right Scoop The Right Scoop

Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

While Canadians worry about the rise in the cost of living, woke Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and liberals are focused on tampons. Under a new policy, tampons and sanitary pads are now available for free in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament. The policy requires all federally regulated employers, which includes airports and military bases, to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of what gender is identified on the door. Canadian Conservative Sen. Linda Frum shared the news on X, “Back in the day, when only women menstruated, we had to pay for our own products. But now that men menstruate too, these products, as of this week, are mandated to be free in all men’s washrooms in all federal workplaces, including Parliament Hill — where this photo was taken today.” Image: @LindaFrum/X Back in the day, when only women menstruated we had to pay for our own products. But now that men menstruate too, these products, as of this week, are manda

Home Prices Hit Record High Even As Mortgage Rates Soared

The highest mortgage rates in 23 years were not enough to keep home prices from rising. John Carney Breitbart

A "Textbook" Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event Appears To Be Unfolding

A "Textbook" Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event Appears To Be Unfolding Meteorologists on social media channel X are posting weather models about the increasing threat of a so-called sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) over the Arctic, which could unleash wintry weather across the eastern half of the US in the new year.  "A textbook sudden stratospheric warming event looks to be unfolding,"  private weather forecaster  BAM Weather  (BAMWX). Judah Cohen, Ph.D. and an atmospheric and environmental scientist who studies the polar vortex, told FOX Weather an SSW event takes "about two weeks for the effects of the sudden stratospheric warming to impact our weather."  Cohen expects that cold air will pour into the Lower 48 in the new year, although the specifics of the event remain uncertain.  Yale Climate Connections  wrote in a recent note, "The odds of a snow-favoring East Coast cold wave will be boosted if a sudden strato

Iran threatens to close Mediterranean Sea citing US ‘crimes’ in Gaza

Iran threatened Saturday that the Mediterranean Sea could be “closed” if the U.S. and Israel continued “crimes” in Gaza, state media reported, according to Reuters. The Iranian government has showed support for militant group Hamas in its war against Israel, while the U.S. has strongly backed Israel — despite growing criticism of the Israeli military’s […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Financial guru who predicted 2008 collapse warns that Biden is leading America into another collapse

(OPINION) One of the country’s leading financial gurus is sounding the alarm over America’s “serious” financial troubles. The Wall Street legend who predicted the 2008 Lehman Brothers’ collapse, is warning that “incompetence” in Democrat President Joe Biden’s economy is driving the United States toward collapse. “I hate to say this because, you know I love […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Constitution Does Not Dictate That Satanic Displays Must Get Equal Time in Public Square

We do have the right to freedom of religion. But this does not equate to the right to equal government showcasing of religion. American Thinker

Truth Versus Words

The trouble with words is made forcibly clear in the film “We Are Not Alone” in which an innocent man (played by Paul Muni) accused of murder and facing death by hanging says, in a moment he steals to speak in his defense: “Words can be true – and still have no truth in them.” American Thinker

Iranian drone behind attack on chemical tanker in Indian Ocean, Pentagon says

A drone launched from Iran was responsible for an attack on a chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean on Saturday, the US Department of Defence has said. World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News

State Forced to Cancel Electric Vehicle Mandate Vote After Widespread Power Outages

The weather in Maine is never a predictable thing at the best of times, but it appears to have developed a dark sense of humor as of late. On Thursday, […] The post State Forced to Cancel Electric Vehicle Mandate Vote After Widespread Power Outages appeared first on The Western Journal . C. Douglas Golden The Western Journal

New Poll Shows How Americans Really Feel About Trump Being Booted from Colorado Ballot

There’s a good chance that you either love or hate the former president, with very little wiggle room in between. Donald Trump simply has a knack for digging deep into […] The post New Poll Shows How Americans Really Feel About Trump Being Booted from Colorado Ballot appeared first on The Western Journal . Bryan Chai The Western Journal

Catholic Women's College Reverses Decision to Admit Men Who Identify as Women After Major Backlash

A Catholic women’s college that sought to dabble in transgender admissions announced Thursday that the only women it will admit will be those born that way. In November, St. Mary’s […] The post Catholic Women's College Reverses Decision to Admit Men Who Identify as Women After Major Backlash appeared first on The Western Journal . Jack Davis The Western Journal

Event Straw Poll Reveals Who MAGA-Friendly Voters Want as Trump's VP

Conservative-leaning voters who attended the recent TPUSA conference in Phoenix, Arizona, had some interesting ideas on who they hope former President Donald Trump will choose for his vice-presidential running mate. […] The post Event Straw Poll Reveals Who MAGA-Friendly Voters Want as Trump's VP appeared first on The Western Journal . Warner Todd Huston The Western Journal

Feds Advise Labeling Parents as Potentially Abusive for Opposing Child's Trans Expression

Not accepting your child’s so-called “gender identity” is potentially a form of abuse, according to one federally funded program. The Daily Caller first reported how the Maternal, Infant, and Early […] The post Feds Advise Labeling Parents as Potentially Abusive for Opposing Child's Trans Expression appeared first on The Western Journal . Ben Kew The Western Journal

2020 Election Fraud and the Courts

There may be consequences for the people who engineered what may be the most consequential criminal collaboration or conspiracy in history. American Thinker

Parents outraged after popular Netflix children’s series has boy dance in tutu for gay dads

(OPINION) A new spinoff series of a popular Netflix show for babies and preschoolers has some parents in an uproar after it introduced LGBTQ characters and a scene where a boy dresses up in a tutu and tiara. In one episode segment for “CoComelon Lane” called, “Just be me,” a little boy plays dress up […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Now they are telling us that we may be “fueling global warming” by simply breathing

(OPINION) Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing, a new study suggests. “Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,” according to research released last week in the UK journal PLOS. The methane and nitrous oxide exhaled by humans make […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Now the Pope is asking Vatican staff to avoid ‘rigid ideologies’ that prevent them from “understanding today’s reality”

Pope Francis urged Vatican bureaucrats Thursday to avoid “rigid ideological positions” that prevent them from understanding today’s reality, an appeal made days after he formally allowed priests to bless same-sex couples in a radical change of Vatican policy. Francis used his annual Christmas greeting to the Holy See hierarchy to encourage the cardinals, bishops and […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Washington Post Shedding Hundreds Of Staff From Payroll After Trump Presidency And Covid Is The Reason For The Season

Nearly 250 forced buyouts hit The Washington Post, so the paper is trying desperately to relive the magic of the Trump presidency. Eddie Scarry The Federalist

Notorious Red Cross Picks Antisemitic Former UNRWA Commissioner as Director-General as Evidence Mounts that Red Cross Enables Palestinian ‘Pay for Slay’

As evidence mounts that the Red Cross facilitated pay for slay, the infamous organization named the former head of the notoriously antisemitic UNRWA agencies. The Red Cross says it has appointed Pierre Krahenbuhl, a infamous former head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, as its director-general. Some things never change — David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) November 27, 2023 Related: Red Cross Reprimanded Hostage Families: ‘Think about the Palestinians’ Daughter of Critically Ill Freed Hostage Rips Red Cross THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT: UN, Red Cross, WHO, Gazan Doctors, Nurses, Legacy Media, All Knew Shifa Hospital Was Hamas Command Central Where Hostages Were Forcibly Taken and Murdered Since October 7, the International Red Cross has been helping imprisoned Palestinian terrorists receive   terror stipends from the Palestinian Authority, a watchdog organization accuses. According to Palestinian Media Watch, incarcerated Palesti

Hundreds of Dealerships Accepted Voluntary Buyout Rather Than Bow Down to Woke Policy Changes

In a story that seems to be flying under the radar, it has been reported that hundreds of Buick and Cadillac car dealers across the nation have decided that they […] The post Hundreds of Dealerships Accepted Voluntary Buyout Rather Than Bow Down to Woke Policy Changes appeared first on The Western Journal . Warner Todd Huston The Western Journal

Canada’s Quota on EVs Basically Bans Gas Cars in Two Years

Within two years’ time, 20% of all cars that have to be sold in Canada are going to be zero emissions. “It’s bananas. It’s not achievable, and I can tell you people, if they want a car, they need to buy it now because we’re entering into a period of rationing. There’s no other way […] The post Canada’s Quota on EVs Basically Bans Gas Cars in Two Years appeared first on . M Dowling