Evil On A Scale That I Don’t Even Know How To Describe

This is not an easy article to write.  In fact, it would probably be easier if I did not write about this at all.  But if we do not speak out, that is a victory for evil.  So I am going to share some truly horrible things with you in this article.  Everything that I am going to share comes from a mainstream news source, but I have to warn you in advance that this material is not for the faint of heart.  So if you do not want to read about the sexual violence that Hamas has been committing, you should stop reading now.  I do not really want to write about this stuff, because these acts are evil on a scale that I don’t even know how to describe.  But we must expose the truth, because the future of the nation of Israel hangs in the balance.  Much of the world is enthusiastically supporting Hamas, and they need to understand why they should stop supporting these extremely wicked monsters.

Even here in the United States, there are lots of people that are passionately cheering on Hamas and want them to win this war.

If you are one of those people, what in the world is wrong with you?

On October 7th, Hamas terrorists tortured women in unimaginable ways, and many of those women still had expressions of panic frozen on their faces when they died

Expressions of agony survived their deaths, army reservist Shari Mendes said as she described what experts saw when they identified and prepared for burial the bodies of female victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

“These women arrived with their eyes open, their mouths grimacing, their fists clenched,” said Mendes, whose IDF rabbinical unit worked with the bodies, all of which were brought to the IDF’s Shura base.

According to Mendes, a number of female soldiers were viciously mutilated by Hamas.  The following comes from the Jerusalem Post

“Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch – intimate parts/vagina – or shot in the breast. This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” Mendes said.

In a filmed testimonial played at the event, a survivor said she watched a terrorist who had cut off a woman’s breasts and played with them – after he had raped her.

“Our unit has seen bodies that were beheaded or had limbs cut off, mutilated,” Mendes said. “One young woman came in with no legs: they had been cut off. We saw several severed heads, one with a large kitchen knife still embedded in the neck.”

I would very much encourage everyone to read the full Jerusalem Post article, because you will never forget it.

After reading that article, how can anyone possibly cheer for Hamas?

Unless you are literally filled with demons, I cannot comprehend how you could possibly support what Hamas has done.

One eyewitness has stated that he saw one Israeli woman being raped by one Hamas terrorist after another

‘As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,’ the witness told investigators.

‘They bent her over and I realised they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [gunman].’

The witness says the victim was ‘alive’ and ‘on her feet and bleeding from her back. But then the situation was that he was pulling her hair. She had long, brown hair.’

And some women were raped after they were already dead

‘Some women were raped before they were dead, some raped while injured, and some were already dead when the terrorists raped their lifeless bodies,’ his statement says.

Do you support raping corpses?

If you are cheering for Hamas, that is exactly what you are supporting.

And this sort of thing did not stop after October 7th.

In fact, an Israeli doctor says that he has treated at least 10 hostages that were “sexually assaulted or abused” while they were being held by Hamas…

On Tuesday, Netanyahu and members of his war cabinet held a tense and emotional meeting with recently released hostages and family members of hostages still held in Gaza as Israel bombards the Palestinian territory and expands its ground attacks. Some of the recently released hostages shared testimonies of sexual abuse during their time in Gaza, participants said.

Separately, a doctor who treated some of the 110 released hostages told the AP that at least 10 men and women among those freed had been sexually assaulted or abused, but did not provide further details. He spoke on condition of anonymity to protect the hostages’ identities.

Once you fully understand what Hamas has done, you can fully understand why Israel must wipe out Hamas.

There is no other choice.

The IDF has already had a lot of success in northern Gaza, and now operations in southern Gaza have begun

IDF Southern Command Chief Maj.-Gen. Yaron Finkleman on Wednesday said in a meeting in southern Gaza with his field commanders that the IDF is continuing to press forward with its invasion of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

On Tuesday, the IDF revealed that its invasion of southern Gaza and Khan Yunis had started Sunday night.

According to the IDF, the top field commanders handling the Khan Yunis invasion presented Finkleman with the status of IDF and enemy forces within the city, the attacks already undertaken, and their future attack plans.

Thousands of Hamas fighters continue to hide in their network of tunnels, but the IDF is getting ready to flood those tunnels with water from the Mediterranean Sea

At least five huge pumps have been set up close to the Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza as Israel looks to take down the terror group following the horror October 7 massacre.

The pumps are capable of flooding the vast underground maze within weeks by pouring in thousands of cubic metres of water per hour from the Mediterranean Sea, reports The Wall Street Journal.

It would also drive out or drown Hamas terrorists using the tunnels as a hideout as Israeli forces push ahead with their ground assault.

US officials said Israel alerted American authorities about its plan last month – but a decision has not been made on whether to go ahead yet.

My hope is that more of the hostages can be recovered before the tunnels are flooded.

But the truth is that Hamas is unlikely to ever give up all of the hostages because they need that leverage.

Sadly, many more people are going to die on both sides in the days ahead.

And it is just a matter of time before Hezbollah and Iran get more directly involved.

The things that will happen in the Middle East in 2024 will shock the entire world, but there is no turning back now.

If our daughters, wives and mothers had been raped and murdered by Hamas, the American people would want the same thing that the Israeli people want.

Hamas must be destroyed, and anyone that chooses to support Hamas is choosing to support pure evil.

Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com.  In addition to my new book I have written seven other books that are available on Amazon.com including “7 Year Apocalypse”“Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have also started a brand new Substack newsletter, and I encourage you to subscribe so that you won’t miss any of my articles.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is definitely a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today.

The post Evil On A Scale That I Don’t Even Know How To Describe appeared first on End Of The American Dream.

Michael The American Dream http://endoftheamericandream.com/


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