
Showing posts from October, 2023

Protesters Take Over Brooklyn Bridge, Call for the Elimination of Israel

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STEPHEN MOORE: The Left’s Green Dreams Are Going Up In Smoke

Non-existent? Stephen Moore The Daily Caller

Princeton Students Chant Call For Murdering Jews

A group of Princeton University students have hit headlines after chanting “Long Live the Intifada,” referencing a six-year-long period from 1987-1993 when Israelis were frequently murdered by Palestinian terrorists, primarily by way of suicide bombers. Students of MIT made a similar chant , saying, “One Solution, Intifada, Revolution!” An MIT PhD student from Israel commented on the event, saying, “Intifada is not a call for resistance.” Students at @Princeton chant “long live the intifada.” This is not simply pro-Palestinian activism. This is a call for violence against Jews. — Zach Kessel (@zach_kessel) October 25, 2023 “Intifada is the name of acts of bombing and killing civilians in Israel,” he continued. “It’s the name of taking civilian lives in terrorist attacks in Israel.” “That is what intifada means. That is how it’s defined,” he added. “My feelings are shifting a lot more towards anger because their [Hamas victims’] blood has

China ‘Freaked’ When U.S. Navy Surfaced 3 Submarines Simultaneously

U.S. Ohio-class submarine USS Kentucky (SSBN-737) was sent to South Korea to put an end to a nearly 40-year-gap between visits. Chinese and North Korean officials are undoubtedly sweating , as the submarine arrived in response to North Korea’s testing of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The visit was not initially revealed. North Korea denounced discussions about nuclear weapons and criticized military exercises involving the US, South Korea, and Japan. The USS Kentucky is an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, part of the US nuclear deterrent. In 2010, Three Ohio-class submarines surfaced simultaneously in the Indo-Pacific as a warning. Some Ohio-class submarines were converted to carry non-nuclear munitions. China “freaked” at the sight of them. With North Korea growing increasingly hostile, it’s likely it won’t be another 13 years before other submarines arrive in their backyard. Most Popular: Biological Man Named ‘Hottest Woman’ By Maxim Top

Top Democrat Strategist Attacked By Own Party For Raising Concerns About Biden

Democrat strategist James Carville has been attacked by his own Party for stating what should be plain to see for anyone. He said that some Democrats have asked him to stop talking about the president’s chances of being elected again as Democrat Rep. Dean Phillips has decided to challenge the president in the Democrat primary, The Atlantic reported . The strategist said that Democrats are not disagreeing with him, but they want him to stop talking about the president having a tough time being elected again. “Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong,’” the strategist said. “They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that.’” “I’m looking at polling data, and I’m looking at all of it. The president’s numbers are just not good—and they’re not getting any better,” he said. “I talk to a lot of people who do a lot of congressional-level polling and state polling, and they’re all saying the same thing. There’s not an outlier; there’s not another opinion… The question is, has the count

Number Of Americans Going Hungry Grows By Millions Under Biden: Report

President Joe Biden and the Democrats want you to believe that what they call “Bidenomics” is working for the average American, but statistics show that it is not. As the media does its best to work the numbers and show anything positive in the economy, the American people are believing what their eyes are showing them. They can see their bank accounts; they can see the prices when they go to the store, and no matter how many times they are told to ignore what they are seeing, it is impossible to avoid the reality. And now another number shows the effect of Bidenomics on Americans as the rate of hunger has ballooned during the Biden presidency. A report from the U.S. Agriculture Department showed that the number of Americans dealing with hunger and food insecurity grew by 10 million during the Biden presidency, Just The News reported . “From 2021 to 2022, there were statistically significant increases in food insecurity and very low food security for nearly all subgroup

After Years Of High Crime And Homicides, D.C. Democrats Finally Discover The Police Aren’t The Problem

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser introduced legislation overturning 'police reform' measures passed in response to George Floyd's death. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Biden would sooner grovel before dictators and mullahs for oil than let America produce its own

Democrats hate America but more than that, hardworking Americans. Just a reminder: — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October 24, 2023 Biden would sooner kneel before dictators for oil than let America produce its own Deals with Maduro and the Mullahs show how going green weakens America By: David Blackmon, The Telegraph, 24 October 2023: An oil refinery in California. President Biden’s green plans to shut down the US oil and gas industry appear to mean America going on bended knee to dictators in Venezuela and Iran An oil refinery in California. President Biden’s green plans to shut down the US oil and gas industry appear to mean America going on bended knee to dictators in Venezuela and Iran Credit: Ashley Landis/AP It sometimes seems as if the Biden White House actually loves oil: but only if it is produced in other countries run by despots. While the President and his energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, frequently

Biden Admin Finally Discloses Disturbing Border Numbers

The Biden administration has welcomed hundreds of thousands of new migrants into the country with the CBP One app. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Hamas rockets target Tel Aviv prompting over one million to take shelter in Israel

Hamas launched a massive rocket barrage on Tuesday afternoon, injuring at least five Israelis, emergency services said. Israelis were wounded in separate incidents in Holon, Tel Aviv, Kfar Saba, Be’er Yaakov, and Yavne while the barrage sent more than one million running for cover. All of the wounded were said to be lightly injured. Magen David Adom – Israel’s National Blood and Medical Emergency Service – said it is investigating after an attack believed to be the largest since war was declared on Hamas. Continue reading Hamas rockets target Tel Aviv prompting over one million to take shelter in Israel at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

US troops have been attacked 13 times in 7 days in Mideast, White House preps mass evacuation if things spiral out of control

U.S. troops positioned in the Middle East have been attacked 13 times in the last week with a mix of one-way drones and rockets, according to Pentagon officials. U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed Tuesday that troops in Iraq had been attacked 10 times between Oct. 17-24, while during the same period troops in Syria had been attacked three times. Pentagon officials said Monday that all the attacks on U.S. Continue reading US troops have been attacked 13 times in 7 days in Mideast, White House preps mass evacuation if things spiral out of control at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

Macron proposes an “International Coalition” against Hamas

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has proposed widening the international coalition against Islamic State to fight the Palestinian militant group Hamas as he made a visit to Israel. Macron emphasized that France and Israel shared terrorism as their “common enemy” as he spoke alongside the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. “France is ready for the international coalition against Daesh in which we are taking part in operations in Iraq and Syria to also fight against Hamas,” he told reporters , referring to IS. Continue reading Macron proposes an “International Coalition” against Hamas at End Time Headlines. End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

A flurry of selfie biometrics deals in fintech for Onfido, Shufti, Sumsub, Trulioo

Digital identity and biometrics deals are flying in the financial sector, with ID verification firms gaining footholds in a growing list of territories and use cases. Onfido and Shufti Pro close deals with payment platform firms Onfido has signed a deal to provide digital identity verification for wearonize , a German provider of Fintech as a Service (FaaS) for clients in the U.S., EU, UK and Switzerland. According to a release, the deal will bring Onfido’s AI-powered Real Identity Platform, including document verification, biometric verification, watchlist checks and ongoing monitoring, to wearonize’s payment platform for brands, festivals, and sporting events. “We chose to work with Onfido because of their outstanding quality in identity verification,” says Thorsten Roeske, the CEO and co-founder of wearonize. “Their technical expertise supports our strategic goals in the US as well as Europe.” Onfido also brings support in complying with KYC and AML requirements.

U.S. warships shoot down missiles fired by militant group Biden removed from terror watchlist

Jennie Taer Daily Caller News Foundation A U.S. warship shot down multiple missiles fired by Houthi militants in Yemen, a group the Biden administration removed from the terror list, the Pentagon said Thursday. The crew of USS Kearney shot down three land attack cruise missiles and several drones in the northern Red Sea that were potentially aimed at Israel by Houthi militants in Yemen, a group the Biden administration took off the terrorism list in 2021, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder said during a press conference Thursday. Tensions in the Middle East have been rising since Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel, killing, kidnapping and raping hundreds of civilians. Get the hottest, most important news stories on the Internet – delivered FREE to your inbox as soon as they break! Take just 30 seconds and sign up for WND's Email News Alerts! “The crew of the guided missile destroyer USS Kearney, operating in the northern Red Sea earlier today sh

Radical Abortion Activists Have Spent Over $9.3 Million for Abortions Up to Birth in Ohio

The contentious debate surrounding abortion in the United States has taken a significant turn in Ohio, where an initiative known as “Issue 1” seeks to legalize abortions up to the point of birth. As of now, more than $9.3 million has been invested in this campaign by radical abortion activists looking to passie Issue 1 to legalize abortions up to boirth statewide. Issue 1 in Ohio is at the heart of this divisive debate. It proposes to allow abortions throughout pregnancy, including late-term abortions, and has been described as one of the most radical abortion laws in the country. This has ignited fervent opposition from pro-life advocates who argue that it disregards not only the rights of babies but puts women’s health and lives at risk with dangerous abortions. It also undermines parental rights on abortion and sexual and gender issues. Radical abortion activists, both individuals and organizations, have rallied behind Issue 1, pouring in over $9.3 million in financial suppor

Report: Police detective found half of sudden infant deaths occurred soon after vaccination

by WorldTribune Staff, October 19, 2023 A former police detective claimed that about half of the sudden infant death cases she investigated showed the child had received a vaccination in the previous 48 hours. In all of the cases, coroners failed to mention vaccines on the death certificates, and doctors have been trained to gaslight […] Editor Two World Tribune

US Navy destroyer shoots down rebel missiles as Iran-backed militants stir up trouble and American forces come under fire

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Carney (DDG 64) transits the Suez Canal, Oct. 18. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Aaron Lau A US Navy ship shot down missiles and drones launched by Iran-backed rebels on Thursday. The incident comes amid recent drone attacks against American forces in Iraq and Syria. Tensions in the Middle East have been running high, stirring fears the Israel-Hamas war may expand. A US Navy ship shot down several missiles and drones launched by an Iran-backed militant group on Thursday. The destabilizing incident is one of several that has occurred over the past few days amid soaring tensions across the Middle East.  The crew of the USS Carney, a Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, shot down three land-attack cruise missiles and several drones that were fired by Houthi rebels from Yemen, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters on Thursday. The threats were traveling in a nor

Residency vs Citizenship – The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

Editor’s Note: Mikkel Thorup, is a true international man and diversification expert who has been to over 100 countries. Mikkel has over 20 years of experience in international diversification. There no other person who does a better job of staying on top of the best ways to legally reduce your taxes, obtain second residencies and passports, open offshore bank accounts and brokerage accounts, invest in foreign real estate, and finding the best ways to enjoy life in the most liberty loving places on earth, all while making a lot of money at the same time. We urge you to read what Mikkel has to say… — Guest Post by Mikkel Thorup The reasons for choosing the expat lifestyle are numerous: more freedom, optimized taxes, a more affordable cost of living, the chance to experience a new culture, a place aligned with your vision and mentality, and so on. No matter your reasons, being an expat entails some complexities, such as getting visas, moving to another country, or even learn

Violent Pro-Palestinian Protesters Torch Israeli Embassy in Bahrain – VIDEO

On Thursday violent protesters attacked the Israeli Embassy in Bahrain. The unruly mob threw torches at the Embassy torching the building. The Israeli Embassy in Bahrain was attacked by protesters.‌‌ — Sprinter (@Sprinter99800) October 19, 2023 This is the Embassy of #Israel in Bahrain. Is it already a crime or still a "fight for freedom" a-la #Hamas ? #MoralCompassIsBroken — Elizaveta Malashchuk (@ElizavetaMalas2) October 19, 2023 BREAKING: Israel Embassy is set on fire by islamic terrorists with Molotov cocktails. Looks like a well planned attack. Israel just ordered evacuations of their embassies in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, and Turkey. #Hamas #Gaza — Mayur Vaidya (@iMayurVaidya) October 19, 2023 What a difference three years makes. Back in September 2020 President Trump signed the historic Abraham Peace Deals with Bahrain, Israel, and the UAE.

Russia is pounding Ukraine with glide bombs. 40 of the massive weapons were dropped on a single Ukrainian region in one night, a military expert said.

Russian Su-35 jets can fire gliding bombs from a long distance. Sukhoi Russia is pounding Ukraine with powerful glide bombs. Forty of the bombs were dropped on military and civilian targets in one region on Monday. The powerful bombs can weigh weigh as much as 3,300 pounds, Forbes reported. Russia is pounding Ukraine with powerful glide bombs, hitting a single Ukrainian region with 40 of the weapons in one night this week, Hans Petter Midttun , a nonresident fellow at the Centre of Defence Strategies, wrote for the Euromaidan Press . "First employed in early March, the Russian-winged UPAB-1500 and FAB-500 glide bombs are being used in increasing numbers," the military expert wrote. "On the night of 2 October, 40 of them were used against military and civilian targets in one Oblast only," he said, adding that the Russian Air Force had ramped up its airstrikes by just over 36% in the last four months and that it was suffering less losses. To make the weapons,

David Friedman: Jewish People Seeing Some of the Most Barbaric Acts Since the Holocaust

Former Trump administration U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on a preview of Fox News Channel's "Life, Liberty  & Levin" that Hamas' terror attacks on Jewish people were "some of the most barbaric acts since the Holocaust." Pam Key Breitbart

Germany Suspends Aid to Palestine as Berlin Launches Review of All Humanitarian Support Payments

Germany has suspended humanitarian aid payments to Palestine in the wake of the deadly terrorist assault on Israel by Hamas terrorists. Kurt Zindulka Breitbart

Elon Musk Endorses Pro-Palestinian Terror Account on X/Twitter

Tesla CEO and Elon Musk has endorsed a pro-Palestinian terror account on his X/Twitter platform, claiming the "War Monitor" account, which puts Israel in quote marks as it argues there is "no such thing," and refers to Palestinian terrorists as "resistance fighters," is a good source for "following the war in real-time." Alana Mastrangelo Breitbart

'Squad' Dems Scrambled to Release a Statement After Attack on Israel

Nearly all of the “Squad” House Democrats released statements on Saturday’s carnage in Israel calling for a ceasefire after Hamas terrorists murdered hundreds of people and abducted dozens. Democratic Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri, Jamaal Bowman of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota all released statements calling for de-escalation in the wake of one of the largest single-day attacks against Israel in its history. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, a Palestinian-American who called Israel an apartheid state as recently as June, has not yet issued any statement on the attacks against Israel, which reports suggest may also have resulted in the murder or abduction of Americans. An unknown number of Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel early Saturday morning via air, land and sea before going on killing sprees in the country’s southern region, according to CBS News. The terrorists reportedly abducted Israelis, i

Biden Spent Years Pushing a Pro-Palestine Agenda, Now His Gruesome Policy Is Playing Out in Real Time

As the Holy Land bleeds after the brutal invasion of Israel by Palestinian terrorists, Americans are turning their attention to the material aid that President Joe Biden and his administration have given the terrorists who have killed hundreds of men, women, and children. The Biden administration has flooded Palestine and the nations that support it — such as Iran — with mountains of cash, heaps of benefits, and other material goods. And on the tail of all this support from America, the Palestinians equipped themselves for a massive incursion into Israel to wreck terror, all in a likely bid to head off Biden’s feverish efforts ahead of the 2024 election to convince Saudi Arabia to make peace with Israel. With the surprise offensive against Israel, we’re seeing the effects of Biden’s policies of complacency and tolerance playing out in bloody fashion. One of the very first things that Biden did when he took office was to reverse former President Donald Trump’s policies that t

FBI Targets Trump Voters As Domestic Terrorists Ahead Of 2024 Election

The FBI denies targeting Americans based on ideology but jumpstarted investigations into Americans based on their political affiliations. Jordan Boyd The Federalist

After Ignoring Violent BLM Riots, FBI Targets Trump Supporters For Breaking Anti-Riot Laws

'For the first time, such groups could be so labeled because of their politics,' Newsweek reported on the new FBI effort. Tristan Justice The Federalist

Anti-Air Travel Climate Psychos Want To Abolish Freedom Of Movement

You will go nowhere and be happy. Evita Duffy-Alfonso The Federalist

“No One Is Safe”

Never forget what they did to us. This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty. All these journalists, scientists, and politicians belong on the defendants’ bench, because their behavior has caused harm to millions. — Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) October 1, 2023 And it’s not over: BREAKING: New study shows that the higher a country’s vaccination rate, the higher the excess deaths. — Leading Report (@LeadingReport) October 1, 2023 “ All these journalists, scientists, and politicians belong on the defendants’ bench, because their behavior has caused harm to millions. “ Pamela Geller Geller Report

Elon Musk Drops Vaccine Bombshell Personal Story

The Covid shot “nearly sent me to the hospital.” There are tens of millions of post vaccine trauma stories not being told. Elon Musk says he would have went to prison before he forced workers to get vaccinated and the 3rd shot almost sent him to the hospital from vaccine injury. — An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) September 26, 2023 #10 – @ElonMusk drops vaccine bombshell personal story. — The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) October 1, 2023 Elon Musk Drops Vaccine Bombshell Personal Story | Facts Matter By: The Epoch Times , Facts Matter, September 28 2023: 2 days ago, the Vice President of the European Commission singled out Twitter as the largest platform hosting dis/misinformation — and added that they “will be watching” what Elon is doing. This statement of hers came on the heels of an EU law recently implemented (the Digital Services Act) which—among many other things—forces social media companies to ce

Climate Hoax Exposed By Scientist

Scientist Patrick T. Brown recently acknowledged having “left out the full truth” in regard to climate change, pushing the blame on human causes in order for his study to be published in a reputable journal. The Johns Hopkins University lecturer and doctor of earth and climate sciences fessed up that he had molded his studies’ results to gain the approval of editors at Nature and Science. In The Free Press, Brown wrote , “And the editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear, both by what they publish and what they reject, that they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives—even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.” The study in Nature magazine claimed that climate change impacted the extreme wildfires such as those in California and Maui. Brown, however, has admitted that he “focused narrowly” on the human causes of such fires, rather than focusing on other “obviously relevant factors.” The scientist

Illegals Plant Foreign Flag

Amidst a surge of illegal immigrants crossing the border near Eagle Pass, Texas, one group took the step of claiming a portion of Texas for the nation they had likely fled. Lieutenant Chris Olivarez, spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety’s South Texas Region, said that many of these immigrants were from Venezuela, though the flag they planted on a Texas border island appeared to be Colombian. The Tactical Marine Unit of the Texas DPS was quick to remove the flag from American soil. (Trending: 4 Uncomfortable Facts Supporting Biden Impeachment) “The #EaglePass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants – the majority from Venezuela,” Olivarez posted a video of the flag being removed on X. “Some decided to claim a #Texas island by placing a foreign flag – that was quickly taken care of by our DPS Tactical Marine Unit.” The #EaglePass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants – the majority from Venezuela. Some decided to

Joe Biden Says New COVID Booster Is Safe. This Surgeon General Disagrees.

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has advised against receiving the new, experimental COVID-19 booster vaccine that is yet to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Joe Biden, who frequently struggles to complete a coherent thought, said it’s “tentatively” recommended “that everybody get it.” A White House official says Biden urges Americans to get booster shots this fall. “We will be encouraging all Americans to get those boosters in addition to flu shots and RSV shots,” the White House official told Fox News. (Trending: Climate Hoax, Scientist Admits To Lying) I’m so excited to take 9 booster shots Who’s with me — Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody) (@MTGrepp) August 27, 2023 Dr. Joseph Ladapo argued that “very educated people” should not be telling you how to think. He suggests external influences may have alternative motives besides your health. Instead, Ladapo told Floridians to trust their “resonance of truth.” He says