
Showing posts from April, 2024

Over 1,000 Protestors Demand Establishment Of Islamic State In Germany

Over 1,000 Protestors Demand Establishment Of Islamic State In Germany Authored by Stephen Katte via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Over 1,000 peaceful protesters gathered in Hamburg, Germany, over the weekend, with the leader of the group demanding the establishment of am Islamic caliphate in the European country. Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate during the launch event rally for the SPD European elections campaign in Hamburg, Germany, on April 27, 2024. (Morris MacMatzen/Getty Images) A caliphate is a political-religious form of government under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of the caliph or “successor of the prophet of God,” who is considered a high-ranking leader in the Muslim world. According to local German media reports and German authorities, the protest was organized by a young man who leads a populist extremist group, Muslim Interaktiv. In several videos of the protest posted online, a speaker addressing a crowd c

Official Study: Covid Spike Proteins Turn Benign Cancer Cells Into ‘Indestructible Tumors’

A bombshell new study from Brown University has found that the spike protein from COVID-19 turns benign cancer cells into ‘indestructible tumors’. According to the team of scientists, led by Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, the director [...] The post Official Study: Covid Spike Proteins Turn Benign Cancer Cells Into ‘Indestructible Tumors’ appeared first on The People's Voice . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

Biden Does not Understand Taxes

When Trump is reelected and undoes the damage inflicted by Biden, don't expect the economy to recover overnight. American Thinker

Arizona Becomes First U.S. State To Declare mRNA Vaccines ‘Biological Weapons of War’

Arizona has become the first U.S. State to pass a resolution declaring the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to be “biological and technological weapons.” The Arizona GOP voted and passed the “Ban the Jab” resolution with a [...] The post Arizona Becomes First U.S. State To Declare mRNA Vaccines ‘Biological Weapons of War’ appeared first on The People's Voice . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To 'Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East'

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To 'Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East' Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants , in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to " supercharge mass migration from the Middle East. " Muslims pray during the "Islam on Capitol Hill 2009" event at the West Front Lawn of the US Capitol September 25, 2009, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) Not only did the “Foreign Aid” package do nothing to secure our own border it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East. — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) April 24, 2024 And as Breitbart points out, the $95 billion package does not include any funds to help rebuild America's border defenses against illegal migration - but it does contain

Florida, Oklahoma Reject Biden’s ‘Illegal’ And ‘Unconstitutional’ Title IX Rewrite

Florida and Oklahoma instructed their schools to reject the Biden admin's new Title IX rules that allow men to invade women's spaces. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Is Something Starting To Break? Stocks Plummet And Bonds Go Nuts As Economic Data Disappoints

Are the financial markets headed for trouble?  There was quite a bit of panic on Wall Street on Thursday after more bad economic numbers were released.  But honestly I simply do not understand why the financial markets responded with such surprise.  By now it should be apparent to everyone that we have a “Weekend at Bernie’s economy” that is being propped up by unprecedented levels of government spending.  If we actually tried to live within our means, we would immediately plunge into a depression.  Our politicians definitely do not want that, and so about every one hundred days they are adding another trillion dollars to the national debt, and the vast majority of that borrowed money goes directly into the veins of the corpse that we call the U.S. economy. But even though we are absolutely flooding the system with cash stolen from future generations of Americans, economic performance has been extremely anemic. On Thursday, the government reported that the U.S. economy grew at a

Democrats Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America

Whether culturally or economically, progressive Democrats have taken a hammer to American cohesion, leaving us more broken than at any time since the Civil War. American Thinker

Mathematics Is The Universal Language of Pure Logic

When the DEI crowd removes it from education, that are creating a less rational and functional population. American Thinker

And Who Are You?

Relief lies at the far end of self-discovery. American Thinker

Moral Anarchy: An Understatement

American civilization is breaking down, and there will be no fixing things until morality returns. American Thinker

Study Review Shows Dozens of Health Problems From Ultraprocessed Food

Via Mercola Story at-a-glance A 2024 systematic review of the literature confirms the results of past studies: the higher your exposure to ultraprocessed food, the higher your risk of adverse health outcomes, including 32 health parameters Exposure to ultraprocessed food had a dose-dependent response on metabolic, cancer, mental, respiratory, heart and gastrointestinal conditions, as well as declining cognition, obesity and premature death Recognizing the link between how you feel and ultraprocessed products may be challenging as one physician found when he experimentally increased his energy intake to 80% for four weeks and experienced multiple changes, including feeling 10 years older, which he didn’t attribute to his diet until he stopped eating it Americans eat more ultraprocessed products than any other country, and according to one survey, people would eat more and pay more if the products were “healthier” and promised benefits such as sleeping better, having more

Biden Regime Opening Overseas Immigration Offices To Bring In Muslim Migrants From Jihad Regions As Pro-Terror Riots Roil America

Trump banned jihad immigration and the country was safer for it. This is diabolical. President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is opening new processing centers for Muslim migrants, amid pro-HAMAS riots in U.S. cities and just after Congress granted $3.5 billion more for migration within the $95 billion aid package Biden Admin Expands Paths to Muslim Refugees with USCIS Announcement Tucked into the folds of the new foreign aid package is $3.5 billion for mass immigration NGOs. America Last Republicans voted to supercharge mass immigration while approving ZERO $$ for the U.S. border. — Theo Wold (@RealTheoWold) April 25, 2024 Not only did the “foreign aid” bill that passed yesterday do nothing about the mass migration invasion of America, it provided over $3.5 billion to help bring migrants from the Middle East to America — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) April 24, 2024 Biden Administration To Open Two New Overseas Immigra

Economic Education Has Become Economic Disinformation

The attempt by the mainstream economics profession to create economic literacy has turned into a movement to promote economic illiteracy. Per Bylund Mises Blog

'Kink' instructor teaches Northwestern students that US is an ‘empire of white supremacist imperialist policing’

For Members Only calls itself Northwestern’s “premier Black student alliance.” Previous speakers at the group’s “State of the Black Union” include Angela Davis, a Marxist and Communist activist . [RELATED: Media course teaches GCU students an ‘Intersectional Lens’ to fight ‘harmful worldviews’: EXCLUSIVE LECTURE SLIDES] Speaking of the killings of a Palestinian boy in Illinois last year and a black communist activist in the 1960s, Hart said: “The structures are still absolutely the same. We are still living under a regime, an empire of white supremacist imperialist policing,” continued The Daily Northwestern .  Hart also spoke about the supposed intersection of racism and “transphobia,” stating: “We must continuously call out transphobia over and over and over again,” she said. “Oftentimes, conversations in the community are not including Black trans people or Black queer people.” Hart’s pinned  tweet is, “Your queerness does not absolve your racism.” Hart, who uses “she/they” pron

Mainstream Media Misrepresenting Crime Statistics In Order To Protect Biden

Mainstream Media Misrepresenting Crime Statistics In Order To Protect Biden Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, With the November election less than 7 months away, mainstream media outlets are now choosing to misrepresent the current state of crime in the United States, claiming that crime is declining without providing full context or key details. As the  Daily Caller  reports, there are two ways in which the federal government measures crime in the United States : The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). Whereas the NCVS asks roughly 240,000 Americans whether or not they’ve been a victim of crime in the last year, the UCR focuses on crimes that have been reported to police within the last year and shared with the FBI. While more people are reporting to the BJS that they have been the victims of crime, the FBI is r

Joe Biden Just Promised America A Massive Tax Hike

Joe Biden says he will let Donald Trump's across-the-board $2 trillion tax cut expire. That would mean the biggest tax increase in history. David Harsanyi The Federalist

Here Are The 3 Most Shocking Discoveries Just Unsealed In Trump Classified Docs Case

Judge Aileen Cannon unsealed a trove of documents Monday appearing to reveal a coordinated federal effort to target Trump. Brianna Lyman The Federalist

As More GOP Officials Refuse To Follow Biden’s Federal Election Takeover, Others Are Mum

The Federalist asked GOP election officials if they will follow suit and reject voter registration forms collected by federal agents. Shawn Fleetwood The Federalist

Leftist Group Screams ‘Voter Suppression!’ After Colliding With Arkansas Election Law

Get Loud Arkansas, led by a former Democrat state senator, created an online page to collect sensitive information to register voters. M.D. Kittle The Federalist

Washington Is Already Setting The Stage For More And More Ukraine War Funding

The $60 billion for Ukraine just passed by Republicans and Democrats in Washington is just the beginning. They will soon demand more. Eddie Scarry The Federalist

Is Dearborn, Michigan the new Tehran?

It was International Quds Day – an annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan (March 10-April 9, 2024). The Muslim holy day was first established in 1979 by Iran to demonstrate support for the Palestinians and opposition to the Israelis. For Westerners, one such event was frightening to watch this year. As Muslim speakers addressed a crowd of followers, they launched into an anti-American diatribe triggering those present into repeatedly shouting chants of "Death to America." Quoting Malcolm X, a speaker proclaimed America to be "one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth," demanding that the entire U.S. system "has to go." Falsely claiming Israel is committing atrocities in Gaza while ignoring clear evidence of atrocities committed by Hamas, various speakers condemned America for allowing "such atrocities and devilry to happen" and, as such, said America "does not

Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed

Communist societies have a long history of imprisoning political dissidents in psychiatric wards. American Thinker

Biden is fighting Trump's tough tactics by calling for tripled tariffs on Chinese steel imports

Chinese leader Xi Jinping (left) and President Joe Biden (right). Ju Peng/Xinhua via Getty Images; Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images US President President Biden has called for a tripling of tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum. China is now exporting the most steel since 2016, when it was accused of causing a global glut. Trade tensions are expected to heighten in the 2024 US election year. US President Joe Biden last week called for a tripling of tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, echoing former President Donald Trump's levies on a range of goods from China. Biden — who is the frontrunner for the Democratic Party's presidential nominee — said China's steel production was backed by state funds, which enable the commodity to be sold cheaply to the US. He wants to hike a key tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum from 7.5% to 25%. Trump — who is the GOP's frontrunner — said in February he would slap tariffs of over 60% on Chinese goods if he's ele

NM Sheriff Deputized a Whole Church to Keep Doors Open During COVID, Exempting them from Lockdowns

Sheriffs are the last line of defense between a rogue government and citizens, argues the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), which recently held a major conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Alex Newman, a senior editor of The New American magazine, was in attendance and interviewed Glenn Hamilton, a sheriff from Sierra County, New Mexico.Hamilton, ... The post NM Sheriff Deputized a Whole Church to Keep Doors Open During COVID, Exempting them from Lockdowns appeared first on The New American . Kaden Unmuth The New American

White House weighs declaring a national climate emergency: Report

Marc Morano CanadaFreePress.Com

The Empires Begin to Strike Back

With all that is occurring in our political and cultural life, there are signs some Americans have had enough. Google recently fired 28 employees from its New York and Sunnyvale, California, offices for protesting the company’s cloud-computing contract with Israel. The reason given by the company’s vice president for global security, Chris Rackow, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, was that the sacked employees “took over office spaces, defaced our property and physically impeded the work of other Googlers,” violating company policies. They apparently aren’t familiar with this sage advice: don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Another optimistic sign. Columbia University decided they had enough of protesters disrupting the campus and shouting antisemitic, anti-Israel and pro-Hamas slogans. Police were called and arrested 108 protesters who had set up shanty-like tent camps on school property. Columbia President Minouche Shafik said the occupiers posed a “clear and present

We’re So Sorry, Uncle Bosie: Biden’s Latest Trip Down Dementia Lane Is A Doozy

Biden's whopper about his war hero uncle eaten by cannibals exposes bigger problems than his longtime trouble with the truth. M.D. Kittle The Federalist

America’s fight to save handwriting from extinction as IQs begin to fall for first time ever and teachers warn some 20-year-olds can’t sign checks anymore

Several US states are trying to prevent handwriting from going extinct as classrooms increasingly swap pen and paper for tablets and computers. The US government removed the skill from the core curriculum in 2010 due to claims it was time-consuming and would not be useful in the age of technology, which meant schools could instead […] End Time Headlines End Time Headlines

North Korea conducts simulated nuclear launch

North Korea has conducted its first drills on nuclear counterattacks, simulating the management system of a “nuclear launch button” under the guidance of leader Kim Jong Un. The state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported the commencement of these exercises. Kim Jong Un observed the simulated drills, which involved military maneuvers positioning for nuclear counterattacks […] The post North Korea conducts simulated nuclear launch first appeared on Defence Blog . Dylan Malyasov Defence blog

Why Hungary “rejects” a mixed society that includes Muslim migrants

“Inflicting the Islamic culture on Christian societies invariably leads to skyrocketing crime and security problems,” says Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. El Pais After years of negotiations, this Wednesday the European Union concluded a migration pact that tightens the conditions for receiving migrants. The agreement is binding for all member states, including Hungary, one of […] BareNakedIslam BARE NAKED ISLAM

A Century of Moral Anarchy?

If the USA is done with Christianity, then where will we turn for a new morality? American Thinker

Can ‘Get Trump’ Beat Failing Bidenomics?

Today in 2024 the middle class still don’t get no respect. American Thinker

Protesters Set Up Anti-Israel 'Liberty Zone' at New School

Anti-Israel activists seized the lobby of Manhattan's New School, establishing a "Liberty Zone" encampment on Sunday, mirroring a similar protest at Columbia University, as tensions surrounding Middle East conflicts spill onto college campuses, the N.Y. Post reported. Newsmax - Politics

A collective “common enemy” now stalks mankind, by Stephen Karganovic

We are to be either murdered or enslaved by our betters. From Stephen Karganovic at The psychopathic serial killers using their vast financial, political and media  resources are inexorably putting into effect a homicidal global depopulation agenda. Yuval Hariri, … Continue reading → Robert Gore STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC

Sports Illustrated model leaving California because of out-of-control crime and homeless crisis, tells Newsom to 'take a seat'

[rebelmouse-proxy-image,0,0,114 crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1] A Sports Illustrated model is moving her family out of California because of the state's out-of-control crime and homeless crisis . Former Sports Illustrated model Kristen Louelle Gaffney and her husband, former NFL running back Tyler Gaffney, are moving their family to Nashville, Tennessee. The husband and wife were both born and raised in California, but the living conditions have become so unbearable that they felt the need to migrate to Nashville for the sake of their three children. Gaffney said the current state of California is "embarrassing" and "sad." "I mean we already have the highest taxes, we should arguably have the

Grandma helped her granddaughter beat up elementary school girl after sneaking into bathroom: Police

A Michigan grandma allegedly helped her granddaughter beat up an elementary school girl, according to police. The grandmother allegedly snuck into the elementary school to fight the student inside a bathroom. The unnamed woman was arrested on April 18. The grandmother was taken to the Genesee County Jail. The name of the grandma had not been released as she is pending arraignment. The grandmother and the granddaughter were dropped off at the McMonagle Elementary School on Thursday. Mt. Morris Township Police Chief Michael Veach said the pair were buzzed into the school under the guise of participating in a behavioral meeting. Jamal Bransford – Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator of Westwood Heights Schools – said in a statement : "On Thursday, April 18 an unfortunate incident transpired at McMonagle Elementary School involving a grandparent of a student who managed to circumvent security protocols and gain unauthorized access to the school premises." The grandma saw

Conservatives prep lawsuits as Biden’s Title IX rewrite to include gender identity condemned

‘This is an abuse of federal power that is anti-women, anti-science, and anti-logic. See you in court, @POTUS’ Arguing the Biden administration’s decision to include gender identity in Title IX will harm women, conservative groups have vowed to work to reverse the “administrative fiat” in the courts. Many argue Biden’s Education Department lacks the authority to rewrite the 52-year-old federal… Source Jennifer Kabbany - Fix Editor The College Fix

US-Funded Experiments In China Could Secretly Manipulate Viruses: Email

US-Funded Experiments In China Could Secretly Manipulate Viruses: Email Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Experiments in China funded by the U.S. government could manipulate coronaviruses and leave no trace, according to newly disclosed emails. An aerial view shows the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on April 17, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) Details of the experiments showed that changing the viruses could be done and “would leave no signatures of purposeful human manipulation,” an unknown person told the FBI on April 23, 2020, one of the emails showed. The details were outlined on a webpage for a grant funded by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the agency headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci until late 2022. The government has funded $4.3 million for the grant. A portion of the funds were sent to the Wuhan Institute of Viro

The Jobless Numbers That The Government Gives Us Are So Fake

How it is possible that initial claims for jobless benefits have been exactly the same for five of the past six weeks?  As Jim Blanco has pointed out , there is no way that this is statistically possible.  Honestly, I don’t know any other way to explain this other than to say that the numbers are being cooked.  It appears that the bureaucrats in Washington have gotten so lazy that they aren’t even bothering to change the fake numbers that they are giving us.  Even though large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over America, week after week we are given laughable numbers that indicate that everything is just fine.  At this point, the charade has become such a farce that even CNBC has published an article about this… Calling the state of the U.S. jobs market these days stable seems like an understatement considering the latest data coming out of the Labor Department. That’s because most of the past several weeks have shown that first-time claims for unemployment benefits ha