Here’s The List of Republican Traitors Who Voted for Warrantless Surveillance of Americans

Another Constitutional right shredded. The House voted 212-212 to allow spy agencies to ignore the Fourth Amendment and spy on Americans without a warrant.

Get a warrant.

FISA has been violated OVER A QUARTER OF A MILLION TIMES with illegal searches and queries!

Our government needs a warrant requirement if it wants to collect data on its own citizens. Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights must reign supreme.

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) April 11, 2024

Under Mike Johnson, House Republicans refused to shut down the border, but they had no problem shutting down the 4th Amendment. At what point do we finally have to acknowledge that we the people are the enemy the government is trying to destroy?

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) April 12, 2024

My team and I were searching for this story all morning and finally found it. It's been memory-holed unless you know the exact number of times the FBI abused FISA in 2021: 278,000 times.


Here is the video.

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 12, 2024

The FBI used FISA to spy on the Trump campaign illegally in 2016.
Not only was nobody held responsible for this, 86 Republicans in Congress voted to give the same FBI the same FISA authority yesterday.

— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) April 13, 2024

86 Republicans Vote To Allow Warrantless Spying Of Americans With FISA
‘About To Combust’: Republicans Have Golden Opportunity To End Spying On Americans — But It’s Tearing Them Apart

By: Zack Brave, Daily Caller. April 12, 2024:

Eighty-six House Republicans voted against an amendment to the FISA reauthorization bill which would have added a warrant requirement to prevent the U.S. government from spying on Americans without their knowledge.

The vote tally on the amendment, introduced by Republican Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, was 212-212, with House Speaker Mike Johnson casting the tiebreaker vote against it. Among the Republicans who voted for the legislation without Biggs’ amendment are Johnson, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Majority Whip Tom Emmer and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw.

The House ultimately voted to renew the 2-year reauthorization bill without Biggs’ amendment Friday, 273-147, but not without a last-minute procedural hurdle introduced by Republican Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna. In doing so, the congresswoman helped delay a final vote until Monday.

“Today is a dark day for America,” Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls said in a statement. “It is no secret that the DOJ and the FBI have used and abused FISA to spy on not only the greatest president of my lifetime, Donald J. Trump, but spy on everyday Americans. I could not, in good conscience, vote to give our nation’s weaponized DOJ the power to mass surveil the American people without significant reforms, such as a warrant requirement.”

Pamela Geller Geller Report


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