
Showing posts from May, 2021

After Grade-Rigging Scandal, Baltimore City Schools No Longer Holding Back Failing Students

After Grade-Rigging Scandal, Baltimore City Schools No Longer Holding Back Failing Students A new grading policy, put forth by the Baltimore City School Board, Tuesday, will allow students who are struggling and failing classes to move up to the next grade level due to the virus pandemic , according to local news  Fox 45 .  Instead of holding back students, Baltimore City Public School System's (BCPSS) new grading policy will push up struggling students who failed classes during the pandemic and have their educational status tested during the fall semester to determine what skills they missed during virtual learning classes.  Chief Academic Officer Joan Dabrowski said the new policy is intended to "avoid the punitive approach of failing students."   "This is not about a failure, but it is about unfinished learning and giving multiple opportunities, multiple onramps for young people to complete that ... learning," BCPSS CEO Son

Virginia County’s Schools Warned To Revoke Teacher’s Suspension For Declining to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

Virginia County’s Schools Warned To Revoke Teacher’s Suspension For Declining to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns Authored by Mark Tapscott via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), In Virginia, Loudoun County Public Schools officials were warned Friday to revoke their suspension of a teacher for declining to use students’ preferred pronouns or face further legal action. Students attend an in-person English class at St. Anthony Catholic High School in Long Beach, California on March 24, 2021. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images) Tanner Cross, who taught at Leesburg Elementary School, was suspended after speaking publicly May 26 during a school board meeting in opposition to the system’s proposed policy that teachers must use the pronouns preferred by students rather than the pronouns consistent with their biological sex. Cross was informed May 28 that he was being suspended “pending an investigation of allegation that [he] engaged in conduct that had a di

Restricting Freedom Didn't Defeat COVID

Restricting Freedom Didn't Defeat COVID Authored by John Tamny via The American Institute for Economic Research, Let’s travel back in time to March of 2020, when predictions of mass death related to the new coronavirus started to gain currency.   One study , conducted by Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson, indicated that U.S. deaths alone would exceed 2 million.  The above number is often used, even by conservatives and libertarians, as justification for the initial lockdowns. “We knew so little” is the excuse, and with so many deaths expected, can anyone blame local, state, and national politicians for panicking? The answer is a resounding yes.   To see why, imagine if Ferguson had predicted 30 million American deaths. Imagine the fear among the American people then—which is precisely the point: The more threatening a virus is presumed to be, the more superfluous government force is. Really, who needs to be told to be careful if a failure to

Coming Soon: China's Navy Patrolling Off New York?

Coming Soon: China's Navy Patrolling Off New York? Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute, China is scouting for a naval base on the west coast of Africa. In the near future, therefore, Chinese ships could be regularly patrolling off America's East Coast. In recent testimony before the  House  and  Senate  Armed Services Committees, General Stephen Townsend, commander of U.S. Africa Command, has been sounding the alarm. At the moment, China's only offshore military base is in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa. The facility is near some of the world's busiest shipping routes, including those going through the Suez Canal. Townsend believes the People's Liberation Army Navy is surveying locations on Africa's west coast, from Mauritania in the north to Namibia in the south. "Now they're casting their gaze to the Atlantic coast and wanting to get such a base there," the general  told the Associated

Abramson: Critical Race Theory Versus American Exceptionalism

Abramson: Critical Race Theory Versus American Exceptionalism Authored by Bruce Abramson, op-ed via The Epoch Times, Over the past few weeks, legislatures, school boards, and parents have risen to challenge  critical race theory  (CRT) as a divisive ideology that teaches our children to become racists. Their objections have brought this once-obscure academic theory to the front pages of newspapers around the country. Demonstrators gather in front of Los Alamitos Unified School District Headquarters in protest of critical race theory teachings in Los Alamitos, Calif., on May 11, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) They’ve also raised some burning questions: What is CRT? What makes it so objectionable? How can this central pillar of “antiracist” training be racist? The answer begins, as so many do these days, with the progressive penchant for the redefining—or rather, deconstruction—of words. “Antiracist” training is racist because progressives

Space Plane Startup Promises Los Angeles To Tokyo In One Hour

Space Plane Startup Promises Los Angeles To Tokyo In One Hour  Modern transportation is experiencing significant upgrades thanks to transformative technologies. A startup space plane company is promising hypersonic flight worldwide and travel times to anywhere in about an hour.  Venus Aerospace is building a passenger aircraft that will revolutionize the world's transportation sector with hypersonic flight. The company raised $3 million in a March funding round. It plans to build a Mach 12 hypersonic aircraft designed to travel at the edge of space, allowing passengers to go from Los Angeles to Tokyo in one hour. Traveling in a space plane is sort of like traveling in a regular plane, except for when the pilot initiates rocket boosters mid-flight that propels it to the edge of space. The aircraft then glides back into the atmosphere and can land at any conventional airport.  Two former Virgin Orbit employees started Venus: Sarah Duggleby, a launch engi

"Steadfast Defender": A Look At NATO's Massive War Games On The Black Sea

"Steadfast Defender": A Look At NATO's Massive War Games On The Black Sea Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Stoking tensions with Moscow, NATO is carrying out its largest war games yet this year that spread across the Atlantic Ocean and extend into Russia’s backyard in the Black Sea . According to the NATO website , the Steadfast Defender exercises started on May 12th and will be held until June 22nd. The drills involve 20 ships, 60 aircraft, 500 vehicles, and over 9,000 personnel from 20 countries. Via AP Among the ships involved is the HMS Queen Elizabeth, a British aircraft carrier that is on its maiden deployment . After drilling with NATO, the Queen Elizabeth and its strike group will head into the Pacific to send a message to China. NATO-Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke with reporters while onboard the Queen Elizabeth off the coast of Portugal. "NATO is there to defend all our allies, and this exercise sends a

Antisemitic Democrat Party’s Disgusting Denial on Anti-Jewish Attacks: The ‘Islamophobia’ Red Herring

Like saying those who opposed the Nazis’ annihilation of the Jews were Naziphobic. And nowhere in America do we see Muslims being hunted and attacked like Jews. Photo: A 23-year-old Jewish man was beaten by a group of people in New York City’s Times Square on May 20, 2021, police said. Dems’ desperate denial on anti-Jewish attacks: The ‘Islamophobia’ red herring By Liel Leibovitz, | NY Post | May 26, 2021 | As Jews were being pummeled , punched, spat at, intimidated with explosive devices and singled out for violence and harassment all across America this week , the righteous men and women of the Democratic Party were quick to denounce the twin scourges behind these mini-pogroms: anti-Semitism and — drumroll, please — Islamophobia. “We’ve recently seen disturbing anti-Semitic attacks and a troubling rise in Islamophobia,” crowed Sen. Bernie Sanders. “If you are committed to a future of equality and peaceful coexistence, please stand united against anyone who promo

ELECTION FRAUD: Top Wisconsin Republican Begins Investigation Into 2020 Presidential Election

We must not stop. We must not let up. Truth will out. Top Wisconsin Republican Begins Investigation Into 2020 Presidential Election By: Carmine Sabia, Conservative Brief, May 27, 2021: OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion The investigations into the 2020 presidential election are not done and now a top Republican legislator in Wisconsin is getting involved. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said Wednesday that he hired three retired police officers to begin an investigation, which will be overseen by an attorney. He said the investigation will be given a broad mandate and that the investigators will review tips about the election and will follow up on those that are the most credible, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Vos, of Rochester, said he recognizes Biden narrowly won Wisconsin and is not trying to change the results with his taxpayer-funded investigation. He said he hopes the investigators can get to the botto

WARGAMING: China Military’s Taiwan Invasion Force Conducts Amphibious Beach Assault Drills

Now that the deterrence of President Trump is gone, China is on the move. China has no fear or respect for the “woke” Biden Administration. As such, there is a good possibility that China will attempt to devour Taiwan after the 2022 Winter Olympics. Most especially if China believes that the Biden Administration will be voted out of office in favor of President Trump or Governor DeSantis in 2024. And if China eats Taiwan, it’s a different world. Pray for the people of Taiwan. China Military’s Taiwan Invasion Force Conducts Amphibious Beach Assault Drills By Newsweek , May 28, 2021 People’s Liberation Army  (PLA) brigade stationed in southeast  China  conducted a day of intense live-fire exercises and amphibious beach landings, the country’s state broadcaster announced this past week. The armored division of the PLA’s 73rd Group Army, which is believed to be China’s main invasion force in a presumed plan to attack  Taiwan , expended several thousand rounds of ordnance during

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND: Honoring Our Fallen, Our Veterans, Those Who Died So We Might Live Free

As the country is roiled by fifth column, domestic enemies far more dangerous and stealth than foreign actors, let’s look to the heroes of our past and present to show us the way forward. We must remember the real reason for this annual holiday. The Federalist: Memorial Day became common as “Decoration Day” during and then after the Civil War for Americans to set aside certain days to remember soldiers who died on duty, usually by “decorating” their graves and holding picnics, parades, and other events. So many died during and after the Civil War that their memories remained fresh for many years in the minds of their friends and families, who used such ceremonies to process their grief and honor the dead and the cause for which they served. Eventually these varied ceremonies among North and South coalesced into one day that ultimately became a federal holiday. Soon before his re-election and the end of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln faced dark days of worry about bo

Criminal and Corrupt: “Biden”Took Funds From Top Russia Lobbyist Before Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Giveaway

The criminal Democrat party killed the Keystone Pipeline. Remember that. Remember how they hate America. Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway By Jon Levine, NY Post, May 29, 2021 | President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany. Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former US ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show. In addition to violating Biden’s own campaign pledge not to take lobbyist cash, the money from Burt is particularly noteworthy as he is currently directly engaged in lobbying activities for Nord Stream 2 AG. “When Richard Burt don

Pennsylvania County Votes to Investigate Voting Machines Over ‘Errors’

Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire and now Pennsylvania. Prepare yourself for democrat violent opposition to election integrity investigations. Pennsylvania County Votes to Investigate Voting Machines Over ‘Errors’ Luzerne County council votes to allow a district attorney to investigate issues reported during last week’s election By Jack Phillips, The Epcoh Times , May 28, 2021: A county council in northeastern Pennsylvania on Tuesday voted to allow the local District Attorney’s office to investigate the May 18 primary election after officials and voters reported issues with voting equipment at polling places. Luzerne County Councilman Walter Griffith proposed the district attorney investigate the mid-May election and made note of the on-screen ballot mislabeling error as well as other issues, arguing that it is needed because many voters are “disenfranchised and concerned about the integrity of the election process,” reported the local Times Leader newspape

Rutgers leaders forced to apologize for statement condemning antisemitism

Nazis are on the march. And those who know better are cowering under their desks. Just like last time. No one imagined such a moral sickness would seize the American left-elite. But they are leading the new hate. Metro Rutgers leaders forced to apologize for statement condemning anti-Semitism By Samuel Chamberlain, NY Post, May 28, 2021 | The chancellor and provost of Rutgers University apologized Thursday for issuing a statement that denounced the recent surge in anti-Semitic attacks because he said it “failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community members.” The initial statement from Chancellor Christopher Molloy and Provost Francine Conway Wednesday said they were “saddened by and greatly concerned about the sharp rise in hostile sentiments and anti-Semitic violence in the United States.” The Thursday statement, titled “An Apology,” included the message that “our diversity must be supported by equity, inclusion, antiracism, and the condemnation of

Mothers Criticize BLM For Profiting Off Their Dead Sons

BLM is a terrorist organization, exploiting division, hate and civil unrest to impose racist, communist, supremacist rule. Mothers criticize BLM activists for profiting off their dead sons Grief-stricken mothers who have accused Black Lives Matter of profiting from the deaths of their sons condemned the group’s embattled co-founder Patrisse Cullors after she announced she was stepping down from the movement. By Isabel Vincent, NY Post , May 29, 2021 | “I don’t believe she is going anywhere,” Samaria Rice, the mother of a 12-year-old boy shot by Cleveland police while playing with a toy gun, told The Post. “It’s all a facade. She’s only saying that to get the heat off her right now.” Lisa Simpson, a Los Angeles-based mother whose son was slain by police in 2016, also blasted Cullors. “Now she doesn’t have to show her accountability,” Simpson, 52, told The Post. “She can just take the money and run.” Cullors, the executive director of the Black Lives Matter Glob

Arkansas Women’s Shelter Will Host ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Queen Show

( ETH ) – A women’s shelter in Arkansas will host a “family-friendly” drag show featuring drag queen headliner “Crystal Methyd” and at least 16 other drag queens as part of an LGBT event open to all ages on the afternoon of June 5. The Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter will host “You Belong,” a community resource fair at The Momentary, a satellite to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and contemporary art space at a decommissioned cheese factory in downtown Bentonville, Arkansas. Continue reading Arkansas Women’s Shelter Will Host ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Queen Show at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Feds say employers can absolutely require a mandated COVID-19 vaccine

( ETH ) – The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission updated their guidance regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and says employers are allowed to require employees to get vaccinated and can also offer incentives for them to get jabbed. The new guidance hopes to clear up legal questions employers and employees have concerning vaccination requirements. According to the guidance, employers can require all employees to get vaccinated to “meet a qualification standard that is job-related and consistent with business necessity, such as a safety-related standard.” The agency had signaled in December that companies could legally mandate employees returning to a workplace and new hires are vaccinated. Continue reading Feds say employers can absolutely require a mandated COVID-19 vaccine at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

13-year-old girl stabbed 114 times by 14-year-old suspect that will be tried as an adult

( ETH ) – A 14-year-old will face murder charges and will be tried as an adult after he reportedly stabbed a 13-year-old girl 114 times in a horrific attack that took her life, NBC News reported on Thursday. The attack was so vicious that a portion of the knife purportedly used in the attack broke off in the teen’s skull and stuck in her head. Nearly half of the wounds appeared to be defensive wounds, according to the report and were found on the girl’s hands, arms, and head as she bravely tried to fight off her attacker. Continue reading 13-year-old girl stabbed 114 times by 14-year-old suspect that will be tried as an adult at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

‘Rugrats’ reboot will feature Betty as lesbian single mother

( ETH ) – The reboot of a children’s cartoon series will feature a lesbian single mom, making it one of several modern interpretations of children’s shows making overtures to the LGBT community. “Rugrats,” a children’s cartoon which aired on Nickelodeon for more than a decade before concluding in 2004, was relaunched Thursday in the form of a new series of the same name on the streaming service Paramount Plus. The original “Rugrats” followed a group of toddlers “as they explore the world and beyond from their pint-sized and wildly imaginative point of view,” and the new show will do the same. Continue reading ‘Rugrats’ reboot will feature Betty as lesbian single mother at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Pentagon monitoring Iranian warships that may be headed to Venezuela…

( ETH ) – The U.S. national security community is monitoring two Iranian naval vessels whose ultimate destination may be Venezuela, according to three people familiar with the situation, in what would be a provocative move at a tense moment in U.S.-Iran relations. An Iranian frigate and the Makran, a former oil tanker that was converted to a floating forward staging base, have been heading south along the east coast of Africa, said the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject. Continue reading Pentagon monitoring Iranian warships that may be headed to Venezuela… at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Rutgers U. chancellor denounces antisemitism, then apologizes for his denunciation

In a demonstration of how ridiculously politically correct college administrators are today, the chancellor and provost of Rutgers University-New Brunswick denounced the current rise in U.S. antisemitism … and then promptly apologized for their denunciation. “We are saddened by and greatly concerned about the sharp rise in hostile sentiments and anti-Semitic violence in the United States... Source Dave Huber - Associate Editor The College Fix

Former State Department Official Says Idea COVID-19 Emerged Naturally Is "Ridiculous"

Former State Department Official Says Idea COVID-19 Emerged Naturally Is "Ridiculous" Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, A former State Department official says that the idea the COVID-19 virus emerged naturally out of a zoonotic situation is “ridiculous.” David Asher told Fox News that the scientific community consensus that the virus emerged in Wuhan as a result of a mutation in animals is completely inaccurate. “We were finding that despite the claims of our scientific community, including the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID organization, there was almost no evidence that supported a natural, zoonotic evolution or source of COVID-19,” said the former State Department official. “The data disproportionately stacked up as we investigated that it was coming out of a lab or some supernatural source,” he added. Asher spearheaded a team to investigate whether a zoonotic source or a lab leak was the

And Now Prices Are Really Soaring: May Rent Jump Is Biggest On Record

And Now Prices Are Really Soaring: May Rent Jump Is Biggest On Record With BofA predicting that the US is facing a period of " transitory hyperinflation " as a result of soaring commodity prices in everything from metals to food... The @UNFAO global food price index rose for an 11th month in April to a seven year high at 120.9, representing a y-o-y jump of 30.7%. Food #inflation has not risen this fast since 2011 with all sectors rising led by sugar and oils - #agriculture #grains — Ole S Hansen (@Ole_S_Hansen) May 6, 2021 .... and beyond, in what increasingly more warn is a stagflationary burst right out of the 1970s playbook... ... it makes sense that home prices are also surging thanks to trillions in stimmy checks, near-record low mortgage rates and an exodus away from cities, and as we noted two weeks ago that's precisely what they are doing , with Redfin reporting an 18% jump in median home sale price