Biden, Crouching Behind Dementia, Pretends Everything He Does Aids the Cosmos
Biden Rehabilitating ‘Sins’: Most frustrating of Biden’s missteps is basing new policies on old sins. This Administration takes ‘repudiated’ Trump policies and quickly rehabilitates them. These jaw-dropping reversals cuckold Biden’s reputation. Such quick adjustments reveal Dem’s lack of maturity, and also prove they’re only interested in scoring points via sophistry.
Dems Admit Trump Slander? More debilitating, it reconstitutes Trump’s presidency by scuttling the most serious charges against him, implying Dem slander. Most appalling is the whiplash these postures force on an exhausted public, opening the floodgates for horrific policies deeply undermining the Republic. Ergo, Americans must stand up against the Biden administration’s ruinous postures piece by piece, decision by decision, before we’ve lost what’s most important in the Constitution & Bill of Rights, and our society implodes.
Kelly OConnell CanadaFreePress.Com
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