
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Afghanistan Debacle Will Relegate the Current Ruling Class to the Dustbin of American History

It will not be Donald Trump or any other Republican but Joe Biden that will ultimately relegate this arrogant cabal to oblivion. He is their Frankenstein’s monster unleashed. American Thinker

Germany Warns Situation At Kabul Airport Continues To Deteriorate After Latest Killings

Germany Warns Situation At Kabul Airport Continues To Deteriorate After Latest Killings Update (1155ET): German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned the press Monday that the situation outside the airport in Kabul has grown even more chaotic on Monday after a member of the Afghan national forces who was working as a guard outside the airport was killed, while several others were wounded. Meanwhile, after the Taliban assured there would be no extension of the airlift deadline, UK PM Boris Johnson has nevertheless called for a virtual meeting of G-7 leaders on Tuesday to discuss the crisis, and the possibility of an extension. The US managed to evacuate more than 10K people over the past 24 hours, the administration confirmed Monday. Meanwhile, on the ground in Kabul, some militants wanted by Islamabad have been freed from jail in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s interior minister said. The militants are from Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a group that has previously car

‘Biased’ Fact-Checker Targets PragerU

An independent fact-checker has instructed readers to “proceed with caution” when viewing content from PragerU. NewsGuard described itself as “The Internet Trust Tool,” and claimed it rates websites for truth and credibility. NewsGuard gave PragerU a rating of 57 out of 100. PragerU isn’t buying it. The educational nonprofit has said the fact-checker targeted the organization as a news site because of its conservative leanings. PragerU explained that the fact-checker is responsible for the loss of a contract to host videos on its own site. According to the organization, when PragerU reached out to NewsGuard in an effort to raise its score, the fact-checker asked questions about donors, COVID-19, and Planned Parenthood. The score remained the same. The organization’s latest fundraising email said its personal. “Clearly, NewsGuard simply thinks our values and ideas shouldn’t exist online,” said the email. “Corporations, social media companies—even libraries

Alabama Still Solidly 'Trump Country' as Estimated 30,000 Attend Rally

CULLMAN, Alabama -- If there were such a thing as an all-star event for Alabama politics, Saturday's Trump rally in north-central Alabama would have fit the billing. Jeff Poor Breitbart

“Joe Biden Is Not Capable Of Running The Country – Joe Biden Is Senile” Tucker Carlson Tells It Like Is [VIDEO]

“It’s not Joe Biden’s fault he can’t think clearly, it’s an indictment of the people around him.” Tucker Carlson gets blunt. In the opening remarks on his show on Friday, Tucker says “Joe Biden is not capable of running the country, Joe Biden is Senile.” Tucker claims that in the months before November’s election, Biden’s own family knew he was in “profound cognitive decline” .  He says Biden’s family was worried about it but did nothing to stop him from running for president. And now, thanks to Democrats insatiable lust for power at all costs, and shameful dishonesty, we have a cognitively impaired senior citizen for president, and because he is incompetent and weak “our entire U.S. military has just been humiliated by illiterate peasants in turbans…many of them carrying our rifles as they did it.” Watch:   Carlson says, “The people around Biden are moving away from him in ways that are not at all subtle. Why’s this happening now? Was it always the plan? Did the party

Sky News’ Stuart Ramsay: “This Is The Worst Day By Far” At Kabul Airport...“Utterly Horrendous”...Describes The Only Way It Will End

Chief Correspondent for Sky News Stuart Ramsay reports that “this is the worst day by far” at the Kabul airport. He calls the scene “utterly horrendous” and says even seasoned soldiers are saying it’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen. Ramsay reports people are dying at the airport and that things are critical. He says he doesn’t see how this will end until they close the gates and say no more. This is in line with what an American trapped in Afghanistan said would be the solution to the crushing crowds (see below) ABC News’ Phil Lipof interviewed David Fox; an American stuck in Kabul with his wife and toddler son. He tried going to the airport and tried getting through the crowds but had no success—a frightening ordeal with his 21-month old son and wife. He says he plans on waiting until “commercial” flights begin again because the evacuation flights have attracted Afghans who believe they can eventually obtain American citizenship if they can get onto a flight. He shows a

Breaking: Biden Lied...Taliban Fires on Civilians...Multiple Casualties at Kabul Airport as Pentagon Claims Airport is Secure

The Taliban has begun firing on civilians at the chaotic Kabul airport. They had been firing into the air, but the situation has gotten so out of control with desperate crowds pushing up against razor wire that the Taliban is now firing on civilians. Frantic medics are trying to save people but end up putting a white sheet over the dead. It’s a horrible situation that will not end because the Taliban is now trying to keep Afghans from leaving by making them pay for their escape. The Afghans are so desperate to leave that they are trampling on others in the crowd. BREAKING – Multiple casualties near the entrance to Kabul Airport, #Afghanistan . Taliban militants are firing and there are multiple civilian casualties being attended too. — Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) August 21, 2021 Sky News reports: “Soldiers started shouting for medics and stretchers as unconscious people were carried to the rear. The medics checked their vital signs and then c

“The Reality And The Rhetoric Are Miles Apart” Biden Isn’t Fooling Anyone As Even His Fawning Media Stooges Are Calling Him Out [VIDEO]

A reporter asks Biden if he will sign off on sending U.S. troops into Kabul to evacuate Americans who haven’t been able to get to the airport safely. In utter defiance of widely known and reported facts on the ground, Biden states, “We have no indication that they haven’t been able to get in Kabul through the airport.” “We’ve made an agreement with the Taliban, thus far they’ve allowed them to go through, it’s in their interest for them to go through, so we know of no circumstance where American citizens carrying American passports are trying to get through to the airport. “ “But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to it they get there.” Watch: Is he even lying at this point, or just so far gone he simply has no grasp on reality? Not used to being called out by the loyal media-wing of his party, Biden struggles to respond to a reporter who said, “You said there’s no circumstances where American citizens cannot get to the airport. That doesn’t really square wi

While Americans are Still Stranded in Afghanistan, The Biden Regime is Fast-Tracking 22K Afghans for Permanent Settlement in South Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Connecticut

While thousands of Americans are still stranded in Afghanistan, the Biden regime has started fast-tracking 22K Afghans into the United States. There are reports indicating arrivals have begun in Virginia, Missouri, South Carolina, and Connecticut. Hundreds of Afghans have arrived at Dulles International Airport in Loudon County and Fairfax County, Virginia, for permanent resettlement. A local report is below: This is a State Department program, so why haven’t they focused on getting the reported 15k Americans out of Afghanistan? Was this the plan all along? Breitbart News is reporting that up to 22k Afghans will be resettled across the US via the Refugee Resettlement program: Refugee resettlement  costs  American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to research, and each refugee costs taxpayers about  $133,000  over the course of their lifetime. Within five years, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees admitted will need housing assistance paid for by

Joe Biden Humiliated As Taliban Confiscate American Passports and Close Kabul Airport

The Taliban are now confiscating American passports and closing the gates at Kabul airport, leaving thousands of Americans stranded and without proof of their citizenship. “All of the entrance gates to the airport were closed [...] The post Joe Biden Humiliated As Taliban Confiscate American Passports and Close Kabul Airport appeared first on News Punch . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

Democrats Furious After Glenn Beck Raises Over $20M To Rescue Christians Trapped in Afghanistan

Beck’s Nazarene Fund seeks to ensure that thousands of Christians will be safely evacuated from the country before they are killed by Biden’s newly-empowered Taliban terrorist regime. The fund aims to extract over 5,000 people currently trapped [...] The post Democrats Furious After Glenn Beck Raises Over $20M To Rescue Christians Trapped in Afghanistan appeared first on News Punch . Sean Adl-Tabatabai News Punch

Biden’s handlers have no plan to prevent Taliban from seizing $18,000,000 in cash from Afghanistan’s central bank

The U.S. military was too busy imposing wokeness on the armed forces to sketch out any plan to prevent the Taliban from seizing this money. “Rep. Gallagher: ‘It’s up to Congress to make sure the Taliban does not walk away with a windfall,'” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, August 20, 2021: As the Biden […] Robert Spencer Jihad Watch


Administrator The Burning Platform

Death toll of those attempting to flee Taliban via Kabul airport rises to 20

Fighters opposing the Taliban recapture several rural districts north of Kabul, as the White House asks commercial airlines to help transport refugees The Times of Israel

Has Biden Built ISIS Back Better?

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CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has 'No Statistically Significant Benefit'

CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has 'No Statistically Significant Benefit' Less than three months ago, the Centers for Disease Control published a mostly-ignored, large-scale study of Covid-19 transmission in US schools which concluded that while masking then-unvaccinated teachers and improving ventilation was associated with lower levels of virus transmission in schools - social distancing, classroom barriers , HEPA filters, and forcing students to wear masks did not result in a statistically significant benefit . A few major news outlets covered its release by briefly reiterating the study’s summary: that masking then-unvaccinated teachers and improving ventilation with more fresh air were associated with a lower incidence of the virus in schools. Those are common-sense measures, and the fact that they seem to work is reassuring but not surprising. Other findings of equal importance in the study, however, were absent from the summar

Catastrophic flooding kills 10 in Humphreys county, Tennessee – 40 missing in worst floods in decades

Ten people are dead and approximately 40 people are missing in Humphreys County, Tennessee after severe flooding rocked the community Saturday. Crews were going house to house in search of the missing people late Saturday, said Humphreys County Sheriff Chris Davis. The flooding event is the worst he has seen in his 28 years with […] The post Catastrophic flooding kills 10 in Humphreys county, Tennessee – 40 missing in worst floods in decades appeared first on Strange Sounds . Strange Sounds STRANGE SOUNDS

Authorities are airlifting water for animals to keep them from dying in the midst of historic drought

( ETH ) – According to a report from VOX, The 20-plus-year drought in the American West hit a new extreme this week as the US government declared a water shortage on the Colorado River for the first time in history. The flow of the river, which shaped the Grand Canyon and cuts through seven western states, has fallen by 20 percent over the past century. It feeds the nation’s largest human-made reservoir, Lake Mead, which has also sunk to a record low. Continue reading Authorities are airlifting water for animals to keep them from dying in the midst of historic drought at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Taliban unit wearing US gear mocks iconic American WWII photo

( ETH ) – A Taliban fighting unit called the Badri 313 Battalion was spotted patrolling Afghanistan with U.S.-made gear, and posting one photo appearing to mock the iconic World War II photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. According to Fox News, Propaganda videos posted this week on channels affiliated with the Taliban show soldiers in the little-known Badri 313 Battalion carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons and gear that appear to be stolen from allied militaries while patrolling parts of Kabul. Continue reading Taliban unit wearing US gear mocks iconic American WWII photo at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

DEVELOPING: Deadly flooding in Tennessee has left at least 10 dead and dozens missing

( ETH ) – At least 10 people were killed and dozens unaccounted for after flooding from torrential rainfall trapped residents in their homes, closed highways, and prompted multiple water rescues across western portions of Middle Tennessee Saturday. According to the Weather Channel, The deaths were reported by the sheriff in Humphreys County, where 31 people were also listed as missing. The area is about 45 miles west of Nashville. Residents recounted stories of being trapped for hours. Continue reading DEVELOPING: Deadly flooding in Tennessee has left at least 10 dead and dozens missing at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Afghanistan, Islam & Apostasy -- Rejection of Classic Faith

Afghanis Under Taliban: As Afghanistan falls back into the hands of the Taliban, much concern regards how remaining residents will fare. The issue likely includes what religious fundamentalists consider ‘Apostasy.’ An apostate is a person who turned their backs on the one, true faith. While the Taliban promises to not mistreat the populace, ominous signs appear. Young girls being led away into ‘marriage,’ a door-to-door canvass for govt soldiers and the shooting of an unfortunate lady sans veil. So what  does the future hold for this nerve-wracked populace? Kelly O'Connell CanadaFreePress.Com

Coercive Vaccine Mandates for Those Under 25 Resemble a Military Draft

The young should be encouraged, but not coerced, into getting the COVID vaccine, given the relevant research. American Thinker

President Biden’s Genocide

The refusal to understand the nature of jihadist Islam will lead to massive deaths and a resurgent effort at a Caliphate. We need to do better next time around. American Thinker

Sen. Cruz: U.S. 'Must Not and Will Not Leave Our Citizens Behind Taliban Lines'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) (Getty Images) (CNS News) -- After the Biden administration declared on Wednesday that it does not have the capability to rescue "large numbers" of Americans and U.S.-friendly Afghans who are now trapped in Taliban-controlled territory, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said "this is entirely unacceptable," and charged President Biden and Vice President Harris to put forces in place to rescue all American citizens in Afghanistan. "Enough is enough," said Cruz in an Aug. 19 statement.  "First, President Biden and his officials told the American people the Taliban would not advance across Afghanistan. Then, they said despite the Taliban advancing, the United States was conducting a strategic, deliberate, and planned departure, but not a full evacuation. Then, they said the United States is trying to evacuate all Americans. (Getty Images) "Now, President Biden and Vice President Harris' administrat

Sen. Cotton: Biden Must Order Military to 'Rescue Americans Behind Enemy Lines'

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) (U.S. Senate) (CNS News) -- Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), an Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran, said that President Joe Biden's "ill-planned" withdrawal from Afghanistan has "stranded thousands" of Americans "behind enemy lines," and it is time for Biden to "authorize the military" to go out and "rescue Americans behind enemy lines." The White House disclosed on Wednesday that up to 15,000 Americans may be caught in territory now controlled by the Taliban, far outside the airport in Kabul.  “President Biden’s ill-planned, chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has stranded thousands of American citizens behind enemy lines, turning them in effect into hostages of the Taliban," said Sen. Cotton in an Aug. 19 statement.  President Joe Biden (D). (Getty Images) "Instead of ordering rescue missions to save our people, as our allies have done, the Biden administration is relyi

‘A Catastrophic Failure of Western Policy’: UK Lawmakers Slam Biden’s Afghan Decision

British troops in Afghanistan’s Helmand province in 2008. (Photo by Abdul Malek/AFP via Getty Images) ( – Senior lawmakers in Britain, one of America’s closest allies, this week lashed President Biden’s decision to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan and the manner in which it was done, decrying the impact on the Afghan people and the signals sent to adversaries of the West. The criticism during a House of Lords debate came from across the political spectrum, including from strong admirers of the United States, a former defense and foreign secretary, and a former army chief of staff. “The manner and timing of the Afghan collapse is the direct result of President Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11,” said Richard Dannatt, a retired general and former chief of general staff of the British Army. “At a stroke, he has undermined the patient and painstaking work of the last five, 10, 15 years to build

Sen. Ben Sasse: 'This Is About How a Superpower Ceases to Be a Superpower'

Afghan people board a U.s. military aircraft to leave Afghanistan on August 19, 2021 after the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. (Photo by SHAKIB RAHMANI/AFP via Getty Images) ( - "I don't think the American people understand the peril that Joe Biden has put us in," Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), a member of the intelligence committee, told Fox Radio's Guy Benson on Thursday. Sasse is particularly concerned about the Americans and our Afghan allies prevented by the Taliban from getting to the Kabul airport – and the U.S. military having no plan to go get them. “This is about how a superpower ceases to be a superpower in the eyes of the world, by having no moral coherence about what we're doing and the pledges we've made,” Sasse said. Sasse said the airport has a single runway right now: “That means that a single Talibani fighter with an RPG can turn this into a legitimate hostage situation by downing a plane on the tarma

CA Candidate Tweets ‘We Should be Allowed to Shoot’ Anyone Who Doesn’t Take COVID Precautions Seriously

(OPINION) ETH – A shocking report from CBN News revealed that California congressional candidate publicly suggested on social media Monday that “We should be allowed to shoot” anyone who argues against taking precautions against COVID-19. The Western Journal reports Steve Cox, an independent candidate running to represent the Golden State’s 39th Congressional District, was responding to conservative commentator Matt Walsh on Twitter, writing: “Whenever anyone says ‘we all die from something’ (or a variation thereof) to justify not taking precautions to help protect others in this pandemic, we should be allowed to shoot them.” Walsh’s original tweet was completely reasonable, pointing out the absurdity of maintaining strict COVID lockdowns now that the COVID death rate has plummeted. Continue reading CA Candidate Tweets ‘We Should be Allowed to Shoot’ Anyone Who Doesn’t Take COVID Precautions Seriously at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines http://endtimehead

US deploying 3000 troops to evacuate citizens from Kabul, Situation deteriorating across Afghanistan

( ETH ) – The U.S. military will help evacuate Americans from the embassy in Kabul as the security situation deteriorates across Afghanistan, two officials confirmed Thursday to Fox News. The plans to evacuate the Americans were briefed to President Biden earlier Thursday in order to get his approval, one official added. The military will evacuate “thousands” of American citizens and Afghan interpreters from Kabul. “Things are moving,” one official said. Continue reading US deploying 3000 troops to evacuate citizens from Kabul, Situation deteriorating across Afghanistan at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Powerful magnitude 7.5 earthquake rattles South Sandwich Islands less than 24 hours of 7.1 in Philippines

( ETH ) – A powerful magnitude 7.5 earthquake has rattled the South Sandwich Islands region with a depth estimated between 50-100 km. There have been no initial reports of damage or tsunami warning from this earthquake. This comes a day after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck about 40 miles (63km) east of Pondaguitan in the Philippines. Continue reading Powerful magnitude 7.5 earthquake rattles South Sandwich Islands less than 24 hours of 7.1 in Philippines at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

A transgender “Pastor” is seeking $200K in damages for being fired after “Coming Out”

(OPINION) ETH – Rev. Junia Joplin, who was fired by her former church in Ontario, Canada, after coming out as transgender, has filed a lawsuit against the church for wrongful termination. According to a report from Church Leaders Joplin pastored at Lorne Park Baptist Church in Mississauga and is seeking $200,000 in damages. “Too often, religion is used as a sort of blanket excuse to justify all kinds of bad behavior – including human rights violations,” said Joplin in a tweet about the suit. Continue reading A transgender “Pastor” is seeking $200K in damages for being fired after “Coming Out” at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Dr. Fauci warns that ‘inevitably’ people will need COVID-19 vaccine boosters

( ETH ) – National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday that “inevitably” people will eventually require a COVID-19 vaccine booster. According to TheBlaze, The green light will likely be given soon for the immune-compromised to get vaccine boosters in the U.S. Fauci noted that currently, aside from the immune-compromised, boosters will not be administered, but cohorts of patients are being monitored in order to determine if, when, and who should receive a vaccine booster. Continue reading Dr. Fauci warns that ‘inevitably’ people will need COVID-19 vaccine boosters at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Virginia school district passes controversial policy forcing teachers to use trans pronouns and allow students to choose preferred restrooms

( ETH ) – A Virginia school district has passed a new policy that, among other things, allows trans-identified students to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity and requires teachers to refer to students by their preferred names and pronouns. According to a report from the Christian Post, The Loudoun County School Board voted 7-2 on Wednesday to approve Policy 8040: Rights of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Students despite considerable opposition to the proposal. Continue reading Virginia school district passes controversial policy forcing teachers to use trans pronouns and allow students to choose preferred restrooms at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

Scotland just decided that 4-year-olds can now choose their own gender at school without the consent of their parents

( ETH ) – The Scottish government has just issued new guidelines to primary schools allowing four and five-year-olds to change genders and decide, without parental consent, what name they want to be called according to a new report by CBN News. The guidance tells teachers they are not to question children who say they want to transition to live as a boy or a girl. Instead, they should just ask for their new name and pronouns, the UK’s Daily Mail reports. Continue reading Scotland just decided that 4-year-olds can now choose their own gender at school without the consent of their parents at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

U.S. Homeland Security is warning that new COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks

( ETH ) – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in a new terrorism warning bulletin, said violent extremists could view the reimposition of COVID-19-related restrictions following the spread of coronavirus variants as a rationale to conduct attacks. According to Reuters, The new DHS bulletin also warned of the risk of “targeted violence” around the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington and around religious holidays. Continue reading U.S. Homeland Security is warning that new COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines

A wearable proof of vaccination may be soon required for filming and TV productions

( ETH ) – Some cast and crew members on films and TV shows soon might be required to wear identification that “clearly and visibly” verifies their Covid vaccination status while working on set. According to DEADLINE, “Various things have been discussed, from wristbands to credential badges,” “I have not seen what this is to look like yet,” another union source said. “My understanding is this would be either a sticker affixed to your current ID or a separate identification card that would have to be on the same lanyard as your working ID.” Another union source noted that while this doesn’t appear to have gone into effect yet, it will be up to employers to on a production-by-production basis. Continue reading A wearable proof of vaccination may be soon required for filming and TV productions at End Time Headlines. Ricky Scaparo End Time Headlines