Taliban Declares Victory and Announces ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ From Presidential Palace (VIDEO)

Afghanistan’s new de facto leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has issued a congratulatory message to his fellow Taliban on the declaration of the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

Mullah Baradar’s statement was given from the presidential palace in Kabul on Sunday.

“We have achieved an unexpected victory,” he said. “Now is the time to test, to show how we serve our people and ensure their future in the best possible way.”

#Afghanistan's new de facto leader Mullah Baradar issues congratulatory message to his fellow Taliban on the declaration of the 'Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan'.pic.twitter.com/bymr5HWRsf

— Yannis Koutsomitis (@YanniKouts) August 15, 2021

Baradar also announced that he has been appointed leader by the Taliban and will be taking control of the government.

The Taliban leader was arrested by Pakistani authorities in 2010, but was released in 2018 due to pressure from the United States.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country Sunday morning to “prevent more bloodshed.”

“Today I came across a tough choice. I had to face the armed Taliban who want to enter the palace or leave the country I have dedicated my life to protecting and nurturing for the last 20 years. If left unchecked, countless patriots would be martyred and the city of Kabul would be devastated, resulting in a major humanitarian catastrophe in the 6-million-strong city,” Ghani wrote in a Facebook post. “The Taliban had made it clear that they were ready to carry out a bloody attack on all of Kabul and the people of Kabul to oust me. In order to prevent a flood of bloodshed, I decided to leave.”

Joe Biden is sending 6,000 U.S. troops to aid in the evacuation of U.S. personnel and Afghan allies.

The post Taliban Declares Victory and Announces ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ From Presidential Palace (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Cassandra Fairbanks The Gateway Pundit http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/


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