
Showing posts from February, 2022

Leftist Journalism is Coming to a Town Near You!

Leftist nonprofit organizations are training cadres of young journalists to do their bidding. American Thinker

NATO Activates Response Force as 7,000 More U.S. Troops Head to Europe

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)'s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) Air Force Gen. Tod Wolters announced Friday that NATO has activated its Response Force, setting off a request for its members to supply forces as the alliance seeks to defend itself against any Russian attack. Kristina Wong Breitbart

Black Lives Matter's True Colors

A Black Lives Matter director and zealot is now going to be a consultant to help Joe Biden select a black woman for the Supreme Court. That's not a good sign. American Thinker

Ukrainians Concerned Putin Will Use “Father of all bombs” On Them As Bumbling Biden Tells Media: “Let’s have a conversation in another month or so to see” If Sanctions Are Working (VIDEO)

The following article was written by Patty McMurray and first published on 100 Percent Fed Up: Ukrainians Concerned Putin Will Use “Father of all bombs” On Them As Bumbling Biden Tells Media: “Let’s have a conversation in another month or so to see” If Sanctions Are Working (VIDEO) Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to escalate the use of force against innocent Ukrainians in his brutal theft of […] To read the entire article, click here: Ukrainians Concerned Putin Will Use “Father of all bombs” On Them As Bumbling Biden Tells Media: “Let’s have a conversation in another month or so to see” If Sanctions Are Working (VIDEO) Patty McMurray

DISTURBING VIDEO: Ukrainian Men Try to Pry Elderly Man From His Vehicle After Armored Vehicle Intentionally Drives Over Him

The following article was written by Michelle Brighton and first published on 100 Percent Fed Up: DISTURBING VIDEO: Ukrainian Men Try to Pry Elderly Man From His Vehicle After Armored Vehicle Intentionally Drives Over Him A horrific video showing a armored vehicle deliberately run over and crushing a civilian vehicle in Obolon, a neighborhood in […] To read the entire article, click here: DISTURBING VIDEO: Ukrainian Men Try to Pry Elderly Man From His Vehicle After Armored Vehicle Intentionally Drives Over Him Michelle Brighton

MSNBC Reporter Admits Many Democrat Voters Don’t Want Life To Go Back To Normal [VIDEO]

The following article was written by Patty McMurray and first published on 100 Percent Fed Up: MSNBC Reporter Admits Many Democrat Voters Don’t Want Life To Go Back To Normal [VIDEO] A reporter for MSNBC recently admitted on the air that many Democrat voters are not ready for life to go […] To read the entire article, click here: MSNBC Reporter Admits Many Democrat Voters Don’t Want Life To Go Back To Normal [VIDEO] Patty McMurray

BREAKING: US Government Is Prepared To Help Ukrainian President Zelensky Leave Kyiv To Avoid Being Captured and/or Killed by Putin’s Army

The following article was written by Patty McMurray and first published on 100 Percent Fed Up: BREAKING: US Government Is Prepared To Help Ukrainian President Zelensky Leave Kyiv To Avoid Being Captured and/or Killed by Putin’s Army The Washington Post, which has a direct pipeline to the Democrat Party, was first to report about the decision by […] To read the entire article, click here: BREAKING: US Government Is Prepared To Help Ukrainian President Zelensky Leave Kyiv To Avoid Being Captured and/or Killed by Putin’s Army Patty McMurray

Putin Could Use 'Father of All Bombs' That Vaporizes Bodies, Leaves a Crater 1,000 Feet Wide

According to reports, Western officials are concerned that Russia could use one of the most powerful non-nuclear bombs, the “father of all bombs,” in its offensive against Ukraine as President […] The post Putin Could Use 'Father of All Bombs' That Vaporizes Bodies, Leaves a Crater 1,000 Feet Wide appeared first on The Western Journal . Isa Cox The Western Journal

Ukraine President Zelensky Shows What Real Leadership Looks Like

Between Joe Biden’s slack-jawed incompetence, Justin Trudeau’s dictatorial tendencies, Vladimir Putin’s hard-on for a nuclear holocaust, and whatever the f*ck is going on on top of Boris Johnson’s head, I think we’re all starting to wonder if there’s even one vaguely competent head of state left in the world. Good news, folks, I found him. President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is leading his people through what could well be the early days of World War III (God forbid), and when I say leading, I mean it. In the days of mounting tension leading up to Russia’s actual invasion of Ukraine, Zelensky traveled across the country to visit the boots on the ground and show his support for the country’s soldiers, as reported by BBC: The visit was part of the president’s own, two-pronged offensive: showing support for his country’s troops on the one hand, whilst warning allies in the West that trying to “appease” Moscow over Ukraine was dangerous. For two da

Large German Health Insurance Company “Alarmed” by Covid Vaccine Complications Data

Guest Post By Steve Kirsch Board member of large German insurance company blows the whistle on COVID vaccines “The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it” — BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck. This just in… @disclosetv JUST IN – Large German health insurance company analyzed data from 10.9 million insured individuals regarding vaccination complications. The new data is “alarming,” says BKK board member Schöfbeck in a report by WELT. Coronavirus: Mehr Impf-Nebenwirkungen als bisher bekannt – WELT Eine Analyse von Millionen Versichertendaten der Betriebskrankenkassen BKK kommt bei den Nebenwirkungen auf erheblich höhere Zahlen als das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Die neuen Daten seien ein „Alarmsignal“, sagt BKK-Vorstand Andreas Schöfbeck. February 23rd 2022 3,135 Retweets 5,734 Likes   They posted this on their telegram channel :  


Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts Update on the Ukrainian situation Ukrainian resistance seems to have ceased as its infrastructure was put out of operation. Only a few neo-Nazi militias trapped within the Donbass territories continue to offer resistance. Russian paratroopers captured Kiev airport. Hours ago the Russian forces had reached the Dnieper and approached the suburbs of Kiev. Ukraine has lost its air force, air defense, navy, and all military airports.   With the destruction of 83 military facilities, the infrastructure of the Ukraine military has been wiped out. The neo-Nazis will be held accountable.   Ukraine will be required to renounce NATO membership, demilitarize, and renounce all claims to Crimea and the independent republics. Ukrainian soldiers will be permitted to return home to their families. Unlike the Americans and NATO, the Russians have avoided attacking any civilian areas and the barracks and residences of military units. German readers write to

Think vaccines work?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch This is per 100,000 people. In every category, the vaccinated did worse. However this could be age confounded, so the Table below is much tougher to explain. Here is the original reference . The date of the report is in European format (Jan 12, 2022). Table 13 is age standardized mortality rate. You can compare the numbers by week for unvaccinated vs. 2 doses. In every week, those who were unvaccinated did better. This should never happen if the vaccine really worked as advertised . How can they explain that? For dose 1 and dose 3, it does show a benefit, but the key question is why not for dose 2? Note: This is COVID-related deaths. This doesn’t even consider COVID vaccine related deaths. Administrator The Burning Platform

Martial law, blood bank queues and bomb shelters: Life in Ukraine as Russia invades

Martial law was declared in Ukraine as Russia invaded, forcing Ukrainians to move into bomb shelters and long queues for blood banks. World News - Breaking international news and headlines | Sky News

Leftist Holdouts Just Cannot Ditch the Masks

When the media ended the censorship of the fact that "cloth masks are ineffective," Democrat governors could remove their mask mandates. So what did they do? American Thinker

The Democrats Are Turning America into the New Venezuela

This year in June, it will be ten years since Venezuela banned private gun ownership.  The new law banned all commercial sales of firearms and ammunition to private gun owners. American Thinker

Ohio AG Study Links Stimulus Checks With Spike In Opioid Deaths

'Tidal wave of overdoses' Jennie Taer The Daily Caller

New York City Fires Nearly 1,500 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Mayor

New York City Fires Nearly 1,500 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Mayor Authored by Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times, New York  Mayor  Eric Adams  announced on Monday that 1,430 public-sector workers in the city were fired for failing to meet a Feb. 11 deadline to get vaccinated against COVID-19. As many as 4,000 city workers were given notice in January to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment. Three-quarters of those workers had already been on leave without pay for months, having missed an earlier deadline for getting vaccinated in order to stay on the job. In a statement on Monday, the mayor suggested that the workers chose to leave their jobs by refusing to get vaccinated. “Our goal was always to vaccinate, not terminate,” Adams said. “And city workers stepped up and met the goal placed before them.” The 1,430 workers who were fired over their vaccination status make up less than 1 percent of the 370,000-person

Now The US & Russia Are Holding Massive Rival Military Drills In Middle East

Now The US & Russia Are Holding Massive Rival Military Drills In Middle East On top of the rival troop build-up between Russia and US-NATO forces in Eastern Europe over Ukraine, both sides are set to hold massive rival war drills further south in the Mediterranean and Middle East areas .  Though largely under-reported given the prominence of Ukraine headlines this week, the US Navy is currently holding what's being called possibly the largest maritime exercise in history. A whopping 60 nations are participating across a huge expanse. Bloomberg detailed early this week : "Running through Feb. 17, the drills will cover waters off the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and East Africa . Known as both Cutlass Express 2022 and International Maritime Exercise 2022 — or IMX-CE22 — the war games will encompass nearly 10,000 personnel, 50 warships, and 80 unmanned systems ." Illustrative: Navy war games file image The multinational drills will also have a

The Silent Coup

Why the continuous leaks against President Trump? Why the Russia Russia Russia talk? Why the... American Thinker

The US Public Health Response has been a Colossal Failure

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone The US Deaths keep piling up… Drip, drip, drip… More evidence of our government’s completely failed response to this pandemic. A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality Abstract This systematic review and meta-analysis are designed to determine whether there is empirical evidence to support the belief that “lockdowns” reduce COVID-19 mortality. Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). NPIs are any government mandate that directly restrict peoples’ possibilities, such as policies that limit internal movement, close schools and businesses, and ban international travel. This study employed a systematic search and screening procedure in which 18,590 studies are identified that could potentially address the belief posed. After three levels of screening, 34 studies ultimately qualified. Of those 34 eligible studies, 24 qualified for i

Now The Mainstream Media Is Telling Us That “More Trouble Is Ahead” For the U.S. Economy

The last couple of years have not been pleasant, and so nobody wants to hear that more trouble is ahead for the U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what the mainstream media is telling us right now.  A year ago, so many of the talking heads on television were assuring us that a new golden era of prosperity was right around the corner, but of course that wasn’t true at all.  The dismal performance of the economy has been mirrored by Joe Biden’s rapidly declining approval numbers , and at this point there is a tremendous amount of pessimism about the remainder of 2022. But is that pessimism warranted? CNN just interviewed the CEO of Maersk about the horrific supply chain crisis that is gumming up the entire global economy, and the news wasn’t good. In fact, we are being told that “more trouble is ahead” … Maersk has a front-row seat to global supply chains. It says more trouble is ahead . Needless to say, the CEO of Maersk is in a position to understand the current

The Biden family is a criminal enterprise as defined in the RICO Act

Although the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) was initially targeted at gangsters, it equally applies to corrupt government practices involving low-level crooks led by the top players. American Thinker

Is the Coronavirus the Greatest Crime Against Humanity?

The cover-up makes it seem so. American Thinker

Let's See if the NFL Really Is Racist

Here's a way to find out: how many black head coaches has the NFL had since 2000? American Thinker

The Big Lie of Woke Capitalism

Corporations have gone political and seek, or at least profess to seek, change in the world. American Thinker

Why the Sudden Hostility Toward Off-Label Medicines?

Why now, almost two years into the COVID pandemic, are we not throwing everything at this virus? American Thinker

CNN Finally Acknowledges Massive Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy… Calls It “Sedition”... “Threat to Democracy”

The following article was written by Amber Crawford and first published on 100 Percent Fed Up: CNN Finally Acknowledges Massive Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy… Calls It “Sedition”... “Threat to Democracy” CNN Correspondent Paula Newton has labeled the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as “sedition” and a “threat to democracy.” Ottawa’s mayor […] To read the entire article, click here: CNN Finally Acknowledges Massive Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy… Calls It “Sedition”... “Threat to Democracy” Amber Crawford

Biden Can't Stop 'Gun Violence' Until He Stops Calling it 'Gun Violence' and Calls it What it Is

PJ Media

WATCH: Teacher Assails 13-Year-Old Over His Pro-Cop Mask, Calls It 'New Confederate Flag'

PJ Media

'DUDE': New York Times Touts 'Chinese Exceptionalism' and 'Zero Covid In China'

Sarah D. at Twitchy wasn’t pussy-footing in describing a Twitter threat mocking The New York Times from New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz. Their headline was “NYT plunges headfirst into Xi and China’s lap with blatant, destructive CCP COVID propaganda.” Markowicz noted the Times was promoting a story to readers in their email with the headline: Zero Covid in China China’s zero-Covid policy has kept deaths very low. Can it continue? Dude. — Karol Markowicz (@karol) February 4, 2022   David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick creepily noted that China had success because it's a dictatorship that doesn't care about the rights of the individual: "China’s strategy would obviously not be possible in a country that emphasizes individual rights as much as the U.S. does. But China’s strategy does show what a society can do when it makes the prevention of Covid its No. 1 priority, almost regardless of the side

NBC Pushes Chinese Communist Propaganda As Olympics Get Underway

'A champion of the developing world' Dylan Housman The Daily Caller

CDC FINALLY Admits Natural Immunity is SUPERIOR to Vaccines

This article was originally published by Ramon Tomey at Natural News.  After several months, the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) finally  admitted that natural immunity is more effective  against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. This contradicts its earlier claim that immunity induced by the COVID-19 vaccines is better. The public health agency made this admission in  the Jan. 28, 2022 edition  of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), initially published last Jan. 19. It showed that natural immunity was at least three times as effective as COVID-19 vaccines in preventing people from being infected and hospitalized. The CDC’s findings applied to the B16172 delta variant known to cause breakthrough infections. “Before delta became the predominant variant in June [2021], case rates were higher among persons who survived a previous infection than persons who were vaccinated alone. By early October, persons who survived a previous infec

Pelosi Warns U.S. Athletes Not to ‘Speak Out’ Against Chinese Communists Or They Risk Angering Them

Nancy Pelosi told U.S. athletes attending the Olympics not to speak out against the Chinese government. There is genocide as well as disturbing human rights abuses occurring in the country. However, Pelosi said, “I would say to our athletes — you are there to compete Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless.” Watch the clip below: Nancy Pelosi tells U.S. Olympic athletes not to "speak out" against the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing lest they risk "incurring the anger" of the Chinese government. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 3, 2022 “When the Winter Olympic Games begin tomorrow in Beijing, the Chinese once again will attempt to distract the world from a decades-long campaign of abuse and repression,” Pelosi said. “But the United States and the international community know the truth. “While we fully support and will root for our athletes, we cannot and will not be silen

Symbols of Shame

At some point, we are going to have to yank the ring out of our noses, stomp our collective feet and say, “No more.” American Thinker

Masks On Planes To Become Permanent, Like Anti-Terror Rules

Masks On Planes To Become Permanent, Like Anti-Terror Rules Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Budget airline Ryanair says that mask mandates on planes will become as ingrained as post-9/11 rules about liquids in carry on bags, suggesting they will basically become permanent. The comments on face coverings were made by Neil Sorahan, the airline’s finance chief, who suggested rules put in place to fight COVID-19 will become fixed in a similar way to measures introduced after the terror attack on America in 2001. “Masks will be something that will be with us for a while longer to come. If that is the price we have to pay for the next few months, into summer – it’s a small price to pay,”  said  Sorahan. “It’s a bit like after 9/11, we ended up with our toiletries in plastic bags, maybe we’ll have to live with masks for a while longer,” he added. The company lost between 1.5m and 2m customers after tough restrictions were imposed to fi

Feminist Hypocrisy on Display as Feminists Ignore Transgender Athletes

Where, exactly, is NOW, now that a biological male is winning swim tournaments in Pennsylvania? American Thinker